The base level for reductions in General Trade Distorting Domestic Support (hereinafter "OTDS Base") shall be the amount of:. a) the total final capped AMS specified in Part IV of a member's plan; plus (b) for developed member countries, 10 percent of the total average value of agriculture. For developing member countries, point (b) of paragraph 1 above shall be 20 percent of the total average value of agricultural production in the period 1995-2000 or 1995-2004 as may be chosen by the Member concerned. For developing country members with AMS Total Final Bound commitments, the applicable reduction in base OTDS shall be two-thirds of the relevant rate specified in paragraph 3(c) above.
Base OTDS must be reduced by 20 percent on the first day of implementation. The reduction in final bound total AMS applicable to developing country members shall be two-thirds of the reduction applicable to developed country members pursuant to section 13(c) above. The planned product-specific AMS limits must be fully implemented on the first day of the implementation period.
The provisions of Article 6.4 of the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture will be amended accordingly to meet these conditions. For RAMs, the maximum allowable aid value referred to in point 38 above shall be 5 percent of the average total value of agricultural production in the base period 1995-2000.
All RAMs will be entitled to waive their final charges capped at or below 10 percent. When the one-third deviation is used, new access opportunities shall not be less than [3] [5] percent of domestic consumption. When the half deviation is used, the new access possibilities must be no less than a percent of the domestic consumption. 11.
For members of a developing country, the expansion of the tariff quota amounts to two thirds of the volume for members of a developed country. Thereafter, each additional one percent of domestic consumption is realized at the end of each twelve-month period. This method is used by developed and developing Member States that are able to do so.
This tariff simplification will be fully implemented on the first day of the implementation period. No product shall be subject to volume-based SSM for more than two consecutive [6] or [12]. The relevant articles of the Agreement on Agriculture will be amended to reflect the above modalities.
None of the products on the attached list should handle sensitive products.
Those export subsidies on cotton referred to in paragraph 153 above are prohibited in accordance with the mandate contained in paragraph 11 of the Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration. However, developing member countries that have any right to the export subsidy referred to in that paragraph shall comply with this prohibition no later than the end of the first year of the implementation period. To the extent that new export credit disciplines and commitments, export credit guarantees or insurance programs, state agricultural export trading enterprises, and international food aid create new and additional obligations for members with respect to cotton, any such obligations shall to be implemented on the first day of the implementation period for developed member countries and until the end of the first year of the implementation period for developing member countries.
For developing country members, natural disaster relief payments may be made to producers when the production loss is less than 30% of the average of production in the previous five-year period or a three-year average based on the previous five-year period. ii). In the case of public participation in crop or production insurance schemes, eligibility for such payments shall be determined by a production loss exceeding 30% of average production for a period demonstrated to be actuarially adequate. 8 Developing country members may determine the production loss for the affected sector(s) or region(s) on an aggregate basis.
Where verifiable domestic consumption data exists for those tariff lines, the amount of tariff quota access to be provided therefor shall be the defined percentage of that domestic consumption figure for those tariff lines. The importing member will take either the specific action(s) requested or, based on the discussions previously held with the importing member, such other action(s) as it thinks will effectively improve the fill rate of the tariff quota. While the fill rate remains below [x percent], a member may continue to request additional amendments to the administration of the rate quota.
A significant part of the domestic consumption of the product in its natural, unprocessed or processed form, in a particular region or at the national level, is met through domestic production in the developing country concerned. The domestic consumption of the product in the developing country member is significant in relation to the total world exports of the product in question; or a significant part of the total world exports of the product is accounted for by the largest exporting country. A significant part of the total agricultural population or the rural workforce, in a particular region or at the national level, is engaged in the production of the product.
A significant part of the total value of agricultural production or agricultural income of households, in a particular region or at national level, is obtained from the production of the product. A significant part of the agricultural customs tariff income is obtained from the product in a developing country member. A significant part of the total food expenditure, or of the total income, of households in a particular region or at national level in the relevant developing country member, is spent on the product.
Productivity per worker or per hectare of product in a developing Member State, in a particular region or at national level, is relatively low compared to the average productivity in the world. 2 "Starting point of credit" is the latest weighted average date or the actual date of arrival of the goods in the receiving country for the contract under which shipments are made in any consecutive six-month period. years for members from developing countries. For the purposes of the disciplines set forth in this Article, an agricultural export state trading enterprise is any enterprise that meets the working definition set forth in the Agreement on the Interpretation of Article XVII of the GATT 1994.1.
The provision of food aid will take full account of the local market conditions of the same or substitute products. Such monetization shall be carried out only within the territory of the recipient's least developed country so that commercial displacement is avoided or, if not feasible, at least minimized. However, such monetization will only be carried out within the territory of the recipient of the least developed or net food importing developing country.4, 5 In addition, commercial displacement must be avoided or, if not feasible, at least minimized.][om to finance. activities directly related to the delivery of the food aid to developing country recipients, or to the acquisition of agricultural inputs to low-income or resource-poor producers in developing countries].
These procedures shall be adopted by the Committee within [one month] of the entry into force of the Agreement and shall be complied with in a timely manner by all Members.