Briefing Session on the Ongoing Renewal of the School Curriculum:
Updating of the Secondary Education Curriculum
Guide (SECG)
January 2017
Curriculum Development Council
• Background of the ongoing renewal of the school curriculum
• Celebrating student achievements in the “Learning to Learn” curriculum reform
• Recommendations on whole-school curriculum for schools
• The central school curriculum framework
• Updated seven learning goals (shaping qualities expected of secondary graduates)
• Integrative use of generic skills, values and attitudes across the curriculum
• Renewed Four Key Tasks
• Ongoing / future direction of curriculum development
• Major renewed emphases (MRE) at the junior secondary level and beyond
• Planning tools for whole-school curriculum planning
• Way Forward
Background of the
ongoing renewal of the
school curriculum
Respond to local,
regional and global
contextual changes
Build on existing
strengths and practices of
Curriculum enhancement
to benefit student learning
Ongoing Renewal of the School
BECG (2002) / SSCG (2009) (2009)
8 KLA Curriculum Guides (2002)
Various Subject Curriculum Guides Learning to Learn Report (2001)
SECG 2017
(2017 onwards)
KLA Curriculum Guides 學習領域課程指引
Subject curriculum guides/
supplements 科目課程指引
BECG 2014 基礎教育課程指引
(小一至小六 )
Ongoing Renewal of the School
Booklet Title
Part I Ongoing Curriculum Renewal – Focusing, Deepening and Sustaining
Booklet 1 Ongoing Renewal of the School Curriculum
Part II Curriculum Planning, Pedagogy and Assessment Cycle Booklet 2 Learning Goals, School Curriculum Framework and Planning Booklet 3 Effective Learning and Teaching: Developing Lifelong and Self-
directed Learners
Booklet 4 Assessment Literacy and School Assessment Policy Booklet 5 Embracing Learner Diversity
Booklet 6 Booklet 6A Booklet 6B Booklet 6C Booklet 6D
Four Key Tasks (Overview)
Moral and Civic Education
Reading to Learn: towards Reading across the Curriculum
Project Learning
IT for Self-directed Learning
Booklet 7 Experiential Learning: Life-wide Learning Part III Smooth Transitions
Booklet 8 Interfaces between KS2/KS3 and KS3/KS4
Booklet 9 Career and Life Planning - Multiple Pathways for All Students to Excel
Part IV Enabling Environments
Booklet 10 Quality Learning and Teaching Resources
Booklet 11 Professional Development and Schools as Learning Organisations
Secondary Education Curriculum Guide (SECG) (2017)
Recommendations on whole-school
for schools
Values & attitudes Basic skills Seven priority
• Perseverance
• Respect for Others
• Responsibility
• National Identity
• Commitment
• Integrity
• Care for Others
Generic skills Basic Skills
• Communication Skills
• Mathematical Skills
• IT Skills Thinking Skills
• Critical Thinking Skills
• Creativity
• Problem Solving Skills
Personal & Social Skills
• Self-management Skills
• Self-learning Skills
• Collaboration Skills
The Hong Kong School Curriculum
Intellectual Development
Community Service Moral and Civic
Physical and Aesthetic Development
Seven learning goals
whole-person development
English Language
Mathematics Education
Science Education
Language Early
Childhood Mathematics
Nature &
Living General Studies
Self &
Multiple pathways
Nurturing lifelong &
self-directed learning capabilities
2 or 3 electives : a) 20 elective subjects;
b) Applied Learning; &
c) Other Languages
Career-related Experiences
Physical Fitness &
Health Arts &
Generic skills
Values & attitudes Values & attitudes
Technology Education Personal,
Social &
Humanities Education
A broad and balanced curriculum with diversification and specialisations (choices) for academic, professional and vocational development according to students’ needs
Major renewed emphases (MRE):
STEM education & ITE, Values education (incl. MCE & Basic Law education), etc
Generic skills
Knowledge Level
Secondary 4-6
Secondary 1-3
Primary 1-6
Chinese Language Education
Arts Education
Physical Education Other Learning
(incl. MCE, CS, CRE, AD & PD)
4 core subjects:
Chinese Language, English Language,
Mathematics & Liberal Studies
* Based on the soon-to-be-released “Kindergarten Education Curriculum Guide “(2017)
Revised Seven Learning Goals of Secondary Curriculum
To enable students to
1. become an informed and responsible citizen with a sense of national and global identity, appreciation of positive values and attitudes as well as Chinese culture, and respect for pluralism in society
2. acquire and construct a broad and solid knowledge base, and to understand contemporary issues that may impact on students’ daily lives at personal, community, national and global levels
3. become proficient in biliterate and trilingual communication for better study and life
4. develop and apply generic skills in an integrative manner, and to become an independent and self-directed learner for future study and work
5. use information and information technology ethically, flexibly and effectively
6. understand one’s own interests, aptitudes and abilities, and to develop and reflect upon personal goals with aspirations for further studies and future career
7. lead a healthy lifestyle with active participation in physical and aesthetic activities, and to appreciate sports and the arts
Integrative Use of Generic Skills
Basic Skills Thinking Skills Personal and Social Skills
Communication Skills
Critical Thinking Skills
Self-management Skills
Skills Creativity Self-learning Skills
IT Skills Problem Solving Skills
Junior secondary education – suggested time allocation
• Flexible Time
Component of the JS Curriculum % of Time Allocation
No. of Hours
Key Learning Area
Chinese Language Education 17-21% 468-578 English Language Education 17-21% 468-578
Mathematics Education 12-15% 331-413
Science Education 10-15% 276-413
Personal, Social and Humanities
Education 15-20% 413-551
Technology Education 8-15% 220-413
Arts Education 8-10% 220-276
Physical Education 5-8% 138-220
Sub-total of the lower range of lesson hours over 3 years 92% 2 534
Across Key Learning Areas
Flexibility is provided for values
education, additional common reading time, other life-wide learning
experiences, etc
About 220 hours over 3
Flexible time for enhancing whole-person development across KLAs
Students’ entitlement:
A broad and balanced curriculum
Senior secondary education – suggested time allocation
Component of the SS Student Programme % of Time
Allocation No. of Hours
Four Core Subjects
Chinese Language
English Language
Liberal Studies
45-55% 1 125 – 1 375
Two to Three Elective Subjects
20 Subjects from KLAs
Over 30 Applied Learning courses
6 Other Languages
20-30% 500 – 750
Other Learning Experiences
Moral and Civic Education
Community Service
Aesthetic Development
Physical Development
Career-related Experiences
10-15% 250 – 375
OLE is a core component of SS curriculum for whole-person development
Renewed Four Key Tasks since 2001
Civic Education Reading to Learn:
Towards Reading across the Curriculum
IT for Self-
directed Learning
Project Learning
Ongoing/Future direction for curriculum development
• STEM education
• Information Technology in Education (ITE)
• Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET)
• Language across the Curriculum (LaC)
• Values education (including Moral and Civic education, Basic Law education, life education)
• Entrepreneurial spirit (開拓與創新精神)
Major renewed emphases (MRE) at JS level and beyond
• Strengthening values education (including Moral and Civic education and Basic Law education)
• Reinforcing the learning of Chinese history and Chinese culture
• Extending “Reading to Learn” to
“Language across the Curriculum”
• Promoting STEM education and ITE
• Fostering an entrepreneurial spirit (開拓與創新精神)
• Diversifying life-wide learning experiences
• Stepping up gifted education
• Enhancing the teaching of Chinese as a second language
Values Education
National Identity
Integrity Perseverance
Commitment Respect for Others
Care for Others
Basic Law education
Life education Environmental
Media education
Sex education
Human Rights education
Health &
Anti-drug education
Road Safety
Basic Law education (BLE):
• To strengthen students’ thinking skills and nurture positive values and attitudes including the following:
• To enable students to understand its importance and the principle of “one country, two systems”
Strengthening Values Education
(including moral & civic education and Basic Law education)
Justice Rule of law
Freedom Human rights
Lesson time
Topics/themes related to the Basic Law
Life and Society (L&S)
(or an independent module for schools not offering L&S)
15 hours
Topics/themes relevant to Basic Law education
Chinese History*
24 hours 10 hours 2 hours
* Based on the proposed revised curriculum under consultation. As curriculum
revision is an ongoing process, schools should implement the most recent curriculum guides prepared by the CDC with regard to the contents and time allocated to
KLA/subjects/topics related to Basic Law education.
核心內容 憲法的相關條文 課時
1. 「一國兩制」的歷史背景、《基本 法》的憲制地位、制定和公佈過程
第31條【國家設立特別行政區;特區的制度 由全國人大以法律規定】
第62條(13)【全國人大決定特別行政區的 設立及其制度】
第80條【國家主席根據全國人大的決定公佈 法律】
2. 中央與香港特別行政區的關係 第59條【全國人大由省、自治區、直轄市、
3. 《基本法》的解釋和修改 第67條(4)【全國人大常委會解釋法律】
第62條(13)【全國人大決定特別行政區的 設立及其制度】
4. 香港居民的基本權利和義務 2.5
5. 香港特區政治體制的基本特點 3
6. 《基本法》與公共財政 0.5
7. 《基本法》如何保障香港的金融和貿
易發展 2
8. 《基本法》與日常生活 2
9. 對外事務 2
總課時: 15
網上發佈 • 形式為電腦簡報,讓教師下載在課堂使用
學校試行 • 【中文版】 (計劃2017年 3月-4月供三間學校試教;2017年
推行模式 • 為初中沒有開設生活與社會科相關單元的學校,提供15小
時的獨立《憲法與基本法》單元課程。學校可同時運用其 他現成教學資源,
將《憲法與基本法》單元融入初中德育及公民教育課 程內教授;
在施教時,將《憲法與基本法》單元的內容與相關的 個人、社會及人文教育學習領域科目結合
支援配套 • 《基本法》中學教師知識增益網上課程【中文版,預計需
15小時】 (計劃2017年4月- 5試用;2017年6月開辦第一期)
• 《基本法》中學生網上自學課程【中、英文版,預計需15 小時】 (計劃2017年7月試用;2017年10月啟用)
1. Principals (including courses for newly appointed and aspiring principals)
2. Teachers (including courses for pre-service, in-service and newly appointed teachers)
3. School Sponsoring Bodies
4. Values Education Learning Circle (lesson demonstration and school-based professional development)
5. Regular seminars / workshops (in collaboration with subjects / key tasks )
• General Studies at the primary level
• Life and Society
• Liberal Studies
• Chinese History
• Moral and Civic Education…
Strengthening Professional Development
Reinforcing the learning of Chinese history and Chinese culture
The study of Chinese History (compulsory)
Reinforcing foundation knowledge and developing values on which students understand their own country and progress towards developing a sense of national identity
5% of total lesson time should be devoted to the teaching of Chinese History:
Independent subject mode: Chinese History is taught as an independent subject (currently adopted by most schools)
Integrated curriculum mode: Chinese history should be a core topic
One-history mode: the study of Chinese history and world history through one single subject
The study of Chinese history and Chinese culture
Reinforcing foundation knowledge and developing values on which students
understand their own country and progress towards developing their sense of national identity
All KLAs
Chinese history and Chinese culture are covered in all KLAs, e.g. Chinese culture is one of the nine strands of Chinese Language Education KLA
- Setting up an LaC Committee to set direction and oversee the implementation - Enhancing
collaboration between KLAs - Making use of the
8% of the flexible lesson time at JS level for LaC activities
- Effective use of a variety of texts to encourage deep reading, connect students’
learning experience and broaden their knowledge base
- Leveraging on e-reading resources with
multimodal features to facilitate understanding and enjoyment
- Devising a holistic plan to mobilise different
stakeholders and arrange time for cross-curricular reading
Extending “Reading to Learn” to “Language across the Curriculum” (LaC)
Reading to Learn
Reading across the Curriculum
Language across the Curriculum
Literacy skills development
Enhancing the teaching of Chinese as a second language
• The “Chinese Language Curriculum Second Language Learning Framework” has been introduced since 2014/15 to help non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students overcome the difficulties of learning Chinese as a second language
Listening 聽
Speaking 說
Reading 讀
Writing 寫
Learning progress in small steps
Learning aspirations under multiple pathways
Bridging over to mainstream Chinese classes
Chinese Language Curriculum Second Language Learning Framework
VPET in Secondary Education
• Life-wide Learning (LWL) and Other Learning Experiences (OLE)
• Applied Learning (ApL)
• Rebranding of Vocational Education and Training in HK
• Playing a key role in providing students of different intelligences with multiple pathways
Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET)
deepens vocational and professional education
six areas of studies with practical learning linked to broad professional and vocational fields
offers context for developing beginners’ skill sets and career-related competencies
prepares students for further studies and future
Promotion of STEM Education
Six strategies
1. Updating the curricula of the KLAs concerned with the focus on nurturing students’ creativity, collaboration, problem solving skills and innovativeness through
student-centred pedagogies
2. Strengthening the provision of quality learning
experiences to students through support to schools on whole-school curriculum planning and collaboration with relevant organisations
3. Offering KLA-based and cross-KLA resource materials to schools
4. Strengthening the professional capacity, knowledge transfer and cross-fertilisation among schools and teachers
5. Synchronising the contributions from different community key players
6. Adopting actions to review the development of STEM education, consolidate the good practices for
dissemination and generate knowledge for transfer
1. Enhancing schools' IT infrastructure
2. Enhancing quality of e-learning
(e-textbooks, EDB One-stop Portal, resource@HKEdCity, etc)
3. Renewing curriculum and
transforming pedagogies
(adoption of innovative pedagogies and Information Literacy (IL) framework in schools)
4. Capacity building
(PDPs, conferences, CoE school- based support, community of practice)
5. Collaboration with stakeholders
(parent education, e- safety and health
6. On-going research and evaluation
(ITE4 survey, case study) (WiFi infrastructure and acquire mobile computing devices)
The Fourth Strategy on IT in Education (ITE4):
Unleashing students' learning
1. Enhancing schools' IT infrastructure
2. Enhancing quality of e-learning
(e-textbooks, EDB One-stop Portal, resource@HKEdCity, etc)
3. Renewing curriculum and
transforming pedagogies
(adoption of innovative pedagogies and Information Literacy (IL) framework in schools)
4. Capacity building
(PDPs, conferences, CoE school- based support, community of practice)
5. Collaboration with stakeholders
(parent education, e- safety and health
6. On-going research and evaluation
(ITE4 survey, case study) (WiFi infrastructure and acquire mobile computing devices)
The Fourth Strategy on IT in Education (ITE4):
Unleashing students' learning
power Infrastructure
• WiFi infrastructure
• Mobile computing devices
Promotion of e-Learning
• Use of e-learning resources / tools and e-textbooks
• Innovative Pedagogies
Personalised Learning
• Learning Management System
• 1:1 Computing / BYOD
Fostering Entrepreneurial Spirit
Possessing Creativity and Innovativeness
Taking Initiative and Responsibilities
Taking Calculated Risks
Upholding Perseverance
Seizing Opportunities
To develop positive values and attitudes, knowledge and skills which will benefit students in their personal development and future endeavours
Essential qualities
• Cross-curricular collaboration
• Life-wide learning, etc
Junior Secondary
• Economics
• Applied Learning
• OLE, etc
Senior Secondary
Diversifying Life-wide Learning (LWL) Experiences
Non-local contexts
• student learning in authentic settings to achieve targets that are harder to attain in ordinary classroom settings
• strategies to help students acquire the 5 essential learning experiences for
enhancing their whole-person development
• supporting student learning in core and elective subjects at the SS level, and carried out through Other Learning Experiences (OLE)
• promoting quality reflection on learning experiences for deep learning
• supporting exploration of opportunities for quality physical and aesthetic
education to nurture students’ confidence, perseverance and aesthetic appreciation
• making use of the Mainland exchange opportunities to strengthen students’
understanding of our country’s development through personal experience
Stepping up Gifted Education:
A means to embrace learner diversity
To serve the needs of all students to fully realise their potential and to nurture the gifted/ higher ability students strategically
Gifted Education (JS)
An inclusive approach adopting three levels of engagement under the Three-tier operation mode of Gifted Education
Level 1
School-based (Whole-class)
Special educational services/Off-site support
General enrichment (e.g affective education.
leadership training)
Extension in specific domain (e.g scientific investigation, poetry, leadership training) 1A
Infusion of GE elements
Differentiation of regular curriculum
Level 2
School-based (Pull-out)
Level 3
From General Enrichment to Specialised Learning
Planning tools for whole-school
curriculum planning
The 5-stage cycle in curriculum planning
Context analysis
Set direction, priorities and major concerns
Curriculum planning &
deploying resources
Set goals &
Cautious, deliberate &
planning; Utilise resources flexibly
Implementing the
Adopt a whole- school approach &
wide range of strategies and make adjustments when necessary
Continuous monitoring
Facilitate understanding and collect data;
Propose timely measures and attend to needs
Review &
Make good use of information (e.g.
APASO) and Reliable and precise evaluation system
Planning tools for schools
A checklist for review
A checklist for
curriculum planning
Four levels of
curriculum planning
Way forward
Way forward
To issue SECG (Booklets 1-11) and upload it to the EDB website for schools’ reference in April / May 2017
To issue publicity materials, e.g. whole-school curriculum framework To conduct a pilot workshop for school leaders on the practical use of the SECG and collect feedback from schools, and to conduct
workshops for school leaders of all secondary schools on the practical use of the SECG and continue to collect feedback from schools
To run KLA-based PDPs to illustrate how the ongoing / future direction of curriculum development could be implemented in KLA/subject level
To collect examples of secondary schools on different facets of
curriculum planning and implementation for sharing of good practices To continue to use feedback to improve supporting strategies and
renew the whole school, KLA and subject curricula as appropriate