• 沒有找到結果。






〔清〕王夫之:《老子衍》,收於《船山全書》第十三冊,長沙市: 嶽麓書社,







* 方 勇:《莊子學史》,北京:人民出版社,2008。


佛思想。關於此,可參見陳弱水:〈柳宗元與中唐儒家復興〉《新史學》5 卷 1 期

(1994 年 3 月),頁 46-48。

54 例如馬積高所撰的《荀學源流》一書中,其專闢一章論及「唐代荀學的閃耀」,其 中討論到荀學在晚唐興盛的情況,然而尚未言及同屬晚唐的李磎。參見《荀學源 流》(上海:上海古籍出版社,2000 年),頁 230-247。


* 牟宗三:《中國哲學十九講》,台北:學生書局,1983。

* 周大興:〈王坦之〈廢莊論〉的反莊思想﹕從玄學與反玄學、莊學與反莊學 的互動談起〉,《中國文哲研究集刊》18,2001:316。


* 張 躍:《唐代後期儒學》,上海﹕人民出版社,1994。

* 張成權:《道家與中國哲學——隋唐五代卷》,北京:人民出版社,2004。

* 許凌雲:《中國儒學史——隋唐卷》,廣州:廣東教育出版社,1998。

* 陳弱水:〈柳宗元與中唐儒家復興〉,《新史學》5.1,1994:46-48。

* 湯一介:《郭象與魏晉玄學》,台北:谷風書局,1987。

* 馮耀明:〈禪超越語言和邏輯嗎——從分析哲學觀點看鈴木大拙的禪論〉,


* 葛兆光:《中國思想史》第二卷,上海﹕復旦大學出版社,2001。



錢 穆:《中國學術思想史論叢》(三),台北:素書樓文教基金會、蘭臺 出版社,2000。


(說明:徵引文獻前標示 * 號者,已列入 Selected Bibliography)

Selected Bibliography

Chen, Ruo-Shui. “Liu Zong-Yuan And Renaissance of Confucism in The Middle Tang Dynasty”, New History, 1994.03, 5:1, pp.46-48.

Chow, Ta-Hsing and Wang, T’an-chin’s “An Essay on Abolishing Chuang-tzu”, Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, 2001.03, pp.316.

Fang, Yong. The History of Essays on Zhuangzi, Beijing: People Publishing House, 2008.10.

Feng, Yao-Ming. “Is Zen Beyond Language And Logic?: Discuss Daisetz. T.

Suzuki’s Essay on Zen in Terms of Analytic Philosophy”, Contemporary Monthly, 1992.01, 69, pp.72-80.

Ge, Zhao-Guang. The History of Chinese Philosophy, Volume 2, Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2001.12.

中國學術年刊 第三十三期(秋季號)

Mou, Zong-San. Nineteen Lectures on Chinese Philosophy, Taipei: Taiwan Student Publisher, 1983.

Tang, Yi-Jie. Guo Xiang and Metaphysics of Weijin Period, Taipei: Gufeng Publisher, 1987.

Xu, Ling-Yun. The History of Confucism: Suei and Tang Dynasty, Guangzhou:

Guangdong Educational Publishing House, 1998.06.

Zhang, Cheng-Quan. Daoism And Chinese Philosophy: Suei Tang and Wudai period, Beijing: People Publishing House, 2004.06.

Zhang, Yue. Confucism in the Later Tang Dynasty, Shanghai: People Publishing House, 1994.

Interpretation And Opposition to Zhuangzi: The Interpretation And Criticism of Zhuangzi in Li Qi’s

“Explication of Feizhuanglun”

Lin, Ming-chao

( Received March 31, 2011 ; Accepted July 7, 2011 )


Li Qi, a Confucian in late Tang Dynasty, is abundant in writings, one of which is about Zhuangzi called “Explication of Feizhuanglun.” As the title indicates, the article tries to explicate “Feizhuanglun” of Wang Tanzhi in Jin Dynasty, but actually it’s mainly Li Qi’s authentic interpretation and criticism of the thought of Zhuangzi. His argument against Zhuangzi goes in two ways; he criticizes the logic in Zhuangzi’s thought first, and at the same time he also presents his own interpretation and criticism on certain topics in Zhuangzi. As a result, this paper will not only focus on the analyses of Li Qi’s interpretation and his argument against Zhuangzi but also try to present Li Qi’s thinking background behind his interpretation, including the relation to the thought of Xunzi and metaphysics in Weijin Period as well as the relationship between Confucians in late Tang Dynasty.

Keywords: Li Qi, Zhuangzi, opposition to Zhuangzi, Xunzi, metaphysics in Weijin Period, late Tang Dynasty


Studies in Sinology Vol.33 (Autumn), pp.35-66 (2011) Taipei:Department of Chinese Language and Literature, NTNU ISSN:1021-7851

中國學術年刊 第三十三期(秋季號)
