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Tree Search Chapter4


Academic year: 2022

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20070322 chap4 1


Informed Search and Exploration

20070322 chap4


Tree Search

(Reviewed, Fig. 3.9)


20070322 chap4


Search Strategies

A search strategy is defined by picking the order of node expansion

Uninformed Search Strategies - By systematically generating new

states and testing against the goal.

Informed (Heuristic) Search Strategies

- By using problem-specific knowledge to find solutions more efficiently.

An instance of the general Tree Search.

A node is selected for expansion based on an evaluation function, f(n),

i.e. an estimate of “desirablity“

Expand most desirable unexpanded node.

Can be implemented via a priority queue that will maintain the fringe in ascending order of f-values.

Best-first search is venerable but inaccurate.

Best-First Search


20070322 chap4


Best-First Search


Heuristic search uses problem-specific knowledge:

evaluation function.

• Choose the seemingly-best node based on some estimate of the cost of the corresponding solution.

• Need estimate of the cost to a goal

e.g. Depth of the current node Sum of the distances so far Euclidean distance to goal etc


• Heuristics: rules of thumb (概測法)

• Goal: to find solutions more efficiently

20070322 chap4


Heuristic function

h(n) = estimated cost of the cheapest path from node n to a goal node.

(h(n) = 0, for a goal node)

Special cases

- Greedy Best-First Search(or Greedy Search) Minimizing estimated cost from the node to reach a goal Expanding the node that appears to be closest to goal - A* Search

Minimizing the total estimated solution cost Avoid expanding paths that are already expensive

Best-First Search



20070322 chap4



Heuristic is derived from heuriskein in Greek, meaning “to find” or “to discover”

• The term heuristics is often used to describe rules of thumb (經驗法則) or advice

that are generally effective, but are not guaranteed to work in every case.

• In the context of search, a heuristic is a function that takes a state as an argument

and returns a number that is an estimate of the merit of the state with respect to the goal.



A heuristic algorithm

improves the average-case performance, does not necessarily improve the worst-case performance.

• Not all heuristic functions are beneficial.

- The time spent evaluating the heuristic function in order to select a node for expansion must be recovered by a corresponding reduction in the size of the search space explored


- Useful heuristics should be computationally inexpensive!


20070322 chap4


Romania with step costs in km

Straight-line distances to Bucharest

20070322 chap4


Greedy Best-First Search

Heuristic function :

h(n) = estimated best cost to goal from n h(n) = 0 if n is a goal

e.g. h


(n) = straight-line distance for route-finding

Function GREEDY-SEARCH(problem) return a solution or failure return BEST-FIRST-SEARCH(problem, h)


20070322 chap4


Greedy Best-First Search Example

• Assume that we want to use greedy search

to solve the problem of travelling from Aradto Bucharest.

• The initial state=Arad

Greedy Best-First Search Example


• The first expansion step produces:

Sibiu, Timisoara and Zerind

• Greedy best-first will select Sibiu


20070322 chap4


Greedy Best-First Search Example


• If Sibiu is expanded we get:

Arad, Fagaras, Oradea and Rimnicu Vilcea

• Greedy best-first search will select: Fagaras

20070322 chap4


Greedy Best-First Search Example


• If Fagaras is expanded we get:

Sibiu and Bucharest

• Goal reached !!

• Yet not optimal (see

AradSibiuRimnicu VilceaPitesti



20070322 chap4


Analysis of Greedy Search


No (start down an infinite path and never return to try other possibilities) (e.g. from Iasi to Fagaras)

- Susceptible to false starts Iasi→ Neamt (dead end) - No Repeated states Checking

Iasi→ Neamt → Iasi → Neamt → Iasi → ….. (oscillation)


(like depth-first search)

- worst: O(b



but a good heuristic can give dramatic improvement m: the maximum depth of the search space





keep all nodes in memory

Analysis of Greedy Search




(same as depth-first search)

(e.g. from Arad to Bucharest)


(450=140+99+211, is not shortest) AradSibiuRim PitestiBucharest



20070322 chap4


A* Search

• To minimizing the total estimated solution cost

• Evaluation function:

f(n) = estimated cost of the cheapest solution through n to goal

= g(n) + h(n)

g(n) = cost so far to reach n

h(n) = estimated cost from n to the goal

function A*-SEARCH(problem) returns a solution or failure return BEST-FIRST-SEARCH(problem, g+h)

20070322 chap4


Admissible Heuristic

A* search uses an admissible heuristic i.e. h(n) ≤ h



where h*(n) is the true costfrom n (Also h(n) ≥ 0 , so h(G) = 0 for any goal G)


If h(n) is admissible, A* using tree-search is optimal .

• It is both complete and optimal if h never

overestimates the cost to the goal.


20070322 chap4


A* Search Example

• Find Bucharest starting at Arad

f(Arad) = c(??,Arad)+h(Arad)=0+366=366

A* Search Example


Expand Arrad and determine f(n) for each node f(Sibiu)=c(Arad,Sibiu)+h(Sibiu)=140+253=393

f(Timisoara)=c(Arad,Timisoara)+h(Timisoara)=118+329=447 f(Zerind)=c(Arad,Zerind)+h(Zerind)=75+374=449

• Best choice is Sibiu


20070322 chap4


A* Search Example


• Expand Sibiu and determine f(n) for each node


f(Fagaras)=c(Sibiu,Fagaras)+h(Fagaras)=239+179=415 f(Oradea)=c(Sibiu,Oradea)+h(Oradea)=291+380=671 f(Rimnicu Vilcea)=c(Sibiu,Rimnicu Vilcea)+h(Rimnicu Vilcea)


• Best choice is Rimnicu Vilcea

20070322 chap4


A* Search Example


• Expand Rimnicu Vilcea and determine f(n) for each node

f(Craiova)=c(Rimnicu Vilcea, Craiova)+h(Craiova)=360+160=526 f(Pitesti)=c(Rimnicu Vilcea, Pitesti)+h(Pitesti)=317+100=417 f(Sibiu)=c(Rimnicu Vilcea,Sibiu)+h(Sibiu)=300+253=553

• Best choice is Fagaras


20070322 chap4


A* Search Example


• Expand Fagaras and determine f(n) for each node f(Sibiu)=c(Fagaras, Sibiu)+h(Sibiu)=338+253=591 f(Bucharest)=c(Fagaras,Bucharest)+h(Bucharest)=450+0


• Best choice is Pitesti

A* Search Example


• Expand Pitesti and determine f(n) for each node


• Best choice is Bucharest


20070322 chap4


Optimality of A*

Suppose some suboptimal goal G2has been generated and is in the queue.

Let n be an unexpanded node on a shortest path to an optimal goal G.

20070322 chap4


Optimality of A*


• C* : cost of the optimal solution path

A* may expand some nodes before selecting a goal node.

•Assume: G is an optimal and G2 is a suboptimal goal . f(G2) = g(G2) + h(G2) = g(G2) > C* --- (1) For some n on an optimal path to G,

if h is admissible,then

f(n) = g(n) + h(n) ≤ C* --- (2) From (1) and (2), we have

f(n) ≤ C* < f(G2)

So, A* will never select G2 for expansion.


20070322 chap4


Optimality of A*


• BUT … graph search (instead of tree-search)

Discards new paths to repeated state.

- Previous proof breaks down


- Add extra bookkeeping

i.e. remove more expensive of two paths.

- Ensure that optimal path to any repeated state is always first followed.

Extra requirement on h(n): consistency (monotonicity)

Monotonicity (Consistency) of Heuristic

• A heuristic is consistent if h(n) ≤c(n, a, n’) + h(n’)

The estimated cost of reaching the goal from n

is no greater thanthe step cost of getting to successor n’

plus the estimated cost of reaching the goal from n’

• If h is consistent, we have f(n’) = g(n’) + h(n’)

= g(n) + c(n, a, n’) + h(n’)

≥ g(n) + h(n) = f(n)

f(n’) ≥ f(n)

i.e. f(n) is non-decreasingalong any path.


20070322 chap4


Optimality of A*


• A* expands nodes in order of increasing f value

Gradually adds “f-contours” of nodes

Contour i has all nodes with f = fi, where fi< fi+1

•All nodes with f(n) > C* (optimal solution) are pruned.

20070322 chap4


Analysis of A* Search

Complete?? Yes

unless there are indefinitely many nodes with f ≤ f(G)

Space?? O(b


), keep all nodes in memory Optimal?? Yes, if the heuristic is admissible Optimally Efficient?? Yes

i.e. No other optimal algorithm is guaranteed to expand fewer nodes than A*

A* is not practical for many large-scale problems.

(Since A* usually runs out of space long before it runs out of time.)


20070322 chap4

31 Overcome the space problem of A*, without sacrificing

optimality or completeness

IDA* (Iterative Deepening A*)

- a logical extension of iterative deepening search to use heuristic

- the cutoff used is the f-cost (g+h) rather than the depth

RBFS (Recursive best-first search)

MA* (Memory-bounded A*)

SMA* (Simplified MA*)

- is similar to A*, but restricts the queue size to fit into the available memory

- drop the worst-leaf node when memory is full

Memory Bounded Heuristic Search

RBFS (Recursive Best-First Search)


20070322 chap4


RBFS Example


118 75

=140+253 =118+329


140 99 151 80


=(140+80) +193

=(140+99) +176

• Path until Rumnicu Vilcea is already expanded

• Above node; f-limit for every recursive call is shown on top.

• Below node: f(n)

• The path is followed until Pitesti which has a f-value worse than the f-limit.

20070322 chap4


RBFS Example


• Unwind recursion and store best f-value for current best leaf Pitesti result, f [best] ← RBFS(problem, best, min(f_limit, alternative))

• best is now Fagaras. Call RBFS for new best best value is now 450


20070322 chap4


RBFS Example


• Unwind recursion and store best f-value for current best leaf Fagaras result, f [best] ← RBFS(problem, best, min(f_limit, alternative))

best is now Rimnicu Viclea (again). Call RBFS for new best . Subtree is again expanded.

Best alternative subtree is now through Timisoara

• Solution is found since because 447 > 417.

Analysis of RBFS

Complete?? Yes Time?? Exponential Space?? O(bd)

Optimal?? Yes, if the heuristic is admissible IDA* and RBFS suffer from too little memory.

IDA* retains only one single number (the current f-cost limit)


20070322 chap4

37 e.g. for the 8-puzzle

branching factor: 3 depth: 22

# of states: 3


= 3.1 * 10


9! /2= 181,440 (reachable distinct states)

for the 15-puzzle

# of states: ≅ 10


How to find a good heuristic function ?

Heuristic Functions

20070322 chap4


Heuristic Functions


• Two commonly-used candidates



(n) = number of misplaced tiles




(n) = total Manhattan distance

(i.e. no. of squares from desired location to each tile)

= 3+1+2+2+2+3+3+2= 18


20070322 chap4


Effect of Heuristic Accuracy on Performance

h2 dominates (is more informed than) h1

• If h2(n) >= h1(n) for all n (both admissible)

then h2 dominates h1 and is better for search

• 1200 random problems with solution lengths from 2 to 24.

Heuristic Quality

Effective branching factor b* is defined by

A well-designed heuristic would have a value of b* close to 1, allowing fairly large problems to be solved


•A heuristic function


is said to be more informed than






) if both are admissible and

• A* using


will never expand more nodes than A*

b d

b b

N+1=1+ *+( *)2+L+( *)

) ( ) (

, h2 n h1 n



20070322 chap4


Relaxed problems

A problem with fewer restrictions on the actions The cost of an optimal solution to a relaxed problem is

an admissible heuristic for the original problem.


is a program that can generate heuristics automatically from problem definitions, using the “relaxed problem”

method and various other techniques.

generated a new heuristic for 8-puzzle better than preexisting heuristic

found the first useful heuristic for Rubik’s cube puzzle.

Inventing Admissible Heuristics

20070322 chap4


Inventing Admissible Heuristics



A tile can move from square A to square B if

A is horizontally or vertically adjacent to B and B is blank.

(P if R and S)

3 Relaxed problems:

(a) A tile can move from square A to square B if A is horizontally or vertically adjacent to B.

(P if R) --- derive h


(b) A tile can move from square A to square B if B is blank.

(P if S)

(c) A tile can move from square A to square B.

(P) --- derive h



20070322 chap4


Inventing Admissible Heuristics


Composite heuristics Given h1, h2, h3, … , hm;

none dominates any others.

h(n) = max{h1 (n), h2 (n), … , hm(n)}


The cost of the optimal solution of the subproblem is a lower boundon the cost of the complete problem.

(To get tiles 1,2,3 and 4 into their correct positions, without worrying about what happens to the other titles.)

Pattern databases store the exact solution to for every possible subproblem instance.

- The complete heuristic is constructed using the patterns in the DB

Inventing Admissible Heuristics


• Weighted evaluation function :

• Through learning from experience

Experience = solving lots of 8-puzzles An inductive learning algorithm can be used

to predict costs for other states that arise during search.

• Search cost

Good heuristics should be efficiently computable.

) ( ) ( ) 1 ( )

( n w g n wh n



= − +


20070322 chap4


Local Search and Optimization

Previously: systematic exploration of search space.

- Path to goal is solution to problem

YET, for some problems path is irrelevant.

e.g 8-queens

What quantities of quarters, nickels, and dimes add up to $17.45 and minimizes the total number of coins

Different algorithms can be used

- Local search

20070322 chap4


Local Search Algorithms

Local search does not keep track of previous solutions

- Using a single current state (rather than multiple paths) and move only to neighboring states


- Use a small amount of memory (usually constant amount)

- Often find reasonable (note we aren’t saying

optimal) solutions in infinite search spaces


20070322 chap4


To find the best state according to an Objective Function Example

f (q, d, n) = 1,000,000, if q*0.25 + d*0.1 + n*0.05 != 17.45

= q + n + d, otherwise To minimize f

Optimization Problems

Looking for global maximum

(or minimum)


20070322 chap4


Hill-Climbing Search

Like climbing Everest in thick fog with amnesia

20070322 chap4


Hill-Climbing Search


Only record the state and it evaluation instead of maintaining a search tree

“is a loop that continuously moves in the direction of increasing value”

- It terminates when a peak is reached.

Hill climbing does not look ahead of the immediate neighbors of the current state.

Hill-climbing chooses randomly among the set of best successors, if there is more than one.

Hill-climbing i.e. greedy local search


20070322 chap4


Hill-climbing example

a) shows a state of h=17 and the h-value for each possible successor. (h=3+4+2+3+2+2+1)

b) A local minimum in the 8-queens state space (h=1).

a) b)

Hill-Climbing Search



Local Maxima: search halts prematurely

Plateaux: search conducts a random walk

Ridges: search oscillates with slow progress

Creating a sequence of local maximum that are not directly connected to each other.

From each local maximum, all the available actions point downhill.


20070322 chap4


Hill-climbing variations

Stochastic hill-climbing

Random selection among the uphill moves.

The selection probability can vary with the steepness of the uphill move.

First-choice hill-climbing

Like stochastic hill climbing but by generating successors randomly until a better one is found.

Random-restart hill-climbing

Tries to avoid getting stuck in local maxima.

20070322 chap4


Simulated Annealing


20070322 chap4


Simulated Annealing


• Idea: escape local maxima by allowing some "bad"

moves but gradually decrease their frequency

• A term borrowed from metalworking


We want metal molecules to find a stable location relative to neighbors


heating causes metal molecules to move around and to take on undesirable locations

- during cooling, molecules reduce their movement and settle into a more stable position

- annealing is process of heating metal and letting it cool slowly to lock in the stable locations of the molecules

Simulated Annealing


• Select a random move at each iteration

• Move to the selected node if it is better than the current node.

• The probability of moving to a worse node decreases exponentially with the ``badness'' of the move,


• The temperature T changes according to a schedule.





20070322 chap4


Simulated Annealing


One can prove: If T decreases slowly enough, then simulated annealing search will find a global optimum with probability approaching 1

Widely used in VLSI layout, airline scheduling, etc

20070322 chap4


Local Beam Search

Keep track of k states rather than just one

Start with k randomly generated states

At each iteration, all the successors of all k states are generated

If any one is a goal state, stop; else select the k

best successors from the complete list and



20070322 chap4


Genetic algorithms

A successor state is generated by combining two parent states

Start with k randomly generated states (population)

A state is represented as a string over a finite alphabet (often a string of 0s and 1s)

Evaluation function (fitness function).

Higher values for better states.

Produce the next generation of states by selection, crossover, and mutation

Genetic Algorithms


Fitness function: number of non-attacking pairs of queens (min = 0, max = 8 ×7/2 = 28)

24/(24+23+20+11) = 31%

23/(24+23+20+11) = 29% etc


20070322 chap4


Genetic Algorithms




Thus when we implemented the advanced version, we didn’t really have much trouble caused by being not familiar with the environment, and therefore we can focus ourselves on

– Runs replay mode to search for a solution – Reports to the user to run observation

 “Greedy”: always makes the choice that looks best at the moment in the hope that this choice will lead to a globally optimal solution.  When to

Now, nearly all of the current flows through wire S since it has a much lower resistance than the light bulb. The light bulb does not glow because the current flowing through it

Access - ICT skills: the technical skills needed to use digital technologies and social media. - Information

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