• 沒有找到結果。

§ 4.1 Fermat curve

For a positive integer n, let Fn denote the Fermat curve xn+ yn = 1 of degree n. There are some properties of Fermat curves.

Lemma 4.1. For n ≥ 1, the genus of Fn is (n − 1)(n − 2)/2, and for n ≥ 3, a basis for the space of holomorphic 1-form is

ωi,j= xidx

yj+2, 0 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ n − 3.

As shown in [10], we have following two lammas.

Lemma 4.2. The Fermat curve Fn is the modular curve associated to the group Γn generated by

where Γ(2)0 denotes the commutator subgroup of Γ(2).

Moreover, let

Lemma 4.3. If n 6= 1, 2, 4, 8, then Γn is a noncongruence subgroup.

Let ζ = e2πi/n and µn be the group of nth root of unity. The group G = µn× µn acts on Fn by (ζi, ζj) : (x, y) 7→ (ζix, ζjy). Let

σ : (x, y) 7→ (ζx, y), τ : (x, y) 7→ (x, ζy).

Assume that H is a subgroup of G. We consider the quotient curve Fn/H. The pullbacks of holomorphic 1-forms on Fn/H will be holomorphic 1-forms on Fn

that are invariant under the action of H. Say, ωi,j = xidx/yj+2 is invariant under the action of H. Using the parameterization given in Lemma 4.2, we get a cusp form

fi,j= xiqdx/dq yj+2 =




on Γn. On the other hand, we may consider the L-function L(s, Fn/H), i.e., the L-function of the Galois representation ρFn/H of Gal( ¯Q/Q) attached to the algebraic curve Fn/H. (We assume for the moment that Fn/H is always defined over Q for all H and n).

§ 4.2 Case x


+ y


= 1

Noticing that λ = 16q1/2+ · · · , we slightly modify the Fermat curve and consider the curve

xn+ 16yn= 1

instead(so that the cusp form fi,j = xiqdx/yj+2dq has rational Fourier coeffi-cient). We shall still let Fn denote this curve. Also we let

σ : (x, y) 7→ (ζx, y), τ : (x, y) 7→ (x, ζy),

where ζ = e2πi/n. Note that a differential form xidx/yj+2 is fixed by σaτb if and only if

(i + 1)a − (j + 2)b ≡ 0 mod 6.

The following table lists the subgroup Hi,j of G = µ6 × µ6 that fixes ωi,j. ω0,0 ω0,1 ω1,1 ω0,2 ω1,2 ω2,2 ω0,3 ω1,3 ω2,3 ω3,3

2τ i hσ3τ i hσ3τ2i hσ4τ i hσ2τ, σ3i hσ2τ3i hσ5τ i hσ5τ2i hστ3i hστ2i We now work out the equations for the curves F6/Hi,j.

Lemma 4.4. We have

group differential forms equation hσ2τ i ω0,0, ω1,2 v2= u6+ 1 hσ3τ i ω0,1 v2= u3− 1 hσ4τ i ω0,2 v2= u3+ 4 hσ5τ i ω0,3, ω1,2 v2= u6− 1 hστ2i ω1,2, ω3,3 v2= u6+ 1 hσ3τ2i ω1,1 v2= u3+ 1 hσ5τ2i ω1,3 v2= u3+ 16 hσ2τ3i ω2,2 v2= u3+ 4

hστ3i ω2,3 v2= u3− 16 hσ2τ, σ3i ω1,2 v2= u3+ 1

Proof. Here we prove the case hσ2τ i. Consider both of xy4 and y6 are fixed by hσ2τ i, and the mapping (x, y) 7→ (xy4, y6) is 6-to-1. Thus, xy4and y6generate the subfield of the function field of F6 that is fixed by hσ2τ i and an equation for F6/hσ2τ i is given by the relation

U6= V4− 16V5

between U = xy4 and V = y6. Now the curve U6 = V4− 16V5 is birationally equivalent to v2= u6+ 1 with the birational maps

u = 2V

U , v = V2(8V − 1)

U3 , U = u2

4(u3− v), V = u3 8(u3− v) This proves the case hσ2τ i.

Remark 4.5. We can compute the genus of F6/H using the Riemann-Hurwitz formula. Taking H = hσ2τ i for example. For the affine part of F6, the covering F6→ F6/H is unramified at those points of F6where Pj2jx, ζjy), j = 0, . . . , 5 are 6 distinct points. If y 6= 0, then the six points are distinct. At those points, the covering is unramified. On the other hand, if y = 0, then P0= P3, P1= P4, P2 = P5. The covering is ramified at those points with ramification index 2.

There are totally 6 such points (ζk, 0), k = 0, . . . , 5. Thus, the contribution from the affine part to the total branch number is 6. The infinity part of F6

consist of 6 points Qj= (ζj+1/2: 1 : 0) We have

σ2τ (Qj) = (ζj+5/2: ζ : 0) ∼ (ζj+3/2: 1 : 0) = Qj+1

Therefore, the covering is unramified at the 6 infinity points, and the total branch number is 6. By the Riemann-Hurwitz formula, if g is the genus of F6/hσ2τ i, then

10 − 1 = 6(g − 1) +6 2.

Hence, we conclude that the genus of F6/hσ2τ i is 2 and the subspace of dif-ferential 1-forms on F6 that are invariant under hσ2τ i should have dimension 2.

Theorem 4.6. The genus of Fn/H for a cyclic subgroup H = hσaτbi of µn×µn with a, b are relative primes is

g = n − da− db− d(a−b)

2 + 1

where dx is the greatest common divisor of x and n.

Proof. By the Riemann-Hurwitz formula, we only need to verify the total branch number B is n(da+ db+ d(a−b)− 3).

For the affine part of Fn, the covering Fn → Fn/H is unramified at those point of Fn where Pj = (ζajx, ζbjy), j = 0, . . . , n − 1 are n distinct points. If x 6= 0 and y 6= 0, since a, b are relative primes, we know the n points are distinct.

At those points, the covering is unramified. On the other hand, if x = 0, then P0 = Pn/db = . . . = P(db−1)n/db, P1 = Pn/db+1 = . . . = P(db−1)n/db+1, . . ., Pn/db−1 = Pn/db+n/db−1 = . . . = P(db−1)n/db+n/db−1. The covering is ramified at those points with ramification index db. There are totally n such points.

Similarly, we can determine the case y = 0. Thus, the contribution from the affine part to the total branch number is n(da− 1) + n(db− 1). The infinity part of Fn consist of n points Qj = (ζj+1/2: 1 : 0) We have

σaτb(Qj) = (ζj+a+1/2: ζb: 0) ∼ (ζj+(a−b)+1/2: 1 : 0) = Qj+(a−b) Replaces a − b by a − b mod n if necessary. Therefore, the ramification index of the covering is d(a−b), and the total branch number of the infinity part is n(da−b − 1). Sum up the total branch numbers of the affine part and the infinity part, we have B = n(da+ db+ d(a−b)− 3).

Lemma 4.7. The L-functions for the curves in Lemma 4.4 are equation L-function

v2= u3+ 16 L(s, f27) v2= u3+ 1 L(s, f36) v2= u3+ 4 L(s, f108) v2= u3− 1 L(s, f36⊗ χ−4) v2= u3− 16 L(s, f27⊗ χ−4) v2= u6+ 1 L(s, f36)2

v2= u6− 1 L(s, f36)L(s, f36⊗ χ−4) Here

f27(τ ) = η(3τ )2η(9τ )2, f36(τ ) = η(6τ )4

Remark 4.8. The modular forms f27, f36, f108 have the following description in terms of Hecke characters.

Let K = Q(√

−3) and ζ = e2πi/6. The ring of integers OK is Z + Zζ. Let m = 3 and define χ as follows. If a + bζ ∈ OK is not relatively prime to 3, we let χ(a + bζ) = 0. For each a + bζ in OK relatively prime to m, there exists a unique integer j with 0 ≤ j < 6 such that a + bζ ≡ ζj mod m. We set χ(a + bζ) = ζ−j(a + bζ). That is,

(a, b) mod 3 (0, 1) (0, 2) (1, 0) (1, 2) (2, 0) (2, 1)

χ(a + bζ)/(a + bζ) ζ5 ζ2 1 ζ −1 ζ4


f27(τ ) = 1 6



χ(a + bζ)qa2+ab+b2.

For f36, we let m = 2√

−3 and define χ as follows. If a + bζ ∈ OK is not relatively prime to m, we set χ(a + bζ) = 0. For each a + bζ in OK that is relatively prime to 2√

−3, there exists a unique integer j with 0 ≤ j < 6 such that a + bζ ≡ ζj mod m. We set χ(a + bζ) = ζ−j(a + bζ) Then

f36(τ ) = 1 6



χ(a + bζ)qa2+ab+b2.

Proof. The only parts that requires a proof are v2 = u6+ 1 and v2 = u6− 1.

Here we consider the case v2 = u6− 1. Let x = u2 and y = v. Then we have v2 = u3− 1. In other words, we have a two-fold cover from v2 = u6− 1 to y2= x3− 1. Likewise, let x = −1/u2and y = v/u3. We have y2= x3+ 1. Then L(s, v2− u6+ 1) = L(s, f36)L(s, f36⊗ χ−4).

Theorem 4.9. The cusp forms fi,j= xiy−j−2qdx/dq satisfy the ASD congru-ences with the following L-function.

fi,j L-function

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