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Academic year: 2022

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中一級 中國歷史科 教學設計示例(供收錄非華語學生的學校參考使用) 三國兩晉南北朝的民族融和及文化發展──兩晉南北朝政權的更替概況、


一. 建議教節:3-4 節 二. 預期學習成果:


1. 了解兩晉南北朝政權的更替概況及胡人內徙的情形。(知識內容) 2. 認識孝文帝推行的漢化措施及其影響。(知識內容)

3. 透過閱讀文字資料、地圖、圖像、影片等,分析史事。(知識內容、技能) 4. 學習尊重不同的文化。(情意、態度)

三. 教學建議:

1. 因應非華語學生的中文能力,工作紙較多圖像,部分題目輔以英文,協 助學生理解內容。

2. 題型包括選擇、圈示、短答等,思考題可以口語回答。

3. 教師可按學生學習情況加入討論環節,以增加學生之間的互動。

4. 教師教授課題時,除教授相關史實外,亦須指導學生認識中國的文明和 文化,促進他們認識中國的文化特質。

5. 教師可因應學生的程度而選取適合的部分或教學活動施教。

四. 教學方案:

內容重點 流程

課節一 (1-2 節):


1. 講解關鍵詞;

2. 透過地圖及其他資料,帶出以下重 點:

- 該歷史時期主要的胡族名稱及其 所處的位置;

- 西晉至南北朝時期,歷史發展的 脈絡及特徵,如南北對峙、北方 政權多由胡人建立、南方政權則 由漢人建立等。

課節二 (1-2 節):


1. 透過地圖及其他歷史資料,帶出孝 文帝漢化政策的主要措施,如遷 都、改漢姓、穿漢服等;



2. 透過聯繫現今香港衣、食、住、行 各個方面,帶出不同文化融合對社 會發展所帶來的影響。

#就已標示的題目(黃色部分),教師可用作評核學生的表現(多為口語發揮 及手作設計),教師可著學生輔以文字說明(字數視乎學生的能力而定)。


1. 學校可參考本教學計劃以調適課程,以配合學生的需要;

2. 可因應學生的中文程度而刪去或減少當中的英文句子或詞彙;

3. 可同時參考課程發展處所出版的其他教材或為本課綱準備的其他示例;

4. 可考慮向學生提供更多全方位學習的經驗如到內地考察、參觀博物館等 等。



XXX 中學

中一級 中國歷史科課堂工作紙

兩晉南北朝政權的更替概況、孝文帝推行的漢化措施與影響 (Changes in the Rules of Jin Dynasty and Northern and Southern Dynasties, Sinicization Measures implemented by Emperor Xiaowen and their Impacts) 姓名 Name:


成績 Grade:


班別 Class:

__________________( )

批改日期 Date of Marking:



1. 認識兩晉南北朝政權的更替概況及胡人內徙的情況 (Changes in the Rules of Jin Dynasty and Northern and Southern Dynasties, and the Immigration of the minorities at that period)

2. 認識孝文帝推行的漢化措施 (Sinicization Measures implemented by Emperor Xiaowen)

3. 認識孝文帝推行的漢化措施的影響 (The Impacts of Sinicization Measures implemented by Emperor Xiaowen)

一. 本節關鍵詞 (Key Terms)

1 Jin 晉(zeon3)

2 Dynasty 朝代(ciu4 doi6)

3 Northern Dynasties 北朝(bak1 ciu4) 4 Southern Dynasties 南朝(naam4 ciu4) 5 The turmoil the five northern

minorities caused in Central China

五胡亂華(ng5 wu4 lyun6 waa4)

6 Sinicization Measures 漢化措施(hon3 faa3 cou3 si1) 7 Emperor Xiaowen 孝文帝(haau3 man4 dai3)

8 Northern Wei 北魏(bak1 ngai6)

9 Han costumes 漢服(hon3 fuk6)

10 Surnames of Han 漢人姓氏(hon3 jan4 sing3 si6)

二. 本節概要 (Key Points of the Chapter)

1. 中國南北政權對峙。 Confrontation between northern and southern regimes in China emerged.

2. 北方的胡人移入中原。 The minorities migrated into Central Plain.

3. 北魏孝文帝推行一系列的漢化措 Emperor Xiaowen of Northern Wei



施。 implemented a series of sinicizated measures.

4. 孝文帝推行的漢化措施促進胡漢 融合。

The sinicizated measures implemented by Emperor Xiaowen facilitated the unification of Han and Wu.



課節一:兩晉南北朝政權的更替概況 (Changes in the Rules of Jin Dynasty and Northern and Southern Dynasties)

三. 想一想(Think for a while):

Figure 1: 中國朝代發展時間線 Time line of the dynastys’ development in China

1. 試在上圖以紅筆圈出中國第一個大一統朝代。(Please use a red pen to circle the first unified dynasty in China on the above time line.)

2. 試在上圖用藍筆以三角形標示中國自秦朝後的最長分裂時期(即同時代 存在不同的政權)。(Please use a blue triangle to indicate the longest divided period after the Qin Dynasty in China on the above time line.)

3. 在公元 220-589 這段時間,有多少個政權先後於中國出現?(In the period 220-589AD, how many regimes existed in China?)

約 31 個(Around 31)

Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms



 魏晉南北朝為中國其中一段分裂時代,儘管胡人及漢人先後建立起不同

的政權,然而當時胡漢文化交融導致中國的文化蓬勃發展。在以下課 堂,我們會探討這段時期的特色。(The period of Six Dynasties consisted of different regimes in China. Although Wu and Han established different rules at that time, the integration of Wu and Han cultures contributed to the

flourishing of Chinese cultures. In the following lessons, we will study the characteristics of this period.)



四. 從地圖看胡人分佈 (The distribution of minorities on the map)

 西晉政權於公元 265 年建立,當時已有不少胡人遷入了中原。(Western Jin was established at 265AD. A number of minorities had already migrated to the Central Plain.)

Figure 2 西晉時期各胡族分佈圖 The distribution of minorities in Western Jin (地圖來源:

https://edb.gov.hk/tc/curriculum-development/kla/pshe/references-and-resources/chinese-histo ry/support-materials-core-part.html)

1. 在上圖圈出五個胡族的名稱。 (Circle the names of 5 minorities on the above map.)

2. 西晉的政權由甚麼種族建立? (Which one established Western Jin, Han or Wu?)

A. 漢人(Han) B. 胡人(Wu)

3. 胡人居住在西晉國土的甚麼位置? (Where did the minorities live in Western Jin’s territory?)

A. 北方(North)

B. 南方(South)

Xiongnu, Xianbei, Qiang, Di and Jie were minorities (匈奴、鮮卑、羌、


Jin was established by Han (晉由漢人建立)



五. 從資料看東晉及五胡亂華的政局 (Study the sources and learn about the development of Eastern Jin and the turmoil the five northern minorities caused in Central China)

 西晉滅亡後,東晉於公元 317 年建立。胡人亦在中國北方建立起不同的政權。(Eastern Jin was established at 317AD after the collapse of Western Jin. Minorities also

established different regimes in northern China.)

Figure 3-6 東晉的建立與胡族建立的政權 The establishment of Eastern Jin and the

regimes established by the minorities (地圖來源:香港文化博物館,《走向盛唐-文化交流 與融合》,頁 280-281。)

所屬族群 The groups that belonged to 政權名稱 Name of the Regimes

匈奴 Xiongnu 前趙 Former Zhao

夏 Xia

北涼 Northern Liang

鮮卑 Xianbei 前燕 Former Yan

後燕 Later Yan 南燕 Southern Yan

西秦 Western Qin

Figure 3 Figure 4

Figure 5 Figure 6



南涼 Southern Liang

羌 Qiang 後秦 Later Qin

氐 Di 前秦 Former Qin

後涼 Later Liang 成漢 Cheng Han

羯 Jie 後趙 Later Zhao

漢 Han 東晉 Eastern Jin

北燕 Northern Yan 前涼 Former Liang 西涼 Western Liang

Figure 7 各族群建立的政權 The regimes established by different groups

 東晉滅亡後,南方先後建立起宋、齊、梁、陳,史稱南朝;至於北方,


北周,史稱北朝。(After the collapse of Eastern Jin, Song, Qi, Liang and Chen were established in southern China alternately. The period was called Southern Dynasties. Whereas in northern China, Xianbei united all the tribes and established Northern Wei. Eastern Wei, Western Wei, Northern Qi and Northern Zhou were established alternately. The period was called Northern Dynasties.)

Figure 8 Figure 9

鮮卑, Xianbei

漢, Han

鮮卑, Xianbei

漢, Han



Figure 8-11 南朝與北朝 Southern Dynasties and Northern Dynasties (地圖來源:香港文化 博物館,《走向盛唐-文化交流與融合》,頁 282-283。)

1. 根據表 7,請在圖 3-6 將同一族群建立的政權以相同顏色標示。(According to Figure 7, please highlight in the same colour for those regimes which were established by the same group in Figure 3-6.)

2. 根據圖 3-11,請形容這段歷史時期的發展特徵。(According to Figure 3-11, please describe the developmental features of this historical period.)

A. 統一 (Unification) B. 分裂 (Division)

3. 在現今的香港,除了中國人外,還居住了甚麼族裔的人? (In nowadays Hong Kong, apart from Chinese, are there any other races that settle here?) 4. 你所屬的地域 / 國家又居住了甚麼族裔的人?(Which races settle in the

region of your origin / country?)

六. 小總結:於兩晉南北朝時期,胡人逐漸遷入中原,及後更於北方建立胡

族政權,而漢人則於南方建立政權,兩者形成南北對峙局面;而隨著胡 人內徙,胡漢文化的接觸增加,不同文化逐漸融合。(A short summary:

During the period of Jin Dynasty and Northern and Southern Dynasties, minorities migrated into Central Plain and established different regimes in north China. With the establishments of regimes by Han in south China, there was a political confrontation between north and south in that period.

With the migration of minorities into Central Plain, the exchanges between Han and Wu cultures intensified. This contributed to the integration between Han and Wu cultures.)

Figure 10 Figure 11

鮮卑, Xianbei

漢, Han

鮮卑, Xianbei

漢, Han



課節二:北魏孝文帝推行的漢化措施與影響 (The sinicizated measures implemented by Emperor Xiaowen from Northern Wei and their impacts) 七. 從資料看北魏孝文帝推行的漢化措施 (Study the sources and learn about

the sinicizated measures implemented by Emperor Xiaowen from Northern Wei)

 於公元 439 年,鮮卑族統一了北方,建立了北魏政權。至北魏孝文帝即

位後,推行一系列的漢化措施。(Xianbei united the northern tribes in 439AD and they established Northern Wei afterwards. After becoming the emperor of Northern Wei, Emperor Xiaowen implemented a series of sinicizated measures.)

Figure 12 孝文帝從平城遷都至洛陽 Emperor Xiaowen moved the capital to Luoyang from Pingcheng (地圖來源:

https://edb.gov.hk/tc/curriculum-development/kla/pshe/references-and-resources/chinese-histo ry/support-materials-core-part.html)

鮮卑姓氏 Surname of Xianbei 漢姓氏 Surname of Han

拓拔 Tuoba 元 Yuan

獨孤 Dugu 劉 Liu


(Luoyang) (Northern Wei)




步六孤 Buliugu 陸 Lu

賀賴 Helai 賀 He

賀樓 Helou 樓 Lou

尉遲 Yuchi 尉 Yu

丘穆陵 Qiumuling 穆 Mu

勿忸于 Wuniuyu 于 Yu

Figure 13 鮮卑姓氏改為漢姓氏 The changes of surnames of Xianbei to surnames of Han

A 武士陶俑

圖片來源:香港文化博物館,《走向盛唐-文化交流 與融合》,頁 148。

B 小冠俑

圖片來源:香港文化博物館,《走向盛唐-文化交流 與融合》,頁 172。

C 北朝陶俑


D 侍從陶俑

圖片來源:香港文化博物館,《走向盛唐-文化交流 與融合》,頁 149。

(Pottery figurine of a warrior)

(Pottery figurine of an official)

(Pottery figurine from the Northern Dynasty)

(Pottery figurine of a servant)



Figure 14 鮮卑服飾及漢服飾 Xianbei costumes and Han costumes

1. 根據圖 12,北魏孝文帝將國都由平城遷至洛陽,洛陽有甚麼好處?你可 選擇多於一個答案。(According to Figure 12, Emperor Xiaowen moved the capital from Pingcheng to Luoyang. What are the advantages of Luoyang?

You can choose more than one answer.) A. 平原(plain)地帶易於防守


B. 平原地帶有助發展農業 (agriculture)

C. 遠離邊疆(border)外族的侵略 (invasion)

D. 接近河流有助運輸 (transportation)

2. 根據表 13,孝文帝下令鮮卑人改漢族姓氏,鮮卑姓氏跟漢氏有甚麼分 別?若你是鮮卑人,你又會取甚麼姓氏?(According to Figure 13, Emperor Xiaowen ordered the people of Xianbei to change to the surnames of Han. What is the difference between the surnames of Xianbei and the surnames of Han? If you were the people of Xianbei, which surnames would you prefer?)

漢姓氏多為單字,鮮卑姓氏則多於一個字。(Many Han surnames contained one word. However, Xianbei surnames contained more than one word.) 3. 當時漢人及胡人均有不同的姓氏及名稱,你亦有自己的本國名字及中文

名。請分別以你本國的文字及中文寫出你的名稱。(Wu and Han have their own surnames and names at that time. You also have a Chinese name and a name from your place of origin. Please use Chinese and the language of your place of origin to write down your names.)

中文名字 (Chinese Name) 本國名字 (The Name of your Place of Origin)

4. 請在圖 14 圈出漢人的服飾。(提示:鮮卑人多為遊牧民族,須騎馬;部 分漢人為讀書人,) (Please circle the Han costumes in Figure 14)(Hints:

People of Xianbei were nomadic tribes mostly and they needed to ride on horses. Some Han people were scholars who studied Confucius classics.) B 小冠俑 (Pottery figurine of an official) 及 C 北朝陶俑 (Pottery figurine from the Northern Dynasty)

5. 根據圖 14,鮮卑人及漢人的服飾有甚麼不同(你可以選多於一個答案)?

(According to Figure 14, what were the differences between the costumes of



Xianbei and the costumes of Han (You can choose more than one option)?) A. 漢人服飾較寬身(The Han clothing was wider)

B. 鮮卑人服飾較窄身(The Xianbei clothing was narrower) C. 漢人服飾較窄身(The Han clothing was narrower)

D. 鮮卑人服飾較寬身(The Xianbei clothing was wider)

6. 孝文帝為甚麼要推行漢化措施?漢化措施有甚麼好處?你可選擇多於 一個答案。(Why did Emperor Xiaowen implement sinicizated measures?

What were the advantages of the implementation of sinicizated measures?

You can choose more than one answer.) A. 學習漢族的儒家文化(Confucius


B. 提升(Improve)胡人的文化水平 C. 胡漢融合(integration)有助日後


D. 令胡人變得更加強悍(tough)

7. 設想你是孝文帝,試設計一幅海報宣傳胡漢文化融合,海報中須包括一 句口號及圖像描述。(If you were Emperor Xiaowen, please design a poster in promoting the integration of Wu and Han cultures. Please include in the poster a slogan and some pictorial descriptions.)



 魏晉南北朝時期,娛樂活動的多樣化亦體現胡漢文化的交融。看看以下 圖片,你知道以下活動的名稱嗎?(In the period of Six Dynasties, the integration of Han and Wu cultures contributed to the existence of different entertainment activities. Please take a look at the following sources and guess the names of those activities.)

Figure 15:一種於漢代已出現的消閒娛樂活動,這活動於魏晉南北朝日漸盛行) (An entertainment that had been existed in the Han Dynasty. This entertainment became more

popular in the period of Six Dynasties)

Figure 16: 漢代畫石像─畫石像描述一種於漢代已出現的消閒娛樂活動,這活動於 魏晉南北朝日漸盛行) (A Pictorial Stone of Han Dynasty: This pictorial stone describes

an entertainment during leisure times that had been existed in the Han Dynasty. This entertainment became more popular in the period of Six Dynasties)(圖片來源:


1. 圖 15 顯示的娛樂活動(entertainment)是 摔跤(Wrestling) / 投壺 (Pitch-pot)(請圈出答案),它是來自 漢族 (Han) /胡族 (Wu)(請 圈出答案) 的娛樂活動。

2. 圖 16 顯示的娛樂活動(entertainment)是 摔跤(Wrestling) / 投壺 (Pitch-pot)(請圈出答案),它是來自 漢族 (Han) /胡族 (Wu)(請 圈出答案) 的娛樂活動。



3. 試為投壺活動準備一些簡單的用具(如紙皮箱及藤條),看看誰投入 得最多。(Please prepare materials for the activity of pitch-pot and see who the winner is.)

4. 你來自的國家 / 地區的年青人有甚麼娛樂活動?與香港的年青人

有甚麼不同?(What entertainment and activities do young people in your place of origin do? Are there any differences with the young people of Hong Kong?)



八. 現今香港不同文化共存的情況 (The co-existence of different cultures in Hong Kong nowadays):

 南北朝時期見證胡漢文化的融合;於現今香港,不同文化亦同時並存。

(The period of Northern and Southern Dynasties witnessed the integration between Han and Wu cultures. In nowadays Hong Kong, different cultures also co-exist.)

Figure 17 香港茶餐廳提供的食物 The food provided by a Hong Kong Cha Chaan Teng

Figure 18 香港不同風格的建築 Different architectural styles in Hong Kong (圖片來源:旅 遊與款待──課題(一) 旅遊導論手冊,頁 153。)

ABC 茶餐廳 (ABC Cha Chaan Teng)

法蘭西多士 (French Toast)---$19

星洲炒米 (Vermicelli with Shrimp & BBQ Pork in Singapore Style)---$40

免治牛肉飯 (Minced Beef with Rice)---$45

日式湯烏冬 (Japanese Udon Soup)---$40

四川回鍋肉飯 (Rice with Sichuan Twice-cooked Pork Slices)---$45



Figure 19: 教育局的宣傳單張 A leaflet of EDB (圖片來源:



巴基斯坦人 日本人 尼泊爾人 印度人 白人 印尼人 菲律賓人

Figure 20: 居港少數族裔人士 (The ethnic minorities who live in Hong Kong) 4% 4%








1. 根據圖 17-19,現今香港是否存在不同的文化?不同文化的融合有甚麼好 處?(According to Figure 17-19, do different cultures co-exist in Hong Kong?

What are the advantages of the integration of different cultures?)

香港存在不同的文化,這能促進文化的交流。(Different cultures co-exist in Hong Kong. This can facilitate the exchanges between different cultures.) 2. 根據圖 20,哪些少數族裔於香港定居?你能找到自己的族裔嗎?

(According to Figure 20, which ethnic minorities are settling in Hong Kong now? Can you find yours?)

3. 你對少數族裔的生活習慣有多少認識?請圈出正確答案。(Do you know the habits of the ethnic minorities? Please circle the correct answers.)

尼泊爾人主要信奉印度教。(Nepalese mainly believe in Hinduism.)

是 (Yes) / 否 (No) 巴基斯坦人的語言是巴基斯坦語。(A Pakistani speaks


是 (Yes) / 否 (No) 尼泊爾人的身體語言中,搖頭有時是表示同意。(In the

body language of Nepalese, shaking heads means agreement occasionally.)

是 (Yes) / 否 (No)

餃子是巴基斯坦的傳統食物。(Dumpling is the traditional food of Pakistan.)

是 (Yes) / 否 (No) 印度教徒不吃豬肉。(A Hindu is forbidden to eat pork.) 是 (Yes) / 否 (No) 巴基斯坦人不用左手吃喝及握手。(A Pakistani does not

use his/her left hands to eat and shake hands with others.)

是 (Yes) / 否 (No)

4. 你現今在香港保存了哪些傳統習俗?請與同學彼此分享。(What traditional customs are preserved for your minorities in nowadays Hong Kong? Please share with your classmates.)

5. 你有甚麼建議給香港政府以推動種族共融?(What suggestions would you give to the Hong Kong government in order to enhance racial harmony?) 九. 小總結:北魏孝文帝的漢化措施促進胡漢文化的融合;同樣地,於現今

的香港,不同文化同時並存,體現了香港作為國際都市的特色。(A short summary: Emperor Xiaowen of Northern Wei implemented the measures of Sinicization and this facilitated the integration between Wu and Han cultures.

At the same time, in nowadays Hong Kong, different cultures co-exist. This shows that Hong Kong is an international city.)




於 20 字寫出來。(Which sinicizated measure implemented by Emperor Xiaowen is the most impressive to you? Please share with others and write down the gist within 20 words.)


黃浩明先生(erichmwong@edb.gov.hk; 35406829)或 羅嘉恩女士(lokayan@edb.gov.hk; 28925882)



The debate between Neo-Confucianists and Buddhists during the Song-Ming dynasties, in particular, the Buddhist counter-argument in retaliation of Neo-Confucianist criticism, is

In the last one hundred years, several statues of Vairocana Buddha were unearthed in the southern hill foot of Tienshan, Central Asia and thus. received chose attention of the

paper, we will examine the formation of the early Buddhist scribal workshop in Liangzhou during the Northern Liang period based on the archaeological discovery of

Wang, Solving pseudomonotone variational inequalities and pseudocon- vex optimization problems using the projection neural network, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 17

Define instead the imaginary.. potential, magnetic field, lattice…) Dirac-BdG Hamiltonian:. with small, and matrix

Through the modernization of the Tang and Song dynasties, Buddhism in the Song dynasty was within a “systemic society.” In response to a legitimation crisis, Tiantai Buddhism in

中國春秋時期 (The period of Spring and Autumn in China) (770-476BC).. I am from the state of Lu in the Zhou dynasty. I am an official and over 60 years old. Her name is Yan

南北朝至唐朝之間,佛教非常鼎盛。佛教徒在一些地方開鑿石窟。其中有三個石窟特別有名 (Buddhism flourished during the Southern and Northern Dynasties and the Tang