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Show that the sequence is monotone and bounded


Academic year: 2022

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(1) Let x1∈ R with x1> 1. Define (xn) by xn+1= 2 − 1

xn for n ∈ N.

Show that the sequence is monotone and bounded. What is its limit?

Proof. For n = 1,

x2− x1= 2 − 1 x1 − x1. Since x1> 1, by A.G. inequality,

x1+ 1 x1

> 2 r

x1· 1 x1

= 2.

Hence x2− x1< 0. Assume that xk+1< xk. Then 1/xk+1> 1/xk and hence xk+2= 2 − 1

xk+1 < 2 − 1

xk = xk+1.

We see that xn+1< xn is true for n = k + 1. By mathematical induction, xn+1< xn is true for any n ≥ 1.

Since x1> 1,

x2= 2 − 1 x1

> 2 −1 1 = 1.

Let us claim that xn> 1 for any n ≥ 1. Suppose the statement is true for n = k. Then xk+1= 2 − 1


> 2 −1 1 = 1.

The statement is true for n = k + 1. By mathematical induction xn> 1 holds for n ∈ N.

The sequence is convergent in R. Denote its limit by x. Then x = lim

n→∞xn+1= lim


 2 − 1


= 2 − 1 x.

We find x = 1. 

(2) Let (an) be a sequence in Rp and a0∈ Rp. Assume that there exists 0 < ρ < 1 such that kan+1− ank ≤ ρkan− an−1k for any n ≥ 1.

Prove that (an) is convergent in Rp.

Proof. For n = 1, we have ka2− a1k ≤ ρka1− a0k. For n = 2, we have ka3− a2k ≤ ρka2− a1k ≤ ρ2ka1− a0k = ρ3ka1− a0k

ρ .

Take K = ka1− a0k/ρ. By induction, we can show that kan− an−1k ≤ ρnK.

For n > m ≥ N, using triangle inequality,

kan− amk = k(an− an−1) + · · · + (am+1− am)k

≤ (ρn+ · · · + ρm+1)K

= 1 − ρn−m 1 − ρ ρm+1K

≤ ρm+1K 1 − ρ .



Since 0 < ρ < 1, lim

m→∞mK/(1 − ρ)) = 0. For  > 0, we can choose N ∈ N so that ρm+1K/(1 − ρ) <  whenever m ≥ N. (You should be able to find such an Nby yourself.) This implies that kan− amk <  whenever n, m ≥ N. This shows that (an) is a Cauchy sequence in Rp. By completeness of Rp, (an) is convergent.

 (3) Let a ≥ 1 and 0 < z1< 1 +√

1 + 4a

2 . Define a sequence (zn) by zn+1=√

a + zn, for n ∈ N.

Show that (zn) is convergent and find its limit. Use two different methods to prove the convergence of (zn).

(a) Use mathematical induction to show that (zn) is increasing and bounded above. (A sequence (an) is bounded above if there exists U ∈ R so that an≤ U for all n ∈ N.) Proof. Using the assumption, we can show that z2> z1. That the sequence is increasing can be shown by induction. Assuming that zk+1> zk, we have

zk+2=pa + zk+1>√

a + zk = zk+1. By assumption, z1< 1+


2 . We assume that zk< 1+


2 is true. Then zk+12 = a + zk < 1 +√

1 + 4a + 2a

2 = 1 + 2√

1 + 4a + 1 + 4a

4 = 1 +√

1 + 4a 2

2 . This implies that zk+1< 1+

1+4a 2 .

 (b) Use the following observation:

zn+1− zn=√

a + zn−pa + zn−1= zn− zn−1

√a + zn+√

a + zn−1

and for any n ∈ N,

0 < 1

√a + zn+√

a + zn−1

≤1 2. Use exercise (2).

Proof. We obtain that

|zn+1− zn| ≤ 1

2|zn− zn−1| for all n ≥ 2. Then use (2).

 (4) Determine the convergence/divergence of the sequence (xn) defined by

xn= 1

n + 1+ 1

n + 2+ · · · + 1 2n =




1 n + i. (5) Let (xn) be a sequence in Rp.

(a) If (xn) is convergent to x ∈ Rp, show that limn→∞kxnk = kxk.

Proof. This can be shown by the triangle inequality:

|kxnk − kxk| ≤ kxn− xk.

 (b) If limn→∞kxnk = 0, show that limn→∞xn= 0.


Proof. For any  > 0, there exists N ∈ N such that kxnk = |kxnk − 0| <  whenever n ≥ N. This proves the result.

 (c) If limn→∞kxnk exists, is the sequence (xn) convergent? If yes, prove it. If not, give a


Proof. Not true. Take xn = (−1)n. Then (xn) is divergent. Notice that |xn| = 1 for all n ≥ 1 and any constant sequence is convergent. Therefore (|xn|) is convergent while

(xn) is divergent. 

(6) Assume that lim

n→∞(kxn+1k/kxnk) = r with r < 1.

(a) Show that there exist positive real numbers ρ and C and a natural number N with r < ρ < 1 so that

0 < kxnk < Cρn for n ≥ N.

Proof. Let xn= kxnk. Choose  > 0 so that ρ = r+ < 1. Then there exists N = N∈ N so that |(xn+1/xn) − r| <  for n ≥ N. This implies that 0 < xn+1< ρxn for all n ≥ N.

Thus 0 < xN +1< ρxN and 0 < xN +2< ρxN +1< ρ2xN. Inductively, we obtain 0 < xN +k< ρkxN = ρN +kxN


Let C = xNN. We find 0 < xn< Cρn for any n ≥ N + 1. This proves the result.

 (b) Show that lim

n→∞xn= 0.

Proof. By exercise 6a, limn→∞kxnk = 0. By exercise 5b, limn→∞xn= 0.

 (7) Let (an) be a sequence in Rp such that


pkan nk = r with r > 1.

Prove that (an) is unbounded. (Hint: estimate kankRp and use the Bernoulli’s inequality:

for x > 0, we have (1 + x)n ≥ 1 + nx for any n ∈ N.)

Proof. Choose  > 0 so that r −  > 1. Denote ρ = r − . There exists N ∈ N so that

|pkan nk − r| <  for n ≥ N. Thus kank > ρn for any n ≥ N. Write ρ = 1 + x for x > 0. By Bernoulli’s inequality,

kank > 1 + nx.

Use this inequality to show that (an) is unbounded.

 (8) Let (an) be a sequence in Rp and C > 0.

(a) Assume that

kan+1− ank ≤ C

n(n + 1), n ≥ 1.

Prove that (an) is convergent in Rp. (Hint: show that (an) is a Cauchy sequence in Rp and use the completeness of Rp.)

Proof. For n > m, kan− amk ≤ C


m(m + 1)+ · · · + 1 (n − 1)n

< C 1 m. Then the rest is left to the readers.


(b) Let (xn) be a sequence of real numbers defined by xn+1= xn+ (−1)n

(2n + 1)!

with x1= 1. Test the convergence/divergence of (xn). (Hint: use (a)).

Proof. For n ≥ 1,

|xn+1− xn| = 1

(2n + 1)!< 1 2n(2n + 1). Use similar method proved in (a).

 (9) Let Q be the subset of all rational numbers and

d(x, y) = |x − y|, x, y ∈ Q.

Then (Q, d) is a metric space. In this exercise, you will learn that (Q, d) is not a complete metric space.

(a) For each n, define

xn = 1 + 1

1!+ · · · + 1

n!, n ≥ 1.

Prove that xn∈ Q for all n ≥ 1.

Proof. Finite sum of rational numbers is rational.

 (b) Prove that (xn) is a Cauchy sequence in (Q, d).

Proof. For n ≥ 1,

|xn+1− xn| = 1

(n + 1)! < 1 n(n + 1). By Exercise 8, (xn) is a Cauchy sequence in (Q, d).

 (c) Prove that (xn) is divergent in (Q, d). Hint: Suppose (xn) is convergent to some x = p/q in Q. Define pn= n!xnfor n ≥ 1. Show that |n!x−pn| > 0 for n ≥ 1. Estimate |n!x−pn|.

Then use the suggested exercises below to show that such x does not exist.

Proof. Suppose that (xn) is convergent to x = p/q for some p, q ∈ Z with q 6= 0. Assume that q > 0. For m > n,

|xm− xn| = 1

(n + 1)!+ · · · + 1 m!. Multiplying the above equation by n!, we find

|n!xm− pn| = 1

n + 1+ · · · + 1

(n + 1)(n + 2) · · · m. For any k ≥ 1,

(n + 1)(n + 2) · · · (n + k + 1) ≥ (n + k)(n + k + 1) In other words,


(n + 1)(n + 2) · · · (n + k + 1) ≤ 1

(n + k)(n + k + 1) = 1

n + k − 1 n + k + 1 for any k ≥ 1. This shows that


(n + 1)(n + 2)+ · · · + 1

(n + 1)(n + 2) · · · m ≤ 1 n + 1− 1



Therefore for m > n,

|n!xm− pn| < 2 n + 1− 1

m < 2 n + 1.

This shows that |n!xm− pn| < 2/(n + 1) for any m > n ≥ 1. By taking m → ∞, we find

|n!x − pn| ≤ 2 n + 1. On the other hand,

|n!xm− pn| = 1

n + 1+ · · · + 1

(n + 1)(n + 2) · · · m > 1 n + 1. By taking m → ∞, we find

|n!x − pn| ≥ 1 n + 1> 0.

We find that

0 < |n!x − pn| ≤ 2 n + 1 for any n ≥ 1. Multiplying the inequality by q, then

0 < |n!p − qpn| ≤ 2q n + 1.

By Sandwich principle, limn→∞|n!p − qpn| = 0. Notice that (n!p − qpn) is a sequence of integers. If it is convergent to 0, there exists N ∈ N so that n!p − qpn= 0 for all n ≥ N.

In this case, we find n!x − pn = 0 which leads to the contradiction to |n!x − pn| > 0.

 To do (9), you need to recall the exercise from hw 1 and hw 2 in Calculus I: (you do not need to turn in the following exercises) If you are not familiar with the exercises below, I suggest that you should solve these.

(1) Let (an) be a sequence of integers. Suppose that (an) is convergent in R. Show that there exists N such that an= aN for any n ≥ N.

(2) Let α be a real number. Suppose that there exist sequence of integers (pn) and (qn) and a sequence of positive real numbers (rn) such that

(a) limn→∞rn = 0.

(b) 0 < |pn− αqn| < rn for any n ≥ 1.

Show that α must be an irrational number.



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To do (9), you need to recall the exercise from hw 1 and hw 2 in Calculus I: (you do not need to turn in the following exercises) If you are not familiar with the exercises below,

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(Hint: use the triangle inequality and the Cauchy’s