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Large-scale Machine Learning in Distributed Environments


Academic year: 2022

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Large-scale Machine Learning in Distributed Environments

Chih-Jen Lin

Talk at K. U. Leuven Optimization in Engineering Center, January 16, 2013



1 Why distributed machine learning?

2 Distributed classification algorithms Kernel support vector machines Linear support vector machines Parallel tree learning

3 Distributed clustering algorithms k-means

Spectral clustering Topic models

4 Discussion and conclusions



1 Why distributed machine learning?

2 Distributed classification algorithms Kernel support vector machines Linear support vector machines Parallel tree learning

3 Distributed clustering algorithms k-means

Spectral clustering Topic models


Why Distributed Machine Learning

The usual answer is that data are too big to be stored in one computer

Some say that because “Hadoop” and “MapReduce are buzzwords

No, we should never believe buzzwords

I will argue that things are more complicated than we thought


In this talk I will consider only machine learning in data-center environments

That is, clusters using regular PCs

I will not discuss machine learning in other parallel environments:

GPU, multi-core, specialized clusters such as supercomputers


Let’s Start with An Example

Using a linear classifier LIBLINEAR (Fan et al., 2008) to train the rcv1 document data sets (Lewis et al., 2004).

# instances: 677,399, # features: 47,236 On a typical PC

$time ./train rcv1_test.binary Total time: 50.88 seconds

Loading time: 43.51 seconds For this example

loading time  running time


Loading Time Versus Running Time I

To see why this happens, let’s discuss the complexity Assume the memory hierarchy contains only disk and number of instances is l

Loading time: l × (a big constant)

Running time: lq × (some constant), where q ≥ 1.

Running time is often larger than loading because q > 1 (e.g., q = 2 or 3)

Example: kernel methods


Loading Time Versus Running Time II


lq−1 > a big constant

and traditionally machine learning and data mining papers consider only running time

For example, in this ICML 2008 paper (Hsieh et al., 2008), some training algorithms were compared for rcv1


Loading Time Versus Running Time III

DCDL1 is what LIBLINEAR used

We see that in 2 seconds, final testing accuracy is


Loading Time Versus Running Time IV

But as we said, this 2-second running time is misleading

So what happened? Didn’t you say that lq−1 > a big constant?

The reason is that when l is large, we usually can afford using only q = 1 (i.e., linear algorithm)

For some problems (in particular, documents), going through data a few times is often enough

Now we see different situations


Loading Time Versus Running Time V

- If running time dominates, then we should design algorithms to reduce number of operations

- If loading time dominates, then we should design algorithms to reduce number of data accesses

Distributed environment is another layer of memory hierarchy

So things become even more complicated


Data in a Distributed Environment

One apparent reason of using distributed systems is that data are too large for one disk

But in addition to that, what are other reasons of using distributed environments?

On the other hand, now disk is large. If you have several TB data, should we use one or several machines?

We will try to answer this question in the following slides


Possible Advantages of Distributed Data Classification

Parallel data loading

Reading several TB data from disk ⇒ a few hours Using 100 machines, each has 1/100 data in its local disk ⇒ a few minutes

Fault tolerance

Some data replicated across machines: if one fails, others are still available


An Introduction of Distributed Systems I

Distributed file systems

We need it because a file is now managed at different nodes

A file split to chunks and each chunk is replicated

⇒ if some nodes fail, data still available

Example: GFS (Google file system), HDFS (Hadoop file system)

Parallel programming frameworks

A framework is like a language or a specification.

You can then have different implementations


An Introduction of Distributed Systems II


MPI (Snir and Otto, 1998): a parallel programming framework

MPICH2 (Gropp et al., 1999): an implementation Sample MPI functions

MPI Bcast: Broadcasts to all processes.

MPI AllGather: Gathers the data contributed by each process on all processes.

MPI Reduce: A global reduction (e.g., sum) to the specified root.


An Introduction of Distributed Systems III

They are reasonable functions that we can think about

MapReduce (Dean and Ghemawat, 2008). A

framework now commonly used for large-scale data processing

In MapReduce, every element is a (key, value) pair Mapper: a list of data elements provided. Each element transformed to an output element

Reducer: values with same key presented to a single reducer


An Introduction of Distributed Systems IV

See the following illustration from Hadoop Tutorial http:



An Introduction of Distributed Systems V


An Introduction of Distributed Systems VI

Let’s compare MPI and MapReduce MPI: communication explicitly specified

MapReduce: communication performed implicitly In a sense, MPI is like an assembly language, but MapReduce is high-level

MPI: sends/receives data to/from a node’s memory MapReduce: communication involves expensive disk I/O

MPI: no fault tolerance


An Introduction of Distributed Systems VII

Because of disk I/O, MapReduce can be inefficient for iterative algorithms

To remedy this, some modifications have been proposed

Example: Spark (Zaharia et al., 2010) supports - MapReduce and fault tolerance

- Cache data in memory between iterations MapReduce is a framework; it can have different implementations


An Introduction of Distributed Systems VIII

For example, shared memory (Talbot et al., 2011) and distributed clusters (Google’s and Hadoop) An algorithm implementable by a parallel framework


You can easily have efficient implementations

The paper (Chu et al., 2007) has the following title Map-Reduce for Machine Learning on Multicore The authors show that many machine learning


An Introduction of Distributed Systems IX

These algorithms include linear regression, k-means, logistic regression, naive Bayes, SVM, ICA, PCA, EM, Neural networks, etc

But their implementations are on shared-memory machines; see the word “multicore” in their title Many wrongly think that their paper implies that these methods can be efficiently implemented in a distributed environment. But this is wrong


Evaluation I

Traditionally a parallel program is evaluated by scalability


Total time Similarity matrix Eigendecomposition K−means 28




Evaluation II

We hope that when (machines, data size) doubled, the speedup also doubled.

64 machines, 500k data ⇒ ideal speedup is 64 128 machines, 1M data ⇒ ideal speedup is 128 That is, a linear relationship in the above figure But in some situations we can simply check throughput.

For example, # documents per hour.


Data Locality I

Transferring data across networks is slow.

We should try to access data from local disk Hadoop tries to move computation to the data.

If data in node A, try to use node A for computation But most machine learning algorithms are not

designed to achieve good data locality.

Traditional parallel machine learning algorithms distribute computation to nodes


Data Locality II

But in data-center environments this may not work

⇒ communication cost is very high

Example: in Chen et al. (2011), for sparse matrix-vector products (size: 2 million)

#nodes Computation Communication Synchronization

16 3,351 2,287 667

32 1,643 2,389 485

64 913 2,645 404

128 496 2,962 428

256 298 3,381 362

This is by MPI. If using MapReduce, the situation will be worse


Data Locality III

Another issue is whether users should be allowed to explicitly control the locality


Now go back to machine learning algorithms Two major types of machine learning methods are classification and clustering

I will discuss more on classification


How People Train Large-scale Data Now?

Two approaches

Subsample data to one machine and run a traditional algorithm

Run a distributed classification algorithm I will discuss advantages and disadvantages of each approach


Training a Subset

No matter how large the data set is, one can always consider a subset fitting into one computer

Because subsampling may not downgrade the performance, very sophisticated training methods for small sets have been developed


Training a Subset: Advantages

It is easier to play with advanced methods on one computer

Many training data + a so so method may not be better than

Some training data + an advanced method Also machines with large RAM (e.g., 1G) are now easily available


Training a Subset: Disadvantage

Subsampling may not be an easy task

What if this part is more complicated than training?

It’s not convenient if features are calculated using raw data in distributed environments

We may need to copy data to the single machine several times (see an example later)

The whole procedure becomes disconnected and ad hoc

You switch between distributed systems and regular systems


Using Distributed Algorithms:


It’s difficult to design and implement a distributed algorithm

Communication and data loading are expensive Scheduling a distributed task is sometimes an issue


Using Distributed Algorithms: Advantages

Integration with other parts of data management Can use larger training sets


So Which Approach Should We Take?

It depends

Let me try a few examples to illustrate this point


Example: A Multi-class Classification Problem I

Once I need to train some documents at an Internet company

From log in data centers we select documents of a time period to one machine

For each document we generate a feature vector using words in the document (e.g., bigram) Data set can fit into one machine (≥ 50G RAM) It is easier to run various experiments (e.g., feature engineering) on one machine


Example: A Multi-class Classification Problem II

So for this application, reducing data to one machine may be more suitable


Example: Features Calculated on Cloud I

Once I need to train some regression problems Features include: “in a time period, the average number of something”

Values of using a 3-month period differ from those of using a 6-month period

We need engineers dedicated to extract these features and then copy files to a single machine We must maintain two lists of files in distributed and regular file systems

1. In data center, files of using 3-, 6-, 9-month averages, etc.


Example: Features Calculated on Cloud II

2. In a single computer, subsets of the bigger files In this case, running everything in the distributed environment may be more suitable


Resources of Distributes Machine Learning I

There are many books about Hadoop and MapReduce. I don’t list them here.

For things related to machine learning, a collection of recent works is in the following book

Scaling Up Machine Learning, edited by Bekkerman, Bilenko, and John Langford, 2011.

This book covers materials using various parallel environments. Many of them use distributed clusters.


Resources of Distributes Machine Learning II

Existing tools

1. Apache Mahout, a machine learning library on Hadoop (http://mahout.apache.org/)

2. Graphlab (graphlab.org/), a large-scale machine learning library on graph data. Tools

include graphical models, clustering, and collaorative filtering


Subsequently I will show some existing distributed machine learning works

I won’t go through all of them, but these slides can be references for you



1 Why distributed machine learning?

2 Distributed classification algorithms Kernel support vector machines Linear support vector machines Parallel tree learning

3 Distributed clustering algorithms k-means

Spectral clustering Topic models



1 Why distributed machine learning?

2 Distributed classification algorithms Kernel support vector machines Linear support vector machines Parallel tree learning

3 Distributed clustering algorithms k-means

Spectral clustering Topic models

4 Discussion and conclusions


Support Vector Classification

Training data (xi, yi), i = 1, . . . , l , xi ∈ Rn, yi = ±1 Maximizing the margin (Boser et al., 1992; Cortes and Vapnik, 1995)



2wTw + C



i =1

max(1 − yi(wTφ(xi)+ b), 0)

High dimensional ( maybe infinite ) feature space φ(x) = (φ1(x), φ2(x), . . .).


Support Vector Classification (Cont’d)

The dual problem (finite # variables) minα


TQα − eTα

subject to 0 ≤ αi ≤ C , i = 1, . . . , l yTα = 0,

where Qij = yiyjφ(xi)Tφ(xj) and e = [1, . . . , 1]T At optimum

w = Pl

i =1αiyiφ(xi)

Kernel: K (xi, xj) ≡ φ(xi)Tφ(xj) ; closed form Example: Gaussian (RBF) kernel: e−γkxi−xjk2


Computational and Memory Bottleneck I

The square kernel matrix.

O(l2) memory and O(l2n) computation If l = 106, then

1012 × 8 bytes = 8TB

Distributed implementations include, for example, Chang et al. (2008); Zhu et al. (2009)

We will look at ideas of these two implementations Because the computational cost is high (not linear),


The Approach by Chang et al. (2008) I

Kernel matrix approximation.

Original matrix Q with

Qij = yiyjK (xi, xj) Consider

Q = ¯¯ ΦTΦ ≈ Q.¯

Φ ≡ [¯¯ x1, . . . , ¯xl] becomes new training data Φ ∈ R¯ d ×l, d  l . # features  # data

Testing is an issue, but let’s not worry about it here


The Approach by Chang et al. (2008) II

They follow Fine and Scheinberg (2001) to use incomplete Cholesky factorization

What is Cholesky factorization?

Any symmetric positive definite Q can be factorized as

Q = LLT, where L ∈ Rl ×l is lower triangular


The Approach by Chang et al. (2008) III

There are several ways to do Cholesky factorization.

If we do it columnwisely

 L11 L21 L31

L41 L51

 L11 L21 L22 L31 L32

L41 L42 L51 L52

 L11 L21 L22 L31 L32 L33

L41 L42 L43 L51 L52 L53

 and stop before it’s fully done, then we get

incomplete Cholesky factorization


The Approach by Chang et al. (2008) IV

To get one column, we need to use previous columns:

L43 L53

needs Q43 Q53

−L41 L42 L51 L52

 L31 L32

The matrix-vector product is parallelized. Each machine is responsible for several rows

Using d = √

l , they report the following training time


The Approach by Chang et al. (2008) V

Nodes Image (200k) CoverType (500k) RCV (800k)

10 1,958 16,818 45,135

200 814 1,655 2,671

We can see that communication cost is a concern The reason they can get speedup is because the complexity of the algorithm is more than linear They implemented MPI in Google distributed environments

If MapReduce is used, scalability will be worse


A Primal Method by Zhu et al. (2009) I

They consider stochastic gradient descent methods (SGD)

SGD is popular for linear SVM (i.e., kernels not used).

At the tth iteration, a training instance xit is chosen and w is updated by

w ← w −ηtS 1

2kwk22+C max(0, 1−yitwTφ(xit)),


A Primal Method by Zhu et al. (2009) II

Bias term b omitted here The update rule becomes

If 1 − yitwTxit > 0, then

w ← (1 − ηt)w + ηtCyitφ(xit).

For kernel SVM, neither φ(x) nor w can be stored.

So we need to store all η1, . . . , ηt


A Primal Method by Zhu et al. (2009) III

The calculation of






(some coefficient)K (xis, xit) (1) Parallel implementation.

If xi1, . . . , xit distributedly stored, then (1) can be computed in parallel


A Primal Method by Zhu et al. (2009) IV

1. xi1, . . . , xit must be evenly distributed to nodes, so (1) can be fast.

2. The communication cost can be high – Each node must have xit

– Results from (1) must be summed up

Zhu et al. (2009) propose some ways to handle these two problems

Note that Zhu et al. (2009) use a more

sophisticated SGD by Shalev-Shwartz et al. (2011), though concepts are similar.

MPI rather than MapReduce is used


A Primal Method by Zhu et al. (2009) V

Again, if they use MapReduce, the communication cost will be a big concern


Discussion: Parallel Kernel SVM

An attempt to use MapReduce is by Liu (2010) As expected, the speedup is not good

From both Chang et al. (2008); Zhu et al. (2009), we know that algorithms must be carefully designed so that time saved on computation can compensate communication/loading



1 Why distributed machine learning?

2 Distributed classification algorithms Kernel support vector machines Linear support vector machines Parallel tree learning

3 Distributed clustering algorithms k-means

Spectral clustering Topic models


Linear Support Vector Machines

By linear we mean kernels are not used

For certain problems, accuracy by linear is as good as nonlinear

But training and testing are much faster Especially document classification

Number of features (bag-of-words model) very large Recently there are many papers and software


Comparison Between Linear and Nonlinear (Training Time & Testing Accuracy)

Linear RBF Kernel

Data set Time Accuracy Time Accuracy

MNIST38 0.1 96.82 38.1 99.70

ijcnn1 1.6 91.81 26.8 98.69

covtype 1.4 76.37 46,695.8 96.11

news20 1.1 96.95 383.2 96.90

real-sim 0.3 97.44 938.3 97.82

yahoo-japan 3.1 92.63 20,955.2 93.31 webspam 25.7 93.35 15,681.8 99.26


Comparison Between Linear and Nonlinear (Training Time & Testing Accuracy)

Linear RBF Kernel

Data set Time Accuracy Time Accuracy

MNIST38 0.1 96.82 38.1 99.70

ijcnn1 1.6 91.81 26.8 98.69

covtype 1.4 76.37 46,695.8 96.11

news20 1.1 96.95 383.2 96.90

real-sim 0.3 97.44 938.3 97.82

yahoo-japan 3.1 92.63 20,955.2 93.31 webspam 25.7 93.35 15,681.8 99.26 Size reasonably large: e.g., yahoo-japan: 140k instances


Comparison Between Linear and Nonlinear (Training Time & Testing Accuracy)

Linear RBF Kernel

Data set Time Accuracy Time Accuracy

MNIST38 0.1 96.82 38.1 99.70

ijcnn1 1.6 91.81 26.8 98.69

covtype 1.4 76.37 46,695.8 96.11

news20 1.1 96.95 383.2 96.90

real-sim 0.3 97.44 938.3 97.82

yahoo-japan 3.1 92.63 20,955.2 93.31 webspam 25.7 93.35 15,681.8 99.26


Parallel Linear SVM I

Training linear SVM is faster than kernel SVM because w can be maintained

Recall that SGD’s update rule is

If 1 − yitwTxit > 0, then

w ← (1 − ηt)w + ηtCyitxit. (2)


Parallel Linear SVM II

For linear, we directly calculate wTxit

For kernel, w cannot be stored. So we need to store all η1, . . . , ηt−1




(some coefficient)K (xis, xit) For linear SVM, each iteration is cheap.


Parallel Linear SVM III

Issues for parallelization

- Many methods (e.g., stochastic gradient descent or coordinate descent) are inherently sequential - Communication cost is a concern


Simple Distributed Linear Classification I

Bagging: train several subsets and ensemble results - Useful in distributed environments; each node ⇒ a subset

- Example: Zinkevich et al. (2010) Some results by averaging models

yahoo-korea kddcup10 webspam epsilson

Using all 87.29 89.89 99.51 89.78

Avg. models 86.08 89.64 98.40 88.83


Simple Distributed Linear Classification II

Avg. models: each node solves a linear SVM on a subset

Slightly worse but in general OK


ADMM by Boyd et al. (2011) I

Recall the SVM problem (bias term b omitted) minw


2wTw + C



i =1

max(0, 1 − yiwTxi) An equivalent optimization problem



2zTz + C



j =1


i ∈Bj

max(0, 1 − yiwTj xi)+


kwj − zk2


ADMM by Boyd et al. (2011) II

The key is that

z = w1 = · · · = wm are all optimal w

This optimization problem was proposed in 1970s, but is now applied to distributed machine learning Each node has a subset Bj and updates wj

Only w1, . . . , wm must be collected

Data are not moved; less communication cost Still, we cannot afford too many iterations because of communication cost


ADMM by Boyd et al. (2011) III

An MPI implementation is by Zhang et al. (2012) I am not aware of any MapReduce implementation yet


Vowpal Wabbit (Langford et al., 2007) I

It started as a linear classification package on a single computer

It actually solves logistic regression rather than SVM.

After version 6.0, Hadoop support has been provided A hybrid approach: parallel SGD initially and switch to LBFGS (quasi Newton)

They argue that AllReduce is a more suitable operation than MapReduce

What is AllReduce?


Vowpal Wabbit (Langford et al., 2007) II

Every node starts with a value and ends up with the sum at all nodes

In Agarwal et al. (2012), the authors argue that many machine learning algorithms can be

implemented using AllReduce LBFGS is an example

In the following talk

Scaling Up Machine Learning

the authors train 17B samples with 16M features on



1 Why distributed machine learning?

2 Distributed classification algorithms Kernel support vector machines Linear support vector machines Parallel tree learning

3 Distributed clustering algorithms k-means

Spectral clustering Topic models

4 Discussion and conclusions


Parallel Tree Learning I

We describe the work by Panda et al. (2009) It considers two parallel tasks

- single tree generation - tree ensembles

The main procedure of constructing a tree is to decide how to split a node

This becomes difficult if data are larger than a machine’s memory


Parallel Tree Learning II



If A and B are finished, then we can generate C and D in parallel

But a more careful design is needed. If data for C can fit in memory, we should generate all

subsequent nodes on a machine


Parallel Tree Learning III

That is, when we are close to leaf nodes, no need to use parallel programs

If you have only few samples, a parallel

implementation is slower than one single machine The concept looks simple, but generating a useful code is not easy

The authors mentioned that they face some challenges

- “MapReduce was not intended ... for highly


Parallel Tree Learning IV

- “cost ... in determining split points ... higher than expected”

- “... though MapReduce offers graceful handling of failures within a specific MapReduce ..., since our computation spans multiple MapReduce ...”

The authors address these issues using engineering techniques.

In some places they even need RPCs (Remote Procedure Calls) rather than standard MapReduce For 314 million instances (> 50G storage), in 2009 they report


Parallel Tree Learning V

nodes time (s) 25 ≈ 400 200 ≈ 1,350

This is good in 2009. At least they trained a set where one single machine cannot handle at that time

The running time does not decrease from 200 to 400 nodes

This study shows that


Parallel Tree Learning VI

- Implementing a distributed learning algorithm is not easy. You may need to solve certain engineering issues

- But sometimes you must do it because of handling huge data



1 Why distributed machine learning?

2 Distributed classification algorithms Kernel support vector machines Linear support vector machines Parallel tree learning

3 Distributed clustering algorithms k-means

Spectral clustering Topic models



1 Why distributed machine learning?

2 Distributed classification algorithms Kernel support vector machines Linear support vector machines Parallel tree learning

3 Distributed clustering algorithms k-means

Spectral clustering Topic models

4 Discussion and conclusions


k-means I

One of the most basic and widely used clustering algorithms

The idea is very simple.

Finding k cluster centers and assign each data to the cluster of its closest center


k-means II

Algorithm 1 k-means procedure

1 Find initial k centers

2 While not converge

- Find each point’s closest center

- Update centers by averaging all its members

We discuss difference between MPI and MapReduce implementations of k-means


k-means: MPI Implementation I

Broadcast initial centers to all machines While not converged

Each node assigns its data to k clusters and compute local sum of each cluster

An MPI AllReduce operation obtains sum of all k clusters to find new centers

Communication versus computation:

If x ∈ Rn, then each node transfer

kn elements (local sum) after kn × l /p operations,


k-means: MapReduce implementation I

We describe one implementation by Thomas Jungblut



k-means-clustering-with-mapreduce.html You don’t specifically assign data to nodes

That is, data has been stored somewhere at HDFS Each instance: a (key, value) pair

key: its associated cluster center value: the instance


k-means: MapReduce implementation II


Each (key, value) pair find the closest center and update the key (after loading all data centers) Reduce:

For instances with the same key (cluster), calculate the new cluster center (and save data centers) As we said earlier, you don’t control where data points are

Therefore, it’s unclear how expensive loading and



1 Why distributed machine learning?

2 Distributed classification algorithms Kernel support vector machines Linear support vector machines Parallel tree learning

3 Distributed clustering algorithms k-means

Spectral clustering Topic models

4 Discussion and conclusions


Spectral Clustering I

Input: Data points x1, . . . , xn; k: number of desired clusters.

1 Construct similarity matrix S ∈ Rn×n.

2 Modify S to be a sparse matrix.

3 Compute the Laplacian matrix L by L = I − D−1/2SD−1/2,

4 Compute the first k eigenvectors of L; and construct


Spectral Clustering II

5 Compute the normalized matrix U of V by Uij = Vij

q Pk

r =1Vir2

, i = 1, . . . , n, j = 1, . . . , k.

6 Use k-means algorithm to cluster n rows of U into k groups.

Early studies of this method were by, for example, Shi and Malik (2000); Ng et al. (2001)

We discuss the parallel implementation by Chen et al.



MPI and MapReduce

Similarity matrix

Only done once: suitable for MapReduce But size grows in O(n2)

First k Eigenvectors

An iterative algorithm called implicitly restarted Arnoldi

Iterative: not suitable for MapReduce MPI is used but no fault tolerance


Sample Results I

2,121,863 points and 1,000 classes

(64, 530,474) (128, 1,060,938) (256, 2,121,863)

(number of machines, data size)


Total time Similarity matrix Eigendecomposition K−means 28


25 26


Sample Results II

We can see that scalability of eigen decomposition is not good

Nodes Similarity Eigen kmeans Total Speedup 16 752542s 25049s 18223s 795814s 16.00 32 377001s 12772s 9337s 399110s 31.90 64 192029s 8751s 4591s 205371s 62.00 128 101260s 6641s 2944s 110845s 114.87 256 54726s 5797s 1740s 62263s 204.50


How to Scale Up?

We can see two bottlenecks

- computation: O(n2) similarity matrix - communication: finding eigenvectors

To handle even larger sets we may need to use non-iterative algorithms (e.g., Nystr¨om


Slightly worse performance, but may scale up better



1 Why distributed machine learning?

2 Distributed classification algorithms Kernel support vector machines Linear support vector machines Parallel tree learning

3 Distributed clustering algorithms k-means

Spectral clustering Topic models


Latent Dirichlet Allocation I

LDA (Blei et al., 2003) detects topics from documents

Finding the hidden structure of texts

For example, Figure 2 of Blei (2012) shows that 100-topic LDA to science paper gives frequent words like

“Genetics” “Evolution” “Disease” “Computers”

human evolution disease computer genome evolutionary host models

... ... ... ...


Latent Dirichlet Allocation II

The LDA model p(w, z, Θ, Φ|α, β) =



i =1 mi


j =1

p(wij|zij, Φ)p(ziji)

" m Y

i =1





j =1


 wij: j th word from i th document

zij: the topic

p(wij|zij, Φ) and p(ziji): multinomial distributions


Latent Dirichlet Allocation III

Φ: distribution over vocabulary

θi: topic proportion for the i th document p(θi|α), p(φj|β): Dirichlet distributions α, β: prior of Θ, Φ, respectively

Maximizing the likelihood is not easy, so Griffiths and Steyvers (2004) propose using Gipps sampling to iteratively estimate the posterior p(z|w)


Latent Dirichlet Allocation IV

While the model looks complicated, Θ and Φ can be integrated out to

p(w, z|α, β)

Then at each iteration only a counting procedure is needed

We omit details but essentially the algorithm is


Latent Dirichlet Allocation V

Algorithm 2 LDA Algorithm For each iteration

For each document i

For each word j in document i Sampling and counting

Distributed learning seems straightforward - Divide data to several nodes

- Each node counts local data - Models are summed up


Latent Dirichlet Allocation VI

However, an efficient implementation is not that simple

Some existing implementations

Wang et al. (2009): both MPI and MapReduce Newman et al. (2009): MPI

Smola and Narayanamurthy (2010): Something else Smola and Narayanamurthy (2010) claim higher throughputs.

These works all use same algorithm, but


Latent Dirichlet Allocation VII

A direct MapReduce implementation may not be efficient due to I/O at each iteration

Smola and Narayanamurthy (2010) use quite sophisticated techniques to get high throughputs - They don’t partition documents to several machines. Otherwise machines need to wait for synchronization

- Instead, they consider several samplers and synchronize between them

- They use memcached so data stored in memory rather than disk


Latent Dirichlet Allocation VIII

- They use Hadoop streaming so C++ rather than Java is used

- And some other techniques

We can see that a efficient implementation is not easy



1 Why distributed machine learning?

2 Distributed classification algorithms Kernel support vector machines Linear support vector machines Parallel tree learning

3 Distributed clustering algorithms k-means

Spectral clustering Topic models

4 Discussion and conclusions


Integration with the Whole Workflow I

We mentioned before that sometimes copy data from distributed systems to a single machine isn’t convenient

Workflow is broken

Training is sometimes only a “small part” of the whole data management workflow

Example: the approach at Twitter (Lin and Kolcz, 2012)

They write Pig scripts for data management tasks


Integration with the Whole Workflow II

It’s just like you write Matlab code Sample code in Lin and Kolcz (2012)

-- Filter for positive examples

positive = filter status by ContainsPositiveEmoticon(text) and length(text) > 20;

positive = foreach positive generate 1 as label, RemovePositiveEmoticons(text) as text, random;

positive = order positive by random; -- Randomize ordering of tweets.

positive = limit positive $N; -- Take N positive examples.

-- Filter for negative examples ...

-- Randomize order of positive and negative examples

training = foreach training generate $0 as label, $1 as text, RANDOM() as random;

training = order training by random parallel $PARTITIONS;

training = foreach training generate label, text;


Integration with the Whole Workflow III

store training into $OUTPUT using TextLRClassifierBuilder();

They use stochastic gradient descent methods

You may question that this is a sequential algorithm But according to the authors, they go through all data only once

But that’s enough for their application

Software engineering issues to put things together become the main issues rather than machine


Training Size versus Accuracy I

More training data may be helpful for some problems, but not others

See the following two figures of cross-validation accuracy versus training size


Training Size versus Accuracy II

If more data points don’t help, probably there is no need to run a distributed algorithm

Can we easily know how many data points are enough?

Could machine learning people provide some guidelines?


System Issues I

Systems related to distributed data management are still being rapidly developed

An important fact is that existing distributed systems or parallel frameworks are not particularly designed for machine learning algorithms

For example, Hadoop is slow for iterative algorithms due to heavy disk I/O

I will illustrate this point by the following example for a bagging implementation

Assume data is large, say 1TB. You have 10 machines with 100GB RAM each.


System Issues II

One way to train this large data is a bagging approach

machine 1 trains 1/10 data

2 1/10

... ...

10 1/10

Then use 10 models for prediction and combine results

Reasons of doing so is obvious: parallel data loading


System Issues III

But it is not that simple if using MapReduce and Hadoop.

Hadoop file system is not designed so we can easily copy a subset of data to a node

That is, you cannot say: block 10 goes to node 75 A possible way is

1. Copy all data to HDFS

2. Let each n/p points to have the same key (assume p is # of nodes). The reduce phase

collects n/p points to a node. Then we can do the parallel training


System Issues IV

As a result, we may not get 1/10 loading time In Hadoop, data are transparent to users We don’t know details of data locality and communication

Here is an interesting communication between me and a friend (called D here)

Me: If I have data in several blocks and would like to copy them to HDFS, it’s not easy to specifically assign them to different machines


System Issues V

Me: So probably using a poor-man’s approach is easier. I use USB to copy block/code to 10 machines and hit return 10 times

D: Yes, but you can do better by scp and ssh.

Indeed that’s usually how I do “parallel programming”

This example is a bit extreme, but it clearly shows that large-scale machine learning is strongly related to many system issues

Also, some (Lin, 2012) argue that instead of developing new systems to replace Hadoop, we should modify machine learning algorithms to “fit” Hadoop


Easy of Use I

Distributed programs and systems are complicated Simplicity and easy of use are very important in designing such tools

From a Google research blog by Simon Tong on their classification tool SETI:

“It is perhaps less academically interesting to design an algorithm that is slightly worse in accuracy, but that has greater ease of use and system reliability.

However, in our experience, it is very valuable in


Easy of Use II

Title of the last slide of another Google tool Sibyl at MLSS Santa Cruz 2012:

“Lesson learned (future direction): Focus on easy of use”

Also from Simon Tong’s blog: it is recommended to

“start with a few specific applications in mind”

That is, let problems drive the tools (Lin and Kolcz, 2012)



Distributed machine learning is still an active research topic

It is related to both machine learning and systems An important fact is that existing distributed systems or parallel frameworks are not particularly designed for machine learning algorithms

Machine learning people can

- help to affect how systems are designed



I thank comments from Wen-Yen Chen Dennis DeCoste Alex Smola

Chien-Chih Wang Xiaoyun Wu Rong Yen


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include domain knowledge by specific kernel design (e.g. train a generative model for feature extraction, and use the extracted feature in SVM to get discriminative power).

Most existing machine learning algorithms are designed by assuming that data can be easily accessed.. Therefore, the same data may be accessed

1 Embedding Numerous Features: Kernel Models Lecture 1: Linear Support Vector Machine.. linear SVM: more robust and solvable with quadratic programming Lecture 2: Dual Support

1 Embedding Numerous Features: Kernel Models Lecture 1: Linear Support Vector Machine.

2 Distributed classification algorithms Kernel support vector machines Linear support vector machines Parallel tree learning?. 3 Distributed clustering

“Transductive Inference for Text Classification Using Support Vector Machines”, Proceedings of ICML-99, 16 th International Conference on Machine Learning, pp.200-209. Coppin

Solving SVM Quadratic Programming Problem Training large-scale data..

Parallel dual coordinate descent method for large-scale linear classification in multi-core environments. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on