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A morphism of sheaves of sets on B is a morphism of presheaves of sets


Academic year: 2022

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1. Bases and Sheaves

Let X be a topological space and B be a base for the topology on X. A presheaf of sets on B is an assignment to each U ∈ B a set F (U ) and to each inclusion V ⊂ U of elements of Ba map ρUV : F (U ) → F (V ) such that whenever W ⊂ V ⊂ U in B, we have ρUW = ρVW◦ ρUV. Elements of F (U ) are also called sections (of F over U ). The image of s ∈ F (U ) in F (V ) is denoted by s|V whenever V ⊂ U.

The stalk of F of presheaf of sets on B at x is defined to be Fx = colimU ∈B, x∈UF (U ).

A morphism ϕ : F → G of pre sheaves of sets on B is a rule which assigns to each element U ∈ B a map of sets ϕU : F (U ) → G(U ) compatible with restriction map.

A sheaf F of sets on B is a presheaf on B satisfying the following additional property:

Given any U ∈ B, and any covering U =S

i∈IUi with Ui ∈ B and any coverings Ui∩ Uj = S

k∈IijUijkwith Uijk∈ B, the following sheaf condition holds: For any collection of sections si∈ F (Ui) such that for i, j ∈ I and k ∈ Iij,

si|Uijk = sj|Uijk,

there exists a unique section s ∈ F (U ) such that si= s|Ui for all i ∈ I.

A morphism of sheaves of sets on B is a morphism of presheaves of sets.

In this note, we will show that any sheaf of sets on B can be extended uniquely to a sheaf of sets on X:

Theorem 1.1. Let X be a topological space and B be a base for the topology on X.

Suppose F is a sheaf of sets on B. There is a unique sheaf Fext of sets on X such that Fext(U ) = F (U ) for all U ∈ B compatible with the restriction maps.

Let us observe that F (U ) can be identity with a subset ofQ

x∈UFx with certain property:

Lemma 1.1. Given any open subset U ∈ B, we consider the productQ

x∈UFx. Let us show that F (U ) can be identified with a subset ofQ

x∈UFx via the map F (U ) → Y



by s 7→ {sx}x∈U with the property that for any x ∈ U, there exists V ∈ B and s ∈ F (V ) so that for all y ∈ V, sy = (V, s) in Fy.

Proof. Let U ∈ B. Define ρ : F (U ) →Q

x∈UFx sending s to {sx}x∈U. Claim ρ is injective.

Suppose ρ(s) = ρ(s0). Then sx= s0x for all x ∈ U. Choose representatives (s, Vx) and (s0, Vx0) of sx and s0x respective. Then there exists Wx∈ B so that Wx ⊂ Vx∩ Vx0 and s|Wx = s0|Wx. Notice that Wx∩ U is open in X but may not be in B. Since B is a base, we can choose Wx0 in B with x ∈ Wx0 so that Wx0 ⊂ Wx∩ U. Since Wx0 ⊂ Wx and s|Wx = s0|Wx, s|Wx0 = s0|W0

x. Therefore for each x ∈ U, we can choose Wx0 ∈ B with Wx0 ⊂ U and s|W0

x = s0|W0

x. Hence we may write Wx for Wx0. Notice that {Wx} forms an open covering for U. Write tx = s|Wx




and t0x = s0|Wx. Then tx, t0x ∈ F (Wx) for all x ∈ U with tx = t0x. For each x, y, write Wx∩ Wy =S

kWx,y,k with Wx,y,k∈ B. Since tx = s|Wx, we find tx|Wx,y,k = ty|Wx,y,k = s|Wx,y,k.

The fact that s0|Wx = tx and s|Wx = tx in F (Wx) for all x ∈ U and the sheaf property (uniqueness of sections), we find s0 = s.

Let {sx}x∈U be an element of Q

x∈UF (U ) obeying the property mentioned in the state- ment of this proposition. For x ∈ U, choose Vx ∈ B with x ∈ Vx and σx in F (Vx) so that sy is the equivalent class of (σx, Vx) for all y ∈ Vx. In fact, such Vx can be chosen so that Vx ⊂ U. Then {Vx : x ∈ U } forms an open covering of U. For z ∈ Vx∩ Vy, (σx, Vx) is equivalent to (σy, Vy) at z because (σx, Vx) and (σy, Vy) are both equivalent to sz by definition. Hence there exists Wx,y,z ∈ B with Wx,y,z ⊂ Vx∩ Vy and z ∈ Wx,y,z so that

σx|Wx,y,z = σy|Wx,y,z.

Notice that {Wx,y,z : z ∈ Vx∩ Vy} forms an open covering of Vx∩ Vy. By the property of sheaf of sets, there exists a unique s ∈ F (U ) so that s|Vx = σx. It follows from the definition that the image of s in Fx is exactly sx. Hence ρ(s) = {sx}x∈U. Thus an element {sx}x∈U obeying the property given above lies in the image Im ρ of ρ.

If {sx}x∈X ∈ Im ρ, then there is s ∈ F (U ) so that the image of s in Fx is sx. Let x ∈ U.

Since B forms a base for the topology of X, we can choose V ∈ B so that x ∈ V and V ⊂ U. Let σ be the restriction of s to V, i.e. σ = s|V in F (V ). By the commutativity of the diagram

F (U ) −−−−→ Fy


y id

 y F (V ) −−−−→ Fy

we have sy = (σ, V ) for all y ∈ V. 

Let us go back to the proof of Theorem 1.1.

Let us construct a sheaf of sets Fext on X as follows.

Let U be “any” open subset of X and Fext(U ) the subset of Q

x∈UFx consisting of all {sx}x∈U with the property that for any x ∈ U, there exist V ∈ B with x ∈ V and a section σ ∈ F (V ) so that for all y ∈ V, sy = (σ, V ) in Fy. For any inclusion of open sets V ⊂ U, we define rVU : Fext(U ) → Fext(V ) by sending {sx}x∈U to {sx}x∈V. Then Fext is a presheaf of sets on X so that for any U ∈ B, the map ρ : F (U ) → Fext(U ) is an one-to-one correspondence by Lemma 1.1. Hence for any U ∈ B, we identify F (U ) with Fext(U ) and say Fext(U ) = F (U ). Now, let us prove that the presheaf of sets Fext is indeed a sheaf on X.

Let {Ui} be any open covering of U where U is an open subset of X (not necessarily in B) and {Ui} be an open covering of U. For each i, let si∈ Fext(Ui) be a section so that (1.1) si|Ui∩Uj = sj|Ui∩Uj, i, j.

Claim: there is a unique s ∈ Fext(U ) so that s|Ui = si for all i.

Write si = {si,x}x∈Ui for each i. Let us define

sx= si,x, for x ∈ Ui.



Equation 1.1 says that si,x= sj,xfor all x ∈ Ui∩ Uj. Hence s = {sx}x∈U gives a well-defined element of Q

x∈UFx. By definition, s|Ui = {sx}x∈Ui = si. If t = {tx}x∈U so that t|Ui = si for all i, then tx = si,x for all x ∈ Ui, for all i, and thus t = s. Hence there is a unique s ∈Q

x∈UFx so that s|Ui = si in F (Ui). Now, claim s ∈ Fext(U ).

Let x ∈ U. Then x ∈ Ui for some i. Then s|Ui = si ∈ Fext(Ui). By definition, there exists V ∈ B with x ∈ V and a section σ ∈ F (V ) such that for all y ∈ V, sy = si,y = (σ, V ) in Fy. By definition, s ∈ Fext(U ).



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