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Fu Jen Catholic University Department of Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy for Children: Lecture & Practice


Academic year: 2021

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Fu Jen Catholic University Department of Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy for Children: Lecture & Practice

Semester: Fall, 2011

Class Hours: Monday 12:40 ~ 3:30 pm Classroom: MD 214

Instructor: Chia-Ting Su (蘇佳廷), Ph.D., OTR Email: chiatingsu@gmail.com

Course Credits: 2

Course Description:

The purpose of this course is to introduce the principles for occupational therapists to help children with problems in their daily occupations. The knowledge learned in this course will be helpful for students to understand the advanced pediatric occupational therapy courses in the next semester. Specifically, students will be expected to learn basic knowledge, evaluation, and intervention of occupational therapy in pediatrics.

To facilitate the learning effects, lecture, practice, video tape, and discussion will be included in the teaching. Particularly, designed questions or assignments will be applied in order to increase students’ ability of transferring learned knowledge into practice and problem solving ability.

Course Objectives:

1. The student will demonstrate basic knowledge of pediatric occupational therapy.

2. The student will learn how to evaluate the problems of children with disorders . 3. The student will learn how to design treatment programs for children with


Text Books:

1. Case-Smith J., & O’Brien J. C. (Ed.) (2010). Occupational therapy for children.

(6th ed.).St Louis: Mosby.

2. Bundy, A. C., Lane, S. J., & Murray, E. A., (Eds) (2002). Sensory integration:

Theory and practice (2nd ed.). Philadelphia: F. A. Davis.

3. Parham, L. D., & Fazio, L. S. (Eds) (2008). Play in occupational therapy for children (2nd ed.). St. Louis: Mosby.




1. Performance in class participation: 20 % 2. Exams: 60 %

3. Assignments: 20 %

Schedule: Every Monday Week Date Topic 1 09/12/11 中秋節

2 09/19/11 Orientation and Introduction

3 09/26/11 An Overview of Occupational Therapy for Children 4 10/03/11 Childhood Occupations & Working with Families 5 10/10/11 國慶日

6 10/17/11 Most Common Neuromuscular Disorder in Pediatric OT 7 10/24/11 Evaluation: Processes and Methods

8 10/31/11 OT for Postural Control 9 11/07/11 Midterm Exam

10 11/14/11 OT for Hand Skills Part I 11 11/21/11 OT for Hand Skills Part II

12 11/28/11 Introduction of Sensory Integration in OT for Children 13 12/5/11 校慶補假一日

14 12/12/11

Play in OT for children 15 12/19/11

Design of Games: Practice 16 12/26/11

OT in the School System 17 01/2/12

OT for Children with ADHD/Autism/Learning Disability 18 01/9/12

Final Exam




第 五 章 請假、缺課、扣考

第二十六條: 學生因故不能上課者,須於事前向授課教師請假;如因突發事故 無法到課者,須補辦請假手續。授課教師另有規定者,依其規定。

請假經核准而缺席者為缺課,未經請假或請假未准而缺席者為曠課,曠課一小時 以缺課三小時論。

第二十七條: 學生某一科目缺課時數達該科該學期授課總時數三分之一以上 者,該科應予扣考,不得參加該科目之學期考試(或畢業考試),成績以零分計 算。

學生因懷孕、生產或哺育幼兒(三歲以下子女),而核准之事(病)假、產假,其缺 席不扣分;致缺課時數達該科該學期授課總時數三分之ㄧ以上者,或達授課教師 其他規定者,經授課教師之同意,該科目成績得視需要與科目性質申請補考或以 其他補救措施彈性處理,補考成績並按實際成績計算。

第 十 條:學期考試(畢業考試)請假者,其補考成績計算方法如下:


二、因公假、懷孕引發之事(病)假、產假、哺育幼兒(三歲以下子女)引發突 發狀況之事(病)假、配偶或二親等內親屬喪故而請假補考者,其補考成績以授 課教師評定之實際成績計算;其餘原因經核准請假補考者,其補考成績如超過六 十分,概以六十分計,再與平時成績合併計算。

第十一 條:學生期中考試、臨時測驗或學期考試(畢業考試)曠考者,其曠考 科目該次成績應以零分計算。

第 十二 條:學生某一科目缺課達該學期上課實際時數三分之一以上時(包括請 假與曠課之換算),應予扣考。學生因懷孕、生產或補育幼兒(三歲以下子女),

而核准之事(病)假、產假,致缺課時數達該科該學期授課總時數三分之ㄧ以上 者,該科目成績得視需要與科目性質申請以補考或以其他補救措施彈性處理,補 考成績並按實際成績計算。






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This communicative activity will give students a chance to orally practice the language targets of the unit before moving on to the main listening activities of the unit.... l

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