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會議手冊、會議 CD 光碟片


日期:102 年 10 月 28 日


本人於 2013 年 1 月 25 日至 28 日參加 2013 年曼谷社會科學國際學術研討會,這個國際會議匯集 了心理學、管理學、社會學、教育學、文化人類學及法律政治學等各領域的學者參加,可謂是一 個跨領域的社會科學研究論壇。本次會議約有數百位學者參加,經由四天的大會議程,分享各地 各領域學者的最新研究成果,研究者在這次國際會議發表「The impact of workplace gossip on employee effectiveness: Insights from the employment relationship perspective」,歸屬於心理學領域,



由於社會科學專業領域廣泛,不同的研究取向常能激發創意的研究點子,尋找不同的領域專家進 行跨專業的團隊合作,本次會議就具有這樣的功能。例如,職場八卦的研究,可從心理學取向來 研究個體的八卦行為,也可從社會文化的觀點,來詮釋其價值與意涵,更可從政治學的角度,來 說明其作為目標獲取的可行工具。然而,這樣的跨領域國際研討會,也會使會議主題發散,強調 廣度而非深度,這是非常可惜之處。最後,本次會議美洲及歐洲的學者較少,東南亞及東北亞的 學者居多,因而較難與西方的學者進行對話。整體而言,本此會議的參與,是相當有收穫的。

計畫編號 NSC101-2014-H-004-212-SSS

計畫名稱 職場八卦的傳遞者與接收者:組織認同取向之研究 出國人員

姓名 郭建志 服務機構

及職稱 政治大學心理系/副教授 會議時間 2013 年 1 月 25

日至 28 日 會議地點 泰國曼谷


(中文) 2013 年曼谷社會科學國際研討會

(英文) 2013Bankkok International Conference on Social Science


(中文)職場八卦與員工效能: 雇用關係的觀點

(英文)The impact of workplace gossip on employee effectiveness: Insights

from the employment relationship perspective


Although the significant impact of workplace gossip on organization effectiveness, seldom has it been a topic of management research. Little empirical studies focused on workplace gossip and its impacts on employee behaviors in the past few years. Therefore, this study examined the effects of workplace gossip on employee effectiveness, including affective organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, perceived organizational attractiveness, organizational identity, and organizational cynicism. Moreover, this study explored the antecedents of workplace gossip based on the employment relationship perspective, tested the relationship between abusive supervision, psychological contract breach and workplace gossip.

The data were collected from 455 employees in the several industries, such as Semiconductor, Manufacture, and Chemistry in Taiwan. Three major findings manifest in the results. First, workplace gossip had a significant predictability for employee effectiveness. Compare to interpersonal-related gossip, the effects of task-related gossip on employee effectiveness (affective organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, perceived organizational attractiveness, organizational identity, and organizational cynicism) were larger. It suggests that task-related gossip has more influence on the employees’ behaviors and attitudes in workplace than the influence of interpersonal-related gossip. Secondly, employment relationship (abusive supervision and psychological contract breach) had significant predictability for the employees’ workplace gossip under the condition of controlling the employees’ demographic variables and organizational attributes. It shows that employees who experienced the abusive supervision and psychological contract breach would be more likely to spread the workplace gossip.

Thirdly, we found that employment relationship affects employee effectiveness through its impact on workplace gossip. In particular, abusive supervision and psychological contract breach had positive effects on workplace gossip, in turn, workplace gossip affect the affective organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and organizational cynicism. In summary, workplace gossip mediates the relationship between employment relationship and employee effectiveness. The study demonstrates the important role of employment relationship in workplace gossip and that workplace gossip may have significant influence on employee effectiveness. Further discussion focuses on theoretical and practical implications of the observed outcomes.


未來參與這種以社會科學為主軸的國際學術研討會,要能有跨領域鏈結或跨領域研究的觀點,才 能在此國際研討會中有所收穫,否則單一專業領域的論文發表,會顯得較薄弱,導致參與研究會 的收穫較不足。


會議手冊、會議 CD 光碟片
