• 沒有找到結果。


6. 預期完成之工作項目及成果:

6.4 預期完成之研究成果及績效

本計畫預計在研發智慧型遠端居家照護系統的同時,根據本計劃研究的項目及進展,針對 RF 無線 感測領域、MEMS 運動感應器的應用方面,提出下列研究成果及績效:

(1) 國際級期刊論文,共 3 篇(SCI 及 EI 等級)。

(2) 國際級研討會論文,共 3 篇(EI 等級)。

(3) 撰寫「遠端居家照護原創性設計」專利,提出美國、中國大陸、以及本國的專利申請,共 3 篇,



102 年 5 月 22 日

報告人姓名 林君明 服務機構


中華大學 教授 時間

會議 地點

2012 年 5 月 23-26 日 日月潭教師會館

本會核定 補助文號

NSC 101-2221-E-216-019-

會議 名稱

(中文)第 7 屆亞太區航太科技與科學研討會

(英文) 7th Asian-Pacific Conference on Aerospace Technology and Science, (7th APCATS 2013)

發表 論文 題目


(英文) RFID-based wireless health monitoring system design 報告內容應包括下列各項:


1. 5/23 下午 2 點,開始報到領取會議資料。

2. 5/24 早上 09:10-09:50 參加第一場主題會議,由金大仁教授擔任主持人(如圖 1),孫錦 德(Chin-Teh Sun)教授報告 Recent Progress in Acoustic/Elastic Meta materials(如圖 2),他 是台灣省台南人,美國普渡大學航空太空系教授,力學家。1962 年於國立台灣大學土 木工程系,1967 年在美國西北大學獲得博士學位。他的主要研究領域為:複合材料及 結構,智能材料,奈米材料。他是美國航空太空研究所院士,美國機械工程師協會院 士。2007 年獲得美國機械工程師協會頒發的 WARNER T. KOITER Medal.

圖 1 金大仁教授擔任主持人

附 件 三

圖 2 孫錦德(Chin-Teh Sun)教授報告 Recent Progress in Acoustic/Elastic Meta materials 3. 5/24 早上 09:50-10:30 參加第二場主題會議,由成功大學航太系所的蕭飛賓教授報告無人遙

控飛行載具的設計(如圖 3)。

圖 3 成功大學航太系所的蕭飛賓教授報告無人遙控飛行載具的設計

4. 5/24 早上 10:5 0-11:25 參加第三場主題會議,鄧學鎣 (X. Y. Deng)教授報告 The Aerodynamic behavioral study of two wing’s wake flow in Tandem arrangement (如圖 4),他目前是在北京航空 航太大學流體力學教育部重點實驗室,擔任北航學術委員會副主任,兼任國務院學位委員會 學科評議組成員、中國空氣動力學會副理事長、中國航空學會空氣動力學專業委員會副主任、


5. 會場情況非常踴躍,如圖 5。

圖 4 鄧學鎣 (X. Y. Deng)教授報告 The Aerodynamic behavioral study of two wing’s wake flow in Tandem arrangement

圖 5 會場情況非常踴躍 二、與會心得

我的論文報告時間是在研討會的第三天(5 月 25 日) Session 8: Systems III,我正好也是該 場論文發表會的主持人,原來安排一共有 7 個報告題目,但是有人臨時有事未能與會,其他 人報告時,我會主動問一些問題,以帶動氣氛,這樣參與的人會有更多的收穫,到我上台時,

首先介紹要報告的題目是:RFID-based wireless health monitoring system design,就開始引起 大 家 濃 厚 的 興 趣 。 因 為 每 個 穴 道 (Acupuncture) 有 不 同 的 電 位 (Electric Potential) 及 阻 抗 (impedance),分別代表身體各部器官的功能狀況。可借助貼附、或穿戴式的主動 RFID 標籤,

進行重要穴道的無線自動監控,這樣可以降低家居或養老院照顧老人家的龐大人力需求。大 家聽完了紛紛提出一些問題,如目前世界各國此種研究的發展狀況?我說這個想法是獨創 的,目前已在申請美國、中華民國及中國大陸的專利。另一方面有人問到:這篇論文最困難 的技術是在哪裡?我說是把薄膜電晶體等放大器電路,整合在塑膠基板上是本論文的關鍵技 術。這樣從人體上每個穴道,所量到的電位及阻抗,就可以就近進行放大,再傳送出去,這 樣無線方式接收時可以降低信號雜訊比。

三、考察參觀活動(無是項活動者省略) 無。


現在科技發展非常快速,而由投稿期刊,到論文刊登發表出來,一般都要經過 1-2 年的 時間。所以參加研討會可以獲得最新的科技研究方向,並與作者進行面對面的溝通。所以效 果非常大,報告的人也可以獲得直接得回饋,值得鼓勵繼續參加。本人的論文目前已被 PROCEDIA EGGINEERING 所接受,屬於 Journal article (JA)等級,如附件。


1. 攜回研討會論文集與磁片一張,有一些論文可供本計畫參考。


7th Asian-Pacific Conference on Aerospace Technology and Science, 7th APCATS 2013

RFID-based wireless health monitoring system design

Jium-Ming Lin


, Cheng-Hung Lin


aDepartment of Communication Engineering, Chung-Hua University, Hsin-Chu 30012, Taiwan (corresponding author: jmlin@chu.edu.tw )

bPh. D. Program in Engng. Science College of Engng., Chung-Hua University, Hsin-Chu 30012, Taiwan (b09306014@chu.edu.tw)


This research provides a health monitor system with replaceable flexible non-fragile bio-probe on an active RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) tag, such that the new system can improve the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) and impedance matching problems. Besides, the bio-probe device can conform to the profile of a bio-body and to improve the electrical contact property. The detailed device fabrication and testing processes are given. Two examples are given to show that it is very useful for remote health monitoring. The first case is used to measure the difference of acupuncture bio-potentials for a man with and without staying up late for all night. The other is to show the difference of acupuncture bio-potentials for a man with influenza before and after taking some tablets of vitamin C.

© 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the National Chiao Tung University.

Keywords: Bio-sensing probe, RFID tag, Thin-Film-transistor (TFT), signal-to-noise ratio, acupuncture; bio-potential.

1. Introduction

Conventional micro array biological probes are produced on a silicon wafer substrate [1-3]. These probes are frangible and fail to be disposed relying on the profile of a bio-body, and adversely affecting the contact resistance between probes and body. Besides, after a signal detected, additional devices for signal processing are required to improve S/N ratio and impedance matching problems. The bio-sensing probe module and the block diagram of this bio-sensing and health monitoring system are respectively as shown in Figs. 1 and 2, which consists of a replaceable non-fragile bio-probe device, top-gate TFT amplifiers, and a wireless active RFID system [4-8]. As such, the bio-signal can be amplified nearby to improve both S/N ratio and impedance matching. The bio-probes are made of thick SU-8 photo resist, thus they are flexible and non-fragile, such that the bio-probes can be disposed to conform to a human acupuncture [9-15] and to improve the electrical contact property. The bio-sensing and health monitoring system is not proposed in the previous literatures [16-25].

Fig.1. Proposed bio-sensing probe module. Fig. 2. Block diagram of bio-sensing and health monitoring system.

The detailed device fabrication processes are given. The probe resistance is 2.7 KΩ, and the monitoring range of the RFID tag is 15m. Two examples are given to show that it is very useful for remote health monitoring. The first case is used to measure the difference of acupuncture bio-potentials for a man with and without staying up late for all night.

The other is to show the difference of acupuncture bio-potentials for a man with influenza before and after taking some medicines, such as vitamin C. The paper organization is as follows: the first section is introduction. The second one briefs the fabrication steps of TFT amplifier, bio-sensing probe device. The third one is system test and discussions. The last section is conclusion.

1. Device fabrication steps

Step 1: Use mask #1 and Photolithography And Etching Processes (PAEP) to make some through holes on flexible

substrate #1. Remove Photo Resist (PR) and deposit TiN (0.1 μm) on both sides of substrate as seed to electroplate copper (100μm). Use PAEP to divide the module into two parts to make a pair of MOS TFT amplifiers. Deposit a layer of Si3N4 (2μm) on the back of the substrate for humidity insulation and passivation. Use PAEP to make vias on the holes. Deposit a layer of amorphous silicon layer (the active regions of TFTs, 2μm), and use PAEP to make four island regions to make TFT amplifiers, the left-hand two regions are to make two N-MOS TFTs, and the other regions are for CMOS TFT amplifier. Remove PR and anneal amorphous Si to be re-crystallized by Nd-YAG laser. The result is as in Fig. 3.

Step 2: deposit layers of SiO

2 (2μm) and amorphous Si (2μm) successively, use PAEP to make the top gate electrodes of TFTs and the wirings connecting to the vias. Use PAEP to etch SiO2 away at the sources, drains and wirings on the left three NMOS TFTs for phosphorous (N+ donor type) ion implantation. Finally remove PR, and the result is as in Fig. 4.

Fig. 3. Result of step 1. Fig. 4. Result of step 2.

Step 3: Use PAEP to etch the regions of SiO

2 away at the source, drain and wirings on the right-hand-side P-MOS TFT for boron (P+ acceptor type) ion implantation. Evaporate a layer of Si3N4 or SiO2 (2μm), and use PAEP to make the contact holes for all the electrodes of MOS TFTs and wirings. Finally remove the PR, and the result is in Fig. 5.

Step 4: Evaporate aluminium (2μm) and with mask #8 and PAEP to make the contact metallization for all the

electrodes of TFTs and wirings. Finally remove the PR. Deposit SiO2 or Si3N4 (2μm) for insulation and passivation, using PAEP to make the pad connection holes. Then electroless-plating two layers of nickel and gold. The result is in Fig. 6.

Step 5: Making bumps to connect to the outer circuit by solder (silver paste) screen printing with mask #10, and then

to cure it by reflowing process. The result is as in Fig. 7. Then the four TFTs are connected as a pair of amplifiers in Fig.8; they can be used for impedance matching and increasing the signal-to-noise ratio.

Fig.5 Result of step 3. Fig. 6. Result of step 4.

Fig. 7. Result of step 5. Fig. 8. A pair of amplifiers consist four MOS TFTs.

Step 6: The replaceable probes are made on substrate #2 as follows: The conducting vias of the micro array

bio-sensing probes are formed by using Nd-YAG laser ablation. Form SU-8 thick PR (500 μm) on both sides by using PAEP for deposit TiN with Lift-Off Process (LOP). Deposit copper and TiN on both sides (100 μm) for bio-compatibility as shown in Fig.9.

Step 7: Stripe PR away. The result is in Fig. 10.

Fig. 9. Result of step 6. Fig.10. Result of step 7.

Step 8: Forming a layer of Lift-Off resist (LOR, 500 μm) on the back side for deposition of TiN later. Then form

another SU-8 thick PR (500 μm) on the back side as the columns of flexible non-fragile probes. The result is shown in Fig. 11.

Step 9: Deposit a layer of TiN (2 μm) on the probe surface for bio-compatibility. Stripe LOR PR away and the micro

array probes are formed as shown in Fig. 12. Then connect substrates #1 and #2 with conducting tapes for signal connection. Thus the probe module can be replaced easily after usage by peeling the conducting tapes as shown in Fig.13. Applying a RFID tag as an interposer, on which the conducting wires to the probes and TFT amplifiers are formed. The holes on the interposer tag are electroplated with copper such that the bio-signals can be connected to the RFID tag as shown in Fig. 14.

Fig. 11. Result of step 8. Fig. 12. Result of step 9.

Fig.13. Result to connect substrates #1 and #2 with conducting tapes. Fig.14. RFID tag is used as an interposer to connect the probes and TFT

Step 10: Screen print silver paste on the contact holes of interposer, after the reflow process one can connect the

power, ground, and bio-signals to and from the modules of bioprobe and TFT amplifiers for wireless monitoring as in Fig. 14.

The circuit diagram to integrate the modules of micro array probes, TFT amplifiers, and active RFID tag is as shown in Fig. 15, in which Q1 is a switch enabled by a pulse signal input voltage (VDD) for power saving at point A, Q2 is a current source by connecting gate to drain. The current output from point C is connected to micro array probe module on human acupuncture under test. Meanwhile, the voltage output at point C is connected to the CMOS TFT amplifier previous mentioned for impedance matching as well as raising the signal-to-noise ratio of measurement.

Finally, the amplified voltage at point D is converted to digital by an A/D converter in the active RFID chip.

Fig. 15. The circuit diagram to integrate probes, TFT amplifiers and active RFID Tag.

2. System test and discussions

This section is for bio-potential tests via RFID reader. As shown in Fig. 16 one set of the micro-probes is affixed over acupuncture H5 (tō nglǐ) on the back of a wrist, and the other one is connected to the copper cylinder ground held by a hand. The RFID reader is placed at 15m away. The first case is to measure the bio-potentials for a man with and without staying up late for all night as shown in Fig. 17. Noted that the bio-potential with staying up late for all night is much larger than the other one, we have repeated the test of the same person for several times, the results are almost in consistence with each other. Thus the bio-potentials obtained by the proposed device and system can be applied for the diagnosis, remote health care and monitoring of body organs. The second case is to show the difference of acupuncture bio-potentials for a man with influenza before and after taking some tablets of vitamin C, the results of the first five and the second five minutes are as shown in Figs. 18 and 19. Noted the initial value of bio-potential was 0.6V in Fig. 18, it was very high, because the man fell asleep at three o’clock in the morning and catch cold. But the bio-potentials were gradually reduced to smaller values when he took some tablets of vitamin C as shown in Figs. 18 and 19.

3. Conclusion

This research employs the semiconductor and MEMS processes to integrate modules of TFT amplifiers and replaceable micro array probes with an active RFID tag. Thus it becomes possible to dispose the bio-sensing probe in conformity with the profile of the body skin. As such, the contact effect becomes better. The detailed device fabrication and testing processes are given. Two examples are given to show that it is very useful for remote health monitoring.

Fig. 16. Acupuncture H5 (tō nglǐ) is on the back of a wrist. Fig. 17. Bio-potential curves of a man with and without staying up late for all night.

Fig. 18. Bio-potential curves for five minutes after taking vitamin C. Fig. 19. Bio-potential curves for the next five minutes.


This research was supported by National Science Council with the grants: NSC 101-2221-E-216-019-, 101-2622-E-216-001-CC3, and 101-2221-E-216-006-MY2.


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計畫名稱: 以主動式RFID無線通訊及卡門濾波器技術,將加速儀、電子羅盤、氣壓式高 度計,建築立體圖資訊等進行整合,提昇定位追蹤性能之家庭式遠端健康照顧監控系統 計畫主持人: 林君明

計畫編號: 101-2221-E-216-019- 學門領域: 智慧型照護系統

