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Finding Short Formulas for the Threshold Function


Academic year: 2022

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Lengths of Boolean Formulas for the Threshold Functiona

• Define the boolean function Tk(x1, . . . , xn) to be 1 if at least k of the xi’s are 1s, and 0 otherwise.

• Trivially, a formula of size O((n


)) exists.

– Formula

T3(x1, x2, . . . , xn) = ∨


(xi ∧ xj ∧ xk)

has size (n


) = Θ(n3).

• Surprisingly, for any k, there exists a constant ck such that Tk(x1, . . . , xn) has formula size at most ckn log2 n.

• The construction is again probabilistic, not constructive.

aNechiporuk (1964)?


Lengths of Boolean Formulas for the Threshold Function (continued)

• We will verify the k = 3 case below.

• Suppose we construct the formula of the form F = F1 ∨ · · · ∨ Fr.

• Each Fi takes the form:

Fi =

z }|3 {


· · · ) ∧ (

· · · ) ∧ (

· · · ) . – By the distribution law,

(a1 ∨ a2 ∨ · · · ) ∧ (b1 ∨ b2 ∨ · · · ) ∧ (c1 ∨ c2 ∨ · · · )

= (a1 ∧ b1 ∧ c1) ∨ (a1 ∧ b1 ∧ c2) ∨ · · · .


Lengths of Boolean Formulas for the Threshold Function (continued)

• Each xj is placed into one of the pairs of parentheses at random.

– E.g., Fi = (x1 ∨ x3 ∨ x5) ∧ (x2 ∨ x4) ∧ (x6 ∨ x7).

• So Fi has exactly n variables.

• The process is repeated for each Fi.


x j


Lengths of Boolean Formulas for the Threshold Function (continued)

• Clearly, all the monomials of F are of the form xa ∧ xb ∧ xc for distinct a, b, c.

– For example, Fi may look like

(x1 ∨ x3 ∨ x5) ∧ (x2 ∨ x4) ∧ (x6 ∨ x7)

= (x1 ∧ x2 ∧ x6) ∨ (x1 ∧ x2 ∧ x7)

∨ · · · ∨ (x5 ∧ x4 ∧ x7).

• We know T3 has (n


) monomials.

• We shall show, if r is large enough, all (n


) monomials will appear with high probability.


Lengths of Boolean Formulas for the Threshold Function (continued)

• The probability that any given monomial xa ∧ xb ∧ xc appears in a given Fi is the probability that xa, xb, xc are thrown into distinct pairs of parentheses.

• The probability is hence equal to (2/3)(1/3) = 2/9.

• The probability that xa ∧ xb ∧ xc is not a monomial of Fi’s is (7/9)r.

• Therefore, the probability that at least one of the(n


) ≤ n3 monomials is missing from all the Fi’s is

≤ n3(7/9)r.


Lengths of Boolean Formulas for the Threshold Function (concluded)

• This probability is less than one when n3(7/9)r < 1.

• When this happens, F includes all (n


) monomials, and F has size < rn.

• In particular, with r = − log7/9 2n3, the probability that F ̸= T3 is at most 1/2.

• In other words, the probability of that F = T3 is at least 1/2.

• Hence a formula of size O(n log n) exists.


Finding Short Formulas for the Threshold Function

• Our analysis implies an expected polynomial-time

randomized algorithm to find such a formula (for T3).

• Generate F randomly as described.

• In O((n


)) = O(n3) time, evaluate F with every n-bit truth assignment with three 1’s and check if F = 1.

• In O((n


)) = O(n2) time, evaluate F with every n-bit truth assignment with two 1’s and check if F = 0.

• In O(n) time, evaluate F with every n-bit truth assignment with one 1 and check if F = 0.

• Check if F = 0 with the all-0 truth assignment.


Finding Short Formulas for the Threshold Function (concluded)

• If F passes all the tests, return F .

– No need to check if F = 1 when the truth assignment contains more than three 1’s because F is monotone.a

• Otherwise, repeat the experiment.

• Clearly, the expected running time to find a valid formula is proportional to

n3 + (1/2) n3 + (1/2)2 n3 + · · · = O(n3).

aThanks to a lively class discussion on December 8, 2009.




Whoever wishes to keep a secret must hide the fact that he possesses one.

— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832)



• Alice (A) wants to send a message to Bob (B) over a channel monitored by Eve (eavesdropper).

• The protocol should be such that the message is known only to Alice and Bob.

• The art and science of keeping messages secure is cryptography.

Alice Eve -



Encryption and Decryption

• Alice and Bob agree on two algorithms E and D—the encryption and the decryption algorithms.

• Both E and D are known to the public in the analysis.

• Alice runs E and wants to send a message x to Bob.

• Bob operates D.

• Privacy is assured in terms of two numbers e, d, the encryption and decryption keys.

• Alice sends y = E(e, x) to Bob, who then performs D(d, y) = x to recover x.

• x is called plaintext, and y is called ciphertext.a

aBoth “zero” and “cipher” come from the same Arab word.


Some Requirements

• D should be an inverse of E given e and d.

• D and E must both run in (probabilistic) polynomial time.

• Eve should not be able to recover x from y without knowing d.

– As D is public, d must be kept secret.

– e may or may not be a secret.


Degrees of Security

• Perfect secrecy: After a ciphertext is intercepted by the enemy, the a posteriori probabilities of the plaintext that this ciphertext represents are identical to the a

priori probabilities of the same plaintext before the interception.

– The probability that plaintext P occurs is

independent of the ciphertext C being observed.

– So knowing C yields no advantage in recovering P.

• Such systems are said to be informationally secure.

• A system is computationally secure if breaking it is theoretically possible but computationally infeasible.


Conditions for Perfect Secrecy


• Consider a cryptosystem where:

– The space of ciphertext is as large as that of keys.

– Every plaintext has a nonzero probability of being used.

• It is perfectly secure if and only if the following hold.

– A key is chosen with uniform distribution.

– For each plaintext x and ciphertext y, there exists a unique key e such that E(e, x) = y.

aShannon (1949).


The One-Time Pad


1: Alice generates a random string r as long as x;

2: Alice sends r to Bob over a secret channel;

3: Alice sends r ⊕ x to Bob over a public channel;

4: Bob receives y;

5: Bob recovers x := y ⊕ r;

aMauborgne and Vernam (1917); Shannon (1949). It was allegedly used for the hotline between Russia and U.S.



• The one-time pad uses e = d = r.

• This is said to be a private-key cryptosystem.

• Knowing x and knowing r are equivalent.

• Because r is random and private, the one-time pad achieves perfect secrecy (see also p. 567).

• The random bit string must be new for each round of communication.

– Cryptographically strong pseudorandom

generators require exchanging only the seed once.

• The assumption of a private channel is problematic.


Public-Key Cryptography


• Suppose only d is private to Bob, whereas e is public knowledge.

• Bob generates the (e, d) pair and publishes e.

• Anybody like Alice can send E(e, x) to Bob.

• Knowing d, Bob can recover x by D(d, E(e, x)) = x.

• The assumptions are complexity-theoretic.

– It is computationally difficult to compute d from e.

– It is computationally difficult to compute x from y without knowing d.

aDiffie and Hellman (1976).


Whitfield Diffie (1944–)


Martin Hellman (1945–)


Complexity Issues

• Given y and x, it is easy to verify whether E(e, x) = y.

• Hence one can always guess an x and verify.

• Cracking a public-key cryptosystem is thus in NP.

• A necessary condition for the existence of secure public-key cryptosystems is P ̸= NP.

• But more is needed than P ̸= NP.

• For instance, it is not sufficient that D is hard to compute in the worst case.

• It should be hard in “most” or “average” cases.


One-Way Functions

A function f is a one-way function if the following hold.a 1. f is one-to-one.

2. For all x ∈ Σ, | x |1/k ≤ |f(x)| ≤ | x |k for some k > 0.

• f is said to be honest.

3. f can be computed in polynomial time.

4. f−1 cannot be computed in polynomial time.

• Exhaustive search works, but it is too slow.

aDiffie and Hellman (1976); Boppana and Lagarias (1986); Grollmann and Selman (1988); Ko (1985); Ko, Long, and Du (1986); Watanabe (1985); Young (1983).


Existence of One-Way Functions

• Even if P ̸= NP, there is no guarantee that one-way functions exist.

• No functions have been proved to be one-way.

• Is breaking glass a one-way function?


Candidates of One-Way Functions

• Modular exponentiation f(x) = gx mod p, where g is a primitive root of p.

– Discrete logarithm is hard.a

• The RSAb function f (x) = xe mod pq for an odd e relatively prime to ϕ(pq).

– Breaking the RSA function is hard.

aConjectured to be 2nϵ for some ϵ > 0 in both the worst-case sense and average sense. It is in NP in some sense (Grollmann and Selman (1988)).

bRivest, Shamir, and Adleman (1978).


Candidates of One-Way Functions (concluded)

• Modular squaring f(x) = x2 mod pq.

– Determining if a number with a Jacobi symbol 1 is a quadratic residue is hard—the quadratic

residuacity assumption (QRA).a

aDue to Gauss.


The RSA Function

• Let p, q be two distinct primes.

• The RSA function is xe mod pq for an odd e relatively prime to ϕ(pq).

– By Lemma 51 (p. 404),

ϕ(pq) = pq (

1 1 p

) (

1 1 q


= pq − p − q + 1. (8)

• As gcd(e, ϕ(pq)) = 1, there is a d such that ed ≡ 1 mod ϕ(pq),

which can be found by the Euclidean algorithm.


Adi Shamir, Ron Rivest, and Leonard Adleman


Ron Rivest



aTuring Award (2002).


Adi Shamir



aTuring Award (2002).


Leonard Adleman



aTuring Award (2002).


A Public-Key Cryptosystem Based on RSA

• Bob generates p and q.

• Bob publishes pq and the encryption key e, a number relatively prime to ϕ(pq).

– The encryption function is y = xe mod pq.

– Bob calculates ϕ(pq) by Eq. (8) (p. 578).

– Bob then calculates d such that ed = 1 + kϕ(pq) for some k ∈ Z.

• The decryption function is yd mod pq.

• It works because yd = xed = x1+kϕ(pq) = x mod pq by the Fermat-Euler theorem when gcd(x, pq) = 1 (p. 412).


The “Security” of the RSA Function

• Factoring pq or calculating d from (e, pq) seems hard.

– See also p. 408.

• Breaking the last bit of RSA is as hard as breaking the RSA.a

• Recommended RSA key sizes:b – 1024 bits up to 2010.

– 2048 bits up to 2030.

– 3072 bits up to 2031 and beyond.

aAlexi, Chor, Goldreich, and Schnorr (1988).

bRSA (2003).


The “Security” of the RSA Function (concluded)

• Recall that problem A is “harder than” problem B if solving A results in solving B.

– Factorization is “harder than” breaking the RSA.

– Calculating Euler’s phi function is “harder than”

breaking the RSA.

– Factorization is “harder than” calculating Euler’s phi function (see Lemma 51 on p. 404).

– So factorization is harder than calculating Euler’s phi function, which is harder than breaking the RSA.

• Factorization cannot be NP-hard unless NP = coNP.a

• So breaking the RSA is unlikely to imply P = NP.



The Secret-Key Agreement Problem

• Exchanging messages securely using a private-key cryptosystem requires Alice and Bob possessing the same key (p. 569).

• How can they agree on the same secret key when the channel is insecure?

• This is called the secret-key agreement problem.

• It was solved by Diffie and Hellman (1976) using one-way functions.


The Diffie-Hellman Secret-Key Agreement Protocol

1: Alice and Bob agree on a large prime p and a primitive root g of p; {p and g are public.}

2: Alice chooses a large number a at random;

3: Alice computes α = ga mod p;

4: Bob chooses a large number b at random;

5: Bob computes β = gb mod p;

6: Alice sends α to Bob, and Bob sends β to Alice;

7: Alice computes her key βa mod p;

8: Bob computes his key αb mod p;



• The keys computed by Alice and Bob are identical:

βa = gba = gab = αb mod p.

• To compute the common key from p, g, α, β is known as the Diffie-Hellman problem.

• It is conjectured to be hard.

• If discrete logarithm is easy, then one can solve the Diffie-Hellman problem.

– Because a and b can then be obtained by Eve.

• But the other direction is still open.


A Parallel History

• Diffie and Hellman’s solution to the secret-key

agreement problem led to public-key cryptography.

• At around the same time (or earlier) in Britain, the RSA public-key cryptosystem was invented first before the Diffie-Hellman secret-key agreement scheme was.

– Ellis, Cocks, and Williamson of the Communications Electronics Security Group of the British Government Communications Head Quarters (GCHQ).


Digital Signatures


• Alice wants to send Bob a signed document x.

• The signature must unmistakably identifies the sender.

• Both Alice and Bob have public and private keys eAlice, eBob, dAlice, dBob.

• Assume the cryptosystem satisfies the commutative property E(e, D(d, x)) = D(d, E(e, x)). (9) – As (xd)e = (xe)d, the RSA system satisfies it.

– Every cryptosystem guarantees D(d, E(e, x)) = x.

aDiffie and Hellman (1976).


Digital Signatures Based on Public-Key Systems

• Alice signs x as

(x, D(dAlice, x)).

• Bob receives (x, y) and verifies the signature by checking E(eAlice, y) = E(eAlice, D(dAlice, x)) = x

based on Eq. (9).

• The claim of authenticity is founded on the difficulty of inverting EAlice without knowing the key dAlice.

• Warning: If Alice signs anything presented to her, she might inadvertently decrypt a ciphertext of hers.


Probabilistic Encryption


• A deterministic cryptosystem can be broken if the

plaintext has a distribution that favors the “easy” cases.

• The ability to forge signatures on even a vanishingly small fraction of strings of some length is a security weakness if those strings were the probable ones!

• A scheme may also “leak” partial information.

– Parity of the plaintext, e.g.

• The first solution to the problems of skewed distribution and partial information was based on the QRA.

aGoldwasser and Micali (1982).


Shafi Goldwasser (1958–)


Silvio Micali (1954–)


The Setup

• Bob publishes n = pq, a product of two distinct primes, and a quadratic nonresidue y with Jacobi symbol 1.

• Bob keeps secret the factorization of n.

• Alice wants to send bit string b1b2 · · · bk to Bob.

• Alice encrypts the bits by choosing a random quadratic residue modulo n if bi is 1 and a random quadratic

nonresidue (with Jacobi symbol 1) otherwise.

• A sequence of residues and nonresidues are sent.

• Knowing the factorization of n, Bob can efficiently test quadratic residuacity and thus read the message.


A Useful Lemma

Lemma 75 Let n = pq be a product of two distinct primes.

Then a number y ∈ Zn is a quadratic residue modulo n if and only if (y | p) = (y | q) = 1.

• The “only if” part:

– Let x be a solution to x2 = y mod pq.

– Then x2 = y mod p and x2 = y mod q also hold.

– Hence y is a quadratic modulo p and a quadratic residue modulo q.


The Proof (concluded)

• The “if” part:

– Let a21 = y mod p and a22 = y mod q.

– Solve

x = a1 mod p, x = a2 mod q,

for x with the Chinese remainder theorem.

– As x2 = y mod p, x2 = y mod q, and gcd(p, q) = 1, we must have x2 = y mod pq.


The Jacobi Symbol and Quadratic Residuacity Test

• The Legendre symbol can be used as a test for quadratic residuacity by Lemma 63 (p. 482).

• Lemma 75 (p. 596) says this is not the case with the Jacobi symbol in general.

• Suppose n = pq is a product of two distinct primes.

• A number y ∈ Zn with Jacobi symbol (y | pq) = 1 may be a quadratic nonresidue modulo n when

(y | p) = (y | q) = −1, because (y | pq) = (y | p)(y | q).


The Protocol for Alice

1: for i = 1, 2, . . . , k do

2: Pick r ∈ Zn randomly;

3: if bi = 1 then

4: Send r2 mod n; {Jacobi symbol is 1.}

5: else

6: Send r2y mod n; {Jacobi symbol is still 1.}

7: end if

8: end for


The Protocol for Bob

1: for i = 1, 2, . . . , k do

2: Receive r;

3: if (r| p) = 1 and (r | q) = 1 then

4: bi := 1;

5: else

6: bi := 0;

7: end if

8: end for


Semantic Security

• This encryption scheme is probabilistic.

• There are a large number of different encryptions of a given message.

• One is chosen at random by the sender to represent the message.

• This scheme is both polynomially secure and semantically secure.


What Is a Proof?

• A proof convinces a party of a certain claim.

– “xn + yn ̸= zn for all x, y, z ∈ Z+ and n > 2.”

– “Graph G is Hamiltonian.”

– “xp = x mod p for prime p and p ̸ |x.”

• In mathematics, a proof is a fixed sequence of theorems.

– Think of it as a written examination.

• We will extend a proof to cover a proof process by which the validity of the assertion is established.

– Recall a job interview or an oral examination.


Prover and Verifier

• There are two parties to a proof.

– The prover (Peggy).

– The verifier (Victor).

• Given an assertion, the prover’s goal is to convince the verifier of its validity (completeness).

• The verifier’s objective is to accept only correct assertions (soundness).

• The verifier usually has an easier job than the prover.

• The setup is very much like the Turing test.a

aTuring (1950).


Interactive Proof Systems

• An interactive proof for a language L is a sequence of questions and answers between the two parties.

• At the end of the interaction, the verifier decides whether the claim is true or false.

• The verifier must be a probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm.

• The prover runs an exponential-time algorithm.

– If the prover is not more powerful than the verifier, no interaction is needed.


Interactive Proof Systems (concluded)

• The system decides L if the following two conditions hold for any common input x.

– If x ∈ L, then the probability that x is accepted by the verifier is at least 1 − 2−| x |.

– If x ̸∈ L, then the probability that x is accepted by the verifier with any prover replacing the original prover is at most 2−| x |.

• Neither the number of rounds nor the lengths of the messages can be more than a polynomial of | x |.


An Interactive Proof














• IP is the class of all languages decided by an interactive proof system.

• When x ∈ L, the completeness condition can be modified to require that the verifier accepts with certainty without affecting IP.b

• Similar things cannot be said of the soundness condition when x ̸∈ L.

• Verifier’s coin flips can be public.c

aGoldwasser, Micali, and Rackoff (1985).

bGoldreich, Mansour, and Sipser (1987).

cGoldwasser and Sipser (1989).


The Relations of IP with Other Classes

• NP ⊆ IP.

– IP becomes NP when the verifier is deterministic.

• BPP ⊆ IP.

– IP becomes BPP when the verifier ignores the prover’s messages.

• IP actually coincides with PSPACE.a

aShamir (1990).


Graph Isomorphism

• V1 = V2 = {1, 2, . . . , n}.

• Graphs G1 = (V1, E1) and G2 = (V2, E2) are isomorphic if there exists a permutation π on

{1, 2, . . . , n} so that (u, v) ∈ E1 ⇔ (π(u), π(v)) ∈ E2.

• The task is to answer if G1 ∼= G2.

• No known polynomial-time algorithms.

• The problem is in NP (hence IP).

• It is not likely to be NP-complete.a

aSch¨oning (1987).


graph nonisomorphism

• V1 = V2 = {1, 2, . . . , n}.

• Graphs G1 = (V1, E1) and G2 = (V2, E2) are

nonisomorphic if there exist no permutations π on {1, 2, . . . , n} so that (u, v) ∈ E1 ⇔ (π(u), π(v)) ∈ E2.

• The task is to answer if G1 ̸∼= G2.

• Again, no known polynomial-time algorithms.

– It is in coNP, but how about NP or BPP?

– It is not likely to be coNP-complete.

• Surprisingly, graph nonisomorphism ∈ IP.a

aGoldreich, Micali, and Wigderson (1986).


A 2-Round Algorithm

1: Victor selects a random i ∈ { 1, 2 };

2: Victor selects a random permutation π on { 1, 2, . . . , n };

3: Victor applies π on graph Gi to obtain graph H;

4: Victor sends (G1, H) to Peggy;

5: if G1 = H then

6: Peggy sends j = 1 to Victor;

7: else

8: Peggy sends j = 2 to Victor;

9: end if

10: if j = i then

11: Victor accepts;

12: else

13: Victor rejects;

14: end if



• Victor runs in probabilistic polynomial time.

• Suppose G1 ̸∼= G2.

– Peggy is able to tell which Gi is isomorphic to H.

– So Victor always accepts.

• Suppose G1 = G2.

– No matter which i is picked by Victor, Peggy or any prover sees 2 identical graphs.

– Peggy or any prover with exponential power has only probability one half of guessing i correctly.

– So Victor erroneously accepts with probability 1/2.

• Repeat the algorithm to obtain the desired probabilities.



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