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Academic year: 2022

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110 學年度身心障礙學生升學大專校院甄試試題本




英文翻譯與寫作 (B2420)


1. 考試時間:90 分鐘。

2. 請在答案卷上作答,答案卷每人一張,不得要求增補。

3. 請核對報考甄試類(群)組別、考試科目是否相符。

4. 單選題共 40 題。



單選題,共 40 題,每題 2.5 分

一、同義測驗 : 請選出與題目畫底線部分語意最接近的答案。

1. His correct answer indicated a full understanding of the question.

(A) lacked (B) missed (C) showed (D) wasted

2. The invention of smart phones has a big influence on our lives.

(A) effect (B) error (C) search (D) secret

3. Having planned to set up her own business for a long time, Lisa finally opened a coffee shop last week.

(A) create (B) deny (C) forgive (D) ignore

4. As responsible citizens, we must do everything by law.

(A) legally (B) locally (C) politely (D) publicly

5. Students in Taiwan don’t like to participate in class discussion.

(A) give up (B) rely on (C) look up to (D) take part in

6. Although she was sick, Joy still handed in her final paper on time.

(A) broke into (B) looked into (C) signed in (D) turned in


7. English is full of wonderful borrowed words from many languages.

(A) English is a wonderful language that has many words about borrowing.

(B) There are many wonderful words in English and in many other languages.

(C) English is so wonderful that many languages have borrowed words from it.

(D) There are many wonderful words in English that came from other languages.

8. Some researchers say that the right brain is connected to musical skills.

(A) According to some researchers, the right brain has something to do with playing music.

(B) Some researchers say that the brain is the right place to connect all the skills of playing music.

(C) Some researchers say that if a person’s brain is right, she or he can easily have good musical skills.

(D) According to some researchers, the right brain helps us to improve our abilities to enjoy music.

9. The research project is expected to be finished by the end of January.

(A) The research project should be finished in late February.

(B) The research project should be finished in the next January.

(C) The research project should be finished after the end of February.

(D) The research project should be finished before the end of January.

10.Due to the outbreak of the virus, many employees were reluctantly laid off by their companies.

(A) A lot of employees wanted to leave their jobs due to the outbreak of the virus.

(B) A lot of companies excitedly hired new people during the outbreak of the virus.

(C) Many employees left their jobs unwillingly because of the outbreak of the virus.

(D) Many companies were willing to employ people during the outbreak of the virus.



二 、 重 組 : 請 將 下 列 提 示 字 詞 重 新 排 列 為 一 有 意 義 的 句 子 。 11. John was not happy because .

(1) there was no one (2) what to do

(3) to tell him

(4) at the information desk

(A) 1234 (B) 1243 (C) 1423 (D) 1432

12. Researchers suggest that . (1) are often thought of negatively,

(2) not doing what they should be doing (3) people who daydream

(4) such as being lazy or

(A) 2134 (B) 2431 (C) 3142 (D) 3214

13. After the earthquake, . (1) have worked hand in hand

(2) many young volunteers (3) to rebuild the village (4) local residents and

(A) 2134 (B) 2314 (C) 4213 (D) 4321


14. It is not easy . (1) to describe the taste

(2) quite delicious (3) of the dish we had, (4) but it was

(A) 1342 (B) 1432 (C) 3421 (D) 4132

15.I’d like to thank . (1) the teacher for

(2) this paper better

(3) pointing out my mistakes, (4) so I could make

(A) 1234 (B) 1342 (C) 2134 (D) 3412

16.You . (1) be late

(2) such as this one (3) must not

(4) for an important meeting

(A) 1342 (B) 2143 (C) 3214 (D) 3142



17. Over the past two decades, . (1) more and more high-rising buildings

(2) the skyline of the city (3) that changed

(4) there have been

(A) 1423 (B) 2341 (C) 4231 (D) 4132

18. Superman is . (1) in a blue and red costume

(2) who can fly

(3) and has amazing power (4) a comic-book hero

(A) 1243 (B) 2341 (C) 3124 (D) 4123

19. Joseph and Carol are . (1) welcome any opinions and suggestions

(2) from almost everyone (3) who are open-minded and (4) highly respected supervisors

(A) 1432 (B) 2341 (C) 3214 (D) 4312


20. Just in case . (1) you need to contact me,

(2) with all the contact information (3) here is

(4) my business card

(A) 1342 (B) 2413 (C) 3412 (D) 4321

三 、 中 翻 英 : 請 選 出 最 接 近 中 文 語 意 的 英 文 翻 譯 。 21. 我 的 兒 子 太 矮 了 , 碰 不 到 那 支 電 扇 。

(A) My son is short to touch that electric fan.

(B) My son is too short to touch that electric fan.

(C) My son is too short and touches that electric fan.

(D) My son is so short and not touches that electric fan.

22. 這 個 會 議 將 每 兩 個 月 開 一 次 。

(A) The meeting will meet two months once.

(B) The meeting will meet every two months.

(C) The meeting will meet twice every month.

(D) The meeting will meet two months every time.

23. 我 寫 完 作 業 了 , 我 弟 弟 也 是 。

(A) I finished my assignment, and so did my brother.

(B) I finished my assignment, and my brother, either.

(C) I have already done my homework, and neither did my brother.

(D) I have never done my homework, and my brother has never, too.

24. 她 很 體 諒 別 人 的 感 覺 。

(A) She very considers people’s feelings.

(B) She is very considerate of people’s feelings.

(C) She is always considered by people’s feelings.

(D) She is so considerable about people’s feelings.



25. 離 開 教 室 前 , 請 關 燈 、 關 冷 氣 。

(A) After leaving the classroom, please close the lights and air-conditioner.

(B) After entering the room, turn down the lights and air-conditioner, please.

(C) Before leaving the classroom, turn off the lights and air-conditioner, please.

(D) Before locking the classroom, please shut down the lights and air-conditioner.

26. 大 學 的 網 路 課 程 從 90年 代 就 開 始 提 供 了 。

(A) From the 1990s would offer online university courses.

(B) The 1990s have started to offer online university courses.

(C) Online university courses have been offered since the 1990s.

(D) Online university courses are going to be offered by the 1990s.

27. 他 沒 日 沒 夜 地 在 辦 公 室 工 作 。

(A) His job is in the office every day.

(B) He has to work from 9 to 5 every day.

(C) He works in the office around the clock.

(D) He has a day job and a night job in the office.

28. 她 要 是 在 這 裡 的 話 , 我 就 直 接 告 訴 她 了 。 (A) If she were here, I’ll tell her directly.

(B) If she be here, then I told her directly.

(C) If she was being here, I tell her directly.

(D) If she were here, I would tell her directly.

29. 讓 這 個 小 男 孩 冷 靜 下 來 的 好 方 法 是 唱 歌 給 他 聽 。

(A) A good way to calm down this little boy is to sing to him.

(B) Singing to this little boy is a good way to make him cold.

(C) To let this little boy sing is a good way to calm him down.

(D) A good way to make this little boy look cool is to sing to him.

30. 他 是 我 最 不 想 見 到 的 人 。 (A) I want to see him so badly.

(B) I can’t meet him at this moment.

(C) He is the last person I want to meet.

(D) Seeing him is the least thing I can do.


四 、 英 翻 中 : 請 選 出 最 接 近 英 文 語 意 的 中 文 翻 譯 。 31. I don’t know she went to America last weekend.

(A)我 確 定 她 上 個 週 末 沒 有 去 美 國 。 (B)我 不 知 道 她 上 個 週 末 已 去 美 國 。

(C)我 不 清 楚 她 上 個 週 末 是 不 是 去 美 國 了 。 (D)我 不 認 識 她 , 她 上 個 週 末 就 去 美 國 了 。

32. Being an only child, not only is he spoiled, but he is also a bully in school.

(A)身 為 獨 子 , 他 雖 然 沒 被 寵 壞 , 但 在 學 校 被 人 欺 負 。 (B)身 為 獨 子 , 他 不 但 被 寵 壞 了 , 還 在 學 校 欺 負 別 人 。

(C)他 只 是 一 個 孩 子 , 不 但 沒 受 到 寵 愛 , 還 在 學 校 被 人 欺 負 。 (D)他 只 是 一 個 孩 子 , 雖 然 沒 有 被 寵 壞 , 但 在 學 校 樂 於 助 人 。

33. It is a casual party, and you don’t need to dress up.

(A)這 個 聚 會 很 混 亂 , 你 用 不 著 盛 裝 出 席 。 (B)這 個 聚 會 很 隆 重 , 你 不 必 穿 套 裝 出 席 。 (C)這 個 聚 會 很 休 閒 , 你 沒 必 要 盛 裝 出 席 。 (D)這 個 聚 會 很 無 趣 , 你 盛 裝 出 席 也 沒 用 。

34. To be frank with you, I don’t like my new colleague.

(A)為 了 跟 你 坦 白 , 我 不 會 跟 新 同 事 一 樣 。 (B)我 坦 白 跟 你 說 , 我 不 喜 歡 我 的 新 同 事 。 (C)我 的 新 同 事 跟 你 一 樣 直 率 , 我 不 喜 歡 他 。 (D)我 跟 你 一 樣 直 率 , 絕 不 會 跟 新 同 事 一 樣 。

35. He is used to drinking some coffee to stay awake in the afternoon.

(A)他 習 慣 在 下 午 時 喝 些 咖 啡 保 持 清 醒 。 (B)他 總 是 在 下 午 的 咖 啡 時 間 才 會 清 醒 。 (C)他 習 慣 利 用 下 午 清 醒 的 時 候 喝 些 咖 啡 。 (D)他 以 前 總 是 在 下 午 喝 些 咖 啡 保 持 清 醒 。



36.It turns out that he quit school because he has no interest in his major.

(A)因 為 對 任 何 課 程 都 毫 無 興 趣 , 他 終 於 決 定 休 學 了 。 (B)結 果 發 現 , 他 休 學 是 因 為 他 對 他 的 主 修 毫 無 興 趣 。 (C)他 認 為 他 的 主 修 沒 有 用 , 所 以 改 變 心 意 , 決 定 休 學 。 (D)他 雖 然 對 他 的 主 修 沒 興 趣 , 但 還 是 決 定 要 繼 續 就 讀 。 37. He is the taller of the two boys.

(A)他 比 這 兩 個 男 孩 都 高 一 些 。 (B)他 是 這 兩 個 男 孩 中 較 高 的 。

(C)他 是 這 三 個 男 孩 中 最 高 的 那 一 個 。 (D)他 比 這 兩 個 男 孩 中 的 其 中 一 個 高 。

38. Many people headed to their hometown for the long holiday.

(A)長 假 期 間 有 許 多 人 回 不 了 家 。 (B)許 多 人 已 出 發 返 鄉 放 長 假 去 了 。 (C)長 假 期 間 許 多 人 擠 破 頭 也 要 返 鄉 。 (D)許 多 人 因 沒 放 到 長 假 而 垂 頭 喪 氣 。

39. All his hard work and efforts finally paid off.

(A)他 所 有 的 努 力 終 於 有 了 回 報 。 (B)他 努 力 工 作 是 為 了 賺 錢 營 生 。 (C)他 能 給 的 回 報 就 是 努 力 工 作 。 (D)他 的 工 作 困 難 , 卻 毫 無 回 報 。

40. As soon as the pop star started performing, she took the audience by storm.

(A)那 位 流 行 歌 手 一 上 台 表 演 , 就 像 狂 風 般 亂 舞 。 (B)那 位 流 行 歌 手 一 上 台 表 演 , 觀 眾 就 隨 風 而 散 。 (C)那 位 流 行 歌 手 一 上 台 表 演 , 觀 眾 就 為 之 瘋 狂 。 (D)那 位 流 行 歌 手 一 上 台 表 演 , 就 颳 起 一 陣 強 風 。



(A) To explain why it takes longer for old people to sleep (B) To explain why people have difficulties in sleeping (C) To explain why people have variations in sleep duration (D)

(D) It is good news that Janet has returned to her hometown forever 5.This drink became very popular in Europe so that everybody’s.. favorite was chocolate in milk instead

(C) Fugees Family is a soccer team made up of refugee boys and helps them have hopes again.. (D) Refugee children from all over the world need a soccer team to help them

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In the simulated environment, his patients gain confidence to face the challenges in the real world.. Here is a successful story to demonstrate VR’s

(A) The drought has authorities worried that the effects of climate change are larger than expected as Australia experiences half of its warmest days on record lately.. (B)

Wells’ classic novel War of the Worlds, first published in 1898, described aliens as violent creatures and planned on invading the Earth. In 1938, the American actor and film

The tree’s roots can easily find water in the ground and send it up to the leaves.. Because they are wide and thin, leaves lose