• 沒有找到結果。

Chinese References

在文檔中 國中英語教科書之用後評估 (頁 150-157)

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Appendix A. Cunningsworth’s Quick-Reference Checklist for Evaluation and Selection (1995: 3-4)

1. Aims and approaches

1.1 Do the aims of the coursebook correspond closely with the aims of the teaching program and with the needs of the learners?

1.2 Is the coursebook suited to the learning/teaching process?

1.3 How comprehensive is the coursebook? Does it cover most or all of what is needed? Is it a good resource for students and teachers?

1.4 Is the coursebook flexible? Does it allow different teaching and learning styles?

2. Design and organizations

2.1 What components make up the total course package (e.g. students’ book, teachers’ books, workbooks, cassettes, etc.)?

2.2 How is the content organized (e.g. according to structures, functions, topics, skills, etc.)? Is the organization tight for learners and teachers?

2.3 How is the content sequenced (e.g. on the basis of complexity, “learnability,”

“usefulness,” etc.)?

2.4 Is the grading and progression is suitable for the learners? Does it allows them to complete the work needed to meet any external syllabus requirement?

2.5 Is there adequate recycling and revision?

2.6 Are there reference sections for grammar, etc? Is some of the materials suitable for individual study?

2.7 Is it easy to find your way around the coursebook? Is the layout clear?

3. Language content

3.1 Does the coursebook cover the main grammar items appropriate to each level, taking learners’ needs into account?

3.2 Is the material for vocabulary teaching adequate in terms of quantity and range of vocabulary, emphasis placed on vocabulary development, strategies for individual learning?

3.3 Does the coursebook include material for pronunciation work? If so, what is covered: individual sounds, word stress, sentence stress, intonation?

3.4 Does the coursebook deal with the structuring and conventions of language use above sentence level, e.g., how to take part in conversations, how to structure a piece of extended writing, how to identify the main points in a reading passage?

(More relevant at intermediate and advanced levels.)

3.5 Are style and appropriacy are dealt with? If so, is language style matched to social situation?


4. Skills

4.1 Are all four skills adequately covered, bearing in mind your course aims and syllabus requirements?

4.2 Is there material for integrated skills work?

4.3 Are reading passages and associated activities suitable for your students’ levels, interests, etc? Is there sufficient reading material?

4.4 Is listening material well recorded, as authentic as possible, accompanied by background information, questions and activities which help comprehension?

4.5 Is material for spoken English (dialogues, role-plays, etc.) well designed to equip learners for real-life interactions?

4.6 Are writing activities suitable in terms of amount of guidance/control, degrees of accuracy, organization of longer pieces of writing (e.g. paragraphing) and use of appropriate styles?

5. Topic

5.1 Is there sufficient material of genuine interest to learners?

5.2 Is there enough variety and range of topic?

5.3 Will the topics help expand students’ awareness and enrich their experiences?

5.4 Are the topics sophisticated enough in content, yet within the learners’ language level?

5.5 Will your students be able to relate to the social and cultural contexts presented in the coursebook?

5.6 Are women portrayed and represented equally with men?

5.7 Are other groups represented, with reference to ethic origin, occupation, disability, etc?

6. Methodology

6.1 What approach/approaches to language learning are taken by the coursebook? Is this appropriate to the learning/teaching situation?

6.2 What level of active learner involvement can be expected? Does this match your students’ learning styles and expectations?

6.3 What techniques are used for presenting/practicing new language items? Are they suitable for your learners?

6.4 How are the different skills taught?

6.5 How are communicative abilities developed?

6.6 Does the material include any advice/help to students on study skills and learning strategies?

6.7 Are students expected to take a degree of responsibility for their own learning, e.g. by setting their own individual learning targets)?


7. Teachers’ books

7.1 Is there adequate guidance for the teachers who will be using the coursebook and its supporting materials?

7.2 Are the teacher’s books comprehensive and supportive?

7.3 Do they adequately cover teaching techniques, language items, such as grammar rules and culture-specific information?

7.4 Do the writers set out and justify the basic premises and principles underlying the materials?

7.5 Are keys to exercises given?

8. Practical Considerations

8.1 What does the whole package cost? Does this represent good value for money?

8.2 Are the books strong and long-lasting? Are they attractive in appearance?

8.3 Are they easy to obtain? Can further supplies be obtained at short notice?

8.4 Do any parts of the package require particular equipment, such as language laboratory, listening center or video player? If so, do you have the equipment available for use and is it reliable?

Appendix B. Grades 1-9English Curriculum Guidelines (Adapted from the MOE, 2008: 7&30)

Integration of Ten Core Competence & Junior High School English Curriculum


7. 規劃、組織與實踐 利用有效之外語學習方法安排規劃英語之學習。

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在文檔中 國中英語教科書之用後評估 (頁 150-157)