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( Mantle cell lymphoma MCL ) ( Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma )

( B

) MCL Cyclin D1 11 14

t ( 11 14 ) B CD19 CD20 CD22 CD23 CD10


58 ( 71%-90% ) ( 35%-55% ) (53%-

90% )



) ( 47% VS 49% )

ᙯᔣෟĈజइડ௟ࡪ୽͐ሳ ( Mantle cell lymphoma, MCL )

ܧңڔܛͩ୽͐ሳ ( Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma ) ۞̶ᙷ


่ѣĂЯࠎι͉кᇹ̼˞Ąι۞ঽந̶ᙷ౵ѝ৷ Ϥݭၗ̶ᙷĂ҃ѣ୽͐ሳ ( Lymphoma )ă୽͐҇

܂ሳ ( Lymphosarcoma ) ͽ̈́შې௟ࡪ҇܂ሳ ( Reticulum cell sarcoma ) ˬᙷĂன̏ୢ̝̙ϡĄ д 1966 ѐĂ Henry Rappaport ͽ௟ࡪ ( ̂̈ ) ̈́௡

ᖐ ( ඕ༼ّ nodular ٕᚢႝّ diffuse ) ̶ֽᙷ҃஽


ለ߷݋ѣ Luke & Collins ( 1974 ) ̈́ Kiel ( 1975


̈́ 1988 Լ։ ) ۞̶ᙷڱĂҭͧྵ݀ࢨّĄТॡഇ ᔘѣ W H O ă D o f m a n ̈́ࡻ઼۞୽̶͐ᙷڱ1 ( B r i t i s h N a t i o n a l Ly m p h o m a I n v e s t i g a t i o n Classification )ĄϤٺ̶͉ڡ˞Ă҃ѣ઼઼࡚छᒛ

া ࡁ տ ੰ ۞ ̍ ү ̶ ᙷ 2 ( N C I W o r k i n g FormulationĂ 1982 )Ăι౵ࢦࢋ۞ಶߏ૟୽͐ሳ


˩̈́˝˩ѐ΃Ąז˞ 1994 ѐĂ઼ᅫ୽͐ሳࡁտ

௡૟Һࠪ௟ࡪ̼ጯᑕϡٺѩ҃૟׎̶ࠎ B ̈́ T ௟ ࡪ׌̂ᙷĂӈٙᏜ۞Լ։ّለ࡚ܧᙷڱ3( REAL )Ą д 1999 ѐĂ͵ࠧ኎Ϡ௡ᖐ ( WHO ) ᄮТ֭Լซ ( Β߁Հкᙷ )Ă҃ѣன̶̫̝ᙷ4Ąιͽ '݈ B'Ă 'B'Ă'݈ T' ᄃ 'T' ௟ࡪͽ̈́ңڔܛͩ୽͐ሳඈ̣̂



"జइડ௟ࡪ୽͐ሳ" ( Mantle cell lym- phomaĂͽ˭ᖎჍ MCL ) ߏд˝˩ѐ΃ѝഇĂ ࠎ Raffeld, Jaffe5̈́ Banks6ٙϒё೩΍Ą΁ࣇೡ


፾প۞௟ࡪߖҒវளҜ ( Translocation ) ጱ࡭

BCL1 ( B௟ࡪ୽͐ሳ1 ) ۞ૄЯள૱Ă҃ѣకϨ ኳ C y c l i n D1۞࿅ޘயϠĄѝд 1 9 8 2 ѐĂ We i s e n b u r g e r7̈́ P a l u t k e8അೡࢗдᕭڽّ

( Follicular ) ୽͐ሳ̰۞পঅ௡ཏĂιࣇѣܧ׏

ݭ̈୽͐஧ಛᖒд։ّᆧത ( Germinal ) ͕̚γ

̝జइડ ( ဦ˘ )Ą΁ࣇ࠹ܫ఺ߏᚢႝّ̚ޘ̶

̼୽͐஧୽͐ሳ ( Diffuse intermediate lympho- cytic lymphoma - Rappaport̶ᙷڱ ) ۞ᕭڽ၆໰

௡ ( Follicular Counterpart )Ă҃Ⴭ̝ࠎ "జइડ"

( Mantle Zone ) ୽͐ሳĄ


ࡪ୽͐ሳ ( Diffuse - small cleaved cell lymphoma )

̈́̈୽͐௟ࡪ୽͐ሳ ( small lymphocytic lym- phoma )۞ֲݭĄι۞ݭၗᔵᄃ˯ࢗ׌჌୽͐ሳ ( ቤၙϠܜݭ )ᙷҬĂҭߏ࿰ޢݒߏܧ૱̙р۞˘

ཏĄঽந࠻Ҭ̙֭ިᆃೋّ ( low grade )ĂҭᓜԖ

ܑனݒည̚ޘೋّĂΞਕд 2 - 3 ѐνΠಶ࿅͵

( Ϗགྷڼᒚ )Ąҭ၆ڼᒚ۞ͅᑕ˫ညҲޘೋّĂ˵



( cytogenetic immunohistochemistry )Ăͽ̶̈́̄Ϡ ۏጯ ( Molecular biology ) ̝ኲĂ Raffeld ඈˠ଀ͽ



M C Lд˯ࢗ۞̶ᙷᔵᛳٺҲޘೋّĂҭ၁ ᅫ˯˫ତܕ̚ޘೋّĂࡗҫٙѣܧңڔܛͩ୽͐

ሳ۞ 5%-8% Ąр൴ٺշّ ( շĈ̃ࠎ 2 Ĉ 1 )9Ă

̚ม൴ঽѐ᛬ࡗࠎ 5 8 ໐Ăд෧ᕝॡ૱̏ߏ୎

ഇĄ˩ѐх߿தΪѣ 8% ( ࠹၆ٺ׎΁ܧңڔܛ

ͩ୽͐ሳ۞ 35% )Ą̂ొ̶۞ঽଈͽБ֗୽͐ඕ ཚܑ̂னĂ૱ѣքත۞ཚ̂âΗͽ˯ѣ੻ល۞



௟ࡪ΍னдฉᙝҕ୵ ( ဦα )Ăѩ჌ঽˠѣ 6% ۞ ဦ˘Ĉ୽͐ሳд୽͐ඕ̰۞௟ࡪ໚੓఍Ą

B-௟ࡪ୽͐ሳ T-௟ࡪ୽͐ሳ

ᕭڽّ୽͐ሳ ұᒑপ୽͐ሳ





̈ B-௟ࡪ


̈୽͐஧୽͐ሳ λ஧కϨҕঽ

׹ᙝ T-௟ࡪ୽͐ሳ ϩܑ T-௟ࡪ୽͐ሳ

ොċ F,ᕭڽĒMC,លኳ৶ĒPC,य़ϩኳĒS,ᚭ



M C L۞̶ഇڻϡ˘ਠңڔܛͩ୽͐ሳ۞̶

ഇڱĂӈ Ann-Arbor ̶ഇڱ ( I-IV ̈́ A ٕ B )Ă఺

༊൒ᄃι۞࿰ޢѣᙯĄѩγĂܧңڔܛͩ୽͐ሳ ᔘѣ࿰ޢ޽ᇴ ( International Prognostic Index Ăᖎ Ⴭ IPI )11ĂϤѐ᛬ ( ŵ 60 ໐ )ăវ˧ ( Performance statusĂ ECOG Ÿ 2 )ăഇҾ ( ǷٕǸ )ă୽͐ඕγ ܬϚ ( Ÿ 2 )Ăͽ̈́ LDH ( Ÿϒ૱˯ࢨ )ֽග̶Ă ߁ཱི̰۰Чࠎ˘̶Ă̶ᇴ෸੼۰࿰ޢ෸मĄҭд M C L ݋ྵዋϡᕭڽّ୽͐ሳ۞઼ᅫ࿰ޢ޽ᇾ ( Follicular Lymphoma International Prognostic IndexĂᖎჍ FLIPI )12,13Ăιࣇ۞मளࠎ FLIPI ̙ Еˢវਕ̈́୽͐ඕγ۞ܬϚᇴĂҭΐˢ୽͐ඕડ

۞ܬϚᇴ ( Ÿ 5 )Ă̈́ѣ൑ళҕ ( Hb Ŵ 12 g/dl )Ą M o l l e r ඈ۞ࡁտĂͧྵ˯ࢗ׌჌޽ᇴܑனĂ FLIPIΞͽ࿰ീ MCL ۞ϠхதĂҭ IPI ݋̙ਕĄ Яѩޙᛉϡ FLIPI үࠎ MCL ۞࿰ޢ޽ᇾ14Ą౵ܕ Hosterඈ΃ܑᇇ઼̈́ለ߷୽͐ሳࡁտშ̶ژ 455

ּ MCL15Ăᄮࠎ˯ࢗ׌჌޽ᇴ࠰ѣ̙֖̝఍Ă҃

Ωޙϲ૞၆ MCL ۞઼ᅫ࿰ޢ޽ᇾჍࠎ MIPI Ą΁

ࣇ̪ଳϡѐ᛬Ăវ˧̈́ L D H Ăҭΐˢ W B C ᇴ ( ͽ 10X109ࠎ̶ࠧ )ć҃૟ MCL ̶ࠎҲĂ̈́̚੼



M C L۞ঽநѣॡटٽజᄱ෧ࠎ΁჌۞୽͐

ሳĂ͍׎ߏ੊ቚٕགྷរ̙֖۞ᗁरĄ఺ొ̶ࣧЯ ߏιд˝˩ѐ΃ޢ̶̖΍۞পள୽͐ሳĄ Fisher ඈ̶ژ SWOG ( ઼࡚Ҙݑᒛাࡁտཏ௡ )ೀ࣎ᓜ

Ԗྏរ۞ঽˠĂВ 376 ּ ( 1972-1983 )14Ąඕڍ൴ னѣ 10% ᕩᙷд׎΁୽͐ሳ ( ܑ˘14)Ą͍׎ߏд EᙷĂӈᚢႝݭ̈ෘ८௟ࡪ ( Diffuse small cleaved )

̶ٕ̼̙։ ( Diffuse Poorly differentiated )̚ܕˬ

̶̝˘ࠎ MCL15Ą

ѝഇ۞ MCL Ăѣ 30% Ӕඕ༼ݭ ( Nodular Ă ဦ˟˯ )Ă׎ඕ༼ѣܧ׏ݭ̈୽͐஧۞ওማĄѣ

ֱඕ༼Ϥᕭڽ̈́ͅᑕّᆧത͕̚ ( G e r m i n a l Center ) ᆧϠĂ׹ಛѣ̈୽͐஧ӔజइېᕖૺĂ

Я҃଀Щ7 , 1 6Ą༊׎дซҖॡĂາϠ۞ᒛ௟ࡪও


ѣ ඕ ༼ ̈́ ᚢ ႝ ݭ ۞ Ϡ ܜ Ă ౵ ௣ ݋ ј ࠎ ᚢ ႝ ّ ( Diffuse MCLĂဦ˟˭̈́ဦˬ )Ą݈۰ ( Nodular )۞

˩ѐх߿தࠎ 14% Ă҃ޢ۰ ( Diffuse ) ݋ࠎ 10% Ą ᔘѣ˘჌܂஧តள჌ ( Blastoid variant Ăဦα ) ݋ࠎ


ܑ˘Ĉజइડ௟ࡪ୽͐ሳд 1972-1983 ̝ࣧ୽͐ሳ෧ᕝ ( SWOGྤफ़ )

ࣧ෧ᕝ ᓁᇴ NDMѺ̶ͧ

A ඕ༼ّ୽͐௟ࡪᄃ௡ᖐ௟ࡪݭ୽͐ሳ 40 0 0

B ඕ༼ّ௡ᖐ௟ࡪݭ୽͐ሳ 29 0 0

C ඕ༼̶ّ̼̙։୽͐ሳ 171 9 5%

D̶̼։р୽͐௟ࡪݭ୽͐ሳ 70 6 9%

E ᚢႝ̶ّ̼̙։୽͐ሳ 66 21 32%

ኑᑭᓁᇴ 376 36 10%

ොĈ SWOG Ă઼࡚Ҙݑᒛাࡁտཏ௡ć MCL Ăజइ ડ௟ࡪ୽͐ሳ

ဦ˟Ĉజइડ௟ࡪ୽͐ሳ۞୽͐ඕঽந̷ͯĂ H & E ߖ ҒĂҲࢺ( 1 0 X 4 ) Ą˯ဦពϯඕ༼ّĂ˭ဦពϯ ᚢႝّĄ





Ϥٺಏያݭၗֽ෧ᕝ MCL ѣॡົѣӧᙱĂ ЯѩҺࠪ௟ࡪ̼ጯᑭߤٕ۰Һࠪ௡ᖐ̼ጯᑭߤಶ ត଀ޝࢦࢋֽᑒӄ෧ᕝ ( ܑ˟9,20)ĄࢵАߏ Cyclin D1υࠎวّ18 ( ѣಡӘࠎౚّ۰Ăҭ׎ Cyclin D2 ࠎวّ19 )Ą׏ݭ۞ MCL ѣߖҒវ 11 ̈́ 14 ۞ள ҜĪt ( 11 Ă 14 ) q13 Ă q32īĂ BCL1ૄЯдѩள ҜĪιߏ஧కϨࢦᙥ۞ܳј۰ ( Promoter )īĂጱ

࡭ Cyclin D1۞ᆧϠ҃ҺࠪߖҒࠎวّĄ׎Ѩߏ ھ B ( Pan B ) ௟ࡪ۞ܑᇈ ( CD19Ă CD20̈́ CD22) ࠎวّĂҭ CD23̈́ CD10( ӈ CALLA ) ࠎౚّĄҭ

˘჌ T ௟ࡪܑᇈ CD5ࠎวّ ( ѩᄃ̈୽͐஧௟ࡪ

୽͐ሳТĂҭ׎ C y c l i n D1ࠎౚّĂ C D2 3ࠎว

ّĂܑ˟9,20)ĄѩγĂ MCL ͹ࢋ݀ࢨ ( Restriction ) ٺɡ-ᅅᙥĂѣளٺ׎΁ B ௟ࡪ୽͐ሳ۞ k-ᅅᙥ21Ą MCL۞ߖҒវૄЯ౵͹ࢋ۞ள૱ߏ t ( 11 Ă 14 )۞ளҜĄт˯ٙࢗĂҭ˵ѣ׎΁۞ត̼Ăт del 13q14 ( 13ߖҒវܜᓖొЊ৿ε )Ăٕ 13q33- 34ă del 8p21 ( 8 ߖҒវൺᓖొЊ৿ε )Ăͽ̈́ del 9p/p15-16 ( 9ߖҒវൺᓖొЊ৿ε )22Ą


ఄඈАಡӘ 21 ּ MCL19Ăޢ੠ΐࠎ 24 ּ23Ă

୻˘ҒࠎշّĂ఺ᄃҘ͞۞ 2-4 Ĉ 1 ( M Ĉ F )ѣٙ


ࠎ 1.1 Ĉ 1 Ăιࣇҫٙѣܧңڔܛ͵୽͐ሳ۞ 2%

( ࠹၆ҲٺҘ͞۞ 6%24 )Ă̚มѐ᛬ࠎ 60 ໐Ă࿰

ޢТᇹܧ૱̙рĂ 8 7 % ࠎ୎ഇĄܬϚ۞ጡءͽ

୽͐༼ ( 91% )౵кĂ׎Ѩࠎ੻ល ( 75% )Ăත᝙


ࢺ(10X40)Ą˯ဦࠎ H & E ߖҒĂ˭ဦࠎҺࠪ௡

ᖐ̼ጯߖҒពϯ CyclinD1 ࠎ८วّĄ





( 33% )Ăབࡤ྽ ( 25% )̈́ք᝙ ( 16% )Ą׎̚ѣ

˘ּ΍ҋ઼঍ტЪᗁੰĂ֭ѣঽநྋ࣠19Ą ιࣇѣ۞Ӕனඕ༼ٕᚢႝݭĂ˵ѣ׌ּࠎ܂

஧តளݭĄιࣇ۞ CD5 ŮƝ CD23 ůƝ CD43 Ů Ɲ B C L 2 ŮƝ B C L 6 ůƝ I g D ŮƝ I g M ŮƝ Cyclin D1ŮĂߖҒវѣ 11q23۞ளҜĂ҃ጱ࡭ B- CL-1ૄЯ۞ࢦ௡Ăซ҃ౄј Cyclin D1ࠎౚّĂ ҭ׎ Cyclin D2݋ࠎวّ19,23Ą



M C Lдٙѣ୽͐ᒛ̚ߏ࿰ޢ౵ᗼ۞׎̚˘

჌ĂЯࠎᇾ໤۞̼ᒚߏڼ̙р۞25 ( ࠹၆ٺ׎΁

̚ޘٕ੼ޘೋّ۞௡ཏ )Ąҭ˫̙ညҲޘೋّ۞

˘ཏΞͽᇶ̙ڼᒚ ( Wait & Watch )26ĄЯࠎޢ۰

՟ѣڼᒚ۞̚มх߿ഇࠎ˛ѐĂ҃ MCL Ϊѣ˟


۞ঽˠ࠰̙ዋϡඈޞᄃ៍၅Ąયᗟߏң჌ڼᒚΞ ͽ଀ז౵р۞ड़ڍĄ

౵૱ϡ۞ߏ CHOP ( Cylophosphamide Ă AdriamycinĂ Oncovin ̈́ Prednisone Ă઼ֹ̰ϡ Prednisolone 27 )Ąιᔵѣ 50% νΠ۞ѣड़தĂҭ

׎൑ঽ̚มх߿ഇ ( Relapse free Survival ) Ϊѣ 7

࣎҃̏͡28Ă̙֭ͧCOP ( ՟ѣAdriamycin ) ࠎָ29Ă னд૱ΐ˯ Rituximab ( R-CHOP )Ąд˘࣎ௐ˟

ഇ۞ྏរᔵѣ 9 6 % ड़தĂҭ൑ঽх߿ഇ˵Ϊѣ 1 6 . 6࣎҃̏͡3 0ĄЯѩѣ׎΁Հк჌ᘽۏĂт cyclophosphamideă doxorubincin ă teniposide ă prednisoneă vincristin ă bleomycin ඈ۞Ъ׀ڼ ᒚ Ą ౵ ܕ ྵ ࠎ ሤ ܝ ۞ ݋ ߏ H y p e r C V A D ( H y p e r f r a c t i o n a t e d c y c l o p h o s p h a m i d eă

vincristină adriamycin ̈́ dexamethasone )Ă֭ᄃ

੼጗ณ methotraxate ̈́ cytarabine Ϲആֹϡ31Ą Romagueraඈˠ˫ΐ˯ rituximab Ăඕڍѣ 87%

۞ԆБቤྋ ( C R ) Ă̈́ˬѐ۞൑ঽх߿தࠎ 67%Ăᓁх߿தࠎ 81% Ąҭѣ̣Ҝ ( 5/97 )дڼᒚ


̙։া࣏ཏ ( ˬҜ˵Я҃Ѫ˸31,32 )Ăҭ̏൴ܑ۞




ഇĂٙͽҋវ ( ASCT ) ᄃளវ ( Allogeneic ) ຅௟

ࡪொങಶјࠎΩ˘჌ڼᒚĄ Dreyling ඈ ( ለ߷ M- CL Network33) д CHOP ٕᙷҬ۞ڼᒚڱޢĂ̶ࠎ ASCTᄃ̒ᕘ৵ ( IFN ) үࠎ׌჌̙Т۞ჯ޺ڼ ᒚĄдΞ̶ژ۞ ( 122/230 )ঽˠ̚Ă൴ᛇ ASCT ᐹٺ IFN Ă݈۰ 81% ྿זቤྋ ( CR )Ăޢ۰Ϊѣ 37%Ą൑ঽх߿ഇ ASCT ࠎ 39 ࣎͡Ă̈́ 54% ˬ ѐх߿தĂ҃ IFN ࠎ 17 ࣎̈́͡ 25% Ą

Gantiඈа໖ّͧྵҋវ ( ASCT ) ᄃளវ ( Allogeneic ) ொങ۞ड़ڍ ( ઼࡚ Nebraska ̂ጯ34 )Ă 80ּତצ ASCT ̈́ 17 ּ Allogeneic ( ࠎΈԙؓ؏

ม ௡ ᖐ ݭ ࠹ ௑ ) Ą ׎ C R , A S C T ࠎ 7 3 % Ă Allogeneicࠎ 62% Ặѐ൑ঽх߿த̶Ҿࠎ 44%

( ҋវ ) ̈́ 49% ( ளវ )Ą̣ѐᓁх߿தࠎ 47%

( ҋវ )Ă࠹၆ٺ 49% ( ளវ )Ă఺ֱӮ൑௚ࢍ˯


Marisඈ˵ဘྏϡ Nonmyeloablative ڼᒚĂ ӈٙᏜ۞ਜ਼ҰொങĂ֭ϡٺ൑ҕቡᙯܼ۞ளវொ

ങĄ൴னޝ͌ѣؼᏵೇ൴۰ĂຍӈΞਕѣொങវ ԩ୽͐ሳ ( Graft-versus-lymphoma ) ۞ड़ڍ35Ą



ঽ ந ᖎ ᆷ Һܑࠪᇈ

Ćజइડ௟ࡪ୽͐ሳ MCL CD5+, CD23-, CD10Ų, CD43+, CyclinD1+, FMC7+

Ć̈୽͐௟ࡪ୽͐ሳ/CLL SLL/CLL CD5+, CD23+, CD43+, CD11a+, FMC7- Ćል௟ࡪᇹ̈୽͐௟ࡪ୽͐ሳ SLL-pl CD5-, CD23-, CD10-, CD43Ų

Ćᕭڽ͕̚௟ࡪ୽͐ሳ ( all 3 grades ) FCCL CD5-, CD23Ų, CD10+, CD43- Ćᙝቡડ୽͐ሳ ( MALT, MBCL, SMZL ) MZL CD5-, CD23-, CD10-, CD43Ų

Ćත̝ඖͨې୽͐௟ࡪ୽͐ሳ SLVL CD5-, CD11cŲ, FMC7+, CD22+, CD24+

Ćкͨ௟ࡪϨҕঽ HCL CD5-, CD10-, CD25+, CD11c+, CD103+, B-ly-7+

ොĈ MALT, ᕆቯ௡ᖐ࠹ᙯ̝୽͐ሳć MBCL, ᙷಏ८ B ௟ࡪ୽͐ሳć SMZL, ත̝ᙝቡડ୽͐ሳĄ


дೇ൴ٕࣧؕڼᒚ൑ड़۞ଐڶ˭Ă Forstpointer അϡ F l u d a r a b i n ă C y c l o p h o s p h a m i d e ̈́ Mitoxantroneᄃ Rituximab ( R-FCM )36Ă൴ன R-FCMᐹٺ FCM Ą̚มх߿ഇࠎ 11 ࣎͡( FCM )Ă

҃ R-FCM ݋إϏ྿זĄГֽಶߏ Rituximab ă E t o p o s i d eă P r e d n i s o n e ă Vi n c r i s t i n e ă Cyclophosphamideă Doxorubicin ( R-EPOCH )37Ă

̚มх߿ഇࠎ 15 ࣎͡Ă˵ѣ׎΁۞Ъ׀̼ᒚĄ غ˭ࢋ̬௜າᘽ B o r t e z o m i b3 8 , 3 9Ăιߏ Proteosome۞Ժט጗Ă׎Ժטጱ࡭к჌௟ࡪ̶ෘ

አ༼కϨ ( Β߁ Cyclins ) ۞ુ᎕ĄΩ˘࣎Ξਕ፟

ᖼࠎۡତ͔൴௟ࡪѪ˸ ( Apoptosis )Ăѩ˜གྷϤ ԩ ( bax ) ̈́ܳ ( bix ) አଠѪ˸కϨ۞፟ᖼĄΩ˘

࣎ͧྵ୻຾۞፟ᖼߏԺט NF-ɠ B Ăιߏ˘჌ᖼ ᛌЯ̄Ą҃ Proteosome ਕܡͤι۞ҋ൒Ժט጗

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M C Lдܧңڔܛͩ୽͐ሳ̚ߏޝপள۞ֲ




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Mantle Cell Lymphoma, It Appears Indolent but Actually Aggressive, also Summary the

Classification of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Chung-King Lin1,3, and Shih-Hung Huang2

Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is recognized "with evidence" as a subtype of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in early 1990s. It was categorized mostly in the group of diffuse small lymphocytic / small cleaved cell lymphomas before this recognition. Therefore, it might not seem so aggressive morphologically. But in fact, it behaved very differently from other diseases with similar morphology. The median survival without treatment is much shorter than other kinds of low grade lymphoma. When it is treated conventionally, the failure free survival is much short- er as compaired to aggressive lymphomas (e.g. diffuse large B cell lymphoma) and there is no cure at all. Genetic and immunophenotypic features are characterized by overexpression of Cyclin D1 secondary to translocation of t(11;14)(q13:q32). The pan B-antigens, CD19, CD20, CD22 are positive but CD23 is negative. CD10 (CALLA) is usually negative and coexpression of pan T antigen CD5 and its median age of occurrence is 58. It has male pre- dominance clinically. The common signs of presentation are generalized lymphadenopathies(71%-90%), hep- atosplenomegaly and bone marrow involvement(53%-90%). Involvement of G-I tract is strikingly high in nearly all cases. The prognostic evaluation by multivariate analysis showed the new mantle cell lymphoma internation- al prognostic index (MIPI) was related to survival and worked better. MCL is incurable with conventional chemother- apy. So stem cell transplant should be considered on first remission on a medical fit patient. From retrospective reviews, there was no statistically significant difference in 5 year survival rates compared the autologous(47%) to allogeneic(49%) transplants. ( J Intern Med Taiwan 2008; 19:491-498 )

1Division of Hematology-Oncology,

2Division of Pathology, Cathay General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan;

3Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan



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