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The Relationships among Camping Motivation, Recreation Satisfaction, and Leisure Benefits of Campers-A Case Study of Ca 陳永松、陳信泰


Academic year: 2022

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The Relationships among Camping Motivation, Recreation Satisfaction, and Leisure Benefits of Campers-A Case Study of Ca


E-mail: 322116@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This research was aimed at exploring relationship of camping motivation, recreation satisfaction, and leisure benefits of campers to camping areas in Sanyi, Miao-Li. A purposive sampling method was used and the campers at camping areas were selected as the objects of study. 257 questionnaires were distributed. A total of 250 completed questionnaires were retuned. Through the analysis of descriptive statistics, reliability test, t-test, one-way-ANOVA and Pearson correlation to analyze data, the major findings are summarized as follows: 1.The major campers were accompanied by their family members; the most common type of camping was tent camping; the major outdoor leisure activities for campers were to appreciate and enjoy the natural scenery; and the major mode of transportation of campers is self-drive. 2.Campers with different recreation behaviors had significant differences on participative camping motivation. 3.Campers with different recreation behaviors had significant differences on recreation satisfaction. 4.Campers with different recreation behaviors had significant differences on leisure benefits. 5.There was a significant positive relationship between participative camping motivation and recreation satisfaction of campers. 6.There was a significant positive relationship between participative camping motivation and leisure benefits of campers. 7.There was a significant positive relationship between recreation satisfaction and leisure benefits of campers.

Keywords : camping motivation、camping、recreation satisfaction、leisure benefits Table of Contents

中文摘要.......................iii 英文摘要.....................

..iv 誌謝辭........................v 內容目錄 .................

.....vi 表目錄  ......................viii 圖目錄  .............

.........x 第一章  緒論....................1   第一節  研究背景與動機.

............1   第二節  研究目的................3   第三節  研究問題.

...............4   第四節  研究範圍與限制.............5   第五節  名詞 釋義................5 第二章  文獻探討..................7   第一節   露營活動介紹..............7   第二節  參與動機................18   第 三節  遊憩滿意度...............27   第四節  休閒效益................31 第三章  研究方法..................37   第一節  研究架構..............

..37   第二節  研究假設................38   第三節  研究基地概況........

......38   第四節  問卷設計與操作性定義..........40   第五節  抽樣設計......

..........51   第六節  量表信度分析與描述........... 53   第七節  資料處理與分 析.............57 第四章  結果與討論.................60   第一節  背景 特性分析..............60   第二節  遊憩行為特性分析............65   第三節   假設驗證之分析.............71 第五章  結論與建議.................90    第一節  結論..................90   第二節  建議.................

.94 參考文獻.......................96 附錄A 參與露營動機、遊憩滿意度與休閒效益調查 表....106 附錄B 露營者參與露營動機之問卷調查表.........110 附錄C 露營者遊憩滿意度之問卷調查表

..........111 附錄D 全台露營場地整理................112 REFERENCES

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