• 沒有找到結果。


在文檔中 中 華 大 學 (頁 139-168)

第五章 研究結論與未來發展

5.2 未來發展

受限於時間的限制,本研究之系統開發上仍有許多地方是可以改善的,另 外,還有相當多值得探討的地方,分述如下:

z ㄧ般的閱讀效益都是要經過長期的觀察,才能看出來,但由於時間的限制,

本實驗每種文體只能測驗一次,未來,若要進行相關的實驗時,就要考慮到 長期實驗的必要性。

z 許多使用者在短期密集閱讀大量文章,且必須要花時間在適應鷹架式閱讀輔 助之功能,便很容易讓使用者感到不耐煩和沒耐心,這也間接影響到實驗數 據上的結果,所以如果在這方面能有所改進,相信會更能顯示出本研究開發



z 目前本研究系統在文章結構上,僅提供五種文體,若是將來能夠陸續發展出 更多文章結構文體,相信對使用者而言會有更多選擇和幫助。

z 在先前研究及本研究所開發之系統上,註記重疊的問題是尚無法解決的一 環,而為了讓使用者在使用註記的功能時更加方便無阻,有賴後續研究進行 相關的程式碼或演算法的開發。

z 本實驗開發之系統,主要是針對文章結構分析上,並沒有對文章文體做分 析,所以未來可以針對在文體上做更進一步的分析步驟。



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附錄 A

實驗一文章 Stress

All people have some stress in their lives. A little stress makes life interesting, and it keeps you on your toes. However, too much stress can be unhealthy. You may find your life becoming stressful whenever there are changes in your environment, in your relationships, or in the demands you put on yourself. Stress can be caused by having too many problems in your life, such as trouble with money, school, job, or family. Stress can also be caused by good things in your life, such as getting a new job, moving to a new place, or getting married.

How can you tell when your life is getting too "stressful??? You will probably find yourself always feeling rushed, as though you must hurry everywhere you go. There is never enough time to do everything that you need to do. You may find yourself walking, talking, and eating more quickly than usual. If you find that you eat more or less than usual, or that you don't sleep very well, it may be that you are under a lot of stress. Too much stress can also make you feel depressed or bored; it can rob you of your excitement for life.

Besides causing emotional problems, stress can also cause real physical problems. If you have too much stress in your life, you may suffer from stomach problems, headaches, or neck and shoulder pain. Too much stress can make you more vulnerable to illness and can even make you more likely to have accidents! Doctors estimate that 50 to 80% of all disease is directly related to stress. The cost of treating both stress and illness caused by stress is said to be in the billions of dollars each year.

Prevention is the best way to deal with stress. There are many things that you can do to keep stress under control so that it will help you, not hurt you. First of all, be organized-there is nothing so stressful as a disorganized life. Put your life and your surroundings (your home, apartment, or desk at work or school) in order. Don't procrastinate. Stop putting things off. Do what needs to be done today. On the other hand, if there are things that you can put off for another day, do. Don't always feel that you have to do everything right now. Learn to say "no" to activities and commitments that will only add more stress to your life. Remember that you are only human, and that you can only do one thing at a time.

Learn to relax. Slow down. Take a break or a walk when you feel yourself getting stressed. Find a quiet place where you can go and meditate, breathe deeply, and bring back the balance in your life.

Find a hobby that you enjoy. Reading, listening to music, or creating some thing with your hands are all great ways to bring some peace to a hectic life. Learn to laugh at yourself and your life. Try to


look on the bright side of life. Even when things seem pretty dark and stressful, there is usually a place for some humor and a smile. Perhaps that is the most important time to find something to laugh about.

Finally, one of the best ways to deal with stress is to take care of yourself physically and mentally. You will be able to handle the stress in your life much better if you eat a healthy diet, get plenty of rest each day, and find time for some exercise such as a brisk walk several times a week.

Keep mentally healthy by reminding yourself of your talents and abilities (everybody has them!) and by appreciating the good things in your life each day.


附錄 B


線索回憶測驗(Cue Recall Test)

1. ( ) 請問文章中提到有哪些不好的事情會帶來壓力?

a.新工作、人際關係 b.家庭、金錢 c.轉學、考試 d.搬家、生活環境

2. ( ) 請問文章中提到有哪些好的事情會帶來壓力?

a.工作、人際關係 b.家人、金錢 c.學校、考試 d.搬家、結婚

3. ( ) 請問文章中「沒有」提到哪些事情可能是生活上壓力的前兆?

a.做很多事速度變快 b.睡眠品質變差 c.精神緊繃 d.食量變化

4. ( ) 請問文章中提到醫生估計所有的疾病中,直接地與壓力有關的佔了多 少百分比?

a.20~50% b.30~60% c.40~70% d.50~80%

5. ( ) 請問文章中提到估計在對與壓力有關的疾病中,每年花費多少美元?

a.一億美元 b.一千萬美元 c.十億美元 d.一百萬美元

6. ( ) 處理壓力的最好方法是什麼?

a.看醫生 b.運動 c.事先預防 d.發洩情緒

7. ( ) 請問文章中提到有哪些方式可以減輕壓力?

a.爬山、旅遊 b.今日事今日畢、學會說「不」 c.運動、放鬆身心 d.聽音樂、從事休閒活動

8. ( ) 處理壓力的最好方式之一是在哪兩方面上照顧你自己?

a.身體和心理上 b.精神和心靈上 c.認知和心態上 d.想法和心理上


自由回憶測驗(Free Recall Test )

1. 請問本篇文章的目的為何?就你所記得整篇文章的 Topic Sentence、

Controlling Idea 和 Supporting details 為何?


附錄 C

實驗二文章 z 文章一

My Dad

My dad is one of the most fascinating people I know. I love to look at him. When I look at him, I first notice his physical characteristics. If I look long enough, however, I can see some of the things that have happened during his 72 years of life.

My dad has been almost bald ever since I can remember. When I look at him carefully, I see that the top of his round head is smooth and shiny. The little bit of silver hair that circles the bald spot on top will soon be gone. When I was little, he once told me that his brain made his head so big that there wasn't enough hair to cover it. I laughed then, but now that I realize how smart he is, I wonder whether it might be true.

I really like looking at my dad's face. One side of his face droops a little because of a small accident he had many years ago. When he smiles now, only half of his mouth turns up, as if he is trying to keep the smile from showing. Behind his smile, his teeth are strong, white, and perfectly straight. His bright blue eyes, surrounded by wrinkles of experience, seem to smile more than his tired mouth.

They reflect a bright mind that is always busy in thought.

My father has always been smaller than most men, but he seemed big to me as I grew up. Now his thin body is not quite as tall or as straight as it once was. When he stands, his shoulders droop forward as if they are too tired to hold his head and its heavy thoughts. When he sits, his head and wrinkled neck come out of his shirt collar like the head of an old turtle coming out of its shell.

Though his body shows his age, his hands still appear strong and youthful. Thick, short fingers make each hard-working hand look square. The skin on his hands is rough, with dark blue veins running through the back of them. It is with these hands, along with his bright mind, that he continues his work. Each day he still spends many hours using his hands to draw pictures of machines that will eventually save his company hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

After watching my dad for some time, I forget to look at his hands or face or body. Soon I begin to see what I will always remember about him. I see his care, his determination, and even his frustration. I see a man who has survived service in World War II, who has supported a wife and ten children, and who is still finding more to live for each day.

135 z 文章二

Public Companies vs. Private Companies

I had to study economics and have a few real-life experiences before I realized there are significant differences between private and public companies. There is no doubt that both types of companies are necessary to meet all the needs of a developed society. However, whatever the benefits for the general population may be, for a professional person, there are several differences that make working for a private company much better than working for a public one.

The first difference is the system of salaries and rewards. In a public company, after being hired, one's salary will be raised according to the number of years he or she has been in the company. In contrast, in a private company, the most important thing is what one can give in terms of returns to the company. According to this system, one's salary can be as big as one's capability and diligence.

Also, specific rewards for achieving target goals can be distributed to the employees in a private company.

The second difference between the two systems is the possibility of professional growth. In a public company, everyone must follow a specific pattern of training, which is seldom changed. Also, management's expectations of the employees are most often beneath the employee's true capability.

In contrast to this, in a private company, the competitive market imposes fast improvements in training programs, which bring enormous benefits to good professionals. Management's expectations of each employee's development and performance are demanding. In private companies, good professionals are challenged to look for new markets and are encouraged to develop a greater willingness to take risks. These attitudes bring such positive benefits as improved employee productivity, enhanced product quality, and increased customer satisfaction.

The most important difference between the two systems is too subtle for the majority of workers to view as a benefit. In public companies, it is very common to have a degree of job stability, which gives the employees the feeling they don’t need to worry about unemployment. The private company won’t offer the promise of job security that a public job may, but with the higher risks of a private company also come higher rewards. In the end, as a result of living with the risk of unemployment, the best professionals in a private company receive personal advantages, in the form of bigger salaries, and of personal and professional victories.

Both systems are very important to the society in general. However, from an individual point of view, for the motivated worker, one system is much better than the other. Undoubtedly, if a worker is interested in his or her own career and personal development, the best system is the private one.

136 z 文章三

The Extinction of the Dinosaurs

For almost 140 million years, dinosaurs and other large reptiles ruled the land, sky, and sea.

Dinosaurs came in sizes and shapes suited to every corner of the world. Then, approximately 65 million years ago, these huge reptiles died out and mammals took over the Earth. Few mysteries have ever excited the imaginations of scientists as much as this great extinction that killed off all the dinosaurs. Over the years, scientists have developed many theories to explain the causes of the disappearance of the dinosaurs and the other great reptiles. Three possible causes are a change in the Earth’s climate, disease, and the Earth’s collision with a large asteroid.

Some scientists believed that the number of dinosaurs declined and eventually disappeared due to a change in the Earth’s climate. During the Cretaceous period the climate was tropical. Research indicates that at the end of the Cretaceous period the temperature dropped and the climate became much colder. For this reason, many of the plants that the plant-eating dinosaurs ate died. The death of the plants would cause many of the plant-eaters to die too. As the plant-eating dinosaurs died off, so did the meat-eaters who fed on them. The colder climate may have caused problems for the dinosaurs in other ways, too. Because of their size, many dinosaurs were too big to hibernate in dens. They also lacked fur or feathers for protection against the cold. As a result, the dinosaurs were unable to adapt to the new cold conditions.

Another possible cause for the extinction of dinosaurs is disease. Some scientists think that diseases killed off the dinosaurs when large groups migrated across land bridges between the separate continents and infected one another with new illnesses. As the Cretaceous period went on, more and more land bridges started to appear on the Earth. Because the oceans were drying up and dinosaurs were able to walk across the land bridges, they began to spread new diseases.

A third cause for the extinction of dinosaurs is the asteroid theory. According to this theory, the extinction was much more sudden and catastrophic. In the late 1970s, scientists discovered evidence for the abrupt end to the Age of Dinosaurs. Dr. Louis Alvarez and his colleagues arrived at a revolutionary hypothesis to explain the extinction of dinosaurs. They suggest that about 65 million years ago, the Earth was struck by a huge asteroid. The asteroid was destroyed in the explosion, and billions of tons of dust were thrown up into the air. A thick cloud of dust blocked our sunlight for a long time. Consequently, plants were not able to make food, and they died. The lack of plants killed off many of the plant-eating dinosaurs, which then caused the death of the meat-eating dinosaurs that preyed on them. The darkness caused temperatures to fall below freezing for many months. As a result of this sudden change in climate, the dinosaur populations became smaller and smaller.

在文檔中 中 華 大 學 (頁 139-168)
