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6.4 Conclusion

It has been claimed that motivations are of two types: the intrinsic drive and the extrinsic one (Ryan and Deci, 2000). The intrinsic motivation has been proposed as one of the main affective factors for autonomous, persistent and successful learning (Clément et al., 1994). Nevertheless, when it comes to EFL learning, the motivations are mostly extrinsic (Nikolov, 1999). A number of studies indicated that not only students’ overall intrinsic learning motivation but also their EFL learning motivation decreased as their age increased (Carreira, 2011; Ghenghesh, 2010; Gottfried, 1990; Harter, 1981). The present study, inspired by Carreira (2011), examined the age effect on EFL and overall intrinsic learning motivation among Taiwanese pupils, the correlation between the two, and the potential EFL learning factors. Through the quantitative and qualitative data collected with the questionnaires, the statistic results revealed an optimistic increase in EFL learning drive, a moderate decrease in overall intrinsic learning drive, and that the two types of motivation were not siginificantly correlated. The extrinsic practical purposes dominated the EFL learning motivation among Taiwanese pupils. The outcomes may reshape the traditional conception of age-related decrease of learning motivation and provide teachers with clues to enhance students’ learning drives for academic success.

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Appendix A

The items for the MALESC ( Adopted from Carreira, 2011) Intrinsic motivation

Q1 English lessons are great fun.

Q3 I always look forward to the day when we have English class.

Q5 I would like to try to use the English which I have learned.

Q7 I hope that we have more English classes.

Interest in foreign countries

Q2 I would like to go to various foreign countries.

Q4 I would like to make a lot of foreign friends.

Q9 I would like to try and talk to foreigners.

Q11 I would like to live abroad.

Q12 I would like to know more about foreign countries.

Extrinsic motivation

Q6 I study English in order to make English easier for me in junior high school.

Q8 I study English because I think English will be important for me when I am an adult.

Q10 I am studying English for a future job.

Q13 I am studying English in order to enter a high school or a university.


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Appendix B


這份問卷主要是想藉由你的回答,來瞭解你的英語學習動機。這不是考試,你所 填寫的答案沒有對或錯,也不會影響到你的成績, 只要根據你的真實想法和實 際狀況安心回答,我們會保密,不會讓別人知道的哦。 記得作答時要看清楚每 個題目的意思,有不會的問題可以舉手問老師。記得每一題都要填答喔!最後,


祝 學業進步、事事如意!

國立政治大學英語教學在職專班 研 究 生:郭淑華 敬上


1. 年級:☐三 ☐四 ☐五 ☐六

2. 性別:☐男 ☐女

3. 我 ☐曾經 在國外學習英語 ________(時間,如兩星期,一個月)


4. 我 ☐目前有去補習班或請家教加強英文。




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題 目

非常同意 同意 不同意 非常不同意


□ □ □ □


□ □ □ □


□ □ □ □


□ □ □ □


□ □ □ □


□ □ □ □


□ □ □ □


□ □ □ □


□ □ □ □


□ □ □ □


□ □ □ □


□ □ □ □



□ □ □ □


1. 我學英文是因為_________________________。

2. 我最喜歡的三個科目是______________________。

3. 我不喜歡的科目是(如果沒有可以不用回答) ____________


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4. 上英文課時,我最喜歡______________________


5. 上英文課,我不喜歡(如果沒有可以不用回答)_________________。

6. 如果我是英文老師,我會做 跟老師不一樣的事情 是__________



Items for intrinsic motivation for global learning (Adapted from Carreira 2011)

options descriptions

1. Intrinsic: I want to study various things voluntarily.

Extrinsic: I think I should study only what my teachers ask me to study.

2. Intrinsic: I study because I want to.

Extrinsic: I study because my parents tell me to.

3. Intrinsic: I try to solve difficult problems by myself.

Extrinsic: I ask a teacher soon when a problem is difficult.

4. Intrinsic: I study because I can learn what I like.

Extrinsic: I study in order to get good grades.

5. Intrinsic: I like difficult problems.

Extrinsic: I like easy problems.

6. Intrinsic: I enjoy lessons at school.

Extrinsic: I don’t enjoy lessons at school.

7. Intrinsic: I want to study as much as possible.

Extrinsic: I want to study only what I have to learn at school.

8. Intrinsic: I do exercises because I want to know how to solve various problems.

Extrinsic: I do exercises because I am told to.

9. Intrinsic: When I make a mistake, I try to find an answer.

Extrinsic: When I make a mistake, I try to ask a teacher for the answer.

10. Intrinsic: I study because studying is fun.

Extrinsic: I study in order to get good grades.

11. Intrinsic: I like challenging problems.

Extrinsic: I don’t like challenging problems.

12. Intrinsic: Schoolwork is fun.

Extrinsic: Schoolwork is not fun.

13. Intrinsic: I want to read various types of books.

Extrinsic: I don't want to read books except for comics.

14. Intrinsic: I do homework voluntarily.

Extrinsic: I do homework because my parents tell me to.


options descriptions

15. Intrinsic: I try to solve problems by myself even if I cannot solve them.

Extrinsic: I ask teachers soon when I cannot solve problems.

16. Intrinsic: I do not study only because I want to receive praise from my parents.

Extrinsic: I study because I want to receive praise from my parents.

17. Intrinsic: I prefer difficult tasks.

Extrinsic: I prefer easy tasks.

18. Intrinsic: I feel happy when I can solve difficult problems.

Extrinsic: I do not feel happy even if I can solve difficult problems.

19. Intrinsic: I study not only homework but also what I think is interesting.

Extrinsic: I study homework only.

20. Intrinsic: I study even if teachers and parents do not tell me to study.

Extrinsic: I don’t study until teachers and parents tell me to study.

21. Intrinsic: I solve problems by myself.

Extrinsic: My teachers teach me how to solve problems.

22. Intrinsic: I study because I like to.

Extrinsic: I study because I want to get better grades than my friends.

23. Intrinsic: I like to solve more difficult problems.

Extrinsic: I like to solve easier problems.

24. Intrinsic: There are many days when I enjoy studying at school.

Extrinsic: There are hardly any days when I enjoy studying at school.

25. Intrinsic: I always want to know as much as possible.

Extrinsic: I do not want to know many things.

26. Intrinsic: I study voluntarily before my parents tell me to.

Extrinsic: I study reluctantly because my parents tell me to.

27. Intrinsic: I try to solve difficult problems by myself.

Extrinsic: I ask my friends when problems are difficult.

28. Intrinsic: I study because studying is fun.

Extrinsic: I study because I do not want to be scolded by my parents.

29. Intrinsic: In selecting one of two problems, I select the more difficult one.

Extrinsic: In selecting one of two problems, I select the easier one.

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options descriptions

30. Intrinsic: To study new things is fun.

Extrinsic: To study new things is not fun.

