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Academic year: 2022



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Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China {hungyi, whm}@iis.sinica.edu.tw


In this paper, we propose using support vector machine (SVM) to refine the hypothesized phone transition boundaries given by the HMM-based Viterbi forced alignment. We conducted experiments on the TIMIT speech corpus. The phone transi- tions were automatically partitioned into 46 clusters accord- ing to their acoustic characteristics and the cross-validation using the training data; hence, 46 phone-transition-dependent SVM classifiers were used for phone boundary refinement.

The proposed HMM-SVM approach performs as well as the recent discriminative HMM-based segmentation. The best ac- curacies achieved are 81.23% within a tolerance of 10 ms and 92.47% within a tolerance of 20 ms. The mean boundary dis- tance is 7.73 ms.

Index Terms— Automatic phone alignment, support vec- tor machine, reduced support vector machine


Annotated speech corpora are indispensable to various areas of speech research, e.g., speech recognition and speech syn- thesis. Phoneme level annotation is especially important for fundamental speech research. However, the development of a large high-quality, manually labelled speech corpus requires lots of human effort, and is time-consuming. To reduce the human effort and speed up the labelling process, many at- tempts have been made to utilize automatic phone alignment approaches to provide initial phonetic segmentation for sub- sequent manual segmentation and verification [1, 2, 3].

The most popular method of automatic phone alignemnt is to adapt an HMM-based phonetic recognizer to align a phonetic transcription with a speech utterance. Empirically, phone boundaries obtained in this way should contain few se- rious errors, since HMMs in general capture acoustic proper- ties of phones; however, small errors are inevitable because HMMs are not sensitive enough to detect changes between adjacent phones.

In this paper, we propose using support vector machine (SVM) [4, 5] to refine the hypothesized boundaries given by the HMM-based Viterbi forced alignment. As will be detailed in the following section, we adapt the reduced support vec- tor machine (RSVM) [5] algorithm to overcome the compu-

tational difficulty of applying SVM in a task with a massive data set. In our approach, a phone-transition-dependent SVM classifier is applied to detect the true phone transition bound- ary around each hypothesized boundary given by the initial HMM-based segmentation. These SVM classifiers for detect- ing boundaries of various phone transitions are trained in ad- vance based on multiple discriminative features in addition to MFCCs. We conducted automatic phone alignment exper- iments on the TIMIT speech corpus. The proposed HMM- SVM approach performs as well as the improved HMM-based segmentation [3], which used a discriminative criterion, called minimum boundary error (MBE), instead of the conventional maximum likelihood (ML) criterion for HMM training. The best accuracies achieved are 81.23% within a tolerance of 10 ms and 92.47% within a tolerance of 20 ms. The mean bound- ary distance is 7.73 ms.


Support vector machine (SVM) has become one of the most promising learning algorithms for classification as well as re- gression, and has been successfully applied to many real-world pattern recognition applications. SVM finds a separating sur- face with a large margin between training samples of two classes in a high dimensional feature space implicitly intro- duced by a computationally efficient kernel mapping, and the large margin implies a better generalization ability according to the statistical learning theory [4]. The reduced support vec- tor machine (RSVM) [5] algorithm to implement SVM was proposed in an attempt to overcome the computational diffi- culty as well as to reduce the model complexity in generating a nonlinear separating surface for a massive data set.

2.1. Reduced support vector machine

Consider the problem of classifying data points into two classes, A+ and A. We are given a training data set {(xi, yi)}mi=1, where xi ∈ χ ⊂ Rn is an input vector variable and yi ∈ {1, −1} is a class label, which indicates one of the two classes, A+ and A, to which the data point belongs. We represent these data points by an m × n matrix A, where the i-th row of the matrix A, Ai, corresponds to the i-th data point. We use an m × m diagonal matrix D, Dii = yi, to specify the


class membership of each data point. The main goal of train- ing is to find a classifier that can correctly predict the class label of an unseen data point. This can be achieved by con- structing a nonlinear separating surface which is implicitly defined by a kernel function. In conventional SVM [4], the nonlinear kernel matrix K(A, A0) ∈ Rm×m(where m is the size of the training data set) on large data sets will lead to some computational difficulties [5]. The RSVM [5], which uses a very small random subset of size ¯m of the original m data points, where ¯m << m, can avoid these difficulties.

We denote this random subset by ¯A, which is used to gen- erate a much smaller rectangular matrix K(A, ¯A0) ∈ Rm× ¯m and to replace the huge and fully dense square kernel matrix K(A, A0) used in conventional SVM to cut the problem size, computational time and memory usage as well as to simplify the characterization of nonlinear separating surface. We now briefly describe the reduced support vector machine formu- lation, which is derived from the generalized support vector machine (GSVM) [6] and smooth support vector machine [7].

The RSVM solves the following unconstrained minimization problem for an arbitrary rectangular kernel K(A, ¯A0):




2kp(e − D(K(A, ¯A0) ¯D ¯u − eγ), α)k22 +1

2(¯u0u + γ¯ 2), (1) where the function p(x, α) is a very accurate smooth approx- imation to (x)+ [7], which is applied to each component of the vector e − D(K(A, ¯A0) ¯D ¯u − eγ) and is defined compo- nentwise by

p(x, α) = x + 1

αlog(1 + e−αx), α > 0. (2) The function p(x, α) converges to (x)+ as α goes to infin- ity. The positive tuning parameter ν here controls the trade- off between the classification error and the suppression of (¯u, γ).The diagonal matrix ¯D ∈ Rm× ¯¯ mwith ones or minus ones along its diagonal to specify the membership of each point in the reduced set. A solution of this minimization pro- gram for ¯u and γ leads to the nonlinear separating surface

K(x0, ¯A0) ¯D ¯u = γ. (3) Problem (1) retains the strong convexity and differentia- bility properties in the Rm+1¯ space of (¯u, γ) for any arbi- trary rectangular kernel. Hence we can apply the Newton- Armijo Algorithm [7] directly to solve (1) and the existence and uniqueness of the optimal solution of the minimization problem (1) are also guaranteed. In a nutshell, the RSVM can be split into two parts. First, it selects a small random subset

K(·, ¯A01), K(·, ¯A02), · · · , K(·, ¯A0m¯) from the full-data ba- sis set. The full-data set is inefficient with possibly heavy overlaps in function representation, but the conventional SVM has been using it. Secondly, the RSVM determines the best

coefficients of the selected kernel functions by solving the un- constrained minimization problem (1) using the entire data set so that the surface will fit the whole data well.


The proposed SVM-based phonetic boundary refinement pro- ceeds as follows. For each initial boundary detected by the HMM-based segmentation, several hypothesized boundaries around it are identified first; then each of which is exam- ined by a phone-transition-dependent SVM classifier; and fi- nally the most likely boundary is selected to replace the ini- tial boundary. The SVM classifiers for detecting boundaries of various phone transitions are trained in advance based on multiple discriminative features in addition to MFCCs.

3.1. Useful features

In the HMM-based segmentation, each frame of the speech data is represented by a 39 dimensional MFCC-based feature vectors comprised of 12 MFCCs and log energy, plus their delta and delta-delta coefficients. In the refinement stage, each frame is represented by a 45 dimensional feature vec- tor consisting of the above 39 MFCC-based coefficients, plus zero crossing rate, bisector frequency [8], burst degree [8], spectral entropy, general weighted entropy [9], and subband energy.

For each hypothesized boundary, the feature vectors of the left and right frames next to it, together with the sym- metrical Kullback-Leibler distance (SKLD) and the spectral feature transition rate (SFTR) between the two feature vec- tors, are concatenated to form a 92 dimensional augmented vector. The augmented vectors are used as features to cluster the phone transitions and as the input vectors to SVM.

3.2. Phone transition clustering

Ideally, we can train a SVM classifier for each kind of phone transition. However, this is generally not feasible because the training data is always limited and some specific phone tran- sitions might have the sparse data problem. In practical im- plementations, we need to partition the phone transitions into clusters according to their acoustic characteristics, such that the training data can be shared and the phone transitions with little training data can be covered by the SVM classifiers of categories to which they belong.

The partition can be determined based on either prior knowl- edge [10] or statistical learning [1]. In this paper, we use a data-driven clustering approach as follows:

1. For each specific phone transition case, we gather all augmented vectors associated with the human-labelled phone boundaries, and compute the mean vector.


2. For each one of the three phone transition classes, namely sonorant to non-sonorant, sonorant to sonorant, non- sonorant to non-sonorant, we apply the K-means al- gorithm to cluster the phone transitions according to their mean vectors. Note that only the phone transi- tions with enough instances are considered in this step.

The number of clusters is determined according to the cross-validation accuracy that the resulting SVM clas- sifiers achieve in the training data.

3. We assign the phone transitions, which are ignored in Step 2 due to sparse instances, to the nearest clusters according to the distances between their mean vectors and the cluster centers.

3.3. Input vector to SVM

For each partition subset, two discriminative features, namely discriminative weighted entropy and discriminative subband energy, are believed to be more specialized to each partition subset. The discriminative weighted entropy is computed by

H = −




weipilog pi, (4)

where wei is a weight vector and pi is the element of power spectrum which is normalized to satisfyPN

i=1pi = 1. The weight vector of each partition subset is trained by linear SVM using the vectors p log p extracted from the right frames next to the true boundaries as positive samples and those from the left frames as negative samples. The goal of training the weight vector is to maximize the variation of the weighted entropy feature close to the true boundary. The discriminative subband energy is computed by:

Esub= Ej

arg max

j Fj, (5)

where Ej, j = 1, . . . , 9, is pre-defined subband energy and the weight score Fjis:

Fj+j − µj

σ+j − σj , (6)

where µj and σj are the mean and standard deviation of the j-th subband energy for the training samples of the positive or negative class.

After these two parameters are determined, the general weighted entropy and the subband energy extracted in sec- tion 3.1 are replaced by the discriminative weighted entropy and the discriminative subband energy in the input vectors to SVM in both training and testing phases.

3.4. Boundary recognition using SVM

For each phone transition subset, a SVM classifier is trained by the RSVM algorithm for boundary detection using the aug-

mented vectors associated with the true boundaries as the pos- itive training samples and the randomly selected augmented vectors at least ±20 ms away from the true boundaries as the negative training samples. Gaussian kernel with the weighted Euclidean distance K(x, z0) = e−γkw(xi−xj)k22 is applied, and the weight is used to emphasize the more important and discriminative features. In the testing phase, the augmented vectors associated with the speech frames around the hypoth- esized boundary are examined by the SVM classifier accord- ing to the partition to which the phone transition belongs, and the frame index associated with the augmented vector with the maximum classifier output is recognized as the refined boundary.

4. EXPERIMENT RESULTS 4.1. Experiment setup

Our experiments were conducted on the TIMIT acoustic-phonetic continuous speech corpus. TIMIT contains a total of 6,300 sentences, comprised of 10 sentences spoken by each of 630 speakers from 8 major dialect regions in the United States.

The TIMIT suggested training and testing sets contain 462 and 168 speakers, respectively. We discard the dialect sen- tences (SA1 and SA2 utterances) and utterances with phones shorter than 10 ms. The resulting training set and testing set contain 3,696 sentences and 1,312 sentences, respectively.

The acoustic models for HMM-based segmentation con- sist of 50 context-independent phone models, each represented by a 3-state continuous density HMM (CDHMM) with a left- to-right topology. Each frame of the speech data is repre- sented by a 39-dimensional feature vector comprised of 12 MFCCs and log energy, and their delta and delta-delta coef- ficients. The frame width is 20 ms and the frame shift is 5 ms. Utterance-based cepstral variance normalization (CVN) is applied to all the training and testing speech. The acoustic models were trained on the training speech according to the human-labelled phonetic transcriptions and boundaries by the Baum-Welch algorithm using the ML criterion with 10 itera- tions.

By using the cross-validation on the TIMIT training data, the number of phone transition cluster is 20 in the sonorant to non-sonorantclass, 16 in the sonorant to sonorant class, and 10 in the non-sonorant to non-sonorant class. As a re- sult, 46 SVM classifiers are used. In the refinement phase, given the boundary of each phone transition obtained by the HMM-based segmentation, 16 hypothesized boundaries ex- tracted every 5 ms around the initial boundary within ±40 ms will be examined by SVM.

The proposed HMM-SVM approach was compared with the improved HMMM BE-based segmentation [3]. The MBE discriminative training approach was applied to manipulate the above ML-trained HMMs with 10 more iterations.


Table 1. The percentage of phone boundaries correctly placed within different tolerances with respect to their associated human-labelled phone boundaries.

Mean Boundary Accuracy %

Methods Distance (ms) < 5ms < 10ms < 20ms < 30ms < 40ms

HMMM L 9.73 46.85 71.53 89.17 94.62 97.16

HMMM L+M BE 7.79 58.73 80.15 92.09 95.93 97.89

HMMM L-SVM 7.82 58.18 81.19 92.47 96.05 97.78

HMMM L+M BE-SVM 7.73 58.25 81.23 92.46 96.08 97.95

4.2. Experiment results

Table 1 shows the percentage of phone boundaries correctly placed within different tolerances with respect to their as- sociated human-labeled phone boundaries. The second row represents the results of the ML-trained HMM forced align- ment, and the third row comes from the MBE-trained HMM forced alignment. The fourth row is the performance of the SVM-based refinement based on the initial boundaries given by the ML-trained HMM forced alignment, and the fifth row is the performance of the SVM-based refinement based on the initial boundaries given by the MBE-trained HMM forced alignment. We observe that the proposed HMMM L-SVM ap- proach performs as well as the discriminative HMMM BE- based segmentation. However, the SVM-based refinement can only slightly improve the segmentation accuracy given the initial boundaries provided by the HMMM BE-based seg- mentation. It seems that the refinement system doesn’t benefit much from a more accurate initial alignment. The best accu- racies achieved are 81.23% within a tolerance of 10 ms and 92.47% within a tolerance of 20 ms. The mean boundary dis- tance is 7.73 ms.


SVM has been successfully applied in many applications, but it is less widely applied in speech processing research. In this paper, we have presented a SVM-based boundary refine- ment approach to improve the HMM-based forced alignment for automatic phonetic segmentation. The preliminary exper- iment results on the TIMIT corpus show that the proposed HMM-SVM approach performs as well as the improved HMM- based segmentation, which used a minimum boundary error (MBE) criterion for discriminative HMM training. Although the current SVM-based refinement system seems not able to benefit from a more accurate initial alignment given by the HMMM BEforced alignment in our experiments, a more ac- curate segmentation is expectable if a more comprehensive investigation into the acoustic features and the characteristics of various phone transitions can be carried out to improve the phone-transition-dependent SVM classifiers.


This work was supported in part by the National Science Coun- cil, Taiwan, under Grant: NSC95-2221-E-001-035.


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[4] V. N. Vapnik, The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory, Springer, New York, 1995.

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[8] C.-Y. Lin, J.-S. Roger Jang, and K.-T. Chen, “Automatic segmentation and labeling for mandarin chinese speech corpora for concatenation-based TTS,” Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 145–166, 2005.

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Table 1. The percentage of phone boundaries correctly placed within different tolerances with respect to their associated human-labelled phone boundaries.



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