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Let X be a compact Riemann surface1 of genus g


Academic year: 2022

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1. Abel’s Theorem

In this section, we determine the necessary and sufficient conditions for a divisor of degree zero to be principal.

Let X be a compact Riemann surface1 of genus g. The homology group H1(X, Z) is a free abelian group of rank 2g. A basis {a1, · · · , ag, b1, · · · , bg} is called a canonical basis if

#(ai, aj) = #(bi, bj) = 0, #(ai, bj) = δij, where #(a, b) denote the intersection number of cycle a, b on X.

Given a canonical homology basis {a1, · · · , ag, b1, · · · , bg} for H1(X, Z), we choose a basis {ω1, · · · , ωg} for the space of holomorphic differentials H0(X, KX) such that for all 1 ≤ j, k ≤ g,



ωj = δjk For each 1 ≤ j, k ≤ g, we denote

πjk = Z


ωj. For each 1 ≤ k ≤ g, set


 π1k

π2k ... πgk

∈ Cg.

The period matrix Ω is a g × 2g matrix defined by Ω = [I|π],

where the g × g complex matrix π = (πjk) is symmetric with Im π > 0. Let Λ be the lattice generated by the column vectors of the period matrix Ω. The quotient Cg/Λ is called the Jacobian variety and denoted by J (X). Choose a base point p0 ∈ X, we define a map

A : X → J (X) by

A(p) =

Z p p0

ω1, · · · , Z p



 . This map is called the Abel Jacobi map.

Proposition 1.1. A is a well-defined holomorphic mapping of X into J (X). It has maximal rank.

Proof. Let c1, c2 be two paths from p0 to p. Then γ = c1c2 is a loop at p. Then γ is homologous to a cyclePg

k=1(mkak+ nkbk). Hence Z


1, · · · , ωg) =




mkek+ nkπk

≡ 0 mod Λ.

This shows that A(p) is independent of choice of paths; it is well-defined. Since {ω1, · · · , ωg} are holomorphic differentials, A is a holomorphic mapping. Let (z, U ) be a local chart

1All the Riemann surfaces are assumed to be connected.




around p. Represents ωiby fi(z)dz for some holomorphic function fi on U. The holomorphic tangent map of A at p denoted by Tp0(A) : Tp0X → TA(p)0 J (X) is represented by

Tp0(A) =

 f1(p) f2(p)

... fg(p)

 .

Since {ω1, · · · , ωg} is a basis for H0(X, KX), f1(p), · · · , fg(p) are not identically zero. There-

fore Tp0(A) has rank one. 

Here the path from p0 to p in the path integrals are chosen to be the same. The Abel Jacobian map can be extended to a group homomorphism

ϕ : Div(X) → J (X) by

D = X


npp 7→ X



Theorem 1.1. (Abel Theorem) A divisor D ∈ Div(X) of degree 0 is principal if and only if

A(D) ≡ 0 mod Λ

Corollary 1.1. If X is of genus one, then the Abel Jacobi map A : X → J (X)

is an isomorphism.

Proof. Since A is a nonconstant mapping J (X) is connected, A is surjective. Now, let us prove that the map is injective. To do this, assume A(p) = A(q) for some p, q ∈ X.

Assume that p 6= q. The divisor D = p − q has degree zero and A(D) ≡ 0 mod Λ. By Abel’s theorem, D is principal; hence there is a meromorphic function f ∈ K(X) such that D = (f ). We obtain a meromorphic function f on X with a only simple pole at q. By Riemann-Roch theorem, (or the Weierstrass gap theorem), there is no such a meoromorphic function. Hence p = q. We find A is a univalent mapping from X onto J (X). Then A is biholomorphic, i.e. A is an isomorphism.



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