• 沒有找到結果。

第五章 結論與建議

5.2 建議

1. 未來可以再選用其他一般室內裝修建材(ex:石膏板,纖維板等)作為被 被塗覆受質材料,更進一步了解塗料塗覆於其他不同建材上時黴菌的 生長情況。

2. 未來可嘗試不同塗料塗覆方式,比較不同塗料塗覆方式是否對實驗結 果會有影響。

3. 未來可以嘗試將奈米金屬複合其他材料,找出在低濃度下就可提升塗 料抗黴效果的更佳複合材料。



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http://www.moea.gov.tw/Mns/dos/content/Content.aspx?menu_id=6712 財團法人臺灣建築中心 website visited on 6/24/15


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附錄(A): Aspergillus 菌和 Penicillium 菌生長圖

圖 A1 Aspergillus 菌生長照片

圖 A2 Penicillium 菌生長照片


圖 A3 Paint-A(含 20%壓克力樹脂) / Aspergillus 菌第 28 天生長狀況

含 10 ppm (by weight)奈米銀

含 12 ppm (by weight)奈米銀

含 14 ppm (by weight)奈米銀

含 10 ppm (by weight)奈米銅

含 12ppm (by weight)奈米銅

含 14 ppm (by weight)奈米銅

含 10 ppm (by weight)奈米鋅

含 12 ppm (by weight)奈米鋅

含 14 ppm (by weight)奈米鋅


圖 A4 Paint-B(含 30%壓克力樹脂) / Aspergillus 菌第 28 天生長狀況

含 10 ppm (by weight)奈米銀

含 12 ppm (by weight)奈米銀

含 14 ppm (by weight)奈米銀

含 10 ppm (by weight)奈米銅

含 12ppm (by weight)奈米銅

含 14 ppm (by weight)奈米銅

含 10 ppm (by weight)奈米鋅

含 12 ppm (by weight)奈米鋅

含 14 ppm (by weight)奈米鋅


圖 A5 Paint-C(含 20%聚醋酸乙烯樹脂) / Aspergillus 菌第 28 天生長狀況

含 10 ppm (by weight)奈米銀

含 12 ppm (by weight)奈米銀

含 14 ppm (by weight)奈米銀

含 10 ppm (by weight)奈米銅

含 12ppm (by weight)奈米銅

含 14 ppm (by weight)奈米銅

含 10 ppm (by weight)奈米鋅

含 12 ppm (by weight)奈米鋅

含 14 ppm (by weight)奈米鋅


圖 A6 Paint-D(含 30%聚醋酸乙烯樹脂) / Aspergillus 菌第 28 天生長狀況

含 10 ppm (by weight)奈米銀

含 12 ppm (by weight)奈米銀

含 14 ppm (by weight)奈米銀

含 10 ppm (by weight)奈米銅

含 12ppm (by weight)奈米銅

含 14 ppm (by weight)奈米銅

含 10 ppm (by weight)奈米鋅

含 12 ppm (by weight)奈米鋅

含 14 ppm (by weight)奈米鋅


圖 A7 Paint-A(含 20%壓克力樹脂) / Penicillium 菌第 28 天生長狀況

含 10 ppm (by weight)奈米銀

含 12 ppm (by weight)奈米銀

含 14 ppm (by weight)奈米銀

含 10 ppm (by weight)奈米銅

含 12ppm (by weight)奈米銅

含 14 ppm (by weight)奈米銅

含 10 ppm (by weight)奈米鋅

含 12 ppm (by weight)奈米鋅

含 14 ppm (by weight)奈米鋅


圖 A8 Paint-B(含 30%壓克力樹脂) / Penicillium 菌第 28 天生長狀況

含 10 ppm (by weight)奈米銀

含 12 ppm (by weight)奈米銀

含 14 ppm (by weight)奈米銀

含 10 ppm (by weight)奈米銅

含 12ppm (by weight)奈米銅

含 14 ppm (by weight)奈米銅

含 10 ppm (by weight)奈米鋅

含 12 ppm (by weight)奈米鋅

含 14 ppm (by weight)奈米鋅


圖 A9 Paint-C(含 20%聚醋酸乙烯樹脂) / Penicillium 菌第 28 天生長狀況

含 10 ppm (by weight)奈米銀

含 12 ppm (by weight)奈米銀

含 14 ppm (by weight)奈米銀

含 10 ppm (by weight)奈米銅

含 12ppm (by weight)奈米銅

含 14 ppm (by weight)奈米銅

含 10 ppm (by weight)奈米鋅

含 12 ppm (by weight)奈米鋅

含 14 ppm (by weight)奈米鋅


圖 A10 Paint-D(含 30%聚醋酸乙烯樹脂) / Penicillium 菌第 28 天生長狀況

含 10 ppm (by weight)奈米銀

含 12 ppm (by weight)奈米銀

含 14 ppm (by weight)奈米銀

含 10 ppm (by weight)奈米銅

含 12ppm (by weight)奈米銅

含 14 ppm (by weight)奈米銅

含 10 ppm (by weight)奈米鋅

含 12 ppm (by weight)奈米鋅

含 14 ppm (by weight)奈米鋅


圖 A11 Paint-A(含 20%壓克力樹脂) / 14 ppm (by weight)奈米金屬/ Aspergillus 菌第 28 天生長狀況

圖 A11 Paint-A(含 20%壓克力樹脂) / 14 ppm (by weight)奈米金屬/ Aspergillus 菌第 28 天生長狀況