Wordparrot.com 商業計劃書
論公民與政治權利國際公約下仇恨性言論之管制 -以跨國網路為核心
Challenge and solutions of NAT traversal for ubiquitous and pervasive applications on the Internet
Collaborative rating system for web page labeling
Applying semantic agents to message communication in e-learning environment
An agent-based internet advertising system by using PULL mechanism
An adaptive polling scheme supporting audio/video streaming in wireless LANs
Evaluating Online Auction Strategy: A Theoretical Model and Empirical Exploration
Floating Password in Mutual Data Link
Implementing a Real Time Web-based School Class Attendance Information System by Using RFID And Oracle Database
An integrated framework for recommendation system in e-commerce
An Integrated Analysis Strategy and Mobile Agent Framework for Recommendation System in EC over Internet
An intelligent travel book management system
Ontology-based content organization and retrieval for SCORM-compliant teaching materials in data grids
Randomized Controlled Trial of the Use of an Educational Cancer Website to Increase Cancer Patient’s Participation into a Research Study
A smart QoS Provisioning System for voice over IP
SIP-based cross-domain proxy handoff for mobile streaming services
A study on the Relationship between Internet Addiction and Psychological Traits of Senior High School Students in Taichung City, Taiwan
Web 2.0 toolbar: Providing web 2.0 services for existence web pages
Web 2.0 Proxy: Upgrading websites from web 1.0 to web 2.0
VODKA: Variant objects discovering knowledge acquisition