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Academic year: 2021

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2005 年 5 月發生倪姓知名藝人自殺事件,衍生廣泛的新聞報導持續近一個月,其報導 數量與篇幅,創新國內外類似事件紀錄。本研究主要目的為分析國內電視新聞報導倪姓 藝人自殺事件,係以公共衛生觀點,探討電視新聞報導知名藝人自殺,與當年實際自殺 人數以及自殺送醫人數之相關性。以內容分析法分析 2005 年 5 月 1 日至 31 日,國內四 家電視台每日晚間七點到八點電視新聞。

觀察四家電視台 2005 年 5 月份每天晚間新聞,共出現 442 則與倪姓藝人相關內容,平 均每天每台播出 3.6 則報導 7 分 27 秒〈 447 秒〉,為期一整個月。根據本土化自殺新 聞報導八不準則〈不登頭條、不重複持續報導、不報導自殺方式與地點、不登聳動照片 及遺書、不用 SNG 現場連線報導、不將自殺光榮化或美化、不簡化自殺原因、不以怪 力亂神探討自殺事件〉,各電視台違反比率過高;新聞中提供自殺防治的訊息只佔 1.3

% 〈 6 則〉;其中違規最多的項目為: 1. 涉及親死者親人及未成年子女 50.6% ; 2. 以 電視重點呈現技巧吸引閱聽眾:使用跑馬燈 41.2% ,置於新聞報導前三條 26% ; 3. 自 殺者正面與告別式光榮化的描述 37.2% ; 4. 簡化死因 18.5% 。整體而言,無線電視台 比有線電視台較能遵守自殺報導準則。內政部消防署全國各縣市自殺送醫人數, 2005 年 5 月份〈 848 人〉比同年 3 、 4 月平均人數增加 34.9% ,為 1999 年以來同期增加幅 度最大;衛生署自殺個案通報資料顯示 2005 年 5 月比 2004 年同期增加 97.7% ;比較 2 004 年與 2005 年自殺死亡人數增減率, 2005 年增加 23% ,且 2005 年 5 月單月自殺死 亡人數與 2004 年比較增加率為 39.8% ,增加幅度為近五年來最高。


,恐會觸發更多自殺企圖。本研究以實例探討自殺新聞對國人實際自殺行為的影響,此 實證研究對提供國內媒體省思,及形成自殺事件報導規範深具意義。


Exploring a Famous comedians'Suicide Television News Re porting from a Public Health Perspective

Min-Jan Ni, famous Taiwanese comedian, committed suicide on May 1, 2005, causing extensive media rep orts in Taiwan. The derived news expose lasted nearly one month. The huge quantity and capacity of medi a reports innovated worldwide records, can precipitate similar incidents.

To explore content of television news suicide reports, and assess the relation between TV news reporting o f comedians’ suicide, attempted suicide and actual suicide in 2005. To analyze relevant TV news content, we sampled four domestic TV channels, collecting daily evening news during May 1-31, 2005.

Total of 442 TV news spots were watched, average 3.6 pieces of relative news and occupying 7 minutes 27 seconds (447 seconds) were broadcast daily in whole month. According to native media self-discipline gui delines for suicide reports, 68% of TV news reports violate guidelines, only 1.3% (6 pieces) provide suicid e prevention information. Worst offenders were 50.6% shown the privacy of suicide relatives, 41.2% capti ons, 26% in the first three headline reports and 37.2% glorified reports. Those showing Mr. Ni’s affairs as t he main issue totaled 40% (178 pieces) of the whole news broadcast.

The number of suicide attempt rate, revealed from the National Fire Agentcy, rose 34.9% in May 2005 co mpare the average rate in April and March 2005, most remarkable increase since 1999. The suicide rate ros e 23% in 2005, and May 2005 saw a 39.8% jump over May 2004, highest single-month increase in the past five years.

Media should use more restraint in reporting celebrity suicides, to avoid triggering more suicide attempts.



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