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林晏任、蔡昀蓁、柯琪恩、葉才瑋 報告日期:


Academic year: 2022

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指導醫師:林立民醫師、陳玉昆醫師、陳靜怡醫師 報告者:Intern L 組 林晏任、蔡昀蓁、柯琪恩、葉才瑋 報告日期:2014.07.29


General Data

Name : O O O

Sex : Male

Age : 14 years old

Native : Unknown

Marital status : 未婚

Attending staff: O O O醫師

First visit : 103/07/04


Chief Complaint

Ask for examination of a suspected odontoma in the region of upper left posterior area.


Present Illness

This 14-year-old male was informed that he didn’t have tooth 27 eruption by a LDC

dentist, so he took panorex film and CT

scan, and the dentist told him it may be an odontoma and suggested him to come to our OPD for further treatment.



Intraoral examination

Missing tooth: Tooth 27

Bone expansion (+)

Tenderness/Pain +

Paresthesia: Unknown

Ulcer (-)

Normal appearance of palatal muocosa and no

abnormal findings for teeth over left posterior maxilla



Extraoral examination

No obvious swelling over the facial area


Past medical history

Past Medical History

Systemic diseases (-)

Hospitalization (-)

Surgery under GA (-)

Food & drug allergies (-)


Past dental history

Routine dental treatment

Attitude to dental treatment: Co-operative


Personal History

Risk factor related to malignancy

Alcohol drinking (-)

Betel quid chewing (-)

Cigarette smoking (-)

Special oral habits: Denied

Family history:

Similar facial profile in relatives: Unknown


Radiographic examination - 1

There is a well-defined homogenous radiopacity with radiolucent rimming containing high position impaction 27 with corticated margin over the left

posterior maxilla, extending from the distal side of tooth 24 to the left maxillary tuberosity, and from 2/3 height of left maxillary sinus to the left maxillary

alveolar crest of molar area, measuring approximately 3.3x3.0 cm. The inferior border of left maxillary sinus seems to not be continuous, may be affected by the lesion. Root resorption on tooth 26 is not obvious.


Radiographic examination - 2

Missing tooth: Tooth 28

Operative dentistry: Tooth 16,36,46 Unerupted tooth: Tooth 18,38,48


Peripheral or Intrabony

Left posterior maxillary area

Pain (+)

Tenderness (+)

Induration (-)

Bone expansion (+)


Intrabony or peripharal

Our case Peripheral Intrabony

Mucosal lesion - + -

Induration - +/- +

Bony expansion + - +/-

Bone destruction + - +-



Inflammation, Cyst or Neoplasm

Our case Inflammation

Redness - +

Swelling + +

Local heat - +

Pain +


Our case Cyst

Fluctuation - +/-

Well defined border + +

Bone expansion + +-

Due to panorex finding:

Large homogeneous RO destruction lesion

→ tumor or cyst


Our case Inflammatory cyst

Non-inflammatory cyst

Pain, tenderness + + -

Local heat - + -

Color Pink Reddish Pink

Progression Slow Fast Slow

Sclerotic margin + - +


Our case Benign Malignance Border Well-defined Well-defined Ill-defined

Margin Smooth Smooth Irregular

Sclerotic margin + + -

Destruction of cortical

margin - +- +

Progression Slow Slow Fast

Swelling with intact

epithelium + + -

Pain + - +

Induration - - +


 Non-inflammatory cyst or benign tumor


Differential diagnosis

Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma

Complex odontoma

Ossifying fibroma

Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor


Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma

Our case AFO

Gender male equal

Age 14 0~20

Site Maxillary (molar area) Posterior, especially mandible

Paresthesia + -

Swelling + +

Drainage - -

Radiography Well-defined, RO mass with RL rim,

corticated margin Unerupted tooth


Unilocular RL with RO mass Unerupted tooth involved

Bony expansion + +

Teeth displacement/

root resoprtion + +

Duration Sow Slow


Our case


Complex odontoma

Our case Odontoma complex

Gender male equal

Age 14 0~20 (mean:14)

Site Maxillary (molar area) Molar area

Paresthesia + -

Swelling + +

Drainage - +

Radiography Well-defined, RO mass with RL rim,

corticated margin Unerupted tooth


Unilocular RL with RO mass Unerupted tooth involved

Bony expansion + +

Teeth displacement/

root resoprtion + +

Duration Slow Slow


Our case


Ossifying fibroma

Our case OF

Gender male Female

Age 14 30~50

Site Maxillary (molar area) Posterior, mandible

Paresthesia + -

Swelling + +

Drainage - -

Radiography Well-defined, RO mass with RL rim,

corticated margin Unerupted tooth

Well-defined unilocular

RO mass involved

Bony expansion + +

Teeth displacement/

root resoprtion + -

Duration Slow Slow


Our case


Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor

Our case CEOT

Gender male equal

Age 14 30~50

Site Maxillary (molar area) Mandible (posterior)

Paresthesia + -

Swelling + +

Drainage - -

Radiography Well-defined,

RO mass with RL rim, corticated margin

Unerupted tooth


Uni / multi-locular RL

(unilocular more common in maxilla) Associated with impacted tooth

Bony expansion + +


displacement/ root resoprtion

+ +

Duration Slow Slow


Our case


Clinical Impression

Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma, left posterior maxilla


Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma

Clinical presentation

Age: 1st & 2nd decades

Region: posterior, mandible

Jaw expansion may present



Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma


Slow growing



Inhibit tooth eruption or displace


Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma

Radiographic feature


Unilocular RL with RO mass

Unerupted tooth involved


Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma


Lobulated, cellular mesenchymal component with proliferating odontogenic epithelium in cords and islands

Enamel matrix, dentin formation associated with odontoma


Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma


Conservative surgical excision/curettage




Treatment plan

First visit: 103 / 7 / 04

Arrange OP, GA routine

CT image


Treatment plan

A sclerotic well-defined mass lesion (2.80 x 1.95 x 2.58 cm) in the left maxillary sinus arises from inferior and posterior border of the maxillary sinus. with kind of bone expansion, homogeneous tumor matrix with capsule is noted.

Right ethmoid and sphenoid sinusitis DDx: cementoma, ossifying fibroma


Treatment plan

OP: 103 / 07 / 09

Routine p’t identification check

Time out

Routine aseptic and draping procedure

Prophylactic antibiotic

Throat pack, OP start

Intrasulcular incision from 26 to 27 distal

Triangular flap reflection


Bone tumor excision , sent for HP exam

Sinus membrane intact

Complicated extraction of 27

Copious N/S irrigation

Gelfoam soaking

Suture with 3-0 vicryl

Throat pack out, OP ended


Histo-pathologic examination -1

組織名稱: Maxilla, left

臨床診斷: Benign neoplasm

腫瘤代碼: (M-9290/0)

Pathologic diagnosis:

Bone, maxilla, left, excision, ameloblastic fibro-odontoma

Gross Examination

The specimen submitted consists of 2 soft tissue fragments and more the 10 hard tissue fragments in 2 bags, measuring up to 2.0 x 1.5 x 0.9

cm in size, fixed in formalin. Grossly, they are whitish and brownish in color, rubbery and bony hard in consistency.

All for section and labeled as follows: Jar O.

A: 左上顎tumor capsule B1-3: 左上顎TUMOR B1: tumor

B2-3: tumor and tooth


Histo-pathologic examination -2

Microscopic Examination:

The slides contains two identical groups of irregular-shaped soft and decalcified hard tissue specimens.

Microscopically, it is characterized by

ameloblast-like tumor islands infiltrated in immature fibrous stroma and dense fibrous tissue in section A. Sections B1-3 are

characterized by complex and compound odontoma and a tooth crown.


Following above episode, it shows ameloblastic fibro-odontoma


Case report

Iran J Otorhinolaryngol., Seyed Ali Banihashem Rad, Apr 2014


Present illness

An 11-year-old girl was referred to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Mashhad Dental School, Iran for evaluation of a facial swelling of 6 months duration.


Past medical history

History of systemic disease or trauma: (-)

Food or drug allergies: unknown

Hospitalization: unknown

Attitude to dental treatment: unknown



Extra oral examination:

An asymptomatic swelling on the right side of the maxilla without s/s of


Intra oral examination:

A bony hard bulge was palpable in the maxillary vestibule.

Missing 2nd molar


A well-defined, radiolucent lesion in the maxillary sinus which contained several radiopaque materials of varying sizes and shapes


The maxillary second molar is involved



Under general anesthesia an incision was made intraorally.

A full thickness flap from second incisor to the tuberosity was reflected.

After bone removal of the sinus wall,

access to the lesion was completed. The lesion and the impacted second molar

were enucleated.



The panoramic view of the patient 4 weeks after surgery



The panoramic view of the patient 12 weeks after surgery. The right second premolar is in eruption



Postoperatively, after twelve months, no evidence of residual or recurrent

disease was found






Tom Beauchamp &James Childress 六大原則 - 1979

1.行善原則(Beneficence):亦即醫師要盡其所能延長病人之 生命且減輕病人之痛苦。

2. 誠信原則(Veractity):亦即醫師對其病人有「以誠信相對 待」的義務。

3. 自主原則(Autonomy):亦即病患對其己身之診療決定的 自主權必須得到醫師的尊重。

4. 不傷害原則(Nonmaleficence):亦即醫師要盡其所能避免 病人承受不必要的身心傷害。

5. 保密原則(Confidentiality),亦即醫師對病人的病情負有保 密的責任。

6. 公義原則(Justice),亦即醫師在面對有限的醫療資源時,

應以社會公平、正義的考量來協助合理分配此醫療資源給 真正最需要它的人。



做了Excision 後是否有減輕p’t的疼痛感?或是 使p’t更不舒服?

→有減輕swelling的情形,術後傷口會疼痛,但傷 口有持續癒合,等到完全恢復後不會有疼痛現 象。

























告知的對象 1. 本人為原則

2. 病人未明示反對時,亦得告知其配偶與親屬 3. 病人為未成年人時,亦須告知其法定代理人

4. 若病人意識不清或無決定能力, 應須告知其法定 代理人、配偶、親屬或關係人

5. 病人得以書面敘明僅向特定之人告知或對特定 對象不予告知







在病例撰寫方面(病兆描述,治療計畫,病人態度) 應書寫詳盡, 使治療過程有詳實的記錄及治療 順利。






inferior border of cortex of left ascending ramus and from 0.5cm inferior to sigmoid notch down to the inferior border of cortex of left mandible,.. measuring 7.0x5.5cm

Painful mass on left posterior buccal mucosa near maxillary buccal vestibule opposed to tooth 27...

mandible, extending from distal side of tooth 32 and the impacted tooth 33 to the mesial root of tooth 75 and the impacted tooth 35, measuring about 3.0 x 3.0 cm²..

margin over left posterior maxilla, extending from the distal side of tooth 24 to the mesial side of tooth 26 , and from the border of left maxillary sinus to the left

A routine panoramic radiograph showed the presence of multiple supernumerary teeth which were located in the maxillary right canine incisor region, the maxillary left premolar

A panoramic radiograph revealed an impacted maxillary right second premolar and an impacted deciduous molar embedded within bone close to the inferior wall of the maxillary

• A considerable hypodense area in the left side of the mandibular body affected the mental foramen area and extended back to the apex of the mesial root of tooth #178.

Here we describe a case of mucormycosis of maxillary antrum extending to ethmoidal and frontal sinus and also causing necrosis of left maxilla in an uncontrolled diabetic individual