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Academic year: 2023

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9801.00.00 第02031911、02031991、02032911及0 2032991號所屬之豬腹肉(包括腩排)

Belly (including spare ribs) of swine of Division Nos. 02031911, 02031991, 02032911 and 02032991

9801.00.00.10-1 第0203‧19‧11‧00號所屬之「去骨豬腹肉(包括腩


Belly (including spare ribs) of swine, boneless, fresh or chilled, of Item No. 0203.19.11.00

B01 C01 MW0

9801.00.00.20-9 第0203‧19‧91‧00號所屬之「帶骨豬腹肉(包括腩


Belly of swine (including spare ribs), with bone in, fresh or chilled, of Item No. 0203.19.91.00

B01 C01 MW0

9801.00.00.30-7 第0203‧29‧11‧00號所屬之「冷凍去骨豬腹肉(包括腩


Belly (including spare ribs) of swine, boneless, frozen, of Item No.


B01 C01 MW0

9801.00.00.40-5 第0203‧29‧91‧00號所屬之「冷凍帶骨豬腹肉(包括腩


Belly (including spare ribs) of swine, with bone in, frozen, of Item No.


B01 C01 MW0

9802.00.00 第02071100、02071200、02071311、02

071319、02071411、02071419、02109 012、02109019、16023210及1602322 0號所屬之雞肉

Meat of fowls of Division Nos. 02071100, 02071200, 02071311, 02071319, 02071411, 02071419, 02109012, 02109019, 16023210 and 16023220

9802.00.00.11-9 第0207‧11‧00‧00號所屬之「雞肉,未切成塊者,生鮮或


Meat of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled, of Item No. 0207.11.00.00

B01 C01 MW0


9802.00.00.12-8 第0207‧12‧00‧00號所屬之「冷凍雞肉,未切成塊者」

Meat of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, not cut in pieces, frozen, of Item No. 0207.12.00.00

B01 C01 MW0

9802.00.00.21-7 第0207‧13‧11‧00號所屬之「雞腿(包括棒棒腿及骨腿)


Drum sticks (including legs and leg quarters ) and wings of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, fresh or chilled, of Item No. 0207.13.11.00

B01 C01 MW0

9802.00.00.29-9 第0207‧13‧19‧00號所屬之「其他雞肉肉塊,生鮮或冷


Other meat of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, cut in pieces, fresh or chilled, of Item No. 0207.13.19.00

B01 C01 MW0

9802.00.00.31-5 第0207‧14‧11‧00號所屬之「冷凍雞腿(包括棒棒腿及骨


Drum sticks (including legs and leg quarters) and wings of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, frozen, of Item No. 0207.14.11.00

B01 C01 MW0

9802.00.00.39-7 第0207‧14‧19‧00號所屬之「其他冷凍雞肉肉塊」

Other meat of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, cut in pieces, frozen, of Item No. 0207.14.19.00

B01 C01 MW0

9802.00.00.41-3 第0210‧90‧12‧00號所屬之「鹹、浸鹹、乾或燻製之雞腿


Drum sticks (including legs and leg quarters) and wings of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, of Item No. 0210.90.12.00

B01 C01 MW0

9802.00.00.49-5 第0210‧90‧19‧00號所屬之「其他部位雞肉,鹹、浸鹹、乾


Other cuts of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, of Item No. 0210.90.19.00

B01 C01 MW0

9802.00.00.51-0 第1602‧32‧10‧10號所屬之「已調製或保藏之雞腿(包括


Prepared or preserved drum sticks (including legs and leg quarters) and wings of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, frozen, of Item No.


B01 C01 MW0


9802.00.00.52-9 第1602‧32‧10‧20號所屬之「已調製或保藏之雞腿(包括 棒棒腿及骨腿)及雞翅,罐頭」

Prepared or preserved drum sticks (including legs and leg quarters) and wings of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, canned, of Item No.


C01 MW0

9802.00.00.59-2 第1602‧32‧10‧90號所屬之「已調製或保藏之雞腿(包括


Other prepared or preserved drum sticks (including legs and leg quarters) and wings of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, of Item No. 1602.32.10.90

B01 C01 MW0

9802.00.00.61-8 第1602‧32‧20‧10號所屬之「其他已調製或保藏之雞肉,


Other prepared or preserved meat of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, frozen, of Item No. 1602.32.20.10

B01 C01 MW0

9802.00.00.62-7 第1602‧32‧20‧20號所屬之「其他已調製或保藏之雞肉,


Other prepared or preserved meat of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, canned, of Item No. 1602.32.20.20

C01 MW0

9802.00.00.69-0 第1602‧32‧20‧90號所屬之「其他已調製或保藏之雞肉」

Other prepared or preserved meat of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, of Item No. 1602.32.20.90

B01 C01 MW0

9803.00.00 第02063020、02064930、05040021及1

6024930號所屬之豬腳(包括前後腿蹄膀及腱子肉)、橫膈 膜、豬腸(包括大腸、小腸及直腸)及胃(肚)

Feet (including hocks of the front and hind legs, shank muscle), skirts, guts (including large or small intestine and rectum) and stomachs of swine of Division Nos. 02063020, 02064930, 05040021 and 16024930

9803.00.00.10-9 第0206‧30‧20‧00號所屬之「豬腳(包括前、後腿蹄膀及


Feet (including hocks of the front and hind legs, shank muscle) and skirts of swine, fresh or chilled, of Item No. 0206.30.20.00

B01 C01 MW0


9803.00.00.20-7 第0206‧49‧30‧00號所屬之「冷凍豬腳(包括前、後腿蹄 膀及腱子肉)及橫膈膜」

Feet (including hocks of the front and hind legs, shank muscle) and skirts of swine, frozen, of Item No. 0206.49.30.00

B01 C01 MW0

9803.00.00.30-5 第0504‧00‧21‧10號所屬之「豬腸(包括大腸、小腸及直

腸),整個或切開者均在內,生鮮、冷藏、冷凍、鹹、浸鹹、乾或燻 製者」

Guts (including large or small intestines and rectum) of swine, whole and pieces thereof, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, of Item No. 0504.00.21.10

B01 C02 MW0

9803.00.00.40-3 第0504‧00‧21‧20號所屬之「豬胃(肚),整個或切開者


Stomachs of swine, whole and pieces thereof, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, of Item No. 0504.00.21.20

B01 C02 MW0

9803.00.00.50-0 第1602‧49‧30‧10號所屬之「已調製之豬腳(包括前、後



Prepared feet (including hocks of the front and hind legs, shank muscle), skirts, guts (including large intestine, small intestine and rectum) and stomachs of swine, frozen, of Item No. 1602.49.30.10

B01 C01 MW0

9803.00.00.60-8 第1602‧49‧30‧20號所屬之「已調製之豬腳(包括前、後



Prepared feet (including hocks of the front and hind legs, shank muscle), skirts, guts (including large intestine, small intestine and rectum) and stomachs of swine, canned, of Item No. 1602.49.30.20

C01 MW0

9803.00.00.70-6 第1602‧49‧30‧90號所屬之「其他已調製之豬腳(包括



Other prepared feet (including hocks of the front and hind legs, shank muscle), skirts, guts (including large intestine, small intestine and rectum) and stomachs of swine, of Item No. 1602.49.30.90

B01 C01 MW0


9804.00.00 第05040022號之家禽腸、膀胱及胃,整個或切開者,與第 02071399、02071429、02072690、020 72729、02073599、02073699、020890 30、02109029、16023120、16023290、

16023920及16029040號所屬之其他家禽雜碎 Guts, bladders and stomachs (whole and pieces thereof) of the poultry of Division No. 05040022, and offals of other poultry of Division Nos.

02071399, 02071429, 02072690, 02072729, 02073599, 02073699, 02089030, 02109029, 16023120, 16023290, 16023920 and 16029040

9804.00.00.10-8 第0504‧00‧22‧00號之「家禽之腸、膀胱及胃,整個或切


Guts, bladders and stomachs of poultry, whole and pieces thereof, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, of Item No.


B01 C02 MW0

9804.00.00.21-5 第0207‧13‧99‧00號之「其他雞雜碎,生鮮或冷藏」

Other offal of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, fresh or chilled, of Item No. 0207.13.99.00

B01 C01 MW0

9804.00.00.22-4 第0207‧14‧29‧00號之「其他冷凍雞雜碎」

Other offal of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, frozen, of Item No. 0207.14.29.00

B01 C01 MW0

9804.00.00.23-3 第0207‧26‧90‧00號之「其他火雞雜碎,生鮮或冷藏」

Other offals of turkeys, fresh or chilled, of Item No. 0207.26.90.00

B01 C01 MW0

9804.00.00.24-2 第0207‧27‧29‧00號之「其他冷凍火雞雜碎」

Other offal of turkeys, frozen, of Item No. 0207.27.29.00

B01 C01 MW0

9804.00.00.25-1 第0207‧35‧99‧00號之「其他鴨、鵝及珍珠雞雜碎,生鮮


Other offal of ducks, geese, or guinea fowls, fresh or chilled, of Item No. 0207.35.99.00

B01 C01 MW0

9804.00.00.26-0 第0207‧36‧99‧00號之「冷凍其他鴨、鵝及珍珠雞雜碎」

Other offal of ducks, geese or guinea fowls, frozen, of Item No.


B01 C01 MW0


9804.00.00.27-9 第0208‧90‧30‧00號之「第0207節除外之食用家禽雜 碎,生鮮、冷藏或冷凍」

Edible poultry offal, fresh, chilled or frozen (other than edible offal of heading No. 02.07), of Item No. 0208.90.30.00

B01 C01 MW0

9804.00.00.31-3 第0210‧90‧29‧11號之「鹹、浸鹹、乾或燻製之家禽砂囊


Poultry gizzards, salted, in brine, dried or smoked, of Item No.


B01 C01 MW0

9804.00.00.32-2 第0210‧90‧29‧19號之「鹹、浸鹹、乾或燻製之其他食用家


Other edible poultry offal, salted, in brine, dried or smoked (other than poultry livers), of Item No. 0210.90.29.19

B01 C01 MW0

9804.00.00.33-1 第0210‧90‧29‧20號之「其他家禽雜碎製成之食用肉粉及


Edible flours and meals of other poultry offal, of Item No.


B01 C01 MW0

9804.00.00.41-1 第1602‧31‧20‧10號之「已調製或保藏之火雞雜碎,冷凍


Prepared or preserved meat offal of turkeys, frozen, of Item No.


B01 C01 MW0

9804.00.00.42-0 第1602‧31‧20‧20號之「已調製或保藏之火雞雜碎,罐


Prepared or preserved meat offal of turkeys, canned, of Item No.


C01 MW0

9804.00.00.43-9 第1602‧31‧20‧90號之「其他已調製或保藏之火雞雜碎」

Other prepared or preserved meat offal of turkeys, of Item No.


B01 C01 MW0

9804.00.00.44-8 第1602‧32‧90‧10號之「其他已調製或保藏之雞雜碎,冷


Prepared or preserved meat offal of fowls, frozen, of Item No.


B01 C01 MW0


9804.00.00.45-7 第1602‧32‧90‧20號之「其他已調製或保藏之雞雜碎,罐 頭」

Prepared or preserved meat offal of fowls, canned, of Item No.


C01 MW0

9804.00.00.46-6 第1602‧32‧90‧90號之「其他已調製或保藏之雞雜碎」

Other prepared or preserved meat offal of fowls, of Item No.


B01 C01 MW0

9804.00.00.51-8 第1602‧39‧20‧10號之「第0105節其他家禽之已調製


Prepared or preserved meat offal of other poultry of heading No. 01.05, frozen, of Item No. 1602.39.20.10

B01 C01 MW0

9804.00.00.52-7 第1602‧39‧20‧20號之「第0105節其他家禽之已調製


Prepared or preserved meat offal of other poultry of heading No. 01.05, canned, of Item No. 1602.39.20.20

C01 MW0

9804.00.00.53-6 第1602‧39‧20‧90號之「第0105節其他家禽之已調製


Other prepared or preserved meat offal of other poultry of heading No.

01.05, of Item No. 1602.39.20.90

B01 C01 MW0

9804.00.00.54-5 第1602‧90‧40‧10號之「其他已調製或保藏之家禽雜碎,


Other prepared or preserved meat offal of poultry, frozen, of Item No.


B01 C01 MW0

9804.00.00.55-4 第1602‧90‧40‧20號之「其他已調製或保藏之家禽雜碎,


Other prepared or preserved meat offal of poultry, canned, of Item No.


C01 MW0

9804.00.00.56-3 第1602‧90‧40‧90號之「其他已調製或保藏之家禽雜碎」

Other prepared or preserved meat offal of poultry, of Item No.


B01 C01 MW0

9805.00.00 第05079020號之鹿茸

Deer velvet of Division No. 05079020


9805.00.00.00-9 第0507‧90‧20‧00號之「其他鹿茸(包括中藥用)」

Other deer velvet [Lu jung (cervi parvum cornu) (incl. for Chinese drugs)], of Item No. 0507.90.20.00

B01 MW0

9806.10.00 第04011010、04011020、04012010、04

012020、04013010、04013020、04029 910、04029920、04029992、0403902 9、04039040、04039059、04039090、1 8069053、18069055、19019025及190 19027號所屬之液態乳(包括凝態之乳品)

Liquid milk (incl. Curd) of Division Nos. 04011010, 04011020, 04012010, 04012020, 04013010, 04013020, 04029910, 04029920, 04029992, 04039029, 04039040, 04039059, 04039090, 18069053, 18069055, 19019025 and 19019027

9806.10.00.11-3 第0401‧10‧10‧00號所屬之「未濃縮且未加糖及未含其他


Fresh milk (excluding raw milk and milk of goat and sheep), not concentrated and unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1%, of Item No. 0401.10.10.00

B01 C01 MW0

9806.10.00.12-2 第0401‧10‧20‧00號所屬之「未濃縮且未加糖及未含其他


Longlife milk (excluding raw milk and milk of goat and sheep), not concentrated and unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1%, of Item No. 0401.10.20.00

C01 MW0

9806.10.00.21-1 第0401‧20‧10‧00號所屬之「未濃縮且未加糖及未含其他

甜味料之鮮乳(生乳及羊乳除外),含脂重量超過1%但不超過 6%者」

Fresh milk (excluding raw milk and milk of goat and sheep), not concentrated and unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1% but not exceeding 6%, of Item No. 0401.20.10.00

B01 C01 MW0


9806.10.00.22-0 第0401‧20‧20‧00號所屬之「未濃縮且未加糖及未含其他 甜味料之保久乳(生乳及羊乳除外),含脂重量超過1%但不超 過6%者」

Longlife milk (excluding raw milk and milk of goat and sheep), not concentrated and unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1% but not exceeding 6%, of Item No. 0401.20.20.00

C01 MW0

9806.10.00.31-9 第0401‧30‧10‧00號所屬之「未濃縮且未加糖及未含其他


Fresh milk (excluding raw milk and milk of goat and sheep), not concentrated and unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 6%, of Item No. 0401.30.10.00

B01 C01 MW0

9806.10.00.32-8 第0401‧30‧20‧00號所屬之「未濃縮且未加糖及未含其他


Longlife milk (excluding raw milk and milk of goat and sheep), not concentrated and unsweetened, of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 6%, of Item No. 0401.30.20.00

C01 MW0

9806.10.00.41-7 第0403‧90‧29‧00號所屬之「其他酪乳,不論是否加糖或


Other buttermilk, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured or containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa, of Item No. 0403.90.29.00

C01 MW0

9806.10.00.42-6 第0403‧90‧40‧00號所屬之「凝固乳,不論是否加糖或含


Curdled milk, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured or containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa, of Item No. 0403.90.40.00

C01 MW0

9806.10.00.43-5 第0403‧90‧59‧00號所屬之「其他調味、改質或發酵之乳

(包含酸乳酒),不論是否加糖或含有其他甜味料或香料,或添 加水果、堅果或可可者」

Other flavoured, modified, or fermented milk (including kephir), whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured or containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa, of Item No.


C01 MW0


9806.10.00.49-9 第0403‧90‧90‧00號所屬之「其他乳油,不論是否加糖或 含有其他甜味料或香料,或添加水果、堅果或可可者」

Other cream, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured or containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa, of Item No. 0403.90.90.00

C01 MW0

9806.10.00.51-4 第1806‧90‧53‧00號所屬之「調製奶水,含可可重量(以

完全脫脂可可為基礎計算)在5%或以上但低於10%者,加糖 或含其他甜味料者」

Prepared milk, containing 5% or more but less than 10% by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of Item No. 1806.90.53.00

C01 MW0

9806.10.00.52-3 第1806‧90‧55‧00號所屬之「調味乳,含可可重量(以完


Flavoured milk, containing 5% or more but less than 10% by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally defatted basis, of Item No. 1806.90.55.00

C01 MW0

9806.10.00.61-2 第1901‧90‧25‧00號所屬之「調製奶水,加糖或含其他甜


Milk, prepared, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of Item No. 1901.90.25.00

C01 MW0

9806.10.00.62-1 第1901‧90‧27‧00號所屬之「調味乳」

Flavoured milk, of Item No. 1901.90.27.00

C01 MW0

9806.20.00 第04029910、04029920及04029992號所


Milk (other than condensed milk & goat's and sheep's milk) of Division Nos. 04029910, 04029920 and 04029992

9806.20.00.10-2 第0402‧99‧10‧00號所屬之「鮮乳,加糖或其他甜味料


Fresh milk, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of Item No. 0402.99.10.00

B01 C01 MW0

9806.20.00.20-0 第0402‧99‧20‧00號所屬之「乳水,加糖或其他甜味料


Milk, evaporated or sterilized, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of Item No. 0402.99.20.00

C01 MW0


9806.20.00.90-5 第0402‧99‧92‧00號所屬之「其他乳,加糖或含其他甜味 料者」

Other milk, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, of Item No. 0402.99.92.00

C01 MW0

9807.10.00 第12021000、20081111及20081191號所


Ground-nuts (peanut), in shell, of Division Nos. 12021000, 20081111 and 20081191

9807.10.00.10-3 第1202‧10‧00‧00號所屬之「帶殼花生」

Ground-nuts, in shell, of Item No. 1202.10.00.00

B01 C01 MW0

9807.10.00.20-1 第2008‧11‧11‧00號所屬之「帶殼烘焙花生」

Ground-nuts, roasted, in shell, of Item No. 2008.11.11.00

C01 MW0

9807.10.00.90-6 第2008‧11‧91‧00號所屬之「其他方式調製或保藏之帶殼


Ground-nuts, in shell, otherwise prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit, of Item No.


C01 MW0

9807.20.00 第12022000、12089011、12089021、20

081112及20081192號所屬之去殼花生、花生粉及細 粒

Ground-nuts (peanut), shelled, flour and meal of Division Nos.

12022000, 12089011, 12089021, 20081112 and 20081192

9807.20.00.10-1 第1202‧20‧00‧00號所屬之「去殼花生,不論是否破碎」

Ground-nuts, shelled, whether or not broken, of Item No.


B01 C01 MW0

9807.20.00.21-8 第1208‧90‧11‧00號所屬之「食用花生粉及細粒」

Flours and meals of ground-nuts, edible, of Item No. 1208.90.11.00

B01 MW0

9807.20.00.22-7 第1208‧90‧21‧00號所屬之「非供食用花生粉及細粒」

Flours and meals of ground-nuts, inedible, of Item No. 1208.90.21.00

B01 MW0

9807.20.00.30-7 第2008‧11‧12‧00號所屬之「去殼烘焙花生」

Ground-nuts, roasted, shelled, of Item No. 2008.11.12.00

C01 MW0


9807.20.00.90-4 第2008‧11‧92‧00號所屬之「其他方式調製或保藏之去殼 花生,不論是否加糖或含其他甜味料或酒者」

Ground-nuts, shelled, otherwise prepared or preserved, whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit, of Item No.


C01 MW0

9807.30.00 第15081000及15089000號所屬之花生油

Ground-nuts (peanut) oil of Division Nos. 15081000 and 15089000

9807.30.00.10-9 第1508‧10‧00‧00號所屬之「粗製花生油」

Crude ground-nut (peanut) oil, of Item No. 1508.10.00.00

C02 MW0

9807.30.00.20-7 第1508‧90‧00‧00號所屬之「精製花生油及其餾分物」

Refined ground-nut (peanut) oil and its fractions, of Item No.


C02 MW0

9807.40.00 第20081942號之混合堅果或種子,花生含量以重量計超過


Mixed nuts and seeds of Division No. 20081942, with a ground-nuts content, by weight, exceeding 20%

9807.40.00.00-9 第2008‧19‧42‧00號之「其他方式調製或保藏之混合堅果


Mixtures of nuts and seeds, of a ground-nut content, by weight, exceeding 20%, otherwise prepared or preserved, of Item No.


C01 MW0

9808.00.00 第07102910、07133200、11061010、20

049010、20055110、20055910、20060 011、20060025及21069097號所屬之紅豆及其 調製品

Red bean and its preparations of Division Nos. 07102910, 07133200, 11061010, 20049010, 20055110, 20055910, 20060011, 20060025 and 21069097

9808.00.00.10-4 第0710‧29‧10‧00號所屬之「冷凍紅豆(包括海紅豆、赤


Frozen red beans (incl. Adzuki bean, all varieties, and red long bean), of Item No. 0710.29.10.00

C01 MW0


9808.00.00.20-2 第0713‧32‧00‧00號所屬之「乾紅豆(包括海紅豆、赤小 豆、紅竹豆)」

Dried red beans (Phaseolus or Vigna angularis), (incl. Adzuki bean, all varieties, and red long bean), of Item No. 0713.32.00.00

B01 C01 MW0

9808.00.00.30-0 第1106‧10‧10‧00號所屬之「紅豆(包括海紅豆、赤小豆、


Red bean (incl. Adzuki bean, all varieties, and red long bean) flour, meal and powder, of Item No. 1106.10.10.00

C01 MW0

9808.00.00.40-8 第2004‧90‧10‧00號所屬之「酸漬除外之調製或保藏紅豆

(包括海紅豆、赤紅豆、紅竹豆),冷凍,第2006節之產品除 外」

Red beans (including Adzuki bean, all varieties and red long bean), prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen, other than products of heading No. 20.06, of Item No. 2004.90.10.00

C01 MW0

9808.00.00.51-4 第2005‧51‧10‧00號所屬之「酸漬除外之調製或保藏去殼

紅豆(包括海紅豆、赤紅豆、紅竹豆),未冷凍,第2006節之 產品除外」

Red beans (including Adzuki bean, all varieties and red long bean), shelled, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of heading No. 20.06, of Item No.


C01 MW0

9808.00.00.52-3 第2005‧59‧10‧00號所屬之「酸漬除外之調製或保藏帶殼

紅豆(包括海紅豆、赤紅豆、紅竹豆),未冷凍,第2006節之 產品除外」

Red beans (including Adzuki bean, all varieties and red long bean), in shell, prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of heading No. 20.06, of Item No.


C01 MW0

9808.00.00.60-3 第2006‧00‧11‧00號所屬之「第2004‧90目之紅豆

(包括海紅豆、赤紅豆、紅竹豆),冷凍,糖漬者(瀝乾、套以糖 衣、糖霜者均在內)」

Red beans (including Adzuki bean, all varieties and red long bean), of subheading No. 2004.90, preserved by sugar (drained, glace or

C01 MW0


9808.00.00.70-1 第2006‧00‧25‧00號所屬之「糖漬紅豆(包括海紅豆、赤 紅豆、紅竹豆),未冷凍(瀝乾、套以糖衣、糖霜者均在內)」

Red beans (Phaseplus or Vigna angularis, including Adzuki bean, all varieties and red long bean), preserved by sugar (drained, glace or crystallised), not frozen, of Item No. 2006.00.25.00

C01 MW0

9808.00.00.80-9 第2106‧90‧97‧00號所屬之「紅豆餡(包括海紅豆、赤紅


Red bean (including Adzuki bean, all varieties and long bean ) paste, of Item No. 2106.90.97.00

C01 MW0

9809.10.00 第07032010號之種植用蒜球

Garlic bulb used for planting, of Division No. 07032010

9809.10.00.00-3 第0703‧20‧10‧00號之「種植用蒜球」

Garlic bulb for planting, of Item No. 0703.20.10.00

B01 MW0

9809.20.00 第07032090及07129040號所屬之大蒜

Garlic of Division Nos. 07032090 and 07129040

9809.20.00.10-9 第0703‧20‧90‧00號所屬之「其他大蒜,生鮮或冷藏」

Other garlic, fresh or chilled, of Item No. 0703.20.90.00

B01 C01 MW0

9809.20.00.90-2 第0712‧90‧40‧00號所屬之「乾蒜球,整粒、切塊、切片、


Dried garlic bulb, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, of Item No.


B01 C01 MW0

9810.00.00 第07123030號之乾香菇

Shiitake (forest mushroom), dried, of Division No. 07123030

9810.00.00.00-2 第0712‧30‧30‧00號之「乾香菇」

Shiitake (forest mushroom), dried, of Item No. 0712.30.30.00

C01 MW0

9811.00.00 第07129050號之乾金針菜

Day lily, dried, of Division No. 07129050

9811.00.00.00-1 第0712‧90‧50‧00號之「乾金針菜」

Day lily, dried, of Item No. 0712.90.50.00

C01 MW0

9812.00.00 第08011900號之椰子

Coconuts of Division No. 08011900


9812.00.00.00-0 第0801‧19‧00‧00號之「其他椰子」

Other coconuts, of Item No. 0801.19.00.00

B01 C02 MW0

9813.00.00 第08029030號之檳榔

Areca (betel) nuts, of Division No. 08029030

9813.00.00.00-9 第0802‧90‧30‧00號之「檳榔,鮮或乾」

Areca (betel) nuts, fresh or dried, of Item No. 0802.90.30.00

B01 MW0

9814.00.00 第08030000號之香蕉

Bananas of Division No. 08030000

9814.00.00.10-6 第0803‧00‧00‧10號之「鮮香蕉,包括芭蕉」

Fresh bananas, including plantains, of Item No. 0803.00.00.10

B01 C01 MW0

9814.00.00.20-4 第0803‧00‧00‧ 20號之「乾香蕉,包括芭蕉」

Dried bananas, including plantains, of Item No. 0803.00.00.20

C01 MW0

9815.00.00 第08043000號之鳳梨

Pineapples of Division No. 08043000

9815.00.00.00-7 第0804‧30‧00‧00號之「鳳梨,鮮或乾」

Pineapples, fresh or dried, of Item No. 0804.30.00.00

B01 C01 MW0

9816.00.00 第08045020號之芒果

Mangoes of Division No. 08045020

9816.00.00.00-6 第0804‧50‧20‧00號之「芒果,鮮或乾」

Mangoes, fresh or dried, of Item No. 0804.50.20.00

B01 C01 MW0

9817.00.00 第08059010號之柚

Shaddock of Division No. 08059010

9817.00.00.00-5 第0805‧90‧10‧00號之「鮮或乾柚」

Shaddock, fresh or dried, of Item No. 0805.90.10.00

B01 C01 MW0

9818.00.00 第08082019號之鮮梨

Fresh pears of Division No. 08082019


9818.00.00.00-4 第0808‧20‧19‧00號之「其他鮮梨」

Other fresh pears, of Item No. 0808.20.19.00

B01 C01 MW0

9819.00.00 第08109030號之鮮柿子

Fresh persimmons of Division No. 08109030

9819.00.00.00-3 第0810‧90‧30‧00號之「鮮柿子」

Persimmons, fresh, of Item No. 0810.90.30.00

B01 C01 MW0

9820.00.00 第08134010號之桂圓、桂圓肉

Lunggans and lunggans pulp of Division No. 08134010

9820.00.00.00-0 第0813‧40‧10‧00號之「桂圓、桂圓肉」

Lungngans, dried and lungngan pulp, of Item No. 0813.40.10.00

C01 MW0

9821.10.00 第17011100、17011200及17019110號所


Raw sugar (including cane sugar and beet sugar) of Division Nos.

17011100, 17011200 and 17019110

9821.10.00.11-4 第1701‧11‧00‧10號所屬之「紅糖」

Brown sugar, of Item No. 1701.11.00.10

C01 MW0

9821.10.00.12-3 第1701‧11‧00‧90號所屬之「其他粗製甘蔗糖」

Other raw cane sugar, of Item No. 1701.11.00.90

C01 MW0

9821.10.00.19-6 第1701‧12‧00‧00號所屬之「甜菜糖,不含添加香料或色


Beet sugar, not containing added flavouring or colouring matter, of Item No. 1701.12.00.00

C01 MW0

9821.10.00.21-2 第1701‧91‧10‧10號所屬之「紅糖,含有添加之香料或色


Brown sugar, containing added flavouring or colouring matter, of Item No. 1701.90.10.10

C01 MW0

9821.10.00.22-1 第1701‧91‧10‧90號所屬之「其他粗製糖,含有添加之香


Brown sugar, containing added flavouring or colouring matter Brown sugar, containing added flavouring or colouring matter, of Item No.


C01 MW0


9821.20.00 第17019120、17019910、17019920及1 7019990號所屬之方糖、冰糖及其他精製糖

Sugar, cube and loaf, rock sugar and other refined sugar, of Division Nos.17019120, 17019910, 17019920 and 17019990

9821.20.00.10-3 第1701‧91‧20‧00號所屬之「精製糖,含有添加香料或色


Refined sugar, containing added flavouring or colouring matter, of Item No. 1701.91.20.00

C01 MW0

9821.20.00.20-1 第1701‧99‧10‧00所屬之「方糖」

Sugar, cube and loaf, of Item No. 1701.99.10.00

C01 MW0

9821.20.00.30-9 第1701‧99‧20‧00號所屬之「冰糖」

Rock sugar, of Item No. 1701.99.20.00

C01 MW0

9821.20.00.40-7 第1701‧99‧90‧10號所屬之「化學級純蔗糖(糖度至少9


Chemically pure sucrose (polarisation not less than 99.99%), of Item No. 1701.99.90.10


9821.20.00.90-6 第1701‧99‧90‧90號所屬之「其他精製糖」

Other sugar, refined, of Item No. 1701.99.90.90

C01 MW0

9822.00.00 第03026400、03026993、03037400、03

037993、03042060、03053010、03056 940及16041510號所屬之鯖屬類及其調製品

Mackerel (Scomber spp.), and its preparations of Division Nos.

03026400, 03026993, 03037400, 03037993, 03042060, 03053010, 03056940 and 16041510

9822.00.00.11-5 第0302‧64‧00‧00號所屬之「鯖魚(正鯖、花腹鯖、白腹


Mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus), fresh or chilled, of Item No. 0302.64.00.00

A02 MW0

9822.00.00.12-4 第0302‧69‧93‧00號所屬之「其他鯖屬魚,生鮮或冷藏」

Other mackerel (Scomber spp.), fresh or chilled, of Item No.


A02 MW0


9822.00.00.21-3 第0303‧74‧00‧00號所屬之「冷凍鯖魚(正鯖、花腹鯖、白 腹鯖)」

Mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus), frozen, of Item No. 0303.74.00.00

A02 MW0

9822.00.00.22-2 第0303‧79‧93‧00號所屬之「冷凍其他鯖屬魚」

Other mackerel (Scomber spp.), frozen, of Item No. 0303.79.93.00

A02 MW0

9822.00.00.23-1 第0304‧20‧60‧00號所屬之「冷凍鯖屬魚片」

Mackerel (Scomber spp.) fillets, frozen, of Item No. 0304.20.60.00

A02 MW0

9822.00.00.31-1 第0305‧30‧10‧00號所屬之「乾、鹹或浸鹹鯖屬魚之切


Mackerel (Scomber spp.) fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked, of Item No. 0305.30.10.00

C01 MW0

9822.00.00.32-0 第0305‧69‧40‧00號所屬之「鹽醃鯖屬魚」

Mackerel (Scomber spp.), salted or in brine, of Item No. 0305.69.40.00

C01 MW0

9822.00.00.40-0 第1604‧15‧10‧00號所屬之「已調製或保藏之鯖屬類,整


Prepared or preserved mackerel (Scomber spp.), whole or in pieces, but not minced, frozen, of Item No. 1604.15.10.00

A02 C01 MW0

9823.00.00 第03026992、03037992、03042050及1


Carangid fishes and its preparations of Division Nos. 03026992, 03037992, 03042050 and 16041920

9823.00.00.10-5 第0302‧69‧92‧00號所屬之「魚,生鮮或冷藏」

Carangidae fishes, fresh or chilled, of Item No. 0302.69.92.00

A02 MW0

9823.00.00.21-2 第0303‧79‧92‧00號所屬之「冷凍魚」

Carangidae fishes, frozen, of Item No. 0303.79.92.00

A02 MW0

9823.00.00.22-1 第0304‧20‧50‧00號所屬之「冷凍魚片」

Carangidae fishes fillets, frozen, of Item No. 0304.20.50.00

A02 MW0

9823.00.00.30-1 第1604‧19‧20‧00號所屬之「已調製或保藏類;整條或


Prepared or preserved carangidae fishes, whole or in pieces, but not minced, frozen, of Item No. 1604.19.20.00

A02 C01 MW0


9824.00.00 第03024000、03026100、03035000、03 037100、03042041、03054950、03055 941、03055950、03056100、0305630 0、16041210、16041310、16041320及1 6041600號所屬之魚、沙丁魚(磯沙丁、正沙丁)、錦沙丁 魚、鯡魚、魚(正)或鯷魚(鮆魚)及其調製品

Herrings, Sardines (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), sardinella, brisling or sprats (sprattus sprattus) or anchovies (Engraulis spp.) and their preparations of Division Nos. 03024000, 03026100, 03035000, 03037100, 03042041, 03054950, 03055941, 03055950, 03056100, 03056300, 16041210, 16041310, 16041320 and 16041600

9824.00.00.11-3 第0302‧40‧00‧00號所屬之「魚(大西洋、正),生


Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), fresh or chilled, excluding livers and roes, of Item No. 0302.40.00.00

A02 MW0

9824.00.00.12-2 第0302‧61‧00‧00號所屬之「沙丁魚(磯沙丁、正沙丁)


Sardines (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), sardinella (Sardinella spp. ), brisling or sprats (Sprattus sprattus), fresh or chilled, of Item No.


A02 MW0

9824.00.00.13-1 第0303‧50‧00‧00號所屬之「冷凍魚(大西洋、正)」

Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), frozen, of Item No.


A02 MW0

9824.00.00.14-0 第0303‧71‧00‧00號所屬之「冷凍沙丁魚(磯沙丁、正沙


Sardines (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), sardinella (Sardinella spp.), brisling or other sprats (Sprattus sprattus), frozen, of Item No.


A02 MW0

9824.00.00.15-9 第0304‧20‧41‧00號所屬之「冷凍類(包括沙丁魚)魚


Sardine fillets, frozen, of Item No. 0304.20.41.00

A02 MW0


9824.00.00.16-8 第0305‧49‧50‧00號所屬之「其他燻製類(包括沙丁 魚)」

Other sardines, smoked, of Item No. 0305.49.50.00

C01 MW0

9824.00.00.17-7 第0305‧59‧41‧00號所屬之「鯡類或其他類小魚乾」

Herrings or other sardines small fish, dried, of Item No. 0305.59.41.00

C01 MW0

9824.00.00.18-6 第0305‧59‧50‧00號所屬之「乾類,不論是否為鹹者


Dried sardines, whether or not salted, but not smoked, of Item No.


C01 MW0

9824.00.00.19-5 第0305‧61‧00‧00號所屬之「鹹魚(太平洋、正)」

Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), salted or in brine, of Item No. 0305.61.00.00

C01 MW0

9824.00.00.20-2 第0305‧63‧00‧00號所屬之「鹹鯷魚(鮆魚)」

Anchovies (Engraulis spp.), salted or in brine, of Item No.


C01 MW0

9824.00.00.21-1 第1604‧12‧10‧00號所屬之「已調製或保藏之鯡類,整條


Prepared or preserved herrings, whole or in pieces, but not minced, frozen, of Item No. 1604.12.10.00

A02 C01 MW0

9824.00.00.22-0 第1604‧13‧10‧10號所屬之「已調製或保藏之沙丁魚、錦


Sardines, sardinella, whole or in pieces, but not minced, prepared and preserved, frozen, of Item No. 1604.13.10.10

A02 C01 MW0

9824.00.00.23-9 第1604‧13‧10‧20號所屬之「已調製或保藏之沙丁魚、錦


Sardines, sardinella, whole or in pieces, but not minced, prepared and preserved, canned, of Item No. 1604.13.10.20

C01 MW0

9824.00.00.24-8 第1604‧13‧10‧90號所屬之「其他已調製或保藏之沙丁


Other sardines, sardinella, whole or in pieces, but not minced, prepared and preserved, of Item No. 1604.13.10.90

A02 C01 MW0


9824.00.00.25-7 第1604‧13‧20‧10號所屬之「已調製或保藏之棘魚或其他


Prepared and preserved brisling or other sprats, whole or in pieces, but not minced, frozen, of Item No. 1604.13.20.10

A02 C01 MW0

9824.00.00.26-6 第1604‧13‧20‧20號所屬之「已調製或保藏之棘魚或其他


Prepared and preserved brisling or other sprats, whole or in pieces, but not minced, canned, of Item No. 1604.13.20.20

C01 MW0

9824.00.00.27-5 第1604‧13‧20‧90號所屬之「其他已調製或保藏之棘魚或


Other prepared and preserved brisling or other sprats, whole or in pieces, but not minced, of Item No. 1604.13.20.90

A02 C01 MW0

9824.00.00.28-4 第1604‧16‧00‧10號所屬之「已調製或保藏鯷魚,整條或


Anchovies, whole or in pieces, but not minced, prepared or preserved, frozen, of Item No. 1604.16.00.10

A02 C01 MW0

9824.00.00.29-3 第1604‧16‧00‧20號所屬之「已調製或保藏鯷魚,整條或


Anchovies, whole or in pieces, but not minced, prepared or preserved, canned, of Item No. 1604.16.00.20

C01 MW0

9824.00.00.30-0 第1604‧16‧00‧90號所屬之「其他已調製或保藏鯷魚,整


Other anchovies, whole or in pieces, but not minced, prepared or preserved, of Item No. 1604.16.00.90

A02 C01 MW0

9824.00.00.31-1 第0304‧20‧42‧00號所屬之「冷凍鯡類魚片」

Herrings fillets, frozen, of Item No. 0304.20.42.00

A02 MW0


9851.00.00 第87032110、87032190、87032210、87 032290、87032310、87032390、87032 410、87032490、87033110、8703319 0、87033210、87033290、87033311、8 7033312、87033391、87033392、8703 9010、87039090、87042111、8704211 9、87043111、87043119、87060010、8 7060031、87089911及87089921號所屬之 車輛及其底盤

Motor vehicle and chassis thereof of Division Nos.87032110, 87032190, 87032210, 87032290, 87032310, 87032390, 87032410, 87032490, 87033110, 87033190, 87033210, 87033290, 87033311, 87033312, 87033391, 87033392, 87039010, 87039090, 87042111, 87042119, 87043111, 87043119, 87060010, 87060031, 87089911 and 87089921

9851.00.00.11-9 第8703‧21‧10‧00號所屬之「轎式小客車(包括篷車、跑


Sedan (including convertible, sports) and station wagons, of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,000 cc, of Item No. 8703.21.10.00


9851.00.00.12-8 第8703‧21‧90.00號所屬之「其他小客車,汽缸容量不


Other passenger cars, of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,000 cc, of Item No. 8703.21.90.00


9851.00.00.13-7 第8703.22.10.00號所屬之「轎式小客車(包括篷

車、跑車)及旅行車,汽缸容量超過1000立方公分,但不超過 1500立方公分者」

Sedan (including convertible, sports) and station wagons, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,000 cc but not exceeding 1,500 cc, of Item No.



9851.00.00.14-6 第8703.22.90.00號所屬之「其他小客車,汽缸容量


Other passenger cars, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,000 cc but not exceeding 1,500 cc, of Item No. 8703.22.90.00



9851.00.00.15-5 第8703.23.10.00號所屬之「轎式小客車(包括篷 車、跑車)及旅行車,汽缸容量超過1500立方公分,但不超過 3000立方公分者」

Sedan (including convertible, sports) and station wagons, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,500 cc but not exceeding 3,000 cc, of Item No.



9851.00.00.16-4 第8703.23.90.00號所屬之「其他小客車,汽缸容量


Other passenger cars, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,500 cc but not exceeding 3,000 cc, of Item No. 8703.23.90.00


9851.00.00.17-3 第8703.24.10.00號所屬之「轎式小客車(包括篷


Sedan (including convertible, sports) and station wagons, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 3,000 cc, of Item No. 8703.24.10.00


9851.00.00.18-2 第8703.24.90.00號所屬之「其他小客車,汽缸容量


Other passenger cars, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 3,000 cc, of Item No. 8703.24.90.00


9851.00.00.19-1 第8703.31.10.00號所屬之「轎式小客車(包括篷


Sedan (including convertible, sports) and station wagons, of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,500 cc, of Item No. 8703.31.10.00

209 MW0

9851.00.00.20-8 第8703.31.90.00號所屬之「其他小客車,汽缸容量


Other passenger cars, of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,500 cc, of Item No. 8703.31.90.00

209 MW0

9851.00.00.21-7 第8703.32.10.00號所屬之「轎式小客車(包括篷

車、跑車)及旅行車,汽缸容量超過1500立方公分,但不超過 2500立方公分者」

Sedan (including convertible, sports) and station wagons, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,500 cc but not exceeding 2,500 cc, of Item No.


209 MW0


9851.00.00.22-6 第8703.32.90.00號所屬之「其他小客車,汽缸容量 超過1500立方公分,但不超過2500立方公分者」

Other passenger cars, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,500 cc but not exceeding 2,500 cc, of Item No. 8703.32.90.00

209 MW0

9851.00.00.23-5 第8703.33.11.00號所屬之「轎式小客車(包括篷

車、跑車)及旅行車,汽缸容量超過2500立方公分,但不超過 3000立方公分者」

Sedan (including convertible, sports) and station wagons, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2,500 cc, but not exceeding 3,000 cc, of Item No.


209 MW0

9851.00.00.24-4 第8703.33.12.00號所屬之「轎式小客車(包括篷


Sedan (including convertible, sports) and station wagons, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 3,000 cc, of Item No. 8703.33.12.00

209 MW0

9851.00.00.25-3 第8703.33.91.00號所屬之「其他小客車,汽缸容量


Other passenger cars, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2,500 cc, but not exceeding 3,000 cc, of Item No. 8703.33.91.00

209 MW0

9851.00.00.26-2 第8703.33.92.00號所屬之「其他小客車,汽缸容量


Other passenger cars, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 3,000 cc, of Item No. 8703.33.92.00

209 MW0

9851.00.00.27-1 第8703.90.10.00號所屬之「其他轎式小客車(包括


Other sedan (including convertible, sports) and station wagons, of Item No. 8703.90.10.00


9851.00.00.28-0 第8703.90.90.00號所屬之「其他小客車及其他主要


Other passenger cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for the transport of persons, of Item No. 8703.90.90.00



9851.00.00.41-3 第8704.21.11.00號所屬之「冷凍、冷藏車,裝有冷 凍設備,總重量不超過3.5公噸者」

Refrigerated trucks with refrigerating equipment, g.v.w. not exceeding 3.5 tonnes, of Item No. 8704.21.11.00


9851.00.00.42-2 第8704.21.19.00號所屬之「其他貨車,裝有柴油或


Other trucks with diesel or semi-diesel engine, g.v.w. not exceeding 3.5 tonnes, of Item No. 8704.21.19.00


9851.00.00.43-1 第8704.31.11.00號所屬之「冷凍、冷藏車,裝有冷


Refrigerated or insulated trucks with refrigerated equipment, g.v.w. not exceeding 3.5 tonnes, of Item No. 8704.31.11.00


9851.00.00.44-0 第8704.31.19.00號所屬之「其他貨車,裝有汽油引


Other trucks with gasoline engine, g.v.w. not exceeding 3.5 tonnes, of Item No. 8704.31.19.00


9851.00.00.61-8 第8706.00.10.00號所屬之「小客車底盤,裝有引擎


Passenger car chassis with engine mounted, of Item No. 8706.00.10.00


9851.00.00.62-7 第8706.00.31.00號所屬之「貨車底盤,總重量不超


Trucks chassis, g.v.w. not exceeding 3.5 tonnes, with engine mounted, of Item No. 8706.00.31.00


9851.00.00.81-4 第8708.99.11.00號所屬之「小客車底盤,未裝引擎


Chassis for passenger cars, without engines, of Item No. 8708.99.11.00


9851.00.00.82-3 第8708.99.21.00號所屬之「貨車底盤,總重量不超


Chassis for trucks, g.v.w. not exceeding 3.5 tonnes, without engines, of Item No. 8708.99.21.00



209 柴油引擎之車種不得進口。


C02 本項下部分商品屬於經濟部標準檢驗局公告應施進口檢驗商品。

MW0 大陸物品不准輸入。




轄市、縣、市主管機關提出,經受理後即進行調查。 二非加害人所屬之機關、部隊、學校、機構或僱用人接獲性騷擾之申訴時, 仍應採取適當之緊急處理,並應於七日內將申訴書及相關資料移送其所在 地直轄市、縣市主管機關。 三性騷擾案件之申訴得以言詞或書面提出。以言詞為申訴者,由受理單位 作成紀錄,經向申訴人朗讀或使閱覽,確認其內容無誤後,由其簽名或蓋 章。

十二夜的由來 舊法 • 《動物保護法》第 12 條:對動物不得任意宰殺。 「但有下列情事之一者,不在此限: 收容於動物收容處所或直轄市、縣(市)主管機關指定之場所,經 通知或公告逾十二日而無人認領、認養或無適當之處置。」... 新法 • 《動物保護法》第 12 條〯對動物不得任意宰殺。 但有下列情事之一者,不在此限:「收容於動物收容處所或直