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Academic year: 2022

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103 學年度身心障礙學生升學大專校院甄試試題本




英文翻譯與寫作 (B2420)


1. 考試時間:90 分鐘。

2. 請在答案卷上作答,並答案卷每人一張,不得要求增補。

3. 請核對報考甄試類(群)組別、考試科目是否相符。

4. 單選題共 40 題。



單選題,共 40 題,每題 2.5 分

一、 同義測驗:請選出與題目畫線部分語意最接近的答案

1. It has been implied to me that this local swimming pool is not up to code.

(A) not open to the public (B) below standard

(C) uncomfortable

(D) not popular enough

2. We like to hang out with John.

(A) to spend time together (B) to go shopping only

(C) to climb the mountains (D) to take advantage of others

3. My roo mmate is very easy-going and we never quarrel.

(A) anxious to become successful (B) likely to get out of control (C) even -tempered and tolerant (D) interested i n outdoor sports

4. It’s no use trying to call on the phone . The line is always busy.

(A) It’s useful to try (B) It’s up to you to try (C) It’s a lot of fun to try (D) It’s pointless to try

5. Surprisingly, they were far from disappointed to learn that the inv itation had been canceled .

(A) especially disappointed (B) sort of disappointed (C) not disappointed at all (D) slightly disappointed

6. The real world is so complex that there is no knowing what environmental changes an organism ma y experience.

(A) there is every reason to know (B) it is impossible to know (C) it is inevitable to know



7. The popularity of beef noodles in Taiwan cannot be overstated.

(A) Beef noodles are extremely popular.

(B) People in Taiwan think of beef noodles as something disgusting.

(C) It is an obvious exaggeration that beef noodles are accepted without doubt in Taiwan.

(D) Beef noodle festivals are some how getting less important.

8. Poor people know the difficulties of maki ng ends me et.

(A) The rich are granted with better opportunities than the poor.

(B) As the simple life -style is often envied, men are created equal.

(C) People in an impoverished condition know it is difficult to pay for the things they need.

(D) People wh o have gone through hardships are less likely to be a mbitious.

9. The thief was caught in a dead -end lane.

(A) There was a police officer waiting to catch the thief at the end of the lane.

(B) The thief was not sent into prison since he was dead when he was caught.

(C) The thief had no way to escape from being caught because the lane was closed at one end.

(D) The thief was lying dead at the end of the lane when he was caught.

10. Some historians have assumed that calendars came into being with the advent of agriculture.

(A) It has been taken into granted that people began to use calendars long before they had agriculture.

(B) Some historians have made an assumption that calendars appeared --thanks to both industry and business.

(C) Some historians have co mpletely agreed that people started to use calendars even without the help of agriculture.

(D) Some historians thought that, with the initiation of agriculture, people started to use calendars.



二、 重組測驗:請將下列提示字詞重新排列,使之成為語法正確,語意合宜的 句子

11. The hose ________________________________________.

(1) is used (2) every time (3) is cleaned (4) the machine

(A) 2143 (B) 3412 (C) 2341 (D) 1243

12. Used motor oil ________________________________________.

(1) damage it (2) can

(3) get into our water supply (4) and seriously

(A) 3421 (B) 2143 (C) 2341 (D) 3214

13. I a m sorry that ________________________________________.

(1) from us

(2) you purchased

(3) you are not satisfied (4) with the device

(A) 3421 (B) 2134 (C) 2143 (D) 3412

14.The old lady ________________________________________.

(1) the nearly extinct (2) taking a course on (3) enjoys

(4) aborginal culture

(A) 3214 (B) 3412 (C) 2134 (D) 1423

15.Drivers who park _________ _______________________________.

(1) legally reserved for (2) will be fined

(3) the handicapped (4) in a spot



16.The weather ________________________________________.

(1) that the seminar (2) had to

(3) be can celled (4) became so bad

(A) 2314 (B) 4123 (C) 2431 (D) 4231

17.It remains________________________________________.

(1) at the party (2) a question (3) will show up (4) whether Jack

(A) 1432 (B) 2431 (C) 2134 (D) 1423

18.In the future, _________ _______________________________.

(1) have to

(2) research and development (3) this company will

(4) invest heavily i n

(A) 2314 (B) 3412 (C) 3142 (D) 2143

19.Many people ________________________________________.

(1) interesting to

(2) on the smart phone (3) find it

(4) play games

(A) 4312 (B) 2431 (C) 3421 (D) 3142

20.People should ________________________________________.

(1) God made someone (2) envy who

(3) learn not to (4) else to be

(A) 3214 (B) 2314 (C) 3421 (D) 2134



三、 英翻中測驗:請選出最接近英文句義的中文翻譯

21.I cannot see this picture without thinking of my fa ther.

(A)每 當 想 起 我 的 父 親 我 就 不 看 這 幅 畫 。 (B)我 不 能 看 這 幅 畫 因 為 思 念 我 的 父 親 。 (C)我 看 到 這 幅 畫 一 定 想 起 我 的 父 親 。 (D)我 不 看 這 幅 畫 還 是 會 想 起 我 的 父 親 。

22.The team could hardly believe that they won the gold medal.

(A)這 支 隊 幾 乎 不 敢 相 信 他 們 能 夠 贏 得 金 牌 。 (B)這 支 隊 伍 深 信 他 們 絕 對 會 贏 取 金 牌 。

(C)這 支 隊 伍 確 信 他 們 不 可 能 贏 取 金 牌 。 (D)沒 有 人 不 相 信 這 支 隊 伍 會 贏 取 金 牌 。 23.It is my father that had Jack fix the window.

(A)我 父 親 與 Jack一 同 修 理 窗 戶 。 (B)要 Jack修 理 窗 戶 的 正 是 我 父 親 。

(C) Jack不 是 因 為 我 父 親 才 修 理 窗 戶 的 。 (D)我 父 親 因 Jack之 請 求 , 把 窗 戶 給 修 了 。

24.Working part time for a mere NT$115 is the least th ing Jack would ever do.

(A) Jack覺 得 每 小 時 賺 新 台 幣 115元 , 還 是 不 錯 的 。 (B) Jack打 工 賺 的 錢 一 定 會 超 過 每 小 時 新 台 幣 115元 的 。 (C) Jack不 願 意 打 工 去 賺 區 區 每 小 時 新 台 幣 115元 。

(D) Jack很 高 興 , 他 打 工 每 小 時 可 以 賺 至 少 新 台 幣 115元 。

25.It is said that the person who catches the bridal bouquet will be the next to marr y.

(A)據 說 想 要 下 一 次 結 婚 的 人 就 要 去 抓 新 娘 捧 花 。 (B)據 說 抓 到 新 娘 捧 花 的 人 將 會 是 下 一 個 結 婚 的 人 。 (C)有 人 說 誰 想 要 下 一 個 結 婚 就 一 定 要 搶 接 到 新 娘 捧 花 。 (D)有 人 說 想 要 下 一 次 結 婚 的 人 就 一 定 要 接 到 新 娘 捧 花 。 26.Lower student loan interest rates do not necessarily mean less

student debt .

(A)學 生 貸 款 興 趣 比 率 低 並 不 需 要 表 示 是 低 學 生 負 債 。 (B)學 生 貸 款 利 率 低 並 不 需 要 表 示 是 低 學 生 負 債 。



27.No one gets through life without a little pain and suffering.

(A)沒 有 人 會 因 為 一 些 痛 苦 和 折 磨 就 結 束 自 己 的 生 命 。 (B)沒 有 人 能 夠 未 曾 經 歷 一 些 痛 苦 和 折 磨 就 度 過 一 生 。 (C)沒 有 人 可 以 不 必 承 受 一 些 痛 苦 和 折 磨 就 得 以 重 生 。

(D)沒 有 人 可 以 通 過 生 命 這 一 關 卡 的,痛 苦 和 折 磨 真 的 沒 有 必 要 。 28.Even though it was raining heavily at that time, Jack insisted on

going to the movies.

(A)雨 當 時 下 很 大 , Jack決 定 不 去 看 電 影 了 。

(B)當 時 下 著 雨 , Jack擔 心 電 影 放 映 取 消 , 因 而 心 情 沉 重 。 (C)當 時 如 若 下 著 大 雨 , Jack就 不 會 堅 持 去 看 電 影 。

(D)即 使 雨 當 時 下 很 大 , Jack還 是 堅 持 要 去 看 電 影 。

29.Jack has a good sense of humor --the reason that I enjoy his company.

(A) Jack很 有 幽 默 感 , 這 正 是 我 喜 歡 和 他 在 一 起 的 原 因 。 (B) Jack喜 歡 經 營 公 司 , 他 的 幽 默 感 因 之 而 生 。

(C)我 很 喜 歡 Jack的 幽 默 感 與 他 經 營 的 公 司 。

(D) Jack喜 歡 和 有 幽 默 感 的 人 在 一 起 , 而 我 就 是 那 樣 的 人 。

30 .The conclusion of the meeting is to hold the vote sooner than later.

(A)選 舉 的 結 果 是 會 議 需 延 遲 辦 理 。

(B)選 舉 的 結 果 就 是 沒 有 必 要 提 早 辦 理 會 議 。 (C)會 議 的 結 論 是 遲 早 都 要 辦 理 選 舉 的 。

(D)會 議 的 結 論 是 選 舉 早 辦 理 比 晚 辦 理 來 得 好 。 四、 中翻英測驗:請選出最接近中文句義的英文翻譯 31.對 學 生 而 言 , 學 會 電 腦 程 式 是 非 常 重 要 的 。

(A) To learn computer programmin g for students is very i mportant.

(B) Students are very i mportant to learn computer programming.

(C) It is very i mportant for students to learn computer programming .

(D) Computer programming fo r students to learn is very i mportant.

32.我 不 確 定 出 門 時 是 否 有 把 床 頭 燈 關 掉 。

(A) I don ’t make sure to turn off the bed lamp when I went home.

(B) I am not sure if I turned off the bed lamp when I left home.

(C) I am not sure if I closed the bed lamp when I left for ho me.

(D) I a m not sure to shut down the bed lamp when I came to the



33.同 學 們 似 乎 覺 得 作 業 很 難 做 。

(A) It seems that the students have trouble doing their homework.

(B) The students are doing the seemingly easy ho mework.

(C) Seemingly, the students make the ho mework tough to do.

(D) The students seem to do the homework a hard way.

34.我 真 的 認 為 日 文 比 英 文 難 學 。

(A) I do believe it is more difficult to study Japanese than English.

(B) It is my belief that English is even tougher than Japanese.

(C) In terms of studying J apanese, I truly believe that English is a more de manding language to learn.

(D) Frankly, I believe that neither Japanese nor English is a tough language to learn.

35.當 我 是 小 孩 時 , 後 院 曾 經 有 一 棵 大 樹 。

(A) There was a big tree used to be in the back yard when I was a child.

(B) There it is a big tree in the back yard when I was a child.

(C) When I was a child, there was used to be a big tree in the back yard.

(D) When I was a child, there used to be a big tree in the back yard.

36.我 得 考 慮 買 一 部 新 的 平 板 電 腦 了 。

(A) I must think o f replacing a new tablet computer.

(B) I will have to consider buying a new tablet computer.

(C) It just struck me that I might get a tablet computer for nothing.

(D) It is a tough decision whether I will have to buy a new tablet computer.

37.看 過 電 視 劇 之 後 , 大 家 都 想 親 自 到 那 小 鎮 看 看 。

(A) After watching the show on TV, people would like to take a look at the small town themselves.

(B) Before people view the show on TV, they have the idea of going to the small town themselves.

(C) Personally, everybody would go to the sm all town for the TV show seen afterwards.

(D) After seeing the small town on TV, everybody would like to visit the place by ourselves.



38.從 台 北 搭 火 車 到 高 雄 需 要 大 約 四 小 時 的 時 間 。

(A) By taking a train from Taipei to Kaohsiung calls for approximately four hours.

(B) From Taipei by rail to Kaohsiung spends about four hours.

(C) About 4 hours of time is cost by going to Kaohsiung from Taipei on tracks.

(D) It takes four hours or so to go from Taipei to Kaohsiung by train.

39.定 期 保 養 你 的 車 子 , 有 很 多 好 且 重 要 的 理 由 。

(A) To have your car s erviced regularly has many good and important reasons.

(B) There are ma ny good and important reasons to have your car serviced regularly.

(C) Many good and important reasons there are to have your car serviced regularly.

(D) Your car being serviced regu larly is good and important.

40.昨 天 晚 上 有 些 學 生 去 參 加 音 樂 會 , 有 些 學 生 則 留 在 家 裡 讀 書 。 (A) Some students go to the concert last night; the others stay at

home studying.

(B) Some students went to the concert last night; the other stayed at home studying.

(C) Some of the students went to the concert last night; others stayed at home studying.

(D) Some of the students went to the concert last night; other stayed at home studying.



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