English Language Education Section Curriculum Development Institute
Education Bureau 5 December 2018
Curriculum Leadership Series:
Ongoing Renewal of the School Curriculum
for English Teachers
• To enhance teachers’ understanding of the major updates of the English Language Education Key Learning Area under the ongoing renewal of the school curriculum;
• To provide suggestions on incorporating the major updates, in particular, the promotion of Reading/Language across the Curriculum (R/LaC) in the school‐based English Language curriculum; and
• To share strategies and practices on how to implement
R/LaC to help students connect their learning experiences
and to enhance their language proficiency in the
secondary classroom
Respond to local,
regional and global
contextual changes
Build on existing
strengths and practices of
Curriculum enhancement
to benefit student learning
Ongoing Renewal of the
School Curriculum
(CDC, 2002) (P1 – S3)
(CDC, 2004) (CDC, 1999) (CDC & HKEAA, 2007)
9 years
(CDC, 2017) (P1 – S6)
12 years
(CDC, 2004) (CDC, 2018) (CDC & HKEAA, 2007) with updates in 2015 Supplement to
Ongoing Renewal of the School Curriculum
Updating of the English Language Education (ELE)
Key Learning Area (KLA) Curriculum Guide
Major Updates of the ELE KLACG (P1‐S6) Major Updates of the ELE KLACG (P1‐S6)
Catering for the Needs of SEN and Gifted Students in the Mainstream English Classroom
Learning and Teaching of Text Grammar
Extending from Assessment for Learning to Assessment as Learning
Integrative Use of Generic Skills Literacy Development
Values Education
Reading across the Curriculum (e.g STEM education)
e-Learning & Information Literacy
1) Which major updates have you started doing at your school?
2) To what extent do you think the major updates have enhanced the learning and teaching
In groups of 3 – 4, share the following:
Major Updates of the ELE KLACG (P1‐S6)
modal texts
Sound effects
Written texts Spoken
language Music
“Literacy” has taken on a new meaning as texts are no longer a
linear form of presentation limited to words, but are composed
of various modes of communication
.Pedagogy to Enhance Literacy Development
Understand the ideas in the multimodal texts under
teachers’ guidance Analyse and explore how
messages are presented Evaluate the messages and
values embedded in the multimodal texts
Express and create messages using different modes of
Analyse &
Explore Evaluate
Express &
Interacting with Multimodal Texts
Producing Multimodal Texts
Access information from a variety of sources
e ‐Learning refers to an open and flexible learning mode involving the use of the electronic media, including the use of digital resources and communication tools to achieve the learning objectives.
“Pedagogy empowered by digital technology"
Enhancing interactions in the English
Design of interactive
learning activities
Effective use of learning and teaching
Effective use of learning &
teaching strategies Making use
of e‐
Enhancing Interactions in the English Classroom
Information Literacy for Hong Kong Students
Category Eight Literacy Areas
Effective and Ethical use of information for lifelong learning
1 Use, provide and communicate information ethically and responsibly
Generic IL 2 Identify and define a need for information 3 Locate and access relevant information
4 Evaluate information and information providers, in terms of authority, credibility and current purpose
5 Extract and organise information and create new ideas
Information World 6 Be able to apply IT skills in order to process information and produce user‐generated content
7 Recognise the roles and functions of information providers (e.g. libraries, museums, internet) in the society
8 Recognise the conditions under which reliable information could be obtained Information users Information providers
Information need Locate information
Organise & Create Evaluate information
IT skills
Media Literacy:
Information providers
Conditions for reliable information
Integrative Use of Generic Skills
Basic Skills Thinking Skills Personal and Social Skills
Communication Skills
Critical Thinking Skills
Self‐management Skills
Skills Creativity Self‐learning Skills
IT Skills Problem Solving Skills
Integrative Use of Generic Skills
Two examples of integrative use of generic skills:
‐ Holistic thinking skills: involving the use of critical thinking skills, problem solving skills and
‐ Collaborative problem solving skills: involving the use of collaboration skills, communication skills and problem solving skills
to prepare students for more complicated
National identity National identity
Values Education
Respect for others
Basic Law education
Life education
Media education Sex
Human rights education
Health &
anti-drug education Environmental
education Road
safety education
Care for others
Seven priority values and attitudes
Values education in different domains
Moral and civic education
When incorporating values education into the school‐based English Language curriculum,
schools should take into consideration:
School development plan and major
Cross-KLA or Cross-
departmental collaboration
Life-wide learning School mission
and/or religious background
Curriculum planning and
task design
Grammar in Context and Text Grammar
Grammar in
Context Complementary
Concepts Text Grammar
• beyond sentence level
• grammar items typical of a particular text type
• how grammar contributes to the structure, coherence, tone, style and register of a text
• how to apply grammar knowledge to create texts of different text types
• the link between form and function and how grammar makes meaning and varies in different contexts
• how contexts shape the choice of language used
Strengthening Assessment for Learning (AfL)
Portfolio Learning
Task &
Activity Online
Assessment Performance
Process Writing
Oral Presentation
Adopting Diversified
Modes of Assessment
Assessment tools
Assessment data
Extending AfL to
Assessment as Learning
Monitoring the learning process
Reflecting on learning performance &
effectiveness of strategies adopted
Formulating plans to attain goals Setting personalised
learning goals
Accommodating diverse students’needs in the mainstream English classroom
Catering for the Needs of SEN & Gifted Students in the Mainstream English Classroom
Gifted students
Allowing flexibility with the curriculum to address differences in the rate, depth and pace of learning
Providing enrichmentactivities which encourage creativityand original thinking
Encouraging students to pursue
independent projects or study based on their interests and abilities
Guiding students to set individual goals and assume ownership of their learning
Students with SEN Adapting the learning content Adopting a multisensory
approach to learning and teaching Using multimodal learning and teaching aids and materials
Adjusting the pace and linguistic load of instruction
Setting realistic assessment goals/objectives
Besides adopting effective strategies, such as flexible grouping, differentiating learning tasks and promoting self‐access learning, to cater for students’ diverse needs, due consideration should also be given to support students with special educational needs (SEN) and gifted students.
Mainstream English classroom
You are a summer intern in the publicity team of Go Green, a non- governmental organisation committed to promoting environmental protection and green living. Your team is responsible for designing advertising materials to raise public awareness of environmental problems. Your boss has asked you to research online and read extensively to keep abreast of the latest development of environmental issues. You need to identify an issue which is worth public attention and design an e-booklet to educate the public about it.
Subject: English Language Level: Senior Secondary Unit: Environmental Protection
Subject: English Language Level: Senior Secondary Unit: Environmental Protection
Task 1 Identifying and
researching on an
environmental issue
Task 2 Reading a leaflet to learn
the related vocabulary and analyse the text
type and language features
Task 3
Devising a plan for the production of a
6‐8 page booklet on the chosen environmental
Task 4 Producing the e‐booklet using
the app iBook Creator for
sharing on Edmodo
‐ Values education: Environmental education
‐ Development of new literacy and information literacy
‐ Application of new knowledge and skills, including the integrative use of generic skillsandlanguage skills
‐ Use of Edmodo to facilitate assessment for/as learning
‐ Creation of a multimodal text
Supplement to the ELE KLACG (S1 – 3)
Aims to provide teachers with further suggestions on the implementation of the English Language curriculum at KS3 (S1 – 3)
Revisits the curriculum emphases provided in the Syllabus for English Language (S1 – 5) (1999) for renewal and puts forth new emphases to reflect the changing contexts
Serves as a supplement to the ELE KLACG (2017)
Supplement to the ELE KLACG (S1 – 3)
The Supplement consists of six chapters:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
The Learning and Teaching of Listening
The Learning and Teaching of Speaking The Learning and Teaching of Reading The Learning and Teaching of Writing
The Learning and Teaching of Language Arts
Promoting Language across the Curriculum at Secondary Level
1) How does your school promote English reading?
2) What is your experience in collaborating with teachers of other panels in promoting Reading across the Curriculum or cross‐KLA activities to support students’ learning of English?
Share with your group members:
Reading across the Curriculum
Challenges for Secondary School Students
Primary Junior Secondary
Senior Secondary Formality
Ranging from everyday
life to formal situations
Text Complexity
Ranging from simple texts to complex
English Language Education
Fine‐tuned MOI arrangements
Academic content awareness
Academic language awareness
Language demand grows in terms of formality and text complexity
Reading to Learn: towards Reading across the Curriculum
Reading to Learn
Reading across the Curriculum
Collaboration among Teachers
Reading across the Curriculum is a
component within
Language across the curriculum (LaC)
Reading across the Curriculum - reading as a fundamental
mode of learning
(Martin & Rose, 2005) Academic
content awareness
Academic language awareness
Reading across the Curriculum
Speaking Writing
Language across the Curriculum Listening Reading
• Reading across the curriculum (RaC) helps students establish meaningful links among concepts and ideas acquired in different KLAs.
• RaC
– explicit teaching of reading skills and strategies to be integrated with the curriculum
– students learning to read
• the subject matter of pedagogic texts
• the associated language patterns
– develop students’ literacy skills, positive values and attitudes, deep learning and world knowledge
Academic content awareness
Academic language awareness
(Martin & Rose, 2005)
Reading across the Curriculum
Academic content awareness
Academic language awareness
Liberal Studies Mathematics
In terms of topics / themes
R eading across the Curriculum
Reading across the Curriculum
English Mathematics
Liberal Studies
In terms of reading skills and
Rhetorical Functions & Language Features
Rhetorical functions Language features (e.g.) PSH
Comparison Connectives: (KS3 – KS4)
However, on the contrary, despite, whereas
* *
Procedure Imperatives: (KS1 – KS4):
Hold the racket vertically.
* * * * *
Recount Past tense: (KS1 – KS4)
World War II lasted from 1939 to 1945.
* * *
Explanation Connectives: (KS2 – KS4)
Due to, because, since; therefore, so, as a result
* * *
Description Adjectives: (KS1 – KS4)
Postmodern, romantic, three‐dimensional Passive construction: (KS3 ‐ KS4)
Water is pumped to the water treatment station.
* * *
Conclusion To summarise, to conclude * *
Suggestion Modal verbs: (KS2 ‐ KS4)
Can, may, could, might, should
* *
Instructions Wh‐words: (KS1 – KS4)
What is the sum of the numbers from 1 through 1000000?
Imperatives: (KS1 – KS4)
Discuss the impacts of Meiji Restoration.
* * * * * *
Presentation of facts Present tense: (KS1 – KS4)
The Earth rotates around the Sun.
* * *
Assumption If, let, suppose: (KS2 – KS4)
The value of a gold coin is $3 200. If its value increases by 6% each year, what will be its value after 4 years?
* *
Strategies for Promoting RaC
Explicit Teaching of Learning Strategies
Features of different text types
(e.g. text structures, rhetorical functions &
the related language items)
Use of visual representation to deconstruct the structure,
language & content of the
texts Reading & enabling
(e.g. vocabulary building strategies,
phonics skills)
Communication / Interaction strategies that students can
apply in presentation &
discussion activities across
Promoting Writing across the Curriculum (WaC)
establish meaningful links among
concepts and ideas in other KLAs
Helping students
develop a better
understanding of the language features of texts on cross-
curricular subjects
WaC is a meaningful follow‐up on RaC
English Language Education Section Language Learning Support Section
Native‐speaking English Teacher Section Quality Education Fund Thematic Network School‐based Professional Support Section Information Technology in Education Section Professional
Support Professional
Professional Support by EDB
The English Language Education Webpage
Curriculum Documents PDPs (Slides) References &
Literacy Development / Values Education
Resource Package on “Using Storytelling to
Develop Students’ Literacy Skills and Positive Values” (2016)
ETV / DVD on “Exploring Text Types at the Secondary Level” (2015)
Feature Article
News Report and Editorial
Persuasive Writing
Supplementary Notes on “Building a Strong Interface between the Junior and Senior Secondary Curricula: Focusing on the Development of Literacy Skills” (2016)
Resources in Support of the ELE KLACG (2017)
Resources in Support of the ELE KLACG (2017)
ETV on “Enhancing Students' Language Skills with Multi‐modal Texts” (2017)
Supplementary Notes on “Promoting e‐Learning in the Senior Secondary English Classroom” (2016)
Cross‐curricular Learning
Suggested Book Lists for Reading to Learn across the Curriculum (KS1 – KS4)
Assessment Literacy
Resources in Support of the ELE KLACG (2017)
The Learning Progression Framework for English Language (2014)
Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing
Supplementary Notes on “Promoting
Assessment for and as Learning at the Senior Secondary Level: Focusing on the Development of Writing Skills” (2016)
Text Grammar
Supplementary Notes on “The Learning and Teaching of Grammar” (2016)
PDPs for 2018/19 s.y.
PDPs for 2018/19 s.y.
e‐Learning and Information Literacy
• e‐Learning Series: Media Literacy in the Junior Secondary English Classroom – Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills through the Use of Digital Texts
• e‐Learning Series: Effective Use of e‐Resources for Communication – Tapping into Secondary Students’ Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem‐solving Abilities
• e‐Learning Series: Effective Use of Multimodal Materials in Language Arts to Enhance the Learning and Teaching of English at the Junior Secondary Level
Language across the Curriculum
• Enriching and Extending Students’ Learning Experiences through Reading and Writing across the Curriculum at the Secondary Level
PDPs for 2018/19 s.y.
PDPs for 2018/19 s.y.
Catering for Learner Diversity
• Catering for Learner Diversity Series: Adopting e‐Learning to Cater for Students with Special Educational Needs in the Junior Secondary English Classroom
• Catering for Learner Diversity Series: Effective Strategies for Accommodating the Diverse Needs of Students in the Secondary English Classroom
• Catering for Learner Diversity Series: Stretching the Potentials of Advanced Learners in the Secondary English Language Classroom
Learning and Teaching of Grammar and Language Skills
• Adopting an Inductive Approach to Enhance Secondary Students’
Grammar Knowledge and Promote Self‐directed Learning
• Grammar as Choice: The Role of Grammar in Enhancing Students’ Writing in the Senior Secondary English Language Classroom
PDPs for 2018/19 s.y.
PDPs for 2018/19 s.y.
Assessment Literacy
• Developing Reading and Listening Skills of Secondary Students with Reference to the Learning Progression Framework
• Developing Secondary Students’ Writing and Speaking Skills with Reference to the Learning Progression Framework
• Effective Assessment Practices in the Secondary English Language Curriculum
Integrative Use of Generic Skills and New Literacy Skills
• Developing Students’ Creativity and New Literacy Skills through Language Arts Elective Modules
• Developing Students’ Thinking Skills through Non‐language Arts Elective Modules
PDPs for 2018/19 s.y.
PDPs for 2018/19 s.y.
Curriculum Leadership and New Teachers Series
• Curriculum Leadership Series: Ongoing Renewal of the School Curriculum for English Panel Chairpersons (Secondary)
• Curriculum Leadership Series: Ongoing Renewal of the School Curriculum for English Teachers (Secondary)
• Understanding and Interpreting the English Language Curriculum for New English Teachers
Useful Websites
Learning and teaching resources
Resources developed by the Native-speaking English Teacher Section, CDI
http://www.edb.gov.hk/en/curriculum-development/resource- support/net/enet-resources.html
Resources developed by the Language Learning Support Section, CDI http://cd1.edb.hkedcity.net/cd/languagesupport/resources.html
One-stop Portal for Learning and Teaching Resources
ETV Programmes
RTHK Teen Time Radio Programme
HKedCity English Campus