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Results showed that the main effects of perceived organizational support and core self-evaluations by firefighters, respectively, lead to task performance and organizational citizenship behavior


Academic year: 2022

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Driving Perceived Organizational Support, Core Self : 工作參與為中介效果 / 黃姿佳 撰 .- 彰化縣大村鄉 :


E-mail: 352598@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This study was aimed to discuss the process in which perceived organizational support, core self-evaluations lead to job performance.

This study also examined multilevel relationship in mediating process of job engagement, job satisfaction, intrinsic motivation between perceived organizational support and core self-evaluations, respectively, on job performance. Drawing on a cross-work unit sample of 181 supervisor-subordinate dyads was from 39 fire departments. In this study, constructs with different sources (e.g., firefighter rated their perceived organizational support, core self-evaluations, job engagement, job satisfaction, intrinsic motivation, and, while supervisors rated their employees’ task performance and organizational citizenship behavior) in order to reduce the possibility of same source bias was measured. To enhance the clarity of the causal relationship among variables of the present study, questionnaires were distributed at two time points. The mediating effects of job engagement, job satisfaction, and intrinsic

motivation, respectively, on generally well established relationships between perceived organizational support/core self-evaluations and job performance was examined. Hierarchical linear modeling was used to test the hypotheses. Results showed that the main effects of perceived organizational support and core self-evaluations by firefighters, respectively, lead to task performance and organizational citizenship behavior. Perceived organizational support through job engagement, job satisfaction, and intrinsic motivation, respectively, affect task performance, while perceived organizational support through job engagement also affects organizational citizenship behavior. On the other hand, core self-evaluations through these three mediating variables affect organizational citizenship behavior, while core self-evaluations also through two of three mediating variables (job engagement and intrinsic motivation) affect task performance. Based on the findings, some suggestions for managerial and practical fields were offered.

Keywords : perceived organizational support、core self-evaluations、job engagement Table of Contents

中文摘要 ..................... 英文摘要 .....................

誌謝辭 ..................... 內容目錄 ..................... 表目 錄  ..................... 圖目錄  ..................... 第一 章  緒論...................   第一節  研究背景與動機............   

第二節  研究目的............... 第二章  文獻探討.................   

第一節  工作績效.............   第二節  工作績效前因...............   

第三節  工作投入之中介效果..............   第四節  工作滿意之中介效果.........

.. 第五節  內在動機之中介效果............... 第三章  研究方法............

.....   第一節  研究架構...............   第二節  研究假設..........

.....   第三節  研究對象與抽樣程序..........   第四節  操作性定義與衡量工具....

.....   第五節  資料處理與統計方法.......... 第四章  統計分析與結果.........

.....   第一節  樣本資料特性.............   第二節  敘述性統計.........

.....   第三節  信效度分析..............   第四節  整體模式衡量........

......   第五節  相關分析...............   第六節  迴歸分析.........

...... 第五章  結論與建議................   第一節  研究結果.........

......   第二節  實務意涵............   第三節  研究限制與未來研究建議.....

... 參考文獻 ..................... 附錄A 主管問卷說明信.............

. 附錄B 員工問卷說明信.............. 附錄C 主管問卷................. 附錄D 員工問卷.................



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