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2 依司法院釋字第 635 號解釋,關於徵收土地增值稅之敘述,下列何者錯誤?


Academic year: 2021

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事 業 鐵 路 、 公 路 、 港 務 人 員 升 資 考 試 試 題

等 級: 佐級晉員級 類科(別): 各類別-鐵路

科 目: 法學知識與英文(包括中華民國憲法、法學緒論、英文)

考試時間: 1 小時 座號:


本科目共 50 題,每題 2 分,須用 2B 鉛筆在試卡上依題號清楚劃記,於本試題上作答者,不予計分。


1 下列何者非屬司法院釋字第 499 號解釋所稱,憲法中具有本質之重要性而為規範秩序存立之基礎者?

第 2 條國民主權原則 第 2 章保障人民權利

有關權力分立與制衡之原則 地方自治團體之組織

2 依司法院釋字第 635 號解釋,關於徵收土地增值稅之敘述,下列何者錯誤?



非自耕農以自耕農名義購買農業用地應補繳土地增值稅,未違背納稅義務人應按其實質稅負能力負擔 稅捐之精神

財政部所為應補徵土地增值稅之函釋,係依其法定職權就土地稅法相關規定所為之闡釋,其見解無須 受到限制

3 依憲法規定,下列關於審計制度之敘述何者錯誤?




審計長完成審核後,應提出審核報告於監察院 4 下列何者就何種事項,無至立法院委員會備詢之義務?

考試院院長就該院提出之法律案 參謀總長就與其職務相關之不涉及國防機密事項

司法院秘書長就該院提出之年度預算事項 行政院大陸委員會主任委員就兩岸政策事項

5 司法院大法官依人民聲請所為法令違憲審查之解釋,對違憲法令之宣告,原則上不包括下列何者?

單純宣告違憲 定期或即時失效 應定期檢討修正 溯及失其效力

6 關於立法院院長,下列敘述何者錯誤?

立法院院長由立法委員互選之 立法院院長須由全國不分區立法委員擔任

立法院院長為立法院會議之主席 立法院院長為立法院全院委員會之主席

7 依憲法增修條文之規定,有關立法委員選舉,下列敘述何者正確?

立法委員任期 4 年,連選得連任 1 次

立法委員應於每屆任滿前 4 個月內選出



8 有關總統之國家安全相關大政方針決定權,依憲法增修條文及國家安全會議組織法之規定,下列敘述何






9 總統為避免國家或人民遭遇緊急危難得發布緊急命令,下列敘述何者錯誤?





10 依司法院大法官解釋意旨,關於大學自治,下列敘述何者正確?






代號:1511 頁次:4-2

11 人民之工作權受憲法保障,下列關於工作權之敘述,何者正確?

憲法第 15 條工作權保障內涵不包含職業自由



專門職業人員執業資格、方式或執業場所之限制,應由立法機關以法律明定,不得授權行政機關發布 命令規範之

12 下列與刑事羈押及處罰性質不同之限制人身自由處分,依司法院大法官解釋意旨,何者須由法院裁定?





13 A 教會向主管機關申請設立大學,此學校之設立及教育內涵,未涉及下列何種憲法原則或基本權利?

私人興學自由 宗教行為自由 大學自治原則 宗教結社自由

14 依司法院釋字第 371 號解釋,採用成文憲法之現代法治國家,基於下列何種憲政原理,莫不建立法令違 憲審查制度?

權力分立 比例原則 國會自律 依法行政

15 關於程序基本權之意義,下列敘述何者正確?





16 根據性別工作平等法,在認定性騷擾行為時,下列事項何者不應該列入審酌?

事件發生之背景 當事人之關係

被害人平日之衣著言行 工作之環境

17 根據性別工作平等法第五章救濟及申訴程序之規定,下列何者正確?





18 根據勞動基準法第 49 條規定,除法律有特別規定外,雇主原則上不得使女工於那一段時間內工作?

午後十二時至翌晨六時 午後十時至翌晨六時

午後八時至翌晨四時 午後十時至翌晨八時

19 監督、管理人員或責任制專業人員,經下列何項程序,得由勞雇雙方另行約定,不受勞動基準法工時相





經勞雇雙方書面約定不受勞動基準法工時規定之限制者 20 關於出賣人物之瑕疵擔保之效力,下列敘述何者錯誤?




買賣之物,僅指定種類者,如其物有瑕疵,買受人得即時請求另行交付無瑕疵之物 21 關於債務人責任,下列敘述何者錯誤?




應與處理自己事務為同一注意者,如有重大過失,仍應負責 22 依勞工保險條例第 41 條規定,下列何者非門診醫療給付範圍?

診察(包括檢驗及會診) 看護費用

藥劑或治療材料 處置、手術或治療

23 根據勞工保險條例第 6 條規定,年滿 15 歲以上,65 歲以下的勞工,下列何者應參加勞工保險為被保險人?

無一定雇主而參加產業工會者 受僱從事漁業生產之勞動者

無一定雇主而參加漁會之乙類會員 受僱於僱用三人以上公司、行號之員工


24 B 公司為非公開發行公司,作成下列股東會決議時,何者為決議無效或得撤銷之情況?





25 合夥財產不足清償合夥之債務時,各合夥人就不足之額,對債權人應如何負責?

依合夥人數平均負責 依各合夥人出資比例負責

依各合夥人入夥之年資比例負責 各合夥人連帶負責

26 甲委由乙代書處理不動產所有權移轉及登記,下列敘述何者正確?




不動產所有權移轉登記為事實行為,不得授權由他人代理 27 有關拋棄繼承,下列敘述何者錯誤?





28 依中央法規標準法之規定,下列何者非法規之廢止事由?





29 依中央法規標準法規定,命令定有施行期限,主管機關認為需要延長者,應如何處理?





30 民國 87 年底之後,依憲法增修條文規定,省政府主席透過下列何種過程產生?

直轄市、縣(市)議員互選 9 位省政府委員互選

總統提名經立法院同意任命之 行政院院長提請總統任命之

31 Although natural resources are , we are using up the resources in an alarming rate.

 insatiable  irrevocable  finite  regulated

32 To keep Taipei clean and attractive, people should not at will; there are garbage cans available in the streets.

 dispose of  rid off  litter  swear 33 After the torrential rain, the air is with water vapor.

 dismantled  gobbled  humiliated  saturated

34 Lucy grew very red in the face and tried to say something; she hardly knew what she was trying to say and burst into .

 tears  blossoms  leaves  flames

35 According to the news report, the two major motor companies have decided to tie up and develop a new vehicle.

 hardly  jointly  worldly  typically 36 Jason took some painkillers to the ache on his back.

 enhance  soothe  stimulate  intensify 37 I really don’t think Jeffery would make a good teacher. He has patience.

 a little  little  a few  few

38 Do you know what happened to Peter? He his driver’s license taken away for speeding on highway.

 let  made  had  said


代號:1511 頁次:4-4

依下文回答第 39 題至第 45 題

Do you ever wish that you could step out of the rat life and into a life that is lived at a gentler pace, one at which you could savor the scenery, smell the roses, and eat food that was carefully and slowly prepared using traditional methods? If all of this 39 to you, then you might want to hop on a plane and head to Greve, Italy. There, life is officially slower, as it is part of the Slow movement that is encouraging small cities to 40 their own uniqueness and to keep globalization 41 . Lying in the hills, the town of Greve is home to only a few thousand people, but it still acts as the trading center for wine and local produce. Although business is brisk in Greve, the pace at which people stroll through the market is not. Everyone seems to have all the time in the world to 42 cheese, to wander into a shop just to see what’s new and chat with new or old friends. 43 that it is qualified to become an official Slow City. A city that wants to be part of the Slow City group must first be vetted to make sure it 44 all the criteria, such as an ability to maintain the city’s cultural identity and to 45 local produce and crafts. As the mayor Saturnini says, the goal is to “maintain the soul, the essence, the specialness” of these cities.

39  adapts  appeals  appears  attaches 40  embrace  disgrace  embark  embarrass 41  at the bay  with the reach  on their heels  at arm’s length 42  scramble  temple  sample  tumble

43  No wonder  No chance  No way  No time

44  makes  takes  meets  needs

45  prolong  predict  prevent  promote 依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題

Children who experience social anxiety—feeling discomfort or distress in social situations—or who are socially incompetent are particularly at risk for developing dependence on electronic media. This is true whether the preferred agent be the Internet, video games, or a smartphone. The more a child hides behind a screen, the more socially awkward he or she becomes, creating a self-perpetuating cycle. In contrast, a shy child who continually works at overcoming social anxiety is likely to overcome it. In the past, the strong desire to belong to a social group during adolescence helped override resistance to social interaction, which would lessen over time simply due to practice.

Nowadays, socially anxious or awkward children and teens aren’t forced to practice face-to-face and eye-to-eye interaction because some of their social needs are met online. Thus, in socially anxious children, the ability to tolerate the physical presence of others never builds, and “walls”are erected instead to keep the child feeling safe. An adolescent with somewhat poor social skills in high school can easily become reclusive as a young adult, spending more and more hours online and less and less time interacting in real life. This pattern makes it increasingly harder to make and keep friends. Relationship problems show up at home, too; research indicates that the more time a child spends using the Internet, the less healthy the parent-child relationship becomes. Thus, social incompetence and screen-time represent another bidirectional relationship.

46 Which of the following words best describes socially incompetent children?

 Shy.  Playful.  Practical.  Anxious.

47 In the past, what did teenagers with poor social skills do to improve their relation with others?

 They were forced to participate in sports to get more contact with people.

 They made good use of letters and telephone calls to develop friendship.

 They took part in more group activities to fit into the circle of their friends.

 They studied hard to get higher grades and to make themselves interesting people.

48 What are possibly the “walls” that the socially anxious children erect to make themselves feel safe?

 Books and bookshelves.

 Parents, teachers, and friends.

 A home and a comfortable bedroom.

 Video games, the Internet, and smartphones.

49 What is the problem that this passage is likely to address about teenagers?

 Drug abuse.  Academic stress.

 Body image anxiety.  Addiction to electronic devices.

50 According to this passage, which of the following statements is true about the children behind the screen?

 They are physically healthy.  They have relationship problems.

 They become a dependent adult.  They have poor computer skills.




科目名稱:法學知識與英文(包括中華民國憲法、法學緒論、英文)(試題代號:1511) 考試名稱:

技術類(營建法規與結構學概要)、業務類、技術類(資訊管理與...概要)、技術類(選試電工原理概要)、技 術類(鐵路動力車...概要)、技術類(選試鐵路工程概要)、技術類(選試運轉理論概要)

單選題數:50題 單選每題配分:2.00分

題號 答案 題號 答案 題號 答案 題號 答案 題號 答案 題號 答案 題號 答案 題號 答案 題號 答案 題號 答案

第1題 D

第2題 第3題 第4題 第5題 第6題 第7題 第8題 第9題 第10題

第11題 第12題 第14題 第15題 第16題 第17題 第18題 第19題 第20題

第21題 第22題 第23題 第24題 第25題 第26題 第27題 第28題 第29題 第30題

第31題 第32題 第33題 第34題 第35題 第36題 第37題 第38題 第39題 第40題 第13題

第41題 第42題 第43題 第44題 第45題 第46題 第47題 第48題 第49題 第50題

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複選題數: 複選每題配分:


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