• 沒有找到結果。

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3.1 系 資

系 Figure 3.1 大 資 資

資 Graph API 資

政 資 位 資



PTT 資 Github PTT [19] 論 文

資 資 (raw pagedata) - 文- 資

資 資 資

資 位資 資訊 資

(clean pagedata) 資 MongoDB 資 PTT 資 位

Figure 3.2

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Node.js [20]

資 (Query)

資 立資

[21] 資 文 資

word 位 文

立資 資 (Userdata) 資 文

立 系

文 資 Algorithm 1

文資 P ost(Pi) Ux

n∗ m U ser(Uj) Ux

Ux U ser(Uj) m

U ser(Uj) O (n∗ m2)

Algorithm 1: Create Active User List

Input: P ost(Pi) is a list contain all query post’s data, each Picontain their User activities log, P ost(Pi)=[P1, P2, . . . , Pn]

Output: U ser(Uj) is a list collect all user has action in Posts belong P ost(Pj), U ser(Uj)=[U1, U2, . . . , Um]

Create Ux object represent the U ser;

Push Ux in U ser(Uj);

next User;

return U ser(Uj);

立 資

資 (Pagedata) 資 (Userdata)

(Query) (Summary) 資訊 文

Figure 3.2 D3.js [22]


(OverView) (SetView) (ElementView) (DetailView)

(SetView) 資 (ElementView)

Alsallakh et al. [12] 資 資

(Task) 系

Type A degree

A1 Find elements belonging to a specific set

文 文

A2 Find sets containing a specific element

文 文

A3 Find elements based on their set memberships 文

文 文 系

A4 Find elements with a specific set membership degree

A5 Filter out elements based on their set memberships

文 系

文 文

A6 Filter out elements based on their set membership degrees

文 (degree) A4

A7 Create a new set that contains certain elements 文

Type B AB AB

B1 Find the # of sets in the set family

文 系 資

Sunburst Treemap B2 Analyze inclusion relations

文 B1

B3 Analyze inclusion hierarchies

文 B1

B4 Analyze exclusion relations

文 文 立

B5 Analyze intersection relations

文 文 立

B6 Find intersections between k sets

文 立

B8 Find set intersections of a specific set

文 立

B9 Find the set with largest pairwise set intersections

大 文 立

B10 Analyze set & set intersection cardinalities


Treemap Detailview

B11 Analyze and compare set similarities

系 B12 Analyze and compare set exclusiveness

B13 Highlight specific sets, subsets, or set relations

文 文

B14 Create a new set using set-theoretical operations

立 文

Type C

C1 Find the attribute values of a certain element

C2 Find the distribution of an attribute in a certain set or subset 文

C3 Compare the attribute values of sets or set intersections

C4 Analyze the set memberships for elements having certain attribute values

文 ( )

C5 Create a new set out of elements having certain attribute values 文

Full Intersection Exclusive Intersection 系 F X = {Si1, Si2, . . . , Sin} ⊆ F

E degree F exclusive intersection e∈ Iex(X)


3.3: (Menu) (OverView)

(SetView) (ElementView) (DetailView)

(Menu) 資 (parameter)

Fig-ure 3.4 資 資 資

(page) Figure 3.4 資


大 文 文

文 資

(submit) Figure 3.4 new submit

資 submit+

資 Download Figure 3.4

資 csv

文 Comment Share Reaction Like Love

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Haha Wow Sad Angry (SetView) (ElementView)

3.5: (OverView) PTT Facebook


Figure 3.6 文 資 Treemap

Sunburst (space-filling) Figure 3.6 Treemap

Figure 3.6 Sunburst

文 資

文 文

Sunburst Sunburst


( 文 ) Treemap

(OverView) 系 系

(Overview) 文 Pageview 文

(highlight) Detailview 文 資 Figure 3.6

(a) Treemap (b) Sunburst

3.6: (Setview)

Figure 3.7 Default Reaction Comment Share

PTT Default Public Push Neutral Boo Push

(Glyph) 資 文 (Push)

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立 資

(a) PTT Elementview (b) Facebook Elementview

3.7: PTT Facebook (Elementview)


資 Powerset Treemap

degree 資訊

Figure 3.7 資


Degree( 文 ) 文 Degree

文 Degree Degree

Degree 2

Degree Degree 資

Degree Degree

Degree 大資

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3.8: PTT 文資

3.9: PTT 資

(DetailView) (SetView) 文

(ElementView) Figure 3.8 Figure 3.9

(Gossiping2 p36 DarkHolbach)

資 資

(Star glyph) (Linear glyph) 論

( ) 位



大 (Normalize)

Figure 3.10 系 Facebook 資 A

B 立

A reaction(17 )

B reaction(27 ) comment(84 )

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3.1: Synoptic task Elementary task [15]

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資訊 資

資訊 Overview first, zoom and filter, then

details-on-demand 系 資訊 (OverView)

(SetView) (ElementView) Tooltip 資訊

資 (DetailView)

(ElementView) (Zoom In Zoom Out)

資 資 大 大

Figure 3.11 (SetView) (Highlight) 文

(DetailView) ( 文) ( ) ( )

Figure 3.12 (OverView) ( )

(ElementView) (Highlight) ( 文)


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Figure 3.11 文 (ElementView)

Figure 3.12 (SetView)

( )

3.11: 文 系 (SetView) (ElementView)

3.12: (SetView) (ElementView)

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N a tio na

l C h engchi U ni ve rs it y 論


系 PTT 國

論 PTT 文

2018 論

G1 文 資



G4 文 資

4.1: PTT (OverView)

文 Figure 4.1 (OverView)

論文 (256) (130) (2529) (2222)

(683) 文 (2802) (2159) 文 (566) (509)

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tooltip boo( 文) 566

(a) Gossiping 資 1 文 (b) Gossiping 資 2 文

4.2: PTT (SetView) Gossiping 資

Gossiping 資 文 文 文

(SetView) 大 論 Figure 4.2

國 國

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(a) (b) degree 10 (c) 文

(d) 文 (e) (f) 文

4.3: PTT 論 (ElementView)

degree 2 文 文 文

(ElementView) 10 文

論 degree 10

文 Figure 4.3 ( )

( ) degree 2 11 ( ) 文

( ) 文 ( ) ( ) 文

文 文 文

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4.4: PTT 論

( 文) (PTT

) 大 文 論 PTT

文 文

degree 論 angellll 文

Figure 4.4 ( ) 文 ( ) 文

( ) 2017 2018 文

PTT 士 系

文 Figure 4.5 (SetView) 文

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文 位 Pujols5 (OverView)

(DetailView) 文 文

系 文 士 文

4.5: PTT 文

4.6: PTT

Figure 4.5

7. Setview Sunburst Treemap 1 5 Sunburst

( )(1: ; 2: ; 3: ; 4: 5: )

1 2 3 4 5


8. Setview Sunburst Treemap

Treemap 文

Sunburst 大

10. Elementview collection 1 5

( )(1: ; 2: ; 3: ; 4: ; 5: )

5 4 3

11. Elementview 1 5

( )(1: ; 2: ; 3: ; 4: ; 5: )

5 4 3 2

12. Detailview 資訊 文 1 5

( )(1: ; 2: ; 3: ; 4: ; 5: )

5 4

13. Detailview Timeline collection

1 5 ( )(1: ; 2: ; 3: ; 4: ; 5:

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系 系


系 資

• 論 論

• 系 文


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Scalability Our work Upset Powerset

Element 1000 after filter <50000 >50000

Set 100∼1000 for hierarchy relation 40∼50 20∼30 for overview


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