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Twenty-eighth Congregation - Session 6-11


Academic year: 2021

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第二十八屆學位頒授典禮2020 eighth. 第二十八屆學位頒授典禮2020 eighth. 2020 . 11 . 22. School of Engineering. 工學院. President’s Address by Professor Wei SHYY 4 校長史維教授的祝辭. Address by the Dean 6 院長的講辭. Addresses by Graduate Representatives 10 畢業生代表的講辭. Congregation Programs 學位頒授典禮. Session 6 第六節 10:00am, 22 • 11 • 2020 . Order of Proceedings 26 典禮程序. Graduates in the School of Engineering – Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (PhD, MPhil, MSc, BEng) 工學院化學及生物工程學系畢業生名錄 (哲學博士、哲學碩士、理學碩士、工學士). Session 7 第七節 11:30am, 22 • 11 • 2020. Order of Proceedings 32 典禮程序. Graduates in the School of Engineering – Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (PhD, MPhil, MSc, BEng) 工學院土木及環境工程學系畢業生名錄 (哲學博士、哲學碩士、理學碩士、工學士). Session 8 第八節 12:30pm, 22 • 11 • 2020. Order of Proceedings 40 典禮程序. Graduates in the School of Engineering – Department of Computer Science and Engineering (PhD, MPhil, MSc, BEng, BSc) 工學院計算機科學及工程學系畢業生名錄 (哲學博士、哲學碩士、理學碩士、工學士、理學士). 目錄. Session 9 第九節 2:00pm, 22 • 11 • 2020. Order of Proceedings 48 典禮程序. Graduates in the School of Engineering – Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering (PhD, MPhil, MSc, BEng) 工學院電子及計算機工程學系畢業生名錄 (哲學博士、哲學碩士、理學碩士、工學士). Session 10 第十節 3:30pm, 22 • 11 • 2020. Order of Proceedings 56 典禮程序. Graduates in the School of Engineering – Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics & Division of Integrative Systems and Design (PhD, MPhil, MSc, BEng) 工學院工業工程及決策分析學系、綜合系統與設計學部畢業生名錄 (哲學博士、哲學碩士、理學碩士、工學士). Session 11 第十一節 4:30pm, 22 • 11 • 2020. Order of Proceedings 62 典禮程序. Graduates in the School of Engineering – Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (PhD, MPhil, MSc, BEng) 工學院機械及航空航天工程學系畢業生名錄 (哲學博士、哲學碩士、理學碩士、工學士). Appendices 附錄. Degrees Conferred i 頒授學位. Titles of PhD Theses Completed in 2019-20 iv 2019-20年博士畢業論文題目. 4. Distinguished guests, graduates, parents, friends. and colleagues,. Although we cannot gather in person, I warmly. welcome you to our virtual Congregation. This very. special occasion is a joyous moment shared by the. HKUST community, families, and friends, as we. celebrate the achievements of our Class of 2020.. Graduates, this Congregation signifies you have. reached a new milestone in your lives. While. the world around us is evolving, we hope you. will always live by our commitment to uphold. shared principles and values, appreciate and. respect people of diverse views and opinions, and. collaborate with them.. It is also time to express gratitude to your parents,. other family members, teachers, mentors and. friends, who have helped and encouraged you to. stride forward successfully and confidently.. As you pursue your dreams, please share your own. experience and achievements with the coming. generations of HKUST students. Therefore, see. this not as an end but as the start of a lifelong. relationship with HKUST, your alma mater. See. it as a time for celebration as well as reflection. . Your HKUST education and spirit will support you. wherever and whenever you need it.. Congratulations and my best wishes to you all for a. fulfilling and bright new chapter. We cheer for you,. support you and look forward to hearing from you. again and again.. President’s Address. Professor Wei SHYY. PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS BY PROFESSOR WEI SHYY. 各位嘉賓、畢業生、家長、親友及同事:. 縱使今天大家未能親身聚首一堂,我依然由衷歡. 迎各位出席這個網上畢業典禮。在這個別具意. 義的喜慶日子,科大同仁、家長及親友共同慶賀. 2020年度的畢業同學經過辛勤耕耘後,最終學有. 所成。. 今天的畢業典禮,標誌著各位畢業生跨越了人生. 中的一個重要里程碑。現今世代瞬息萬變,前路. 未知,祈盼各位同學在往後的日子,能時刻恪守. 大學的共同原則和核心價值,尊重不同觀點、包. 容不同聲音,不分彼此,通力合作。. 你們卓然有成,實應感謝你們的父母、親人、老. 師、前輩和同儕。全賴他們的支持和鼓勵,你們. 才得以滿懷信心、成竹在胸地向前邁進。. 校長祝辭. 史維教授. 在你追尋夢想之際,請謹記與學弟學妹分享你的. 人生經驗和成就,薪火相傳。今天一別,不代表. 你的科大歲月走到終站;反之,此刻實為你與母. 校終身結緣的起點。在你慶祝畢業的同時,請不. 忘反思在大學中所獲得師長的訓誨。不論將來你. 身處何時何地,科大的教育和精神將會在你需要. 啟導的時候提供指引。. 再次恭賀全體畢業同學,並祝願大家在人生的新. 階段活得精彩豐盛。我們會一直默默為你加油打. 氣,並期待你與母校保持緊密聯繫。. 5校長史維教授的祝辭. Distinguished guests, graduates, parents, friends,. and colleagues,. My warmest congratulations to our Class of. 2020 engineering graduates. I am delighted to. participate in this momentous occasion where we. celebrate your achievements and offer our best. wishes for the next chapter of your life and the. adventures it will bring.. Earning a degree at the School of Engineering. requires dedication and diligence – and this. has been especially true for your class, when. you pressed ahead with your studies amid. unprecedented changes caused by the global. pandemic this year. The School takes pride in. your perseverance, resilience, and adaptability. in surmounting such challenges, and we believe. that the experience gained through the process. will become a valuable lifelong lesson.. I also wish to congratulate your parents and. famil ies and to recognize my invaluable. colleagues, all of whom have been supporting. you along the way. Your parents’ unconditional. care and encouragement over the years have been. vital to your accomplishments, and you would. not have achieved as much without them. They. share your pride today and bring their boundless. joy to today’s celebration. Our faculty members. have instilled knowledge and values, ignited. your curiosity, and broadened your outlook. As. Address by the Dean of Engineering. Professor Tim CHENG Kwang-Ting. mentors, researchers, innovators, and leaders,. they have dedicated themselves to your learning. and to showing you how excellence is achieved.. Graduates, in this Century of Engineering,. you have numerous opportunities to make a. difference to the world. Global issues ranging. from climate change to smart cities, from. sustainable development to healthcare, all. demand engineering solutions across disciplines. and borders. Contribute to this global era not. just your skills and intelligence, but also your. judgement, analytical mind, team spirit, vision,. courage, and passion. I am confident that each of. you has the potential and capability to make an. impact on society in your own way.. Go follow your dreams. Take up the challenges.. Embrace the opportunities. Venture into the. unknown.. I hope that you will take your fruitful experiences. and the values acquired at HKUST into your. future networks and communities. I look forward. to learning about your achievements as you create. your world, built upon the solid foundation of. your HKUST engineering degree.. I would also like to say: “Keep connected with. us and with each other.” You are now part of our. 6 ADDRESS BY THE DEAN OF ENGINEERING. more than 31,000-strong global alumni network,. the largest of all Schools. We will be there to. support and empower you as you move to a new. stage of life, and we hope you too will continue. to engage with us – whether it is to spread the. word about the School, assist in job recruitment. exercises, serve as a mentor to current students,. provide encouragement, give input on courses. and fieldwork, or offer insights into the working. world. We see our alumni as an essential part of. the School of Engineering family and you will. always be welcome here.. Graduation is a time to reflect on the past and. envision the future. I hope when you look back,. you will always recall the wonderful memories of. your time here, and when you look to the future,. you will always remember HKUST as part of your. life journey.. Class of 2020 graduates, congratulations, and my. heartfelt best wishes for a fulfilling career and. life.. 7ADDRESS BY THE DEAN OF ENGINEERING. 各位嘉賓、畢業生、家長、親友及同事:. 2020年度工學院畢業同學們,我向你們致以最衷. 心的祝賀。我很高興出席今天這個意義重大的典. 禮,與大家共同慶賀努力耕耘的成果,並為你們. 即將開展人生新章及踏上未知旅途送上祝福。. 在工學院完成學位需要無比的決心和努力,這對. 於本屆畢業生來說尤其如是。新型冠狀病毒疫情. 肆虐全球,為同學的學習帶來前所未有的影響。. 學院為你們在克服困難中所展現的堅毅、抗逆力. 和適應能力而感到自豪,我們相信這些經歷都會. 成為寶貴的人生經驗。. 我也在此向你們的父母和家人表示祝賀,並感謝. 學院一群盡心盡力栽培學生的優秀同事。你們. 卓然有成,全賴你們父母多年來的無條件照料和. 鼓勵,勞苦功高;如果沒有他們的無私付出,. 你們將無法取得今天的成就。今天,他們以你們. 為傲,並帶著無限的喜悅見證和細味這個喜慶時. 刻。學院的教授不吝傳授知識和正確價值觀,. 並激發你們的好奇心、擴闊你們的視野。作為師. 友、研究人員、創新者和領導者,他們循循善. 誘,為你們展示何謂精益求精。. 工學院院長講辭. 鄭光廷教授. 畢業生們,在現今這個「工程世紀」中,你將擁. 有無數機會改變世界。從氣候變化到智慧城市、. 從可持續發展到醫療保健,這些全球性的問題都. 需要跨學科和跨地域的工程解決方案。這個全球. 化時代所需要的不僅是你們的技能和才智,還有. 你們的判斷力、分析能力、團隊合作精神、遠. 見、勇氣和熱情。我相信你們每一位都有無限的. 潛能,能夠以最適合自己的方式造福社會。. 請放膽去追夢,迎接挑戰,抓緊機遇,探索未. 知。. 我希望你們能把在科大獲得的豐富經驗和價值應. 用在未來的人際網絡和生活圈子。我亦希望科大. 工程學學位為你打下堅實的基礎,助你闖出一片. 天,成就非凡。. 請謹記與我們保持緊密聯繫,並積極與同儕互相. 溝通。你們已成為工學院31,000多名全球校友的. 一員,人數是科大所有學院之冠。在你們邁進人. 生的新階段之際,我們將繼續提供支援和指引,. 同時希望你們繼續關心和推動學院的發展—不. 論是向外推廣工學院、為學弟學妹提供工作機會. 或成為他們的師友、鼓勵他們,或對課程和實地. 考察活動提供意見、分享對工作和行業的見解,. 無任歡迎。我們視校友為工學院大家庭的重要成. 員,大門永遠為你而開。. 8 工學院院長講辭. 畢業是反思過去和展望未來的時刻。我希望當你. 回首過去之際,你會想起在科大的美好回憶;當. 你放眼未來之時,你會視科大為你人生旅程的一. 段重要歷程。. 2020年度畢業生們,恭喜,我誠摯祝願你們鵬程. 萬里、生活美滿。. 9工學院院長講辭. 10 ADDRESSES BY GRADUATE REPRESENTATIVES. Address by the Graduate Representative of the School of Engineering. Kumar SIDDHARTH Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,. I am privileged to be a student representative and. express my infinite gratitude to HKUST for the. profound memories it has given us. Huge thanks. also to our families, friends, faculty members. and staff who nurtured our potential along our. academic journeys.. While initially both nervous and excited about. beginning my PhD studies here, I quickly came to. love my life on one of the world’s most beautiful. campuses. Happily, we research students sawed. off every personal and professional challenge. academia could throw our way. That we passed. each test HKUST posed for us with flying colors. was not only due to our hard work and persistence. but also the thoughtfulness of those around us.. As I soaked up knowledge of my specialist. subjects across almost every aspect, HKUST,. the Engineering School and my department. provided me with ideal platforms to round-out my. personality and career prospects. Publishing and. presenting papers at top international conferences,. summer school in ETH Zurich, serving as a TA. coordinator and Hall Tutor were only half the. story. HKUST also opened the doorway for me to. go head-to-head with top brains in international. competitions like 3MT, which I was fortunate. enough to win and made it all the way to the. semi-finals of UQ, Australia’s Asia Pacific leg! I. also represented the university at the Hult Prize. London regionals, exploring my entrepreneurship. dimensions.. World-class research labs, amazing dining. options, the iconic Red Bird and mushroom, the. Uni’s sports grounds, a wide variety of societies. and groups – including the cricket club of which. I served as secretary, all greatly enriched my time. here. The biggest enrichments of them all were. the unforgettable friends we all made. Thank you. HKUST and congratulations to each and every. one of us as we set out on what are sure to be. extraordinary careers and lives. As Confucius. said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins. with a single step”. I am sure that the “HKUST-. step” of our journey is going to remain one of the. most significant and cherished ones.. 11畢業生代表的講辭. 各位嘉賓:. 能代表畢業同學致辭,我感到十分榮幸。我藉此. 機會除了要感激科大為我們帶來許多美好的回憶. 外,還要感謝我們的家人、朋友和大學教職員的. 悉心栽培,讓我們在求學路上把個人潛能盡情發. 揮。. 初到科大攻讀博士學位讓我心情興奮之餘亦感忐. 忑。但不用多久,我已享受在全球其中一個最. 美麗的校園展開新生活。身為研究生,我們欣然. 克服許多學業上的個人和專業挑戰;我們能夠跨. 過科大給我們的每個考驗,除了因為自己盡心盡. 力、堅持不懈,身邊人的關懷備至亦功不可沒。. 當我努力汲取各方專業知識之時,還利用科大、. 工學院和學系所提供的絕佳平台提升自我和了解. 個人事業路向。在頂級國際會議發表論文、往蘇. 黎世聯邦理工學院參加暑期課程、擔任助教和宿. 舍導師都只是芸芸例子中的好幾個,多不勝數。. 我也有機會與一流英才在國際比賽同場較技,當. 中在3MT一仗獲勝並打進UQ澳洲亞太區準決賽,實. 在幸運非常!另外,我也曾代表大學參加倫敦霍. 特獎的區域高峰會,探索個人創業路向。. 工學院畢業生代表講辭. Kumar SIDDHARTH 化學及生物分子工程博士. 世界級研究實驗室、選擇繁多的美食、科大的紅. 鳥標誌和「蘑菇」、大學運動場、形形色色的學. 會和小組—包括我擔任秘書的木球學會,一切都. 為我的科大生活錦上添花,妙不可言。然而,要. 數學業外的最大得著,莫過於與朋友建立深厚真. 摰的友誼。再次感謝香港科技大學,並祝願各位. 接下來的一段事業與人生旅程精彩非凡。孔子. 說:「千里之行,始於足下」。我深信「科大之. 行」永遠會是我們人生裡最重要和值得珍惜的其. 中一段路。. 12 ADDRESSES BY GRADUATE REPRESENTATIVES. Address by the Graduate Representative of the School of Engineering. WONG Po-Yin Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering. Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,. Thanks for joining me at what everyone in. HKUST’s extended family hopes will be a one-of-. a-kind virtual graduation ceremony.. While disappointed not to be able to see you. all in the flesh, I would like to extend my. congratulations to all the Department of Civil and. Environmental Engineering graduates taking part. in today’s joyous once-in-a-lifetime occasion.. It’s true what people say – All things are difficult. before they are easy. Perhaps that’s why so. many of my fellow classmates were able to take. academic ups and downs like disappointing. test scores, the intricacies of fluid mechanics. and capstone projects in their stride! When not. studying hard on campus, we were also blessed. to be able to meet and make lasting friends both. from campus and overseas exchanges.. What we’ve all achieved in graduating makes. whatever setbacks we may have felt along the way. seem all worthwhile. Of course none of us is here. today solely because of our own efforts. We also. owe an enormous debt of thanks to our families,. friends, professors and supporting staff.. On behalf of my fellow graduates from the. department, I’d like to extend our sincere. gratitude to every one of you who’s encouraged. us as we worked so hard to reach this landmark. in our lives.. As we prepare to bid our goodbyes to HKUST. and start pursuing our dreams as engineers, we. are sure to face the odd bumps in the road. By. remembering the lessons we have all learned here. at HKUST, we can overcome those obstacles and. bring about a better tomorrow for ourselves, Hong. Kong and the world. . Congratulations again to the Class of 2020. graduates, and I look forward to meeting you in. person again very soon.. 13畢業生代表的講辭. 工學院畢業生代表講辭. 黃寶賢 工學士 (土木工程學). 各位嘉賓:. 我衷心感謝各位能夠參與這場科大成員期待已. 久、獨一無二的網上學位頒授典禮。. 未能親身在畢業禮上聚首一堂,難免叫人失望,. 但我希望把握這一生一次的珍貴時刻,衷心恭賀. 土木及環境工程學系2020年全體畢業同學學有所. 成。. 「天下之事,先難後易」,這句話正好是科大求. 學之旅的寫照。大概就是因為懷抱如此信念,. 無論是經歷期中考試成績未如理想的失望、流體. 力學的深奧難懂、為完成壓軸專題研習而廢寢. 忘食,求學過程當中的高低起伏,大家都能正面. 看待,將挫折化為動力。在不需要埋頭苦讀的時. 候,我們有機會在校園和透過海外交流計劃廣交. 朋友,建立維繫一生的真摰友誼,感恩不已。. 來到畢業的這一刻,縱使途中遇上甚麼挫敗,但. 只要細想我們的得著,一切困難苦楚都變得舉重. 若輕,所付出的汗水都是甘之如飴;今天學業有. 成,除了有賴同學本身的努力和付出,家人、朋. 友、教授和大學職員的支持與鼓勵必不可少。. 我謹代表土木及環境工程學系各畢業生,衷心感. 謝所有曾在求學路上扶持過我們的人。沒有各位. 的支持和鼓勵,我們難以取得今天的成就。. 離校在即,大家很快便要以工程師的身份發展事. 業,為理想奮鬥。前路未必平坦,不可預知,. 但只要謹記我們在科大所學到的知識和累積的經. 驗,必能跨越重重障礙,為自己、香港、甚至世. 界塑造一個更美好的未來。. 再一次恭賀每位畢業生,祝你們都能盡展所長,. 一飛沖天。. 希望很快可以跟大家親身見面,謝謝!. 14 ADDRESSES BY GRADUATE REPRESENTATIVES. Address by the Graduate Representative of the School of Engineering. HO Wing-Yin Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering. Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,. To celebrate our graduation, I would like to share. with you a motto passed on to me by a wise. caretaker at my primary school. The first sentence. goes: “Knowledge is accumulated from diligence”.. My colourful 4 years at HKUST has taught me. to be diligent not only in my studies, but also. in all my endeavours in life. Along the way, I. was fortunate to have grasped the opportunities. HKUST offered me to shape myself into a more. sociable, professional and self-reliant individual.. HKUST also provided an atmosphere where. my classmates and I learnt to love exchanging. great ideas and thoughts for robotics contests,. hackathons and educational projects. HKUST even. broadened my horizons by arranging internships. and exchange initiatives where I began touching. bases and forming lifelong friendships with. young engineers, entrepreneurs and industrial. leaders from all over the world. Thank you, my. HKUST partners, teachers and CPEG staff, for. accompanying me at every step of my journey.. The second sentence of my caretaker’s motto. goes: “Time does not stop for youth”. If we are. to embrace our own future, we must all learn. to treasure our youth, keep our minds open and. remain resilient in the face of new ideas and. challenges. Congratulations to HKUST’s Class. of 2020! Let’s rejoice and keep the virtues of. diligence and courage in our ever-burning hearts!. 15畢業生代表的講辭. 工學院畢業生代表講辭. 何永然 工學士 (計算機工程學). 各位嘉賓:. 我希望藉着今天的畢業盛典,與大家分享我唸小. 學時由一位校工相贈的兩句座右銘。第一句是「. 學問每從勤苦得」。多采多姿的四年科大生活,. 教曉我「勤苦」不僅是求學問,更是勇闖人生征. 途的先決條件。在科大獲得的種種機遇,讓我得. 以增進社交技巧、深化專業技能,變得真正自立. 自主。. 當我和同學參加機械人比賽、駭客馬拉松和各式. 各樣的學習計劃時,科大的校園氣氛讓我們可以. 踴躍地交流心得,集思廣益。大學為學生安排的. 各類實習和交換生計劃,助我拓展國際視野,認. 識各地的年輕工程師、創業者和工業界精英,建. 立終生友誼。感謝我身邊的每位科大老師、同伴. 和計算機工程學人員,陪伴我順利地走過精彩難. 忘的四年大學旅程!. 我的第二句座右銘是「光陰不為少年留」。要掌. 握自己的人生,我們都需要珍惜青春,開放胸. 懷,以不屈不撓的心迎接每個新意念、新挑戰,. 靈活應變。恭喜每位2020年科大畢業生!在這個. 舉校同慶的日子,讓我們秉持勤奮與堅毅的精. 神,讓心中熱情永燃不滅!. 16 ADDRESSES BY GRADUATE REPRESENTATIVES. Address by the Graduate Representative of the School of Engineering. Perry Hayes LO Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science. Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,. First off, my deepest gratitude to my parents, family. members and friends without whose encouragement. and support, Engineering School’s faculty might. well have been spared my endless curiosity! My. utmost appreciation must also go to the staff and my. classmates of Computer Science and Engineering for. debugging my intellectual mainframe and getting me. here today.. While we may all have begun our journeys from. different starting points, we Class of 2020 members. all strove to meet the same deadlines, skipped the. same classes and struggled to pass the same exams!. Now, I am standing alone in front of a uniquely. virtual congregation, but I’d like to ask each and. every graduate to amaze their neighbors by raising a. loud and lusty cheer! . Is there a Cantonese person alive who hasn’t heard. their mum or dad say “I’d rather have given birth to. a piece of barbecued pork than to you!” Having been. exposed to many marvelous ideas and experiences,. we’ve each changed beyond all recognition. Having. gained so many incredible things during our time at. HKUST, we’ve also become much better people and. can finally tell our folks we’re definitely better than. all the barbecued pork in the world! . With no chance to bid proper goodbyes to our friends,. faculty, and staff, 2020’s graduation ceremony has. turned out to be a truly extraordinary affair for every. member of HKUST’s extended family. Instead of. looking back on what we could or should or might. have done differently, let’s look forward to the. future! In planning to tackle tomorrow’s challenges,. let’s start by resolving to be the best we can be!. Congratulations Class of 2020 and remember, the sky. is not the limit, it’s just the beginning!. 17畢業生代表的講辭. 工學院畢業生代表講辭. 盧柏希 工學士 (計算機科學). 各位嘉賓:. 首先,且讓我向父母、家人和朋友致以最衷心的. 謝意。沒有他們的鼓勵和支持,工學院的教授大. 概便無需為了應付我無盡的好奇心,花費大量時. 間和精力!我也要感謝計算機科學及工程學系的. 職員和同學幫助我發揮個人潛能,使我得以達到. 今天的里程碑。. 2020年畢業生的人生起點也許各異,但往後卻有. 著不少共同經歷,好像為了如期完成功課而廢寢. 忘食、一起缺課「走堂」,以及竭盡全力應付考. 試!現在,雖然只有我在這個獨一無二的虛擬畢. 業禮上站立致辭,但請每位同學都揚聲歡呼,讓. 身邊人分享我們的喜悅!. 香港的父母經常衝口而出一句口頭襌:「生嚿叉燒. 好過生你」。幸好,在我們親身接觸和實踐許多. 非凡意念和經歷後,每個人都作出了另人刮目相. 看的改變。科大的學習歲月亦使我們獲益良多、. 茁壯成長,我們終於可以挺起胸膛告訴別人,自. 己勝過世界上任何一件叉燒!. 雖然沒有機會向朋友、老師和大學人員親身道. 別,但對每位科大成員而言,2020年的畢業典禮. 的確是一種與別不同的體驗。與其回望過去,. 嘮叨著應做而沒做的事情,不如寄望將來,相信. 明天會更好!在你籌劃如何應對未來的挑戰時,. 必先抱持全力以赴、不怕艱辛的態度!再次祝賀. 各位畢業同學!請謹記,天空無邊際,凡事皆可. 能!. 18 ADDRESSES BY GRADUATE REPRESENTATIVES. Address by the Graduate Representative of the School of Engineering. LIN Yuanqiao Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic Engineering. Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,. It is truly humbling to have been chosen to deliver. a speech on behalf of my fellow 2020 Electronic. and Computer Engineering graduates. I would like. to begin by expressing our gratitude to our unsung. heroes – families and friends, and HKUST’s faculty. and staff for their years of tireless hard work.. My first impression of HKUST was amazement at the. vast range of subjects, student societies, community. engagements and research opportunities on offer.. Spoiled for choice I initially tried to do too much. before realizing how much better it was to recognize. my limitations and slow down a little. Doing so. enabled me to get more out of the moments that. really matter to me. My joining the HKUST Robotics. Team, for example, helped shape me into a better. person. It’s amazing how much clearer the misty. path ahead of you becomes once you step back for a. moment! So please, take a deep breath and join me. in focusing on life’s brighter side regardless of the. ups, downs and unprecedented challenges ourselves. and our world are facing. . . It has been a genuine joy to have shared good times. and bad with you these past four years. And it is my. great pleasure to share this very special day with you. all before we embark on a new chapter of our lives.. Congratulations Class of 2020!. 19畢業生代表的講辭. 工學院畢業生代表講辭. 林元喬 工學士(電子工程學). 各位嘉賓:. 我很榮幸能夠代表2020年度電子及計算機工程學. 系的畢業生致辭。首先,我謹代表所有畢業生向. 一眾幕後英雄包括我們的家人、朋友,香港科. 技大學的教職員致意,感謝他們多年來的辛勤付. 出!. 回想起我初次接觸科大,便被大學各式各樣的學. 科、學生團體、社會服務和研究機會深深吸引. 著。面對眾多選擇,我最初實在難以作出決定,. 結果馬不停蹄不斷嘗試,後來我才意識到放慢. 腳步的重要性,這樣反而讓我更有得著,學得更. 多。加入科大機械人競賽團隊就是一個好例子,. 有機會讓我充分地提升自我,不斷改進。有時候. 暫且稍退一步,我們才可以在迷霧中看清前路。. 現在,請大家放鬆心情,專注於生命中燦爛的一. 面,不論環境順逆、世界多變,前途總會一片光. 明。. 我很高興和大家共度了四年的高低起伏,同時有. 幸能和大家分享今日的喜悅。恭喜大家!祝大家. 前程似錦!謝謝。. 20 ADDRESSES BY GRADUATE REPRESENTATIVES. Address by the Graduate Representative of the School of Engineering. WU Chun Bachelor of Engineering in Logistics Management and Engineering. Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management. Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,. Thank you for joining what is HKUST’s first – and. hopefully last – ever online graduation ceremony!. While 2020 has been a testing year for everyone,. we fresh graduates must never forget the rigor with. which we overcame recent obstacles as we move. forward in life.. While learning to cope with life’s setbacks, I. sometimes experience flashbacks of the all-nighters. we had to pull to finish clashing deadlines and. assessments! While doubtless just the tip of the. iceberg compared to the hardships that lie ahead,. HKUST has hard-wired us with the agility and. perseverance we need to handle future difficulties. with ease. As Who Moved My Cheese author,. Spencer Johnson, wrote: “See what you’re doing. wrong, laugh at it, change and do better.”. Every other member of the Class of 2020 and I. arrived at HKUST armed with passion and curiosity.. In readying ourselves for our future journeys, the. resilience we learned here will surely enable us to. shine at every step!. I would like to end this unique day by joining my. fellow graduates in extending my sincere gratitude to. my parents and every HKUST staff member for his. or her support and care. Congratulations and best. wishes for the future to us all! . 21畢業生代表的講辭. 工學院畢業生代表講辭. 胡進 科技及管理學雙學位課程. 工學士(物流管理及工程學). 各位嘉賓:. 歡迎參與香港科技大學首次—亦希望是最後一次. 的網上畢業典禮。對諸位而言,2020年誠然是充. 滿挑戰的一年,但我深信科大畢業生都能夠以無. 比勇氣在這困境中乘風破浪。. 在學習應對人生挫折的同時,從前那些為了趕習. 作和應付考試而挑燈夜讀的日子依然記憶猶新。. 日子充實,但絕不輕鬆。與前面路上的荊棘相. 比,求學時面對的問題顯然微不足道。在科大孕. 育而來的靈敏與韌力,將幫助我們從容度過來日. 的重重難關。正如作者史賓莎˙約翰遜在《誰動. 了我的乳酪》所言:「面對以往的錯處,一笑置. 之,痛定思痛後,努力改進」。. 我與各位應屆畢業生一樣,四年前懷著熱誠與一. 顆熾熱的好奇心踏進科大。當我們為迎接未來挑. 戰而裝備自己之際,大學教曉我們能屈能伸、靈. 活應變的處事方式必然把我們引向成功之路。. 最後,謹此代表全體畢業生衷心感謝雙親和科大. 一眾教職員的支持和愛護,並祝各位同學前程錦. 繡!. 22 ADDRESSES BY GRADUATE REPRESENTATIVES. Address by the Graduate Representative of the School of Engineering. LEUNG Kai-Lok Bachelor of Engineering in Aerospace Engineering. Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,. I am so proud to have been asked to address you. on behalf of my fellow Class of 2020 graduates from. Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.. When we were first welcomed into the HKUST. family, we were truly privileged to discover so many. outlets via which to extend our social networks,. unleash our full potential and leave a lasting mark!. From learning theories in lectures and testing. hypotheses in laboratories, we moved on to creating. prototypes in workshops. We were also free to. pursue our different interests in student associations. and add fresh perspectives to our worldviews during. overseas exchanges. Most humbling of all, we were. encouraged to loan a helping hand to the needy. through community service. . The most cherished of my many HKUST memories. will always be joining the University’s Aero Team. and meeting like-minded souls who shared my. passion for designing and building radio-controlled. aircraft. Although our hopes often came crashing. painfully down to earth, we all resolved to learn from. our mistakes and improve our designs. I remember. I almost cried with pride when all our painstaking. calculations and refinements paid off and I saw our. thinking take wing and fly high for the first time!. I believe all MAE students went through the same. experiences and shared the same feelings.. We are trained to be all-rounders. Mechanics,. electronics, programming, designing, manufacturing,. and turning theories into working realities required. seamlessly integrating almost every engineering. discipline into our projects. . In closing, I would like to express my sincere gratitude. to all those who supported us – our families, fellows,. professors, and staff members.. Congratulations Class of 2020 and keep flying high!. Empowered by the knowledge and talents we’ve. honed at HKUST, our efforts and passion will ensure. we will easily see-off future challenges of every size. and shape.. 23畢業生代表的講辭. 工學院畢業生代表講辭. 梁啓樂 工學士(機械及航空航天工程). 各位嘉賓:. 非常榮幸可以代表2020年機械及航空航天工程畢. 業生致辭。. 初進科大,我對於眼前無數擴展人脈及釋放潛能. 的機遇感到興奮雀躍。我們先是在課堂上學習理. 論,繼而於實驗室驗證假設,循序漸進,在工作. 間埋首苦幹,製作原型。上課之餘,我們按著自. 己的興趣加入不同學會,把握到海外交流的機會. 增廣見聞,透過義工活動服務社會。. 四年大學時光中,要數最令我難忘的片段,就是. 在航空小組與志同道合的隊友並肩奮鬥。對航空. 的熱情,驅使我們日以繼夜地研究、設計、製作. 和駕駛各種模型飛機。經過繁複的計算、繪圖與. 組裝,再經歷數不清的故障與失敗,改良後的飛. 機終於成功翱翔天際。看着心血結晶終能一飛沖. 天的那份激動,我相信各位同學必然深有體會。. 機械及航空航天工程不光涉及齒輪與力學,更涵. 蓋電子、編程、設計、製造等範疇。因此,我們. 接受的是通才訓練,學習如何把不同領域的工程. 學知識融會貫通,將理論化為現實。. 謹此代表全體畢業生衷心感謝教授、教學助理、. 大學職員、家人、朋友、同學,以及一直在身邊. 支持我們的人。是你們的敬業與關懷,讓我們今. 天學有所成。. 恭喜各位畢業同學。我衷心祝福大家鵬程萬里、. 前程錦繡!在科大學到的知識和技能,加上努力. 和熱誠,必然可讓我們乘風破浪,跨越困難。. 24 ADDRESSES BY GRADUATE REPRESENTATIVES. Address by the Graduate Representative of the School of Engineering. Shem Ikoojo AYEGBA Master of Philosophy in Technology Leadership and Entrepreneurship. Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,. When I travelled from Nigeria, in Western Africa. to study here as an overseas student in 2018, I was. excited, yet unsure if HKUST was the right choice for. me. Happily, any doubts I had instantly evaporated. when I first met the group of amazingly talented. people I would be studying with for the next two. years. I was ultimately not only a member of a. class filled with innovative pathfinders but also a. University that has consistently championed cutting-. edge research to address global challenges such as. the COVID-19 pandemic!. As sad as we all are unable to join together. personally in celebrating the end of our studies, let. us all remember Seneca’s wise words: “Every new. beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.”. As we prepare to venture out into the world, let us. not regard today as a full stop, but as the opening. word of an even more incredible chapter! Like dots. in far-flung corners of a global map, HKUST students. are permanently connected by a determination to. make a lasting impact in whatever it is we decide. to do. Congratulations my 2020 classmates! I look. forward to meeting you all again at the top of our. chosen fields!. 25畢業生代表的講辭. 工學院畢業生代表講辭. Shem Ikoojo AYEGBA 科技領導及創業哲學碩士. 各位嘉賓:. 2018年,我從西非的尼日利亞來到這裡求學,心. 情非常興奮,但卻不肯定自己的選擇是否恰當。. 然而,當我首次和多才多藝的新同學見面,所有. 疑慮立即一掃而空!兩年過去,我不僅有幸處身. 創新人才薈萃的年級,更是一所持續開展尖端研. 究,以應對新冠肺炎等全球重大挑戰的大學成. 員。. 我們無法親身相聚慶祝大學生涯的完結,誠屬憾. 事,但請謹記塞內卡的名言:「每個新起點都是. 另一個起點的終結。」當我們整裝待發為事業奮. 鬥之際,別把今天與句號掛勾,反而將它視為人. 生新一章的開始,驚喜將會不斷出現!只要立定. 志向,科大學生都會全力以赴,力求發揮持久的. 正面影響力。這種勇往直前的決心,將永遠把我. 們聯繫一起,就像把散佈在世界地圖上的星點串. 連起來一樣。謹此祝賀2020年的畢業同學!我期. 待日後與大家在各自發展的領域勝任愉快時再次. 相聚!. 1. The Council Chairman declares the Congregation open. 2. The President addresses the Congregation. 3. The Dean of Engineering addresses the Congregation. 4. The Dean of Engineering presents candidates for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. 5. The Dean of Engineering presents candidates for the Degree of MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY. 6. The Dean of Engineering presents candidates for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE. 7. The Dean of Engineering presents candidates for the Degree of BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING. 8. The Council Chairman admits candidates to their degrees. 9. The Graduate Representative addresses the Congregation. 10. The Council Chairman declares the Congregation closed. Mace carried by Professor Dit-Yan YEUNG. ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS. SESSION 6 10:00am, November 22, 2020. SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING –. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING (PhD, MPhil, MSc, BEng). 1. 校董會主席宣佈典禮開始. 2. 校長致辭. 3. 工學院院長致辭. 4. 工學院院長宣讀哲學博士學位畢業生名單. 5. 工學院院長宣讀哲學碩士學位畢業生名單. 6. 工學院院長宣讀理學碩士學位畢業生名單. 7. 工學院院長宣讀工學士學位畢業生名單. 8. 校董會主席頒授學位予畢業生. 9. 畢業生代表致辭. 10. 校董會主席宣佈禮成. 楊瓞仁教授持大學權杖. 典 禮 程 序. 第六節. 2020年11月22日 上午10時正. 工學院 化學及生物工程學系. (哲學博士、哲學碩士、理學碩士、工學士). 28 學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. 工學院 SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING. Postgraduate Degrees 研究生學位. Doctor of Philosophy in Bioengineering 哲學博士 (生物工程學). LAU, Chi Ming Laurence 劉知明 LIU, Haixiang 刘海翔 MU, Quanhua 母全华 UNARTA, Ilona Christy WU, Long 邬 龙 ZHAO, Mingqian 赵鸣谦. Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 哲學博士 (化學工程及生物分子工程學). HOSSAIN, Md Delowar HUANG, Xiaonan 黄箫喃 JAHANMIR, Ghodsiehsadat LEE YU, Henson Lim LI, Cong 李 聪 LI, Jin 李 津 LIU, Boyang 劉博洋 LUO, Jiren 罗济人 MUSHTAQ, Faheem SIDDHARTH, Kumar SONG, Jiayu 宋佳玉 TANG, Xiaopeng 唐晓鹏 WU, Junshi 吴君石 YAO, Yao 姚 瑶 ZHANG, Qinghua 张清华 ZHU, Shangqian 朱尚乾. Master of Philosophy in Bioengineering 哲學碩士 (生物工程學). GU, Yuan 顾 渊 KANG, Lei 康 雷 KUSHIGBOR, Stanley Dickson Elinam LI, Cheuk Yin 李卓然 LI, Xiufeng 李秀豐 LUI, Ming Hong 呂明康 SIDDIQUI, Saika XU, Yifan 许亦凡. Master of Philosophy in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 哲學碩士 (化學工程及生物分子工程學). CHAN, Ho Him 陳浩謙 CHEN, Fangxuanzi 陈芳绚子 FOK, Hong Kiu Francis 霍匡喬 GALLIGAN, Patrick Ryan LIANG, Caihong 梁彩虹 MADEJ, Dominik MEI, Xuanhao 梅轩豪 PAMUDJI, Malvin Subroto PENG, Yikai 彭易凯. Master of Science in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 理學碩士 (化學工程及生物分子工程學). CHAN, Chi Ian 陳緻恩 CHEN, Zhiyuan 陈志远 DENG, Shengde 邓圣德 DONG, Jiayu 董家钰 FANG, Daojun 方道军 FANG, Shiyu 方时予 FENG, Yuchen 冯予晨 HE, Linling 何琳玲 HU, Ziyang 胡子杨 HUANG, Siying 黄思颖 HUANG, Xinyu 黄鑫彧 HUANG, Yuchun 黄钰淳 LI, Guchun 李古纯 LI, Yilin 李依霖 LI, Zheng 李 峥 LIN, Yaojin 林耀锦 LIU, Yongqin 刘泳琴 LU, Yao 陆 瑶 LU, Yufa 卢宇发 LYU, Wanqi 吕婉琪 REN, Yuan 任 元 RONG, Zhenghao 荣正浩 SARAVANAN, Devasena SHAO, Chengmin 邵呈敏 SHI, Mingcheng 施铭成 SONG, Weihao 宋苇昊 SONG, Yanan 宋雅楠 TANG, Xin 唐 鑫 TIAN, Ye 田 野 TIAN, Yibo 田一博. 29學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. TSANG, Po Yee 曾寶儀 WAN, Zixi 万子茜 WANG, Rui 王 睿 WANG, Shiying 王诗颖 WU, Ailin 吴爱琳 WU, Qihang 吴祺航 XU, Zhehao 徐哲昊 XU, Zhiwen 徐志文 YANG, Jin 杨 锦 YANG, Ziqing 杨子卿 YU, Yue 于 越 ZENG, Chen 曾 晨 ZENG, Jiayu 曾嘉瑜 ZHANG, Jiamin 张佳敏 ZHANG, Yipeng 章逸鹏 ZHAO, Yifan 赵伊凡 ZHU, Guangyu 朱光宇 ZHU, Mingjie 朱铭杰. 30 學 位 頒 授 典 禮 CONGREGATION # Academic Achievement Awards 學 業 成 就 獎 * First Class Honors 甲 等 榮 譽 ^ Graduate of Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management 科技及管理學雙學位課程畢業生. Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management 工學士 (化學工程學). 科技及管理學雙學位課程. CHAU, Wing Tuen Allyson 周穎端 #* PARK, Ye Eun * YOO, Seungbin. Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering 工學士 (化學工程學). CHAN, Hiu Wai 陳曉慧 CHEN, Longfeng 陳龍鳳 CHEUNG, Hoi Yung 張凱墉 CHOY, Wai Kin 蔡偉鍵 LAM, Chau Tat 林周達 LAU, Chun Sing 劉臻昇 LEE, Wai Lam 李慧琳 LI, Heung Ling Sylvia 李香菱 LUI, Wing Piu 呂榮標 * MANUPUTTY, Josephine Angela NG, Wai Kit 吳偉傑 NG, Yin Ling 吳燕羚 PARK, Woomin PUNG, Lok Tung 彭樂彤 SIN, Long Bun 冼朗彬 TO, Tsz Yung 杜梓勇 TSANG, Kam Wa 曾錦華 TSOU, Chia-chun 鄒家峻 WONG, Sze Na 黃思拿 YANG, Byungyeon. Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 工學士 (化學及生物分子工程學). #* ALFREDO, Christopher #* CHEN, Longfei 陈隆飞 * CHOI, Eun Seo CHOW, Suet Ling Sarah 周雪綾 CHOY, Man Hin 蔡文軒 FUNG, Man Yui Thomas 馮文銳 HO, Man Yat 何聞一 HONG, Jiye * JIN, Zhewen 金喆文 KIM, Young Tae KOT, Chun Kit 葛俊杰 KUNG, Wing Chun 龔穎臻 KWAN, Chi Shing 關智誠 * LAM, Chi Yung 林子蓉 LAM, Dick Shun Hang 林信珩 #* LEE, Dong-hun MA, Lai Kiu 馬勵喬 * PURNAMA, Vincentius Mario SHIN, Hyo Koung 申曉庚 YIU, Chun Yin 姚俊賢 ZHU, Jiaming 朱嘉明. ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS 學業成就獎. #*^ PARK, Ye Eun BEng in Chemical Engineering #* ALFREDO, Christopher BEng in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering #* CHEN, Longfei 陈隆飞 BEng in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering #* LEE, Dong-hun BEng in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Undergraduate Degrees 本科生學位. 31學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 工學士 (化學及環境工程學). CHAN, Hoi Lok 陳凱洛 CHENG, Hei Shun 鄭熙信 CHENG, Ho Yin 鄭灝然 CHEUNG, King Pok 張景博 CHEUNG, Tsz Wing 張紫泳 CHOI, Ho Man 蔡浩文 HUNG, Kin Wa 洪健樺 KEUNG, Heung Chung 姜向聰 * KI, Kei 祁 琦 KWAN, Ho Man 關皓文 KWOK, Hiu Ching 郭曉晴 LAM, Tsz Yan 林芷甄 LAM, Yuk Tsun 林淯溱 LEE, Yuet Lam 李悅霖 LEUNG, Tak Chun 梁德俊 LIN, Yuqin 林育欽 MA, King Hong 馬景康 PAU, Chun Wai 包俊偉 * POON HO, Gerald Siu Hang 潘劭恒 SEE, Yu Hin 施宇軒 SO, Chin Ngai 蘇展毅 SO, Ho Wai 蘇皓威 TSUI, Ka Lam 徐嘉琳 WONG, Pui Him 黃棓謙 WONG, Wai Lam 王蕙霖 YU, Chu Leung 余柱良 YU, Siu Hong 余兆筐. 1. The Council Chairman declares the Congregation open. 2. The President addresses the Congregation. 3. The Dean of Engineering addresses the Congregation. 4. The Dean of Engineering presents candidates for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. 5. The Dean of Engineering presents candidates for the Degree of MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY. 6. The Dean of Engineering presents candidates for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE. 7. The Dean of Engineering presents candidates for the Degree of BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING. 8. The Council Chairman admits candidates to their degrees. 9. The Graduate Representative addresses the Congregation. 10. The Council Chairman declares the Congregation closed. Mace carried by Professor Dit-Yan YEUNG. ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS. SESSION 7 11:00am, November 22, 2020. SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING –. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (PhD, MPhil, MSc, BEng). 1. 校董會主席宣佈典禮開始. 2. 校長致辭. 3. 工學院院長致辭. 4. 工學院院長宣讀哲學博士學位畢業生名單. 5. 工學院院長宣讀哲學碩士學位畢業生名單. 6. 工學院院長宣讀理學碩士學位畢業生名單. 7. 工學院院長宣讀工學士學位畢業生名單. 8. 校董會主席頒授學位予畢業生. 9. 畢業生代表致辭. 10. 校董會主席宣佈禮成. 楊瓞仁教授持大學權杖. 典 禮 程 序. 第七節. 2020年11月22日 上午11時正. 工學院 土木及環境工程學系. (哲學博士、哲學碩士、理學碩士、工學士). 34 學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. 工學院 SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING. Postgraduate Degrees 研究生學位. Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering 哲學博士 (土木工程學). BESKLUBOVA, Svetlana DAS, Avik Kumar FAN, Ruilin 樊瑞临 JIANG, Gege 蒋格格 KATÓ, Bence KE, Jintao 柯錦濤 KONG, Yong 孔 勇 LI, Lubing 李璐兵 LIANG, Weijian 梁伟健 LOONG, Cheng Ning 龍振寧 LUO, Hongyu 罗洪钰 MOHANDES, Saeed Reza OWOLABI, Titilayo Abimbola SHAKEEL, Muhammad SHI, Guanqun 石冠群 SIDDIQUI, Muhammad Ahmar SINGH, Jyoti WANG, Haojie 王昊杰 WANG, Zijian 王子鍵 WU, Baile 吳百樂 YIN, Ran 殷 冉 ZAN, Feixiang 昝飞翔 ZENG, Qian 曾 谦 ZHANG, Chaobo 张超波 ZHANG, Wei 张 玮 ZHOU, Shengyang 周胜阳 ZOUARI, Fedi. Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Engineering 哲學博士 (環境工程學). BAI, Zhaowen 白肇文 IQBAL, Asad KHAN, Musharib KUMAR, Ashutosh LIU, Jiajian 劉嘉健 LUO, Yingjian 罗鹰剑 XIANG, Yingying 向滢穎. Master of Philosophy in Civil Engineering 哲學碩士 (土木工程學). CHAU, Wai Yi 周暐誼 CONTA, Fanta HASSAN, Rakibul HUI, Xiran 惠熙然 KATKAR, Bharat Hemant LEUNG, Wing Cheong Tom 梁永昌 ONE, Eishi RATNAYAKE, Karuna Arachchige Shan D. TAWIAH, Seth Owusu TOUYON, Lisa YAN, Haochen 闫昊晨 ZHANG, Junnan 張俊楠. Master of Science in Civil Infrastructural Engineering and Management 理學碩士 (土木基建工程及管理). CHAN, Hou Cheng 陳浩程 CHAN, Lok Ping 陳樂平 CHAN, Tsz Ngai 陳子毅 CHANG, Jia Fook 張家福 CHEN, Yanyu 陈彦羽 CHEN, Ziwei 陈子威 CHENG, Ka Man 鄭嘉雯 CHENG, Sze Chun 鄭思雋 CHEONG, Ka Yi 張嘉怡 CHEUNG, Cheuk Toa 張倬滔 CHUNG, Long Yin 鍾朗然 FAN, Chuchen 范楚晨 FANG, Hongjie 方泓杰 FENG, Mingjie 冯铭杰 FENG, Qing 冯 青 FRIDAY, Nsikan FU, Jiacheng 付嘉成 GU, Siyu 顾司煜 HE, Xin 何 鑫 HUANG, Cong 黄 聪 HUANG, Li 黄 力 HUANG, Ruiqi 黄瑞祺 IEONG, Kuan Pui 楊坤培 KOK, Shane Syen Ee 郭倩豫 LAM, Ying Keung 林英強 LAU, Chu Wing 劉柱榮 LAU, Sui Hong 樓帥康 LAW, Ka Ki 羅嘉祈. 35學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. LAW, Wing Tung 羅穎彤 LEE, Hoi Fong 李凱舫 LEI, Ian Wang 李恩宏 LI, Jiachen 李嘉晨 LI, Kwan Ho 李君豪 LI, Man Hin 李文軒 LI, Tung Pui 李棟培 LI, Wu 李 伍 LIAN, Yunhao 廉耘灏 LIN, Jianlong 林健龙 LIN, Ze 林 澤 LIU, Hao 刘 濠 LIU, Jianing 刘嘉宁 LO, Lai Yee 羅麗儀 LU, Danni 陆丹妮 LU, Shengda 陆圣达 LUO, Lingfeng 罗凌锋 MOK, Siu Hong 莫筱匡 NG, See Yue 吳斯宇 NG, Siu Fan 吳小凡 NG, Tsz Ming 伍梓明 NGAN, Ka Wing 顏嘉榮 OUYANG, Lin 欧阳霖 PENG, Hongfei 彭鸿飞 QI, Shaopeng 齐少鹏 QIN, Baichuan 覃百川 QU, Chuanxiang 屈川翔 RAI, Ashif ROZWADOWSKI, Dawid SHE, Peize 佘沛泽 SHEN, Yiyu 沈漪雨 SIO, Wai Lam 蕭惠琳 SUM, Ping Hong 沈平康 SUN, Wenqin 孙文沁 TAI, Man To 戴文韬 TSE, Cheuk Ting 謝卓廷 TSUI, Long Hin 徐朗軒 TU, Cheng 屠 诚 VORAPITIRANGSRI, Chalisa 范翠然 WANG, Yukai 王昱凯 WANG, Yutian 王玉田 WONG, Cheuk Yin 黃卓賢 WONG, Chi Kit 黃智傑 WONG, Ho Ching 黃皓澄 WONG, Tsz Kin 王梓健 WONG, Vincent 黃德富 XIE, Ge 谢 戈 XIE, Yuan 解 元 YANG, Dexi 杨德熙 YANG, Yunheng 楊運恆 YIU, Chung Yin 姚宗言 YU, Hengchang 俞恒昌. YUAN, Angji 袁昂极 YUEN, Wing Ki 袁詠琪 ZENG, Xinbo 曾新博 ZHANG, Chengming 张成铭 ZHANG, Hanxiao 张含笑 ZHAO, Yuhan 赵禹寒 ZHAO, Yuntao 赵云涛 ZHOU, Haoran 周浩然 ZHOU, Yuhang 周宇航 ZHU, Li 朱 李 ZHU, Zuomin 朱祚民. Master of Science in Environmental Engineering and Management 理學碩士 (環境工程學及管理). CHAN, Chi Wong 陳志煌 CHAN, Ka Yi Karina 陳家怡 CHAN, Ki Lung 陳奇隆 CHAN, Kwai Hung 陳桂雄 CHAN, Lok Man 陳諾文 CHEUNG, Chun Kit 張俊傑 CHIN, Shuk Yee 錢淑儀 CHIU, King Yu 趙景餘 CHUNG, Tracy Tiffany 鍾翠詩 DING, Chao 丁 超 HAN, Jie 韩 杰 HAN, Lulu 韩璐璐 HO, Ka Yee 何家怡 HO, Wai Hei 何韋熹 HO, Wing Tung 何穎彤 HUANG, Yuhan 黄雨晗 IP, Tsz Ling 葉梓鈴 JOSHI, Dhruva KONG, Shuk Ni 江淑妮 KONG, Ting Fung 江庭豐 KONG, Yim Yu Stephanie 江冉予 KWAN, Jacky Cheuk-kit 關卓傑 LAI, Chung Yi 黎仲誼 LAI, Wing Yiu 黎詠瑤 LAM, Kin Hang 林鍵衡 LAM, Wing Kwan 林穎君 LEE, Ting Hsi 李庭熙 LEE, Tsz Sing 李子聲 LEUNG, Sze Ming 梁詩銘 LI, Xiangyun 李香芸 LIU, Yang 劉 阳 LIU, Yue 刘 玥 LO, Ka Wai 盧嘉威 LUI, Lai Na 雷麗娜 LUO, Zicheng 罗子成. 36 學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. MENG, Ziqiao 孟子乔 NIE, Zexu 聂泽旭 PAN, Siyu 潘思宇 POON, Cheong Nin 潘昌年 SONG, Jiafu 宋家福 SZE, Wing Yat Winson 施永逸 TANG, Chen 唐 晨 TONG, Wai Ting 唐尉庭 WAN, Tsz Lap 溫子立 WANG, Jiani 王佳妮 WANG, Jinying 王锦莹 WEN, Haojin 文浩锦 WOM, Kin Chung 汪健忠 WU, Junyang 吴俊扬 XIE, Ruini 谢睿妮 XU, Jialiang 徐嘉良 XU, Minglu 徐铭潞 YAO, Luqi 姚璐琪 YE, Yu 叶 雨 YE, Zhichao 叶志超 YEOM, Yujin YIP, Chung Nin 葉松年 YUNG, Tsz Wing 翁芷穎 ZHANG, Chenhe 张宸贺 ZHANG, Tong 张 童 ZHANG, Yichi 张亦弛 ZHANG, Zhenpu 张振浦. 37學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management 工學士 (土木工程學). 科技及管理學雙學位課程. LAI, Chi Ching 黎淽晴 SHAM, Wai Yip Cairns 岑暐曄. Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering 工學士 (土木工程學). AU YEUNG, Ho Yin Sampras 歐陽皓然 AU, Suet Ting 區雪婷 AU-YEUNG, Tsz Him 歐陽梓謙 CHAN, Cheuk Yin 陳卓彥 CHAN, Chi Kong 陳至崗 CHAN, Chue Chun 陳鑄津 CHAN, Chun Fung Summit 陳竣烽 CHAN, Chun Hin 陳俊軒 CHAN, Colin Chun Yip 陳振業 CHAN, For Wang 陳科宏 CHAN, Hau Chok 陳侯作 CHAN, Ka Man 陳嘉文 CHAN, Ka Yan 陳家銦 CHAN, Ka Yu 陳嘉汝 CHAN, Kin Hei 陳鍵熙 * CHAN, Kin Shing 陳建誠 CHAN, Kwun Hong 陳冠匡 CHAN, Lap Hang 陳立恒 CHAN, Ryan 陳懷恩 CHAN, Wai Lok 陳偉樂 CHAN, Yan Ho 陳恩浩 CHAN, Yan Yee Elim 陳恩怡 CHANG, Hin Kei 曾憲麒 CHENG, Sze Yu 鄭詩愉 CHEUNG, Chung Wing 張頌詠 CHEUNG, Hing 張 鑫 CHEUNG, Hon Kit 張漢傑 CHEUNG, Kwan Wai 張均瑋 CHEUNG, Ting Chun 張定臻 CHEUNG, Tsz Lok 張子樂 CHIU, Pik Yin 趙璧彥 CHIU, Yin Tung 招賢東 CHOI, Shing Hei 蔡承羲. CHOW, Cheuk Hang 周卓衡 CHOW, Wing Shun 周穎淳 * CHUNG, Yan Kiu 鍾因翹 DENG, Yingpeng 鄧應鵬 FAN, Wai Lam 樊瑋琳 FONG, Tsz Yan 方芷茵 FUNG, Kam Tong 馮錦棠 HO, Ka Ki 何嘉琪 * HO, King Fai 何勁暉 HO, Man Hong 何敏康 KAN, Pui Ying 簡佩瑩 KEUNG, Cheuk Hin 姜焯軒 KO, Man Kin 高文建 * KONG, Yu Hin 江宇軒 KUAN, Chin Wang Keith 關展泓 KUNG, Kiu Ching 公喬正 KWOK, Yu Kit 郭裕傑 KWOK, Yung Yi 郭詠宜 KWONG, Tsz Kin 鄺子健 LAI, Yeung Ching 賴泱澄 LAM, Chak Hong 林澤康 LAM, Chak Yan 林澤恩 LAM, Cheuk Bun 林焯斌 LAM, Cheuk Fung 林卓峯 LAM, Hoi Chun Harris 林凱進 LAM, Wing Laam 林穎嵐 LAU, Chun Nam 劉振南 LAW, Ho Hin 羅皓軒 LAW, Wai Kin 羅維健 LAW, Wai Tak 羅惟德 LEE, Cheuk Ting 李芍婷 LEE, Hou San 李昊晨 LEE, Tsz Chung 李子聰 LEE, Tsz Long 李子朗 * LEE, Zi Cong 李子聰 LEUNG, Chak Fung 梁澤豐 LEUNG, Chiu Yip 梁超業 LEUNG, Ho Yin 梁浩然 LEUNG, Jing 梁 婧 LEUNG, Sui Ying 梁穗盈 LI, Cheuk Fung 李焯烽 LI, Kin Shing Oswald 李健誠 LI, Lai Chu 李麗珠 * LIN, Yi 林 羿 LIU, Chi Kin 廖志堅. Undergraduate Degrees 本科生學位. ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS 學業成就獎. #* NG, Wing Lam 吳穎林 BEng in Civil Engineering. # Academic Achievement Awards 學 業 成 就 獎. * First Class Honors 甲 等 榮 譽. 38 學 位 頒 授 典 禮 CONGREGATION # Academic Achievement Awards 學 業 成 就 獎 * First Class Honors 甲 等 榮 譽. LIU, Hongming 劉泓銘 LIU, Tsun Ho 廖浚灝 * LIU, Yuk Lun 廖鈺璘 LO, Yuk Chi 羅鋈智 * LUO, Deren 羅德仁 * MOK, Hoi Ting 莫凱婷 MOK, Ka Yuet 莫嘉悅 NG, Lok Andrew 伍 樂 NG, Wing Ki 吳穎其 #* NG, Wing Lam 吳穎林 NG, Yat Hei 吳逸曦 * POON, Kwok Ho 潘國豪 POON, Yan Ho 潘人豪 SO, Hin Sing 蘇顯聲 SO, Wai Hin 蘇偉軒 SO, Wai Yin 蘇煒然 TAM, Ryan Lap-heng 譚立恆 TAM, Tsz Fung 譚子峰 * TANG, Tsz Chun 鄧子進 TANG, Yu Hong 鄧裕康 TONG, Cheuk Tin 唐卓天 TONG, Kin Fung 唐鍵峯 TSANG, Ling Yin 曾令賢 TSE, Pik Ling 謝碧鈴 TSO, Sing Dao 曹承道 WONG, Lok Yee Joyce 黃樂怡 WONG, Ming Fung 黃明豐 WONG, Ngo Nam Andrew 黃傲𣏵 * WONG, Po Yin 黃寶賢 WONG, Ting Nong Alvin 黃庭朗 WONG, Tsun Hang 黃浚恒 WONG, Tsz Ting 黃芷婷 WONG, Yu Ming 黃御銘 YEUNG, Cho Pan 楊佐彬 YEUNG, Ngai Ho 楊毅豪 * YIM, Ching Tat Jonathan 嚴正達 YIP, Ka Ming 葉嘉銘 YIU, Lok Tin 姚樂天 YUE, An Yee Tonia 余安怡 YUNG, Nin Hang 翁年鏗. Bachelor of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering 工學士 (土木及環境工程學). AU, Chin Ho 區展豪 CHAN, Arthur Hiu Bun 陳曉斌 CHAN, Ho Shing 陳浩丞 CHAN, Ka Ho 陳嘉豪 CHEUNG, Cheuk Lam Kathy 張卓琳 CHEUNG, Yiu Yau 張耀友 CHIU, Tze Hin 趙子軒 FAWDRY, Selina Jane FU, Chun 符 俊 KWOK, Kai Sze 郭啟詩 KWOK, Wai Pong 郭偉邦 KWONG, Shu Nam 鄺樹楠 LAI, Chi Hang 黎志桁 LAW, Po Wai 羅寶慧 LEE, Sum Yi Angel 李心怡 LEUNG, Tsz Hong 梁梓康 LEUNG, Yat Fung 梁逸鋒 * LI, Ho Chun 李浩俊 LIU, Yuebin 劉躍斌 LO, Yuk Ki 盧鈺琪 LUNG, Cheuk Wai 龍倬偉 * LUO, Guangpei 羅光沛 MA, Chen Kei 馬鎮祈 SZE, Wai Chin 施慧芊 TANG, Kwok Yin 鄧國賢 WONG, Ka Chun James 黃家俊 WONG, Kan Tak 黃勤德 WONG, Leong Sang 黃亮生 WONG, Tsz Wai 黃子威 YEUNG, Ka Ho Jonathan 楊珈灝. 1. The Council Chairman declares the Congregation open. 2. The President addresses the Congregation. 3. The Dean of Engineering addresses the Congregation. 4. The Dean of Engineering presents candidates for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. 5. The Dean of Engineering presents candidates for the Degree of MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY. 6. The Dean of Engineering presents candidates for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE. 7. The Dean of Engineering presents candidates for the Degree of BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING. 8. The Dean of Engineering presents candidates for the Degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 9. The Council Chairman admits candidates to their degrees. 10. The Graduate Representative addresses the Congregation. 11. The Council Chairman declares the Congregation closed. Mace carried by Professor Dit-Yan YEUNG. ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS. SESSION 8 12:30pm, November 22, 2020. SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING –. DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (PhD, MPhil, MSc, BEng, BSc). 1. 校董會主席宣佈典禮開始. 2. 校長致辭. 3. 工學院院長致辭. 4. 工學院院長宣讀哲學博士學位畢業生名單. 5. 工學院院長宣讀哲學碩士學位畢業生名單. 6. 工學院院長宣讀理學碩士學位畢業生名單. 7. 工學院院長宣讀工學士學位畢業生名單. 8. 工學院院長宣讀理學士學位畢業生名單. 9. 校董會主席頒授學位予畢業生. 10. 畢業生代表致辭. 11. 校董會主席宣佈禮成. 楊瓞仁教授持大學權杖. 典 禮 程 序. 第八節. 2020年11月22日 下午12時30分. 工學院 計算機科學及工程學系. (哲學博士、哲學碩士、理學碩士、工學士、理學士). 42 學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science and Engineering 哲學博士 (計算機科學及工程學). CHAN, Hiu Ting 陳曉婷 CHE, Yulin 车煜林 CHEN, Huangxun 陈煌栒 CHEN, Zhao 陳 昭 CHEN, Zhutian 陈竹天 CHENG, Ji 程 吉 DAI, Wenyuan 戴文渊 FAN, Gang 范 剛 HUANG, Chenyu 黄晨宇 KHAWAR, Farhan LAI, Zhuohang 賴卓航 LAU, Man Kit 劉文傑 LI, Lei 李 磊 LI, Zheng 李 正 LI, Zijian 李子健 LUO, Zixin 罗梓鑫 MING, Yao 明 遥 SHEN, Qiaomu 申喬木 SHI, Qingkai 時清凱 SUN, Mingfei 孫明飛 SUN, Shixuan 孙世轩 SUN, Zhida 孙智达 WANG, Pei 王 沛 WANG, Shiheng 王世衡 WEI, Lili 魏莉力 WU, Ziming 吴梓明 XIA, Meng 夏 梦 YAN, Zengqiang 闫增强 YAO, Yao 姚 遥 YUE, Xuanwu 岳轩武 ZENG, Haipeng 曾海鵬 ZHANG, Yongqi 张永祺 ZHAO, Zhenjie 趙振杰 ZHEN, Mingmin 镇明敏 ZHOU, Lei 周 磊. Master of Philosophy in Computer Science and Engineering 哲學碩士 (計算機科學及工程學). CHAN, Wai Lun 陳煒麟 CHEN, Ge 陈 戈 CHEN, Jingrong 陈镜融. DENG, Hanyu 鄧晗宇 DENG, Zhiheng 鄧至亨 FENG, Haoan 冯昊安 GAO, Shenlai 高深莱 HARA, Yuki 原有輝 JI, Tony Wai Sum 紀瑋琛 KIM, Minsam KIM, Taewook 金泰煜 KOUTSOS, Vlasios KU, Bon Kyung KWON, Young Dae 權英大 LEE, Dustin 李嘉健 LI, Yefeng 李烨锋 LI, Zhiyang 李志洋 LIU, Zhaoyu 劉釗宇 LO, Yu Ho 羅宇豪 OUYANG, Hao 欧阳豪 PAN, Haojie 潘浩杰 SIMATIS, Panagiotis TSARAS, Dimitrios WANG, Yun 王 云 WANG, Ziyu 王子宇 WEI, Tianhan 韋天瀚 WEN, Song 闻 嵩 XU, Hang 徐 航 YAN, Nuoyuan 闫诺远 YANG, Hyukryul YANG, Zhaoxiong 杨照雄 YAO, Peisen 姚培森 YU, Xinyuan 余心遠. Master of Science in Big Data Technology 理學碩士 (大數據科技). AN, Weigang 安伟纲 AU YEUNG, Sai Man 歐陽世民 BASKER, Ronisha CAI, Haorui 蔡浩锐 CAO, Ran 曹 然 CHAN, Ka Kit 陳嘉傑 CHAN, Kai Leung Ken 陳啟良 CHAN, Yik Hei Navie 陳奕希 CHEN, Chen 陈 晨 CHEN, Mo 陈 默 CHEN, Pengyao 陈鹏瑶 CHEN, Qian 陈 乾 CHEN, Qinan 陈圻楠 CHEN, Ruifeng 陈瑞锋. 工學院 SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING. Postgraduate Degrees 研究生學位. 43學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. CHEN, Wenjin 陳文錦 CHENG, Man Ho 鄭民浩 CHENG, Shuhao 程舒昊 CUI, Yaxin 崔雅馨 FAN, Jiahao 范嘉昊 GAN, Yuanlin 甘苑琳 GAO, Yuanyuan 高圆圆 GARDAS, Nuthan GU, Yimeng 谷逸梦 GU, Yu 谷 钰 GUO, Mengting 郭梦婷 HONG, Jiayong 洪嘉勇 HONG, Seoyoung HOU, An 侯 安 HU, Yifei 胡逸飞 HUANG, Mei 黄 媚 HUANG, Sikai 黄思凯 HUANG, Xin Xian 黃信嫻 HUI, Kwat Kong 許橘江 HUI, Siu Lun 許肇倫 JIN, Fenglei 金冯磊 KWAN, Wing Fai 關榮輝 KWONG, Ka Ming 鄺嘉明 LAI, Alan Yu Hsien 賴宇軒 LAI, Wendi 赖文迪 LAU, Chun Yin 劉進研 LAU, Ka Ho 劉家浩 LAU, Kwan Yuen 劉鈞元 LEE, Chi Yin 李知諺 LEI, Qinyi 雷沁怡 LEUNG, Edgar Tung-wai 梁棟為 LI, Haoyang 李昊阳 LI, Jinjie 李晋杰 LI, Mengyuan 李梦媛 LI, Yigao 李亦高 LI, Yuan 李 元 LI, Yunli 李昀莉 LI, Zongxian 李宗贤 LIN, Zhi 林 志 LING, Kai Leong 凌啓量 LIU, Ran 刘 冉 LIU, Xuantong 刘炫彤 LIU, Xueling 刘雪铃 LIU, Yunwen 刘韫文 LU, Jinjing 陆矜菁 MA, Song 马 淞 MENG, Yudong 孟禹东 MO, Haoyu 莫昊宇 NG, Chi Ping 吳子平 NGAI, Yat Shing PAN, Yuqian 潘雨茜 PANDA, Soonam Kalyan. PENG, Zirui 彭梓瑞 PHILAR, Vikram PRUEKWANGKHAO, Kasidit SAMI, Muhammad Talha SEOW, Derek Yong Way 蕭勇為 SHEN, Shaohong 沈韶泓 SONG, Huancheng 宋欢丞 SU, Ran 苏 然 TANG, Hanming 唐瀚明 TANG, Huimin 唐慧敏 TANG, Tsz Wang 鄧子宏 WANG, Changmin 王长敏 WANG, Haomao 王浩茂 WANG, Meiting 王美婷 WANG, Qijun 王奇军 WANG, Xueying 王雪穎 WANG, Yuxiang 王钰香 WANG, Zhili 王智丽 WANG, Ziwen 王子文 WEI, Shuqing 魏姝晴 WEN, Huiyang 温晖阳 WONG, Chun Hin 黃俊軒 WONG, Lok Wai 黃洛慧 WU, Zhiwei 邬志伟 WU, Zhiwen 吴志文 XIANG, Xuzhen 项徐贞 XIE, Aoke 谢奥科 XIE, Weiyan 谢伟雁 XU, Wenjie 徐文杰 XU, Xiaohan 徐晓涵 YAN, Jianling 严剑灵 YANG, Rongfeng 杨荣锋 YANG, Yuxia 杨与瑕 YANG, Zhuokun 杨卓琨 YE, Guangxian 叶广贤 YE, Junqi 叶俊棋 YEUNG, Tsun Hung Jacky 楊俊洪 YIN, Dongxin 尹冬欣 YU, Ziyang 余子扬 YUAN, Chenge 苑晨歌 ZENG, Cheng 曾 程 ZHANG, Danping 张丹萍 ZHANG, Guannan 张冠男 ZHANG, Mengyao 章梦瑶 ZHANG, Xueyan 张雪岩 ZHANG, Zihan 张子涵 ZHAO, Hanrong 赵瀚榕 ZHAO, Kanghui 赵康辉 ZHAO, Wei 赵 伟 ZHAO, Yingxiu 赵英秀 ZHOU, Hanwen 周瀚文 ZHOU, Wen 周 雯. 44 學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. Master of Science in Information Technology 理學碩士 (資訊科技). CAI, Zirui 蔡子瑞 CHAN, Tsz Chun Jacky 陳梓晉 CHEN, Chang 陈 畅 CHEN, Geng 陈 耕 CHEN, Xuanang 陈轩昂 CHOI, Tsz Fung 蔡子豐 CHOW, Hau Choi 周厚財 CHOY, Cheuk Piu Richard 蔡卓標 DENG, Weijie 邓伟杰 DENG, Zhipeng 邓志鹏 DENG, Zijie 邓梓杰 DONG, Guanfang 董冠方 DU, Yue 杜 悦 FENG, Qingduo 冯清铎 FU, Qisong 付琪淞 FU, Wentao 傅文涛 GAO, Meng 高 萌 GENG, Yibin 耿毅斌 GUO, Yifei 郭一菲 HAO, Jinxi 郝瑾熙 HUANG, Chenfei 黄晨菲 HUANG, Dafeng 黄大风 HUANG, Ruolin 黄若林 HUO, Jialu 霍佳璐 JI, Lingqiao 季凌巧 JING, Yankun 景衍琨 LAM, Chun Hei 林鎮希 LAU, Ming Yan 劉銘恩 LAU, Wai Kit 劉煒傑 LI, Chengjia 李成嘉 LI, Jun 李 珺 LI, Shuqi 黎姝祺 LI, Sijun 李思骏 LI, Zelin 李泽霖 LI, Zhihao 李志昊 LIANG, Chaohui 梁朝晖 LIN, Anqi 林安琪 LIN, Jialiang 林家梁 LIN, Jiarui 林佳睿 LIN, Zhouwei 林周伟 LIU, Guanzhou 刘冠洲 LIU, Mengzhen 刘梦真 LIU, Mingkai 刘铭凯 LIU, Xianghua 刘向华 LIU, Zhaosong 刘兆松 LUO, Liuyue 罗鎏玥 LYU, Siqi 吕思奇 MEI, Yingjie 梅英杰 PENG, Yanjing 彭彦景. QIN, Yueming 覃月明 REN, Yi 任 毅 SHANG, Linzi 商琳梓 SHEN, Xiaoyu 申小宇 SHEN, Zhengtao 沈铮涛 SHENG, Nan 盛 男 SHI, Xiaodi 史枭迪 SHIN, Yumi SONG, Xi 宋 玺 SUN, Desong 孙德松 SUN, Jingran 孙靖然 SUN, Wenjia 孙文佳 TONG, Wai Hung 唐偉鴻 WANG, Shiyuan 王诗元 WANG, Yuanfei 王元斐 WANG, Yuliang 王予亮 WANG, Zhongyi 王仲逸 WANG, Ziyi 王子弈 WEI, Yemin 魏烨敏 WEN, Ziyi 文子屹 WU, Jiahui 伍嘉辉 WU, Xiaoyun 吴晓芸 XIA, Meng 夏 濛 XIE, Minyang 谢旻阳 XIN, Haoran 辛浩然 XU, Meng 徐 梦 XU, Peixuan 徐佩璇 XU, Tongyuzhi 许同予之 XU, Xiumei 许修梅 XUE, Yuting 薛雨婷 YAN, Yumeng 严雨朦 YAN, Ziyi 晏子怡 YANG, Wenjin 杨文晋 YANG, Xin 杨 鑫 YAU, Yuk 邱 昱 ZENG, Bingjie 曾冰洁 ZENG, Xiangbin 曾翔斌 ZHANG, Chaoqi 张超启 ZHANG, Jingning 张静凝 ZHANG, Xinyun 张芯韵 ZHANG, Ying 张 颖 ZHAO, Chengxiang 趙成祥 ZHENG, Qingyuan 郑清源 ZHONG, Shuhan 钟书涵 ZHOU, Wenyu 周雯钰. 45學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS 學業成就獎. #*^ CHENG, Ka Leong 鄭嘉亮 BEng in Computer Science #*^ SAN JUAN, Justin David Quitalig BEng in Computer Science #* CHEN, Qixu 陈其勖 BEng in Computer Science #* KHANG, Minsoo BEng in Computer Science #* LI, Xiang 李 想 BEng in Computer Science #* LU, Xiuyuan 路修远 BEng in Computer Science #* SENTHIL, Guru Sarjith BEng in Computer Science #* WANG, Yili 王以立 BEng in Computer Science #* YU, Jiuzhi 于久智 BEng in Computer Science #* ZHAO, Xinran 赵欣然 BEng in Computer Science #* CHANG, Yingshan 常影杉 BSc in Computer Science, and an additional Major in Mathematics #* CHENG, Xiaohe 程小禾 BSc in Computer Science, and an additional Major in Mathematics #* LI, Xuanyi 李暄漪 BSc in Computer Science, and an additional Major in Mathematics #* LI, Zhiyuan 李知远 BSc in Computer Science, and an additional Major in Mathematics #* PAN, Linfei 潘林菲 BSc in Computer Science, and an additional Major in Mathematics #* TSE, Ho Nam 謝浩楠 BSc in Computer Science, and an additional Major in Mathematics #* XIE, Yiqing 谢漪清 BSc in Computer Science, and an additional Major in Mathematics #* ZHANG, Lin 张 林 BSc in Computer Science, and an additional Major in Mathematics. Undergraduate Degrees 本科生學位. Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management 工學士 (計算機科學). 科技及管理學雙學位課程. * BAI, Jiaxin 白佳欣 * CHAN, Ki Leong 陳其亮 * CHAN, Pok Wah 陳博華 * CHAN, Yan Yi 陳欣怡 * CHANG, Hsin-wen 張馨文 #* CHENG, Ka Leong 鄭嘉亮 * HASSAN, Mohibul HUANG, Ruibin 黄瑞彬 * KONG, Samuel Whole Dux 江浩德 KOSASIH, Angelica * LEE, Ka Ho 李嘉豪 * LIN, Shuya 林舒雅 * ROHATGI, Tanay #* SAN JUAN, Justin David Quitalig. * WONG, Siu Kit 王少傑 * WUU, Cheng-hsin 伍成心. Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science, and an additional Major in Mathematics 工學士 (計算機科學) 及數學主修. * NG, Tik Sang 吳廸生 * WONG, Yuk Chun 王煜駿 XIA, Zihan 夏子涵. Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science 工學士 (計算機科學). CHAN, Chi Wa 陳志華 CHAN, Chui Hang 陳翠恆 CHAN, Ho Yin 陳浩延 * CHAN, Ka Hei Philson 陳家熹 * CHAN, Ka Wai 陳嘉慧. # Academic Achievement Awards 學 業 成 就 獎. * First Class Honors 甲 等 榮 譽 ^ Graduate of Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management 科技及管理學雙學位課程畢業生. 46 學 位 頒 授 典 禮 CONGREGATION # Academic Achievement Awards 學 業 成 就 獎 * First Class Honors 甲 等 榮 譽. CHAN, Kwan Yin 陳鈞賢 CHAN, Kwong Chung Joshua 陳光宗 CHAN, Lok Sang Eric 陳樂生 CHAN, Man Ling 陳汶鈴 CHAN, Tin Hang 陳天恆 CHAN, Tsz Kin 陳咫鍵 CHAN, Wing Yu 陳永譽 * CHAN, Yi De Edith 陳懿德 * CHEN, Liang-yu 陳亮宇 CHEN, Lizhu 陈丽竹 #* CHEN, Qixu 陈其勖 CHENG, Chi Fung 鄭智楓 CHENG, Ho Yin 鄭浩然 CHENG, Ka Chuen 鄭嘉銓 CHENG, Siu Fung 鄭肇鋒 * CHENG, Tim Ta-ying CHEUNG, Chi Shing 張智成 * CHEUNG, Daniel 張志榮 CHEUNG, Kwan Yeung Ernest 張鈞陽 CHEUNG, Ling Chung 張令聰 CHEUNG, Tsz Kwan 張子君 CHEUNG, Wai Hong 張慧康 CHIU, Ka Wa 趙嘉鏵 CHOI, Tin Lai 蔡天禮 CHONG, Li Yen 莊立元 CHOW, Nok Hang Enoch 周諾恒 * CHU, Cheuk Kiu 朱卓翹 CHU, Long Wai 朱朗維 * CHUN, Hiu Sang 秦曉生 CHUNG, King Tung 鍾景筒 * FAN, Ziqian 樊子谦 * FANG, Juanru 方涓茹 FENG, Junshu 馮隽書 FENG, Yuqiang 馮裕强 FOK, Chun Yin 霍進賢 FUNG, Chun Yu 馮雋裕 FUNG, Hing Lun 馮慶麟 FUNG, King Fai 馮景暉 * GANESH, Vaishnavi HAN, Xu 韩 旭 HEUNG, Shui Leung 香萃俍 HO, Siu Fan 何少芬 HO, Tsz Kiu 何芷蕎 HO, Wai Kin 何瑋健 * HUANG, Xuhua 黄旭华 HUANG, Yi-cheng 黃奕誠 HUNG, Chun Man 熊俊文 HUNG, Tsz Moon Mavis 洪芷滿 JIANG, Bohan 蒋博涵 JIANG, Haoran 姜浩然 JUNG, Sang Yeop * JUNG, Won Young. #* KHANG, Minsoo KIM, Hyunho KIM, Minkyung KIM, Taewoo KO, Sun David 高 汛 KOH, Ting Kang 許庭慷 KONG, Wing Kwan 江永錕 * KRISHANDI, Hans KUNG, Wing Chun 龔榮進 * KUO, Tzu-yang 郭子揚 LAI, Ho Long 黎昊朗 LAI, Ho Man 黎浩文 LAM, Alexander 林爾樂 * LAM, Ho Shan 林浩珊 LAM, Ka Chun 林家進 LAM, Ka Ho 林嘉豪 LAM, Ping Yeung 林平洋 LAM, Tsz Kwan 林梓鈞 LAM, Wing Fai James 林詠暉 LAM, Yiu Tung 林耀東 LAM, Yun Tin 林潤鈿 LAU, Cheuk Yin 劉卓賢 LAU, Tung Lung 劉東龍 * LEE, Kai Sing 李啟陞 LEE, Shuk Kwan 李淑筠 * LEE, Wai Lam 李慧琳 LEE, Yuen Nam 李沅藍 * LEE, Yuk Shan 李玉珊 * LEUNG, Chi Ming 梁志明 LEUNG, Chun Hei 梁雋晞 LEUNG, Chun Ting 梁俊庭 LEUNG, Ho Kong 梁浩江 * LEUNG, Lai Yung 梁賴勇 LI, Wing Yee 李穎儀 #* LI, Xiang 李 想 * LIN, Chuan-en 林傳恩 LIN, Xufeng 林栩鋒 LIN, Yihe 林易和 LIU, Shuxian 刘淑娴 LIU, Wing Bond 廖穎邦 LIU, Xuyang 刘旭阳 LO, Jen Ting 羅仁廷 LO, Perry Hayes 盧柏希 * LU, Chenbo 陆辰博 #* LU, Xiuyuan 路修远 MAK, Chun Kit 麥俊杰 MALL, Abhisheak MOK, Chun Bong 莫俊邦 NG, Chi Chung 吳智聰 NG, Chi Him 吳智謙 NG, Ki Kan 伍麒瑾 NG, Wai Yu 吳威裕. 47學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. OR, Ka Long 柯嘉朗 * PANG, Hong Wing 彭康穎 PARK, Jin Young * PARK, Sejin PENG, Zhixuan 彭志宣 PRATAMA, Kevin #* SENTHIL, Guru Sarjith SHIU, Ying Shek 邵英碩 SUEN, Tsz Wing 孫紫榮 * SUSANTO, Adrian Prawira * TAI, Ching Tai 戴稱帝 * TAN, Ke Yi TANG, Au Wa 鄧歐華 TO, Sin Lam 陶善琳 TO, Wai Kit 杜偉杰 TSANG, Ho Ying 曾可盈 * TSANG, Siu Long 曾兆朗 TSE, Sze Sze 謝思思 TSE, Wai Chun 謝偉俊 TSUI, Wai Lun 徐偉麟 VALLAPURAM, Anish Krishna WAN, Ka Hung 尹嘉洪 WANG, Tiantian 王天天 #* WANG, Yili 王以立 * WONG, Chak Long 黃澤朗 WONG, Chi Leung 黃智樑 WONG, Chiu Yu 黃昭渝 WONG, Daisy Chui Sin 黃翠茜 WONG, Hiu Nam 黃曉南 WONG, Ka Shek 黃嘉碩 * WONG, Ka Yiu 黃嘉瑶 WONG, Kit Ming 黃杰明 WONG, Man Long Anson 黃文朗 WONG, Man Yung 黃汶榕 WONG, Wai Kwan 王煒鈞 WONG, Wai Lun 黄偉倫 WU, Tan Tania 吳 丹 * XU, Muyu 徐牧宇 * YAN, Chiu Wai 甄釗煒 YAN, Kuen Chiu 甄權照 * YANG, Hsuan-ru 楊炫儒 YAU, Chin Fai 邱展輝 YAU, Ka Chun 邱嘉俊 YAU, Kwun Pang 邱觀鵬 YEUNG, Chak Ho 楊澤豪 #* YU, Jiuzhi 于久智 YU, Lok Hin 余樂軒 YUEN, Hin Ching 阮軒澄 * ZHA, Dongkai 闸东恺 ZHANG, Jiaxuan 张家轩 ZHANG, Luoshu 张洛书 * ZHANG, Xinyu 张馨予. ZHAO, Luo Chen 趙洛晨 #* ZHAO, Xinran 赵欣然 * ZHOU, Yeju 周业举. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, and additional Majors in Mathematics, and in Electronic Engineering 理學士 (計算機科學) 及數學及電子工程學主修. * CHEN, Yau Pun 陳澤江. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, and in Quantitative Social Analysis 理學士 (計算機科學及定量社會數據分析). * ZHANG, Mengdi 张梦迪. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, and in Risk Management and Business Intelligence 理學士 (計算機科學及風險管理及商業智能學). * HOU, Kaijun 侯恺俊. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, and an additional Major in Mathematics 理學士 (計算機科學) 及數學主修. AU, Chin Wai 區展煒 #* CHANG, Yingshan 常影杉 #* CHENG, Xiaohe 程小禾 FENG, Zihan 冯子涵 * HUANG, Zijian 黄资鉴 * KANG, Yanming 康晏铭 * LI, Haoran 李浩然 #* LI, Xuanyi 李暄漪 #* LI, Zhiyuan 李知远 * MENG, Zihan 孟子涵 #* PAN, Linfei 潘林菲 * SUGIMOTO, Ryusuke 杉本隆介 #* TSE, Ho Nam 謝浩楠 * WANG, Haoqi 王皓琦 #* XIE, Yiqing 谢漪清 * XU, Jiarui 徐嘉瑞 YEUNG, Yu Ching 楊裕程 #* ZHANG, Lin 张 林 * ZHANG, Yi 张 艺 * ZHANG, Ziyan 张子嫣 * ZHAO, Ziqi 赵梓淇. 1. The Council Chairman declares the Congregation open. 2. The President addresses the Congregation. 3. The Dean of Engineering addresses the Congregation. 4. The Dean of Engineering presents candidates for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. 5. The Dean of Engineering presents candidates for the Degree of MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY. 6. The Dean of Engineering presents candidates for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE. 7. The Dean of Engineering presents candidates for the Degree of BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING. 8. The Council Chairman admits candidates to their degrees. 9. The Graduate Representatives address the Congregation. 10. The Council Chairman declares the Congregation closed. Mace carried by Professor Dit-Yan YEUNG. ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS. SESSION 9 2:00pm, November 22, 2020. SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING –. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONIC AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING (PhD, MPhil, MSc, BEng). 1. 校董會主席宣佈典禮開始. 2. 校長致辭. 3. 工學院院長致辭. 4. 工學院院長宣讀哲學博士學位畢業生名單. 5. 工學院院長宣讀哲學碩士學位畢業生名單. 6. 工學院院長宣讀理學碩士學位畢業生名單. 7. 工學院院長宣讀工學士學位畢業生名單. 8. 校董會主席頒授學位予畢業生. 9. 畢業生代表致辭. 10. 校董會主席宣佈禮成. 楊瓞仁教授持大學權杖. 典 禮 程 序. 第九節. 2020年11月22日 下午2時正. 工學院 電子及計算機工程學系. (哲學博士、哲學碩士、理學碩士、工學士). 50 學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. 工學院 SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING. Postgraduate Degrees 研究生學位. Doctor of Philosophy in Electronic and Computer Engineering 哲學博士 (電子及計算機工程學). CHEN, Zhaokang 陈肇康 DENG, Sunbin 邓孙斌 DING, Wenchao 丁文超 DING, Yixiao 丁祎晓 DUAN, Mingzheng 段明正 GE, Xinyuan 葛新渊 HAN, Lei 韩 磊 HE, Jiabei 何嘉蓓 HE, Wenjian 何文剑 JIANG, Bingwei 江昺偉 KALANTARIMAHMOUDABADI, Milad KUSE, Manohar Prakash LI, Peiliang 栗培梁 LIAN, Lixiang 廉黎祥 LIN, Zhe 林 哲 LIU, Junyan 刘君妍 LU, Yasu 陆亚苏 MA, Zichao 马子超 MENG, Cuiling 蒙翠玲 MO, Yanfang 莫焱芳 NI, Yuqing 倪雨青 PI, Jimin 皮積敏 SOHAIL, Muhammad Saqib WANG, Dan 王 丹 WANG, Haofei 王昊飛 WANG, Kaixuan 王凯旋 WANG, Qianwen 汪倩雯 WANG, Wenjie 王文杰 WU, Yiqun 吳軼群 WU, Yuchi 武宇馳 XIA, Chenyang 夏辰暘 XIAO, Ying 肖 穎 XU, Lan 许 岚 YAO, Zhanshi 姚湛史 YUAN, Weihao 原玮浩 YUAN, Xiaoyun 袁肖赟 ZHANG, Daquan 张大全 ZHANG, Ge 张 戈 ZHANG, Xu 仉 旭 ZHAO, Jieru 赵杰茹 ZHU, Qingpeng 朱庆鹏 ZHU, Si 朱 偲 ZHU, Zuomin 朱佐民. Master of Philosophy in Electronic and Computer Engineering 哲學碩士 (電子及計算機工程學). CHENG, Chun Hin 鄭俊軒 ESTRADA, Cristine Jin Delos Santos HAN, Luxin 韩路新 HAN, Wei 韩 炜 JIANG, Jingbo 蔣靖波 KIM, Chung Hee 金中喜 KWAN, Ching Chi 關靜芝 LEI, Yu 雷 宇 LIU, Lina 刘丽娜 LUO, Di 罗 頔 LUO, Ziyun 罗子云 MORALES NAVARRETE, Pablo SANTOS, Jehiel Deapera SHE, Yechao 佘烨超 SHIN, Jamin 申載敏 SOOD, Pranay TSANG, Kam Fai Elvis 曾錦輝 WANG, Can 王 灿 WU, Xuan 吴 璇 XIAO, Chao 肖 超 XIE, Wei 谢 炜 XU, Sen 许 森 YANG, Hongyu 杨鸿钰 YE, Wenhao 叶文豪. Master of Science in Electronic Engineering 理學碩士 (電子工程學). CAI, Chen 蔡 晨 CAI, Ruiqing 蔡瑞清 CHAN, Che Hin Ricky 陳子軒 CHAUDHARI, Prajakta Mangeshrao CHEN, Dawei 陈大为 CHEN, Jingyan 陳婧妍 CHEN, Zhiwei 陈志炜 CHEN, Zhiyan 陈祉延 CHEN, Ziluo 陈子跞 CHENG, Yuanshu 程元舒 CHEUNG, Yuchung 張羽聰 CHUNG, Fung Siu Frankie 鍾豐兆 CHUNG, Ki Hang 鍾其亨 CUI, Hengchun 崔恒春 DIAO, Zhaobin 刁兆斌 DONG, Chuntong 董春彤. 51學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. FAN, Hanwei 樊瀚伟 FANG, Mingrui 方明锐 FENG, Xinyi 冯馨颐 FU, Mingwei 付名玮 GENG, Ruoyu 耿若予 HAO, Yibin 郝一斌 HE, Xi 贺 茜 HOU, Zhengbang 侯正邦 JIANG, Yujie 江钰杰 JIANG, Zihan 蒋子涵 KE, Zihan 柯子涵 KUANG, Guoli 邝国立 LAN, Yu 兰 予 LEE, Sing Yu 李星儒 LI, Hao 黎 昊 LI, Rongrui 李荣睿 LI, Shuchen 厉姝辰 LIN, Yu 林 煜 LIN, Yujun 林昱均 LIU, Jacky 劉文傑 LIU, Peiyi 刘沛毅 LIU, Yuchao 刘宇超 LIU, Yuwei 刘昱炜 PANGMA, Ashesh QI, Rui 祁 瑞 SHI, Xu 施 旭 TANG, Huiyi 唐汇熠 WANG, Danyang 王丹阳 WANG, Tianli 王天立 WANG, Xiuzhu 王修竹 WANG, Yufan 王宇凡 WANG, Zetong 王泽曈 WANG, Ziyi 王子屹 WEI, Qi 韦 琦 WU, Minsheng 吴敏生 WU, Zhenhao 吴真皓 YANG, Haowen 杨昊文 YANG, Xiao 杨 枭 YU, Ruihao 余睿豪 YU, Yue 于 越 YUAN, Zixun 苑子逊 ZHANG, Boning 张博宁 ZHANG, Chen 张 辰 ZHANG, Jiameng 张家萌 ZHANG, Jiarui 张家瑞 ZHOU, Shengpeng 周圣朋 ZHU, Beibei 朱蓓蓓 ZHU, Jiangnan 朱江南. Master of Science in IC Design Engineering 理學碩士 (集成電路設計工程). ALI, Hassan BAO, Heng 包 恒 CHEN, Junyu 陈俊宇 CHEN, Xiao Chen 陈啸宸 CHEN, Ziyang 陈子洋 CHU, Tsz Wai Victor 朱梓維 DING, Yayi 丁雅儀 GAO, Songyan 高淞彦 GUEVARA, Jose Maria Segarra GUO, Hanlin 郭瀚林 HE, Hongwei 何泓威 HE, Zhongtian 贺中天 HONG, Yuan 洪 源 HUANG, Huahao 黄华浩 HUANG, Xin 黄 鑫 LI, Chuanbo 李传博 LI, Dikang 黎迪康 LI, Huang 李 皇 LI, Jiayang 黎嘉阳 LI, Penghan 李蓬晗 LIU, Chengrui 刘程睿 LU, Yu 卢 昱 MA, Zongyu 马宗宇 MI, Zhijian 米之謇 PENG, Duqing 彭独清 QIAN, Kun 钱 琨 SAI, Saing Kham SHEN, Shihao 申世豪 SIU, Haman 蕭瀚文 SONG, Jiatong 宋家桐 SU, Zirui 苏子瑞 TANG, Binsong 唐彬凇 TANG, Zhanying 唐展盈 TAO, Yuxin 陶玉鑫 WANG, Siji 王思霁 WANG, Wenchao 王文超 WANG, Xinyu 王新宇 WEN, Huilin 文荟麟 WEN, Jinghao 温经昊 WU, Dong 吴 东 YAN, Dong 严 冬 YANG, Boxiong 杨博雄 YANG, Hanqi 杨翰琪 YE, Yuxi 叶喻希 ZHANG, Liwen 张立文 ZHANG, Minhua 张敏华 ZHANG, Zezhou 张泽周 ZHAO, Hongzhi 赵宏志 ZHU, He 祝 贺. 52 學位頒授典禮 CONGREGATION. Master of Science in Telecommunications 理學碩士 (電信學). CHEN, Ao 陈 傲 CHEN, Jinsong 陈锦松 CHU, Lenong 储乐农 DENG, Yaoyu 邓垚宇 DONG, Qiuyue 董秋悦 DONG, Yanjun 董妍君 GAN, Zedong 干则东 GAO, Pinlong 高品隆 GUO, Ming 郭 明 GUO, Xinzan 郭欣瓒 HE, Zhanhong 何展宏 HOU, Yujiang 侯禹江 HU, Beining 胡贝宁 HU, Dongxu 胡东旭 HUAMAN MONTES, Kevin Eder HUANG, Jingjia 黄景佳 HUANG, Yuhan 黄宇涵 HUANG, Zhenyu 黄震宇 JIANG, Tingyu 蒋婷玉 JIANG, Yuan 江 源 KUMAR, Amit LEUNG, Man Po 梁文寶 LI, Chengyang 李铖阳 LI, Jiahao 李嘉豪 LI, Junxin 李君心 LI, Yan 李 彦 LIAO, Yu-cheng 廖昱程 LIU, Jianqiao 刘建桥 LYU, Shuixin 吕水昕 NANDAN, Yashaswi QIAO, Shiyuan 乔世源 QUAN, Jia 全 佳 SONG, Shikun 宋诗昆 SONG, Yujia 宋宇佳 SUN, Jiasen 孙家森 SUN, Yuyang 孙宇洋 TANG, Ying 唐 颖 WANG, Kailin 王凯琳 WANG, Rong 王 榕 WANG, Yunyuan 王韵媛 WANG



(J) 川叫林同坡教授 哲學博士 (4) 施 哲學博士 (5) 魏 凌 雲~敏 教教 授授 哲學博士 叫揚起植副教授 哲學博士 的張澤仁副教授 哲學博士

▓施景文老師(醫學科技學院) 現職:癌症生物學與藥物研發博士學位學程助理教授


研究生課程簡介及有關入學要求 化學工程學系設有理學碩士、哲學碩士及哲學博士研究生課程。 理學碩士課程以修課為主,學生需修滿

of Ulster 護理哲學博士 護理研究、護理理論、 精神科護理、自殺護理 許玫琪 教授 澳洲 護理哲學博士 Griffith University 精 神 科 護 理 、 老 人 護


