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Cost-Sensitive Classification on Pathogen Species of Bacterial Meningitis by Surface Enhanced Raman


Academic year: 2022

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Cost-Sensitive Classification on Pathogen Species of Bacterial Meningitis by Surface Enhanced Raman


Te-Kang Jan

, Hsuan-Tien Lin


, Hsin-Pai Chen

, Tsung-Chen Chern

, Chung-Yueh Huang

, Bing-Cheng Wen

, Chia-Wen Chung

, Yung-Jui Li

, Ya-Ching Chuang

, Li-Li Li


Yu-Jiun Chan

, Juen-Kai Wang

,Yuh-Lin Wang

, Chi-Hung Lin

, Da-Wei Wang


Institute of Information Science, Academic Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, Email: tekang@iis.sinica.edu.tw

Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academic Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan

§Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

Department of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University Hospital, Yilan, Taiwan

Abstract—We propose a pathogen-classification system using the Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) platform. The system differentiates the pathogens based on their SERS spec- tra, which are believed to be related to the surface chemical components. The specialty of the system is to not only consider the usual classification accuracy, but also pay attention to the different types of costs during misclassification. For instance, due to the effectiveness of treatments, the cost of classifying a Gram-positive bacterium as another Gram-positive one should be lower than the cost of classifying a Gram-positive bacterium as a Gram-negative one. We express the task as the cost-sensitive classification problem, and take state-of-the-art cost-sensitive classification algorithms from the machine learning community to conquer the task. Our experimental study validates the usefulness of those algorithms on building the system.

Index Terms—SVM; Cost-sensitive Classification; SERS;


Bacterial meningitis is a serious and often life-threatening form of meningitis infection. Delay in treatment increases patients morbidity and mortality rate. The proper treatment for bacterial meningitis relies on rapid diagnosis, early identifica- tion, and effective antibiotics therapy [1]. Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) platform can perform a fast and accurate detection of molecules vibration signal from a single bacterium [2] and is potentially useful for prompt and reliable identification of bacterial pathogens [3].

Machine learning algorithms have been applied on SERS spectra to learn a good model to perform automatic classifi- cation for future SERS spectra. Previous studies [3]–[6] have shown that over 90% accuracy can be achieved using neural networks to classify with the intensity and peak features.

Nevertheless, the promising results are viewed solely by the accuracy, which does not always match the realistic needs of the clinical practice, where miscellaneous misdiagnosis will be charged with pre-determined cost according to the type of ac- tual pathogen species. For example, misidentifying the Gram- positive Staphylococcus aureus as a Gram-negative bacterium (such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa) should be associated with

a high cost because the antimicrobial agents for Pseudomonas aeruginosa are totally ineffective for Staphylococcus. On the other hand, if the Staphylococcus is misidentified as another Gram-positive bacterium, such as Streptococcus pneumonia, the cost is much lower because the antimicrobial agents may still be appropriate. Such a classification problem is called cost-sensitive classification. There are ongoing works in machine learning for developing algorithms to handle this type of classification with promising results [7]–[12]. However, to the best of our knowledge so far, no one has yet applied the cost-sensitive classification tools on the SERS data set.

In this work, we study the task of building a reliable identification system with SERS and cost-sensitive classifi- cation. First, we collect and analyze SERS spectra of ten species of meningitis-causing bacteria from National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH). These pathogens are Strepto- coccus pneumoniae (Spn), Streptococcus agalactiae (group B streptococcus, GBS), Staphy-lococcus aureus (Sa), Pseu- domonas aeruginosae (Psa), Acineto-bacter baumannii (Ab), Klebsiella pneumoniae (Kp), Neisseria meningitidis (Nm), Listeria monocytogenes (Lm), Haemophilus inuenzae (Hi), and Escherichia coli (E.coli). Second, we assign a cost to each misclassification and feed the cost to state-of-the-art cost- sensitive classification algorithms on the SERS data set. These cost-sensitive algorithms include cost-sensitive one-versus-one (CSOVO) [13], cost-sensitive one-sided regression (CSOSR) [14] and cost-sensitive filter tree (CSFT) [15]. We couple these algorithms with support vector machine (SVM) [16]

framework because it has been frequently used for menin- gitis infection studies [3] with promising results. Third, we carefully study how one can obtain a suitable cost-sensitive model by tuning the parameters in the cost-sensitive algorithms accordingly. Our experiment shows that CSOSR algorithms with a particular kernel in SVM can achieve the lowest cost on the SERS.

We present a brief description of our SERS platform in the next section. Thus, in section III, we briefly discuss the


four algorithms. In Section IV, we summarize the experiment results. Finally, we discuss relevant issues and future work in Section V.


In this section we describe the method we used to acquire Meningitis SERS spectra. Our dataset contains 79 clinical samples of ten meningitis-causing bacteria species collected in NTUH. In addition, 17 standard bacteria samples from American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) are used for es- tablishing the baseline. Raw spectra are collected with Raman spectromicroscope, (HR800, Jobin-Yvon) equipped with a HeNe laser at 632.8nm and NA 0.95 100x water-immersion objective lens. The Laser power intensity used was about 105W/cm2. A task is a batched experiment of scanning and collecting Raman spectra from a single specimen, and we often take 30 to 50 spectra in a single task. Raman signals in the bandwidth between 400 and 1600 cm−1, the information-rich portion, was collected. The integration time was set from 1 to 3 seconds. Median filtering with noise estimation was used to reduce the cosmic ray signals, wavelet de-noising was used to filter out the thermal noise, and peak-clipping algorithm was used to remove background fluorescence. Finally, the spectra intensity was normalized to [0, 1] to address multiplicative factors in the spectra. The details of the process can be found in our previous reports [17]. The number of collected tasks and spectra for each species are listed in Table 1.



species Ab Ecol HI Kp Lm Nm Psa Spm Sa GBS

#Task ATCC 1 1 3 1 1 5 1 6 1 1

NTUH 11 11 2 10 8 0 8 11 8 10

#Spectra ATCC 50 50 91 27 34 0 60 141 17 50

NTUH 326 400 100 349 283 135 298 313 350 439

In addition to the sample spectra obtained from SERS platform, we develop a cost matrix according to average weights provided by two physicians specializing in infectious diseases. A misidentification was assigned a cost of 10 when it is possible that the misidentification will lead to ineffective antimicrobial therapy, treatment failure or mortality of the patient, while a cost of 1 was given when the therapy are not supposed to be very different in antimicrobial spectrum despite misidentification of the causative microbes. We organize the resulting costs as a matrix, as shown in Table 2.


``````real class classify to```

Ab Ecoli HI KP LM Nm Psa Spn Sa GBS

Ab 0 1 10 7 9 9 5 8 9 1

Ecoli 3 0 10 8 10 10 5 10 10 2

HI 10 10 0 3 2 2 10 1 2 10

KP 7 7 3 0 4 4 6 3 3 8

LM 8 8 2 4 0 5 8 2 1 8

Nm 3 10 9 8 6 0 8 3 6 7

Psa 7 8 10 9 9 7 0 8 9 5

Spn 6 10 7 7 4 4 9 0 4 7

Sa 7 10 6 5 1 3 9 2 0 7

Gbs 2 5 10 9 8 6 5 6 8 0


In this section, we introduce the core method and the algorithms used in this study, and then describe the validation and partition methods.

A. Core method

SVM is a widely used binary classifier which aims at producing a hyperplane that separates the two classes of examples with the maximal margin in a space introduced by a kernel function K(x, x) that measures the similarity between input vectors x and x. Given a training set {(xn, yn)}Nn=1

with yn ∈ {+1, −1}, the classifier is obtained by solving the following optimization problem


1 2

N i=1

N j=1

αiyiαjyjK(xi, xj)

N i=1


subject to

N i=1

yiαi= 0;

0≤ αi≤ C, for i = 1, . . . , N.

Here C is the parameter that controls the power of SVM. A proper use of SVM includes choosing K and C appropriately [18]. In this study, we adopt the linear kernel K(x, x) = xTx, which is one of the simplest choices, and the RBF kernel K(x, x) = eγ∥x−x2, the most popular one.

B. Algorithms

OVOSVM: One-versus-one is a method for extending SVM for multi-class problems. One-versus-one SVM (OVOSVM) considers different pairs of classes and each pair is handled by one binary SVM classifier. Each classifier is assigned to learn which of the two classes is more likely. Let M represents the number of classes (M = 10 in our system), OVOSVM involves (M


) SVM classifiers. The prediction of OVOSVM is based on letting each SVM classifier vote, and the final decision is the class that gets the most votes.

OVOSVM is designed to achieve decent accuracy and does not consider costs in its learning process. Next, we introduce several approaches that do consider costs during learning.

CSOVOSVM: CSOVOSVM [14] extends OVOSVM to cost-sensitive classification. CSOVOSVM also involves (M


) binary classifiers, each of which also working on a pair of classes. During training, the cost is embedded as the weights of training examples that can be learned by weighted SVM [19], a simple extension of binary SVM. The prediction procedure is the same as OVOSVM.

CSFTSVM: CSFTSVM [15] is another cost-sensitive classification algorithm based on SVM. Unlike CSOVOSVM, which takes (M


) comparisons in predicting the best class, CSFTSVM uses a single-elimination tournament, which can be represented as a binary tree of M leaves, for its prediction.

The tree structure allows a prediction time of O(log M ), faster than the O(M2) of CSOVOSVM. During training, the


cost is also embedded as the weights of training examples and each internal node of the tree is trained with a weighted SVM. There are M− 1 internal nodes in the binary tree and thus training CSFTSVM takes O(M ) SVM classifiers.

CSOSRSVM: CSOSRSVM [14] is a state-of-the-art cost- sensitive learning algorithm. Unlike CSOVOSVM and CS- FTSVM, CSOSRSVM embeds the cost in the real-valued labels instead of the weights. Learning the real-valued labels in CSOSRSVM is usually referred to as an one-sided-regression problem. CSOSRSVM trains and predicts with M one-sided- regression SVM models, both taking O(M ) in times.

C. Validation Method

To validate each algorithm and kernel combination, we adopt 20 random runs and present their average as the result.

The results, mean cost and accuracy, will be shown in the following tables. The number after ± is the standard error of 20 runs. In all the experiments, for the RBF kernel, we select the parameter C within {2−5, 2−3, ..., 213} and the γ parameter within {2−8, 2−7, ..., 20} with a 5-fold cross- validation on the training set. For the linear kernel, we select C within{2−5, 2−3, ..., 213} with a 5-fold cross-validation on the training set.

D. Partition Strategy

We experiment with two partition strategies and conclude that the partition strategy affects the performance notably on the SERS data set. With the traditional partition strategy, we mix samples from all tasks, and then randomly selects 80% of all samples for training and the rest for testing. With the task- based partition strategy, we use 80% of the tasks for training and the other 20% for testing. The accuracy of task-based partition is 75.4%, which is lower than the traditional partition strategy 89.75%. In our data set, traditional partition strategy causes machine learning algorithms prone to identify rules from coincident thermal noise or background pollutants of the same task. Thus, the observed performance results are overly optimistic and misleading. Therefore, we choose to adopt the task-based partition strategy

E. Re-balance Data

Our SERS data set is inherently imbalanced. If we train classifiers with these original data set, classifiers will be biased toward classes with plentiful samples. The training strategy of SVM tends to ignore classes with fewer samples, which causes SVM to misclassify the minor classes often.

Furthermore, the common pathogens of bacterial meningitis vary over time and space [20]. Considering biased pathogens species from a single region, NTUH for example, is not an ideal strategy to prepare a model with appropriate generaliza- tion. In order to build a classifier which can generalize over unseen samples of any class with equal prior probability, we applied random undersampling to equalize species probabil- ity [21].

This process balances class distribution by randomly remov- ing majority class samples until the number of majority class

samples equal to the number of minority class samples. In this study, we have selected 5 tasks for each species, and 10 spectra for each task.


The mean cost and accuracy over 20 runs are summarized in Table 3 and Table 4. The p-value is calculated from a single tailed t-test over 20 runs.

First, we take a look at the performance of the linear kernel in Table 3, the cost of CSOSRSVM is 1.177, which is obviously better than OVOSVM, 1.251. The results indicate that it is promising to use cost-sensitive algorithms. As for CSOVOSVM and CSFTSVM, they can not lower the test costs because their accuracy rates are too low.

Next, we move on to the RBF kernel. Table 5 shows that RBF kernel results in lower cost than linear kernel generally, which indicates that the SERS data set needs more sophisticated classifiers than SVM with the linear kernel. This also shows the relationship between our label and the features is non-linear. Again, CSOSRSVM has lowest mean cost 1.071 among the four algorithms in our SERS dataset. The t-test shows cost of CSOSRSVM with RBF kernel is significantly lower than our baseline, OVOSVM.

It’s worth mentioning that CSOSRSVM achieves similar accuracy with a lower cost compared to OVOSVM. The reason may be that some of our spectra are very difficult to be properly classified. We examine the misclassified spectra from both algorithms and find that 73% of the misclassified spectra of OVOSVM overlap with the misclassified spectra of CSOSRSVM. In Figure 1, for each species, we plot a blue line to indicate the average spectra, and red lines for each spectra misclassified by both OVOSVM and CSOSRSVM. Although these samples are mostly noises. CSOSRSVM only predicts cost 4.66, which is lower than OVOSVM, 4.98.

400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Ab

E.Coli Hi Kp Lm Nm Psa S pn Sa StrGrB


Fig. 1. SERS spectra of meningitis bacterial pathogen. For each species, blue line is the mean spectrum and the red thin lines are the overlapping misclassified spectra by both OVOSVM and CSOSRSVM algorithms.


In summary, the results suggest that CSOSRSVM with RBF kernel is better than the other algorithm and kernel combinations and is suitable for the SERS data set.



Accuracy Cost p-value

OVOSVM 75.35± 1.49 1.251± 0.087 N/A

CSOSRSVM 73.3± 1.87 1.177± 0.093 0.128 CSOVOSVM** 57.3± 2.03 1.477± 0.111 0.9779 CSFTSVM** 54.65± 2.32 1.831± 0.099 1

** OVOSVM significantly better (single-tailed pairwise t-test on cost with α = 0.05)



Accuracy Cost p-value

OVOSVM 75.45± 1.58 1.232± 0.087 N/A

CSOSRSVM* 75.6± 1.63 1.071± 0.081 0.004 CSOVOSVM 68.10± 2.03 1.209± 0.089 0.3538 CSFTSVM** 64.55± 1.83 1.489± 0.095 0.9987

*OVOSVM significantly worse ** OVOSVM significantly better (single-tailed pairwise t-test on cost with α = 0.05)



Cost(linear kernel) Cost(RBF kernel) p-value

OVOSVM 1.251± 0.087 1.232± 0.087 0.441

CSOSRSVM 1.177± 0.093 1.071± 0.081 0.204

CSOVOSVM* 1.477± 0.111 1.209± 0.089 0.038

CSFTSVM* 1.831± 0.099 1.489± 0.095 0.010

* RBF kernel significantly better (single-tailed pairwise t-test on cost with α = 0.05)


We use empirical data and domain knowledge to design the cost matrix and the platform for comparing cost-sensitive clas- sification algorithms. We demonstrate traditional algorithms is insufficient for clinical bacterial meningitis pathogen identifi- cation practice when considering the cost of misclassification, since they only uses the accuracy to validate the model and do not deal with the difference of assorted error types. We compared three cost-sensitive algorithms in order to find a proper cost-sensitive algorithm that reflects the unequal misdi- agnosis cost in clinical practice. The result shows CSOSRSVM with RBF kernel achieve the lowest cost among OVOSVM, CSOVOSVM and CSFTSVM.

In the future, we will incorporate species distribution into our experiments. We will also consider time-varying and region-varying solutions using transfer learning and on-line learning techniques to extend the capability of our cost- sensitive models.


This work was supported by the National Science Coun- cil (NSC 99-2120-M-001-003-CC1 and NSC 99-2628-E-002- 017), Taiwan, R.O.C.


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