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第壹部分:選擇題 (佔64分)一、語法選擇


Academic year: 2021

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國立台東高級中學 100 學年度第二學期 第二次期中考 英文科試卷 卷別:A 適用班級:201, 202, 205, 206, 209 畫答案卡:■是□否

第壹部分:選擇題 (佔 64 分)

一、語法選擇 ( 10% ) 10Qs

1. Glaciers have been shrinking across the globe, _____ a few exceptions.

(A) by (B) only (C) but (D) with

2. These spectacular, dreamlike images may just be still pictures, but _____ tells a story of compassion, humor, integrity and the strength of our ancestors.

(A) which (B) each (C) every (D) it

3. Maximus was very nervous on stage. Hardly _____ his lines.

(A) he remembered (B) could he remember (C) remembering (D) to remember 4. Gregory was disappointed when he learned that he was not accepted _______ the

music school.

(A) at (B) in (C) to (D) with

5. I simply cannot imagine _____ it feels to be struck by lightning.

(A) What (B) how (C) that (D) whether

6. _____ gossip of celebrities that has promoted the sales of this quarterly journal.

(A) That is (B) It is (C) They are (D) What is

7. Hundreds of village people _____ since the mudslides came.

(A) were trapped (B) have trapped

(C) are trapped (D) have been trapped

8. I _____ that Christopher is lying.

(A) convince you (B) am convinced (C) am convincing (D) convince

9. He said that he would quit his current job and _____ he would go back to college for further study.

(A) X (B) which (C) that (D) what 10. The mayor denied _____ bribery from the contractors.

(A) to take (B) that took (C) taken (D) taking 二、篇章結構 ( 10% ) 5Qs

Did you ever hear an English expression and wonder, "Where did that come from?"

_____11_____ Well, here are a few listed below.

A mother might describe a teen's room as being a shambles, meaning big mess. In Britain, the Shambles was a street containing butcher shops and markets. _____12_____ So the name came to mean an undesirable mess.

When you’re out in the boondocks, you’re far away from civilization. Boondock comes from the Tagalog word bundok, which means mountain. In the Philippines, the mountains are in the middle of nowhere, far away from the large cities on the coast. _____13_____ At that time, American soldiers began to serve in the Philippines.

When you are left holding the bag, you have been left with the responsibility or given the blame for something. _____14_____ But they go home and abandon you, and you are left holding the bag. This expression came from criminals who were about to get arrested.

They would give their bag of loot to one member of the group while the rest of them made a run for it. The one left holding the bag was caught and blamed for the crime.

Hungry kids make a beeline for snacks! _____15_____ The origin of this phrase came from nature and the behavior of bees. When a bee is out hunting for nectar and finds it, it


returns to the hive. It then performs an extraordinary dance to tell the other bees the location of the nectar. Then the other bees can fly directly to the source of the nectar.

(A) By the end of the day, leftovers of the messy meat trade littered the street.

(B) Maybe your friends offered to help you clean up after a party.

(C) The phrase first came into the English language around the turn of the 20th century.

(D) The phrase means to go swiftly and directly toward something.

(E) The stories behind some words and phrases are as interesting as the phrases themselves.


Nick is a famous movie star. Since his film debut, almost every movie he has __16__ in has achieved blockbuster status. In fact, he was the youngest actor ever to make a billion dollars. __17__ his success as a popular movie star now, never did Nick do well in high school. __18__ subject passed, he was thought of as a student with low achievement in academic performance. But a school's production of a drama helped him discover his talent for acting. Without thinking seriously about the consequences, he went to try out for the lead, and was surprised that he beat his competitors and got the role. Even more surprising was __19__ the audience admired his performance and rewarded him with wholehearted applause. __20__ the applause rang in his ears, he decided to pursue acting as his future career.

16.(A) played

(B) brought (C) created (D) starred

17.(A) Until (B) Though

(C) Despite (D) With

18.(A) With few

(B) Without a single (C) Not all (D) When only one

19.(A) that

(B) what (C) when (D) where

20.(A) Because (B) As

(C) Since (D) Though

Quite a common sight in the central part of the U.S., tornadoes are whirlwinds __21__

the potential to spin as fast as 300 miles per hour. Despite their destructive power, __22__

tornadoes turn out to be killer storms. Many may just sweep by, __23__ everything amazingly undamaged. As a matter of fact, there have been endless stories of such

strange phenomena. More puzzling is the storm's changeable nature. Scientists learned a great deal about tornadoes, but still not enough to forecast the path of a tornado, which will not move in a straight line, but is __24__ to turn quickly instead. __25__ may really make our head spin is that there are some people chasing tornadoes simply for


21.(A) possess (B) possessing (C) to possess (D) possessed 22.(A) quite many (B) not a single (C) not all

(D) little or no

23.(A) causing

(B) getting (C) making (D) leaving

24.(A) possible

(B) capable (C) likely (D) potential

25.(A) That

(B) What (C) All (D) It

A lot of people believe in space aliens. They __26__ that the earth is regularly visited by intelligent beings from other worlds. In America, __27__ sixty percent of people think flying saucers exist, and that the government is covering __28__ reports and sightings of them. Many have described __29__ aliens look like, saying they have tall, slender bodies and almond-shaped eyes. Some people even say they have been kidnapped by similar creatures, and usually describe them as friendly __30__ hostile.


26.(A) convince (B) convinced (C) are convincing (D) are convinced 27.(A) even more (B) there is

(C) close to (D) of course

28.(A) out

(B) up (C) off (D) on

29.(A) how

(B) what (C) which (D) why

30.(A) as well

(B) and neither (C) rather than (D) not until

四、文章摘要結構(9 %)9Qs

A surprising number of people believe that aliens exist and that they have visited the Earth. Thousands of American people even claim that they have been abducted by aliens, __31__. These believers often meet in Roswell, New Mexico, __32__-and where many businesses make money off of alien believers. It is sometimes said that people believe in aliens __33__; it is comforting to think __34__ and may be able to help us overcome our problems. As one researcher says, "Who knows what's out there? We have to keep looking."

(A) because they are worried about life on Earth (B) that more intelligent beings exist

(C) where a famous UFO sighting took place in 1947

(D) which they describe as tall creatures with huge heads

Tornadoes are dangerous not only because of their high-powered winds, but also __35__. Scientists cannot yet determine __36__ a tornado will form, nor can they predict the path __37__. However, they are learning more about these storms __38__ and special radar equipment. Improved warning systems and greater public awareness are also helping to reduce deaths in areas __39__.

(A) because of their unpredictable nature (B) by following them with heavy-duty vehicles (C) exactly when or where

(D) it will take

(E) with frequent tornadoes 五、閱讀測驗(20 %)10Qs Questions 40~45

01 Some statements regarding global warming from two authors are as follows:

02 There is a tendency for us to look at the issue of global warming like it’s a distant threat, far into the future, 03 that we can worry about when it is more convenient. The fact is that global warming is an approaching threat to 04 us. Atmospheric temperature increases of even one or two degrees Celsius can affect the weather patterns across 05 the world, creating massive hurricanes and devastating typhoons. Much worse, the temperature increases will 06 cause glaciers to melt, affecting worldwide sea levels.

Should we wait until our streets get flooded? Should we wait 07 until our children are malnourished from changing crop yields? Or should we take action now, while things are 08 still settled, before it is simply too late? The choice is in our hands.


09 If you listen to the news and the latest scientific reports, you’ve probably heard about the grave danger of 10 something they call “global warming.” Within years, the Earth is projected to be one big natural disaster, 11 complete with flooding and tornadoes and the works. Well, I’m here to tell you not to believe the hype. In the 12 50s it was nuclear war; in the 60s, it was the population boom. Even in the 70s, scientists were projecting 13 catastrophic global cooling. Every generation has its impending disaster, and this generation is no different.

40. Why does the author mention the effect of global warming on glaciers on lines 05-06?

A. to provide additional implications of global warming

B. to advocate for stronger enforcement of glacial control laws C. to provide a rationale for global warming

D. to explain how global warming takes place

41. What is the purpose of the series of questions on lines 06-08?

A. To explain the effects of global warming on the Earth

B. To influence the reader into immediate action on global warming C. To downplay the significance of global warming

D. To create a sense of suspense

42. What is the "choice" that is "in our hands?" (line 08) A. To begin the process of warming the Earth B. To take action on the issue of global warming C. To correct the flaws of the global warming model D. To explain global warming in beginner's terms 43. What is the meaning of the word "projected" on line 10?

A. invoked B. unlikely C. sure

D. predicted

44. The author of passage 2 uses the examples of "nuclear war" (line 12) and the

"population boom" (line 12) to pass on which of the following messages?

A. Climate change may be just another short-lived theory rather than a concrete one

B. Scientists have correctly identified disasters in the past C. Nuclear war is more problematic than global warming D. Global warming is far less likely to occur than nuclear war

45. Which of the following choices best describes the difference between passage one and two?

A. Passage one is a rejection of global warming theory while passage two accepts global warming

B. Passage one endorses immediate action on global warming while passage two endorses a slower course of action

C. Passage one supports the global warming hypothesis while passage two is skeptical of it


D. Passage one is emotionally-driven while passage two is an expert scientist's opinion

Questions 46~49

Following the tragic sinking of the Titanic in 1912, delegates of thirteen countries met to talk about safety at sea. In 1914, they consented to set up the International Ice Patrol. Its purpose would be to patrol the north Atlantic Ocean so as to determine how far south icebergs were drifting. Based on this information, the patrol would publish reports showing how far north ships could safely travel in that area. Because the U.S. already had experience patrolling for icebergs, it was put in charge of this task with the other nations helping to pay the cost of the operations. Since then, the north Atlantic has been

patrolled every year except during World War I and World War II, when patrolling was too dangerous. Over the years, these regular patrols have been very helpful. Not a single ship that has followed the recommendations provided in the patrol’s reports has ever sunk.

In its early years, the International Ice Patrol used ships to search for icebergs. This was a time-consuming process since the ocean is vast, ships cannot travel quickly. Hence, after World War II, planes were essentially used instead. Today, U.S. planes patrol an area measuring about 500,000 square miles. Often, fog makes icebergs impossible for the patrol to see from the air. Then the planes must use radar to detect icebergs in the ocean.

When icebergs are found, their locations are sent to the headquarters of the International Ice Patrol where the staff use computers to calculate and estimate how far south these icebergs will drift. Nowadays, this information is broadcast over radio stations and made public on the patrol’s website.

46. What did all of the countries mentioned do?

A. Built aircrafts B. Elected officials C. Shared expenses D. Trained pilots

47. According to the article, when did the patrol have to stop operating?

A. After it lost a large portion of its staff members B. During periods of military conflicts

C. Right before ice appeared in the ocean D. When it eventually used up money 48. Where can people find the patrol’s reports?

A. In magazines B. In textbooks C. On the Net D. On TV

49. What is the goal of the patrol?

A. To avoid disasters at sea

B. To accompany titanic vessels

C. To investigate regional climate conditions D. To protect its territory at large


第貳部分:非選擇題 (36%)


1. It seems to be a universal p_______n that people nowadays marry late and have fewer children.

2. Stories about adventures t_______l children all the time.

3. Stacey, Stella’s sister, is p_______e to lose her temper, which makes her so unpopular in her office.

4. The movie "Forrest Gump", f_______ring Tom Hanks, has always been a classic in movie history.

5. Sometimes, the police will use r_______r to detect speeding vehicles.

6. The rebel troops have been consistently t_______zing their local residents to surrender.

7. Johanna earned a d_____a in Biological Science and Technology in University of California at Berkeley.

8. The tsunami formed and arrived so u_____y that many people could not escape the devastating disaster.

9. Ross is e_____y a nice person, but somehow I don’t think he is an ideal candidate for this project.

II、Writing (18 %)

1. The students didn’t stop talking until the teacher came in. ( 以 Not until 開始,改寫句子;

2 % )

2. I saw her start running.

I knew there was something wrong. ( 以 As soon as 開始,合併句子; 2 % )

3. Your wife just called and wanted your assistant, Jeffrey, to report to you what she said.

She said, “I’m not feeling well. I want him to take me to see the physician.” ( 以 Reported sentence 改寫; 2 % )

4. 只當那個時候,我才開始明白學習英語的重要性。 ( 以 Only 開始; 3 % )

5. 當我聽到 Jane 要嫁給 Dick 這個消息的時候,一點也不驚訝。( 用... less than …;3 %)

6. Jack 會成功的原因不單是他的運氣,而且也是因為 Rose 的協助。(用 What makes Jack …; 3 %) 7. Nathan 為了改善他的聽力,從去年起,每天收聽英文廣播節目。( 3 %)


國立台東高級中學 100 學年度第二學期 第二次期中考 英文科試卷 卷別:A 適用班級:201, 202, 205, 206, 209 畫答案卡:■是□否

班級: 座號: 姓名:

第貳部分:非選擇題 (36%) I、Vocabulary (18%)

1 2 3

phenomenon thrill prone

4 5 6

featuring radar terrorizing

7 8 9

diploma unexpectedly essentially

II、Writing (18 %)

1. Not until the teacher came in did the students stop talking.



2. As soon as I saw her start running, I knew there was something wrong.



3. Jeffrey says, “ Your wife called and said that she was not feeling well. She wanted you to take her to see the physician. ” (2%)


4. Only at that time(/moment) did I start to realize the importance of learning English (3%)


5. I was less than surprised when hearing(/I heard) the news that Jane was going to marry Dick. (3%)


6. What makes Jack successful is not just his own luck but Rose’s assistance as well.



7. To improve his listening ability, Nathan has been listening to radio programs every day since last year. (3%)


第壹部分:選擇題 (佔 64 分)




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