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Academic year: 2024



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Obligations concerned: National treatment (Article 10.03 Investment) Measures: Ley de Titulación Supletoria, Decree 49-79, Article 2 Description: Investment. Territoriales del Estado de Guatemala, Decree No. Foreign nationals require a permit from the Oficina de Control de Areas de Reserva del Estado to acquire ownership of the following state-owned land:. a) immovable property located in urban zones; and. Only Guatemalans by birth and companies 100 percent owned by Guatemalans by birth may own or hold real estate located within 15 kilometers of the borders.

Foreign nationals may, however, own or hold urban real estate and real estate to which rights have been registered in the Land Registry before 1 March 1956 within the 15 kilometer area. To practice as a notary, a person must be a Guatemalan by birth with a residence in Guatemala. The only persons who can practice liberal professions in Guatemala are those certified in the universities of Guatemala, legally established or incorporated in the University of San Carlos in Guatemala, and those covered by international treaties accepted by Guatemala, as long as there is reciprocity.

A Central American by birth who has obtained a professional license or an equivalent academic degree in one of the States party to the Agreement on the Practice of a University Profession and the Recognition of University Studies (“the Agreement”) which applies to him or her legally authorized to practice his profession has a university profession, shall be admitted to these activities in the other countries signatory to the Agreement, as long as he or she complies with the same requirements and formalities required of national university graduates by the laws of the country where he or she is. wants to practice the profession in question. The foregoing provision applies as long as the interested party retains the nationality of one of the countries in Central America. A natural person wishing to be admitted as a customs agent must have the nationality of one of the signatories of the CAUCA and must be domiciled in the country where he or she will exercise the activity.

A legal entity that wishes to be admitted as a customs broker must be established in the country where it will carry out the activity. For foreign artists or artist groups to perform in Guatemala, they must have a letter of permission from one of the legally recognized non-governmental artist unions in the country. For mixed performances, consisting of one or more films and variety shows, preference will be given to Guatemalans if the circumstances of the cast, program and contract permit.

When operating special air services by Guatemalan operators, all personnel performing aviation duties on board the aircraft must be Guatemalan by birth. Trailers or semi-trailers registered in one of the Central American states and temporarily entering the country are exempt from the foregoing provision. Obligations affected: Most Favored Nation Treatment (Article 11.04 Services) Measures: Tratado Multilateral de Libre Comercio e. Integración Económica Centroamericana, Article XV.

Land vehicles registered in one of the signatory countries receive the same treatment in the territory of other countries as is provided to vehicles registered there, during their stay. Companies in signatory countries dedicated to the provision of road transport services for passengers and goods in Central America will receive national treatment in the territory of other countries. Obligations concerned: Treatment of the most favored nations (Article 11.04 Services) Measures: Resolución 65-2001 aprobada por el Consejo de.

Freedom of transit means the guarantee of free competition in the conclusion of transport contracts, without prejudice to the country of origin or destination, and the national treatment of transport from all countries in the territory of any of them, with the above-mentioned origins and destinations.


Obligations involved: National Treatment (Article 10.03 Investment and Article 11.03 Services) Most Favored Nation Treatment (Article 10.04 Investment and Article 11.04 Services). Board of Directors and Senior Management (Article 10.08 Investment) Description: Cross-border trade in services and investment. Guatemala reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure related to the provision of public law enforcement and correctional services, to the extent that these are social services established or maintained for reasons of public purpose, as well as: income security or insurance, social security or insurance, public education, public training, health and childcare.

Obligations concerned: National treatment (Article 10.03 Investments and 11.03 Services). Most favored nation treatment (Article 10.04 Investments and 11.04 Services). Guatemala reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure related to the exclusive right to authorize investments in the issuance of currency, and to formulate and implement policies aimed at creating and maintaining exchange rate and credit conditions favorable to the orderly development of the economy. the national economy. Guatemala reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure restricting the cross-border provision of professional services.

Guatemala reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure that restricts the cross-border supply of construction services. Guatemala reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure that restricts the cross-border provision of services in the road freight services sector. Guatemala reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure related to the customs clearance system for international telephone traffic between signatories to the Telecommunications Treaty.

Relevant obligations: National treatment (Article 10.03 Investments and Article 11.03 Services) MFN treatment (Article 10.04 Investments and Article 11.04 Services). Boards of Directors and Senior Management (Article 10.08 Investments) Description: Cross-border trade in services and investments. Guatemala reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure that grants rights or benefits to a socially or economically disadvantaged population.

Guatemala reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure related to the establishment and operation of companies dedicated to the production and export of goods or services, under an extraordinary tax and customs regime. Certainly, companies that want to resort to a special regime for the production of products or services intended for export will have to comply with the provisions governing this area. Understanding the Services; supply of basic materials, inputs, machines and spare parts necessary for the production of goods intended for export.

Guatemala reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure related to the establishment of banks, as well as the services rendered from activities banking or no banking, including insurance.


State to Reserves Economic Activities

Non Discriminatory Quantitative Restrictions

Most Favored Nation Treatment

