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Academic year: 2022

Share "臺北市國小特教班教師助理員工作現況及滿意度之調查研究"


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表 2-1  臺北市特殊教育助理員工作職責內容  工作項目  工作內容  教師務必在場指導  生  活  自  理  指  導  協助與指導學生保持個人整潔 協助與指導學生穿脫衣物 協助與指導學生如廁或換尿布  協助與指導學生用餐準備、餵食及餐後處理  ○ 協助學生維持正確姿勢或擺位及使用輔具 ○ 協助與指導學生午休 ○  其他  教  學  協  助  協助與指導學生課程參與  ○ 協助分組教學或個別教學 ○ 協助執行治療師建議訓練之活動 ○ 協助老師觀察、記錄學生學習及行為表現 ○ 協助製作教材教具
圖 2-1    Maslow 需求層次理論
圖 2-5    目標設定程序  資料來源:黃賀(2013),組織行為,頁 139。  二、過程理論          過程理論是指探討動機產生行為的激勵過程,以提供管理者激發工作者動機 的方式主要內容包含期望理論、公帄理論、差距理論與增強理論,以下分別尌各 理論進行說明:  (一)  期望理論
表 4-1  臺北市國小特教班教師助理員基本資料  (N=72)  項目  類別  人數  百分比  年齡  30 歲以下  04  05.6 31-40 歲 08 11.1  41-50 歲  24  33.3  51 歲以上  36  50.0  婚姻狀況  已婚有子女  58  80.5 已婚無子女 02 02.8  未婚  12  16.7  教育程度  高中(職)  19  26.4 專科  25  34.7  大學(含)以上  28  38.9  專業背景  非相關科系  55  76.4  相



(“Learning Framework”) in primary and secondary schools, which is developed from the perspective of second language learners, to help NCS students overcome the

Including special schools and a small number of special classes in ordinary schools (primarily outside the public sector), but excluding special child care centres registered under

(ii) “The dismissal of any teacher who is employed in the school – (a) to occupy a teacher post in the establishment of staff provided for in the code of aid for primary

In the context of public assessment, SBA refers to assessments administered in schools and marked by the student’s own teachers. The primary rationale for SBA in ICT is to enhance

(ii) “The dismissal of any teacher who is employed in the school – (a) to occupy a teacher post in the establishment of staff provided for in the code of aid for primary

The growth of the Chinese bamboo: Coaching, teaching and learning in promoting reading literacy in Hong Kong primary schools – Hong Kong students in PIRLS 2011.

primary schools, secondary schools and special schools (with boarding section, if appropriate) in receipt of aid from the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative

For the primary section, the additional teaching post(s) so created is/are at the rank of Assistant Primary School Master/Mistress (APSM) and not included in calculating the