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The System Dynamics Model of Long Term Customers' Satisfaction in Museum 廖宛瑜、蕭志同


Academic year: 2022

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The System Dynamics Model of Long Term Customers' Satisfaction in Museum 廖宛瑜、蕭志同

E-mail: 9509797@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Modern museum usually offered highly quality service to promote customers’ satisfaction and revisited intention. Earning

customers’ satisfaction is an important issue to the museum. This research use a case study of National Museum of Natural Science to proposed a system dynamics model to demonstrate the effect of long-term customers’ satisfaction with an inter-reaction of other factors. In fact, the customers’ satisfaction is a dynamics and complex issue, which contains the government policy, museum service quality, hardware, customers’ expectation, education group, competitor and social environment. The result shows that customers

’ satisfaction of National Museum of Natural Science is affected by the following 4 roles: government, museum manager, customer and competitor, and how effects to system behavior through system structure. This provides a reference not only for other

researchers in related study, but also for other museum managers.

Keywords : Long-term customers’ satisfaction, Museum, National Museum of Natural Science, Service quality, System Dynamics Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書...iii 中文摘要...iv 英文摘要...v 誌謝...vi 目錄...vii 圖目錄...ix 表目

錄...xi 符號說明...xii 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景與動機...1 1.2 研究目的...4 1.3 研究流程...5 1.4 研究對象...6 1.5 論文架

構...6 第二章 文獻探討 2.1 滿意度相關文獻...8 2.2 服務品質相關文獻...10 2.3 認知價值之相關文獻...13 2.4 忠誠度之相關文獻...14 2.5 博物館相關文獻...14 第三章 自然科學博物館系統描述與特性 3.1 國立自然科學博物館...17 3.2 全球博物館特性...21 3.3 台灣博物館特性...23 3.4 科博館系統特色...25 第四章 研究方法 4.1 系統動態學方 法...27 4.2 系統動態學的特性...28 4.3 系統動態學研究的基本步驟...29 4.4 系統動學 態的應用...31 第五章 模式建構 5.1 質性模式...34 5.2 量化模式...40 第六 章 結果模擬與政策分析 6.1 結果模擬...48 6.2 政策模擬...52 第七章 結論與建議 7.1 結 論...58 7.2 建議...59 參考文獻...62 附


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