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104 92


2003 10 1 2005 9 30 2

54,468 98 224 4.110/00

79.6 94 ( 42% )

84 ( 37.5% ) 30 ( 13.4% 127

175 123 ( 70.3% ) 46 ( 26.3% ) 6 ( 3 .4% )

(Escherichia coli ) 34 ( 19.4% ) (Pseudomonas aeruginosa ) 28 ( 16% ) ( Proteus mirabilis ) 21 ( 12.0% ) ( Staphylococcus aureus ) 16 (9.1%)

( extended spectrum beta lactamase ) 35.3% ( 12/34 ) (Klebsiella pneumoniae ) 36.4% ( 4/11 )

( Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA )

ᙯᔣෟĈܜഇ໰᜕፟ၹ ( Long term care facility )

ੰ̰ຏߖ ( Nosocomial infection ) ຏߖ൴Ϡ૜ޘ ( Infection density )

ᇃड़ّ˙㈢῔ ( Extended spectrum beta lactamase, ESBL ) кࢦԩᘽّ ( Multiple drugs resistant )




ၙ়ّঽ̈́ҁѐˠ˾ుѐᆧΐĄॲፂ 2006 ѐ̰

߆ొ̳Ҷ۞ྤफ़ពϯĂᄂ៉гડז 2005 ѐ 10 ͡ غͤĂ 65 ໐ͽ˯۞ҁѐˠ˾ѣ 220 ༱ĂΚᓁˠ

˾۞ 9.7% Ăពϯ઼ˠ̏ซˢ੼᛬̼ۤົ1Ąֶፂ

͵ࠧ኎Ϡ௡ᖐҁѐ઼छ۞ؠཌྷᇾ໤Ăέ៉̏ځ ពᔙˢҁˠ઼̝ڒĄϤٺˠ˾ԣిҁ̼ăۤົ

តዏăछलඕၹԼតăઉܲග;͞ёღᒺ̈́ҁ ѐˠ͕֗ΑਕֶᏥ඀ޘᆧΐඈЯ৵Ăҁѐˠˢ ҝܜഇ໰᜕፟ၹ ( long-term care facilities ) ۞ᅮՐ

ּͧు႙̿੼2-6Ą൒҃ܜഇ໰᜕፟ၹҝϔкࠎҁ ѐˠĂ׎ጡءΑਕځពੜ̼ă೼࿆ѣၙ়ّঽ

۞ ય ᗟ ׶ Һ ࠪ Α ਕ ࢫ Ҳ ඈ প ّ Ă ֹ ੰ ̰ ຏ ߖ ( nosocomial infection )јࠎܜഇ໰᜕វր̚޺ᜈ хд۞યᗟĄࠎቁܲ፟ၹ̰໰᜕ݡኳ̈́ҝϔ۞




ྤफ़Ąࠎ˞ྋߙ᜕ந̝छੰ̰ຏߖ̝࠹ᙯ߹Җ ঽጯྤफ़Ăώࡁտଳ݈ᖀّ͞ڱ޺ᜈ 2 ѐ͹જႾ






ߙ᜕ந̝छјϲٺ 1999 ѐĂВѣ 110 ԖĂ ڇચ̰टѣ᜕ந໰᜕ăϠ߿໰ᜪă฼ࢴᒉዳăᗁ ᒚڇચăೇઉڇચඈĄ၆෪ͽܜഇاछۻঽͻˠ


ࢲăឨႼăҖજ̙ܮ۰اкĄҝϔ͹ࢋֽ໚ࠎЧ ᗁᒚ፟ၹ΍ੰޢᖼˢ̝ঽˠاкĄࡁտഇมҋ 2003ѐ 10 ͡ 1 ͟Ҍ 2005 ѐ 9 ͡ 30 ͤ͟Ăࠎഇ 2 ѐĄ၆෪ࠎٙѣˢҝ᜕ந̝छ̝ҝϔĄ





ؠཌྷߏֶፂ઼࡚ 2001 ѐ΍ۍ̝ܜഇ໰᜕፟ၹ̰

ЧొҜຏߖќ९۞ؠཌྷćຏߖొҜΒ߁کԌ྽ຏ ߖăײӛ྽ຏߖăϩቲຏߖăབࡤ྽ຏߖăҕ߹

ຏߖ̈́ீ҅ᆄ˾ຏߖ7Ąќะ۞ྤफ़ֽҋຏߖგ ט᜕நरؠഇణෛ፟ၹăྎዦঽ።੃ྶ ( ӣܝă

ާ෧ࡔᐂ )ă၁រވඕڍ̈́໰᜕ˠࣶ̝ణኘĄຏ ߖგטर૟௑Ъ፟ၹ̰ੰ̰ຏߖؠཌྷ۞࣎९ྤफ़

൳ᐂٺĶ፟ၹ̰ੰ̰ຏߖྤफ़ΙķĂྤफ़Β߁ҝ ϔૄώྤफ़ăˢҝ፟ၹ͟ഇăຏߖ͟ഇăຏߖা




ٙଳϡ۞ૈዳ̈́ᇾ໤็௚Ϡ̼ྏរᝥؠ͞ڱ8Ą ҌٺԩϠ৵ୂຏྏរߏͽ National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards ( NCCLS )Ăٙטؠ

۞৽რᘜ਌ᕖ೸ڱ9Ąҝϔˢҝ᜕ந̝छ 48 ̈ॡ ޢͽ̈́ᖼੰޢ 48 ̈ॡٙயϠ۞ຏߖ࠰ᕩᛳྍ᜕

ந̝छ۞ੰ̰ຏߖĄ፟ၹ̰ຏߖ൴Ϡ૜ޘ = ( ຏ ߖˠѨ/ᓁˢҝˠ͟ᇴ )Ű 1000 Ăֹϡ EXCEL హ វઇྤफ̶़ژĄ



ࡁ տ ഇ ม ྍ ᜕ ந ̝ छ ۞ ˢ ҝ ˠ ͟ ᇴ ࠎ 54,468ĄՏ࣎͡۞πӮҝϔᇴࠎ 72 ˠĂѣ 90%


ࠎ40ˠ ( 55.6% )ĂֹϡጱԌგ۰ࠎ29ˠ ( 40.3% )Ă

ဦ ˘ Ĉ ᜕ ந ̝ छ ፟ ၹ ̰ ੰ ̰ ຏ ߖ ൴ Ϡ ૜ ޘ ᔌ ๕ ဦ (Oct2003-Sept2005).

Ś u ( ຏߖ૜ޘ ) ŕ UCL ( ˯ᅧࣃ ) Ŝ u-Bar ( πӮࣃ ) œ LCL ( ˭ᅧࣃ )


ֹϡঈ̷გ۰ࠎ 25 ˠ ( 34.7% )ĄࡁտഇมĂВѣ 98Ҝҝϔ൴Ϡ 224 ˠѨ፟ၹ̰ੰ̰ຏߖć׎̚շ

ّ 129 ˠѨ ( 57.6% )Ẵّ 95 ˠѨ ( 42.2% )Ą ҝϔຏߖ൴Ϡ૜ޘ ( infection density ) πӮࠎ 4.110/00ĂଂՏ࣎͡۞ຏߖ૜ޘֽ࠻Ăд 2005 ѐ 7͡׶ 9 ͡Чѣ˘Ѩځព۞ள૱ࣃ ( ဦ˘ )Ăពϯ ѣள૱۞ຏߖன෪Ą 7 ͡൴Ϡ۞፟ၹ̰ຏߖѣ 16 ˠᛳٺײӛ྽ຏߖć׎̚ѣ 5 ˠᛳٺཏჸຏߖĂ

ֽܼҋТ˘ঽވĄ߹ຏԣిᑭរĂᙋ၁ 4 ˠࠎ A ݭ߹ຏĂΩ 1 ˠࠎ A ̈́ B ݭ߹ຏĄአߤ൴னѩ 5

࣎ҝϔ่̚ѣ˘ˠϏତצ߹ຏࠪࡺڦडĄགྷ࿅ຏ ߖ გ ט ˠ ࣶ ޙ ᛉ ଳ ϡ ࿣ ᗓ ନ ߉ ֭ ֹ ϡ ҹ ߹ ຏ ( Tamiflu ) ޢࠪଐ଀ͽଠטĄҌٺ 9 ͡൴Ϡ۞፟

ၹ̰ຏߖѣ 8 ˠᛳٺײӛ྽ຏߖĂᛳ೸дّ֭൑


̰ҝϔ۞ੰ̰ຏߖ۞Ѩᇴࠎ 1-10 Ѩ̙ඈĂπӮ ࡗ 2.3 ѨĄຏߖҝϔ۞ѐ᛬ଂ 38 Ҍ 107 ໐̝มĂ πӮ 79.6 ໐Ą


ᓁВ 2 2 4 ˠѨ፟ၹ̰ੰ̰ຏߖొҜ۞̶Ҷ

̚Ă౵૱֍۞ࠎکԌ྽ຏߖ 94 ˠѨ ( 42% )Ă׎

Ѩࠎײӛ྽ຏߖ 84 ˠѨ ( 37.5% )Ăҕ߹ຏߖ 30 ˠѨ ( 13.4% )Ăͽ̈́ϩቲຏߖ 16 ˠѨ ( 7.1% )Ą አߤഇม֭Ϗ൴னѣབࡤ྽ຏߖ࣎९Ą


д 224 ˠѨ፟ၹ̰ຏߖĂଵੵ่ϤᓜԖাې ҿؠ֭Ϗགྷ၁រވᙋ၁ޢĂѣ 127 ˠѨ۞ຏߖְ


ੰ̰ຏߖ۞ 56.7% ĄᓁВ̶ᗓ΍ 175 ঀ௟ෂ̈́ঽ

߲ĄֶຏߖొҜٙૈዳ΍ֽ۞ෂ჌̚Ăͽ 81 ˠѨ کԌ྽ຏߖ̶ٙᗓ΍ 121 ੸ෂঀࠎ౵к(69.1%)ć

׎Ѩࠎҕ߹ຏߖ 3 0 ˠѨВ̶ᗓ΍ 3 5 ੸ෂঀ ( 20% )Ăѩ׌࣎ຏߖొҜෂঀВҫٙѣ̶ᗓ΍۞

ෂঀ 89.1% Ą̶ᗓ΍۞ෂঀ̚ͽࢭᜋͩౚّෂا к 123 ঀ ( 70.3% )Ă׎Ѩࠎࢭᜋͩวّෂ 46 ঀ ( 26.3% )Ăঽ߲ຏߖϺѣ 6 ঀ ( 3.4% )ć׎̚߹Җ

ّຏ݂ঽ߲ A ݭ 5 ঀĂ B ݭ 1 ঀĄ

ֶ໰౵૱֍ຏߖෂ჌ֽ࠻ ( ဦ˟ )Ĉ̂བ୛

ෂ ( Escherichia coli, E.coli )ĂΒӣ׍ѣᇃड़ّ˙

㈢῔ ( extended spectrum beta lactamase, ESBL ) В 34 ঀ ( 19.4% )Ăქᓘ୛ෂ ( Pseudomonas aerug-

inosa ) 28 ঀ ( 16% )Ăតԛ୛ෂ ( Proteus mirabilis ) 21ঀ ( 12.0% )ĂܛเҒཬ෈஧ෂ ( Staphylococcus aureus, SA ) 16 ঀ ( 9.1% )Ăབ஧ෂ ( Enterococcus ) 12ঀ ( 6.9% ) ̈́ҹ࿩Ϩͩෂ ( Klebsiella pneumo- niae, K-P ) 11 ঀ ( 6.3% )Ąдԩᘽّෂ჌͞ࢬᛳٺ

׍ѣᇃड़ّ˙㈢῔ ̂བ୛ෂ ( ESBL-E.coli ) ࠎ 35.3% ( 12/34 )Ă҃׍ѣᇃड़ّ˙㈢῔ ҹ࿩Ϩ

ͩෂ ( ESBL- K.P ) ࠎ 36.4% ( 4/11 )Ąٙѣ۞ܛเ Ғཬ෈஧ෂӮࠎԩࢃܦឣ৵ܛเҒཬ෈஧ෂ( Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA )Ą


ܜഇ໰᜕፟ၹ۞ҝϔĂ඗̂кᇴߏҁѐˠĂ Ϥٺҁѐˠ۞Һࠪ˧ࢫҲăϩቲតᓠăࡤᅕഴ

͌ăঈგଵ།ਕ˧តम̈́།टٽ႖঻ඈЯ৵ĂГ ΐ˯ҁѐˠ˫૱Ꭾଈᇴ჌ၙّঽĂౌߏጱ࡭ຏߖ

۞൴Ϡத੼۞ࣧЯ10-14Ąѣጯ۰޽΍ܜ໰፟ၹຏ ߖ۞አߤᑕ޺ᜈ˘ѐͽ˯ͽᔖҺ؞༼၆ຏߖొҜ



᜕ந̝छՏѐຏߖ൴Ϡ૜ޘπӮࡗ 4.10/00Ă࠹ྵ

ٺ઼γ۞͛ᚥಡӘࡗ 2.6-7.10/00֭Ϗઐ੼15Ąͽ Чֽ͡࠻൴Ϡ૜ޘౌࠎ 1.250/00Ҍ 13.020/00मள ໂ̂Ă߇ͽˬ࣎ᇾ໤म̝ݡኳგந֎ޘᘱᄦຏߖ

൴Ϡ૜ޘᔌ๕ဦ൴னĂ 2005 ѐ 7 ̈́͡ 9 ͡࠰ѣ෹

΍˯ࢨ⼈ࣃ۞ଐԛĂࣧЯдٺྍ˟࣎͡ҝϔ۞ײ ӛ྽ຏߖᆧΐĂͷ 7 ͡ѣ˘Ѩ൴Ϡ߹Җّຏ݂ཏ ჸଐԛĂགྷ࿅ຏߖგט̬ˢޢĂҋ 10 ͡ϏГ൴ Ϡ࠹ТېڶĄ




ຏߖĂ׎Ѩࠎײӛ྽ຏߖĂ׎ዶֶԔࠎБ֗ຏ ߖăீ҅ᆄಘ˾̈́ϩቲຏߖĄॲፂ઼γ࠹ᙯ۞አ ߤಡӘЧొҜຏߖ൴Ϡத൴̙֭Ⴝ࠹Т ( ܑ˘ )Ă ҭमளّ̙̂11,14,16Ą

ྍ᜕ந̝छکԌ྽ຏߖ࣎९̚Ă 75.3% ҝϔ дຏߖ݈˘ฉѣጱԌგ঻ཉĂॲፂ Mcnulty ඈˠ አߤ൴னࡻ઼ࡗ 9% ᜕ந̝छ۞ҝϔົܜഇֹϡ ጱԌგĂ҃ጱԌგ྅ཉ౵૱ᑕϡٺԌ୵঻႖̈́̈

ܮε༰۞ঽଈĂѩ྅ཉٽౄјکԌ྽ຏߖĄ 20- 30%ጱԌგ঻ཉঽଈົጱ࡭ෂԌাĂ҃ 2-6% ົ


17Ą Engelhart ඈˠ۞አߤ˵൴னکԌ྽ຏߖҝ ϔͽѣጱԌგ঻ཉ۞ଐԛاк12Ąੵ˞ֹϡ঻ཉ ጱԌგ̝ᇾ໤᜕நԫఙߏυࢋ୧ІγĂܜഇ໰᜕


ّĂͽഴ͌ጱგ྅ཉٙౄј۞ຏߖ1 0 , 1 7Ąдײӛ

྽ຏߖ͞ࢬĂѣ͛ᚥ޽΍۱ۆߏѪ˸த౵੼۞ຏ ߖొҜĂ҃ѩ᜕ந̝छҝϔײӛ྽ຏߖ̚ߏͽ˘

ਠຏ݂ྵࠎ૱֍Ă߇Ϗౄјᚑࢦ๋चĄҭࡁտഇ มĂд 2005 ѐ 7 ͡ѣ൴Ϡ߹Җّຏ݂ A ă B ݭ

̝ཏჸְІĂֹ଀ྍ͡ຏߖ൴Ϡத࠹၆೩੼Ą ҕ߹ຏߖ͞ࢬĂώѨࡁտඕڍπӮຏߖ൴Ϡ

૜ޘޘࠎ 0.550/00Ăѣ͛ᚥ޽΍ҕ߹ຏߖ۞൴Ϡ

૜ޘࡗࠎ 0.30/00ć˘ਠઐҲ۞ࣧЯдٺܜഇ໰᜕

፟ၹޝ͌ѣҕ୵ૈዳ̝၁រވĂͷਖ਼រҕ୵ᑭវ ઇૈዳϺ̙೼࿆18ĄϤٺѩ᜕ந̝छዐܕٺߙᗁ ጯ͕̚Ăҕ୵ૈዳྵ͞ܮĂ߇࠹၆۞ᙋ၁ѣҕ߹



᜕፟ၹ૱֍۞ຏߖෂ჌Ăҭߏкࢦԩᘽّ ( mul- tiple drugs resistant )ෂ჌ౄјཏࡎ൴ְІݒజ˘


׍ѣкࢦԩᘽّ۞ෂ჌ć׎̚ ESBL-E. coli Ă

ESBL- K.P̈́ MRSA ౵ࠎ೼࿆Ą˘ਠົ͔੓ԩᘽ



19ĄϤٺѩ᜕ந̝छ۞ҝϔѣ 85% νΠֽܼҋᗁ ጯ͕̚ĂЯѩĂҝϔˢҝॡ૲ѣкࢦԩᘽّෂ჌


ຏߖ̝࠹ᙯّ̪ѣޞซ˘Վᗃ୻ᄃᙋ၁Ą߇ޙᛉ ҝϔˢҝॡΞͽᎡᑭҝϔ૲ෂଐԛĂͽઇࠎྍ፟


Ϥ ώ ͛ ѩ ᜕ ந ፟ ၹ ੰ ̰ ຏ ߖ ൴ Ϡ ૜ ޘ ࠎ 4.110/00Ă̙֭ͧ˘ਠާّᗁੰҲ20ĄЯѩྍ፟ၹ




ՐĂــ൑ڱར၁ćѩѣޞ࠹ᙯಏҜ۞םአᄃЪ үĄдར၁ܜഇ໰᜕፟ၹ۞ຏߖგט̍ү̚ĂҌ

͌ᑕઇזĈ( ˘ ) ޙၹຏߖგט̝ඕၹ௡ᖐͽซ ҖБࢬႾീ̈́߆ඉࢍ൪۞ଯજĂ׎̚Βӣཏࡎ൴

ٕள૱ཏჸְІ̝఍ந7,11,12ć( ˟ ) ̍үˠࣶ̈́ҝϔ ઉ૵გநĂՏѐᅮ૱ఢڦड߹Җّຏ݂ࠪࡺ12-13ć (ˬ ) ຏߖҝϔ̝გநĂ͍׎ߏΞͽϡຏߖგטନ ߉ΐͽ࿰֨۞࣎९12ć( α ) ѣԩᘽّෂঀҝϔ̝







ᒖĄֶፂώࡁտ۞ඕڍĂՀᙋ၁ܜഇ໰᜕፟ၹд ޙϲੰ̰ຏߖგט۞̍үĂ۞ቁ̏ߏג̙टቤĄ




ຏߖొҜ ຏߖ൴Ϡ૜ޘ0/00


ώ͛ 1.71 0.55 1.54 0.30

ᄁඈ ( 2004 ) 2.09 2.52 0.68

Engelhar ( 2005 ) 1.01 2.16 1.24 0.20 0.7

Nicolle ( 1996 ) 0.46-4.4 0.1-2.4 Ŵ 0.1-2.1 0-0.9



1 .̞ৣᬂĄԧ઼ܜഇ໰᜕፟ၹᅮՐই̷̝ࣧЯĄၷᓁ᜕ந

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2.̰߆ొĞ2006 Ă 1 ͡ 15 ͟ğĄࢦࢋ̰߆௚ࢍ޽ᇾĄ̰߆௚

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3.ѡׂ܆ăՂᓐځĄܜഇ໰᜕፟ၹ̝ࢦࢋ˘ᒖ-ੰ̰ຏߖგ טĄੰ̰ຏߖଠטᗔᄫ 2002; 12: 119-27 Ą


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11.ᄁᚊ൞ăૺጸтĄ઼࡚ܜഇ໰᜕፟ၹຏߖგט̝൴णĄຏ ߖଠטᗔᄫ 2000; 10: 342-7 Ą

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Nosocomial Infection in

One Long Term Care Facility ę A Nursing Home

Chun-Ming Lee1,2,4,5, Ya-Ling Chen2, and Chia-Ling Yang3

Life spans of elderly people are increasing due to medical advances. Increased population of elderly peo- ple leads to more need of long term care facilities. Because there were special situations in residents of long term care facilities, nosocomial infections are not uncommon. Many studies about long term care facilities were pre- sent in foreign countries but there were only few studies in our country from the literature review. This is a prospec- tive study that we analyzed the infection density, sites, sources and organisms of nosocomial infection in one long term care facilities- a nursing home. From October 1, 2003 to September 30, 2005, 2- year duration, there were total 54,468 patient-hospitalization days and the nosocomial infection density was 4.110/00. The total 224 patient- episodes nosocomial infections were reported in 98 patients, and mean age was 79.6 year. Urinary tract infec- tion was the most frequent 42%(94/224), followed by respiratory tract infection 37.5%(84/224) and blood stream infection 13.4%(30/224). A total of 175 strains of microorganisms were isolated, 70.3%(123/175) were Gram- negative organisms and 26.3%(46/175) were Gram- positive organisms and 3.4%(6/175) was viral infection.

Among these, Escherichia coli were 19.4%(34/175) and Pseudomonas aeruginosain 16%(28/175), Proteus mirabilisin 12%(21/175) and staphylococcus aureus in 9.1%(16/175), respectively. Multiple drugs resistant pathogens were not infrequently seen in this long term care facilities and extended spectrum beta lactamase Escherichia coliwas 35.3%(12/34), extended spectrum beta lactamase Klebsiella pneumoniaewas 36.4%(4/11) and all the Staphylococcus aureusbelong to Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus(16/16). Further study needed to find the cause of multiple drugs resistant organisms in this long term care facilities. ( J Intern Med Taiwan 2008; 19: 331-336 )

1Department of Internal Medicine, 2Infection Control Center, 3Nurse Department, Mackay Medicine, Nursing and 4Management College, 5Taipei Medical University,

Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan



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