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5.1 Conclusion

In this study we aimed to identify the current trend of KB studies, methodologies, online learning platforms, KBPs usage, and learners’ learning outcomes. The analysis of this study traced the patterns of KB studies between 2001 and 2016. This section highlights the five conclusions drawn from the study that correspond to the findings revealed in previous chapter and provides recommendations for future KB studies.

5.1 Conclusion

5.1.1 Trend of KB Studies in Both Eastern and Western Countries

Findings revealed that KB studies conducted in Eastern countries were slightly higher than Western countries. However, this study had found that Canada was the top country for conducting KB studies over the past 16 years. The pioneers of KB studies began doing research in Canada. Thus, this study included many KB studies conducted in Canada.

In terms of educational levels, most of the KB studies engaged Grade 1-6 participants.

Findings showed the differences between Eastern countries and Western countries regarding educational levels of participants in KB studies. Eastern countries focused on Grade 10-12 and undergraduate participants in KB studies; however, Western countries emphasized Grade 1-6 participants in KB studies.

Despite over one-half of the KB studies being conducted among learners, one finding revealed that part of the KB studies had shifted from learners to teachers, especially in Eastern countries. This finding indicates that KB researchers have started to figure out the importance of KB studies among teachers, rather than merely concentrating on learners in KB studies.

Regarding the subject domains in KB studies, the findings show that overall, the KB studies were mainly related to Science. KB studies conducted in Eastern countries were also

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focused on Technology; however, Western countries had more emphasis on History and Science in KB studies. This finding implies the feasibility for promoting KB pedagogy for the subject domains stated above.

To summarize, KB studies conducted in Eastern countries engaged Grade 10-12 and undergraduate participants in Technology. In contrast, KB studies conducted in Western countries engaged Grade 1-6 participants primarily on History and Science.

5.1.2 Trend of Methodology in KB Studies

The findings show that case study was the most popular research design employed in KB studies over the past 16 years. Although KB researchers have adopted other research designs in addition to case study, the findings have verified the effectiveness of adopting case study for KB studies.

In terms of analysis methods, mixed methods analysis was the most popular method for analyzing data. Although most of the KB activities can be interpreted through qualitative analysis, qualitative approaches cannot fulfill the demands of interpreting data. Many KB studies are using quantitative results with qualitative findings to address research questions, for instance study ID16. Denzin (as cited in Jick, 1979) explained that the process of using multiple methods to examine the degree of external validity is called between-method triangulation. Thus, the mixed methods analysis employed in KB studies has a

between-method triangulation purpose.

Overall, case study with mixed methods analysis is the current trend of methodology in KB studies. All qualitative and quantitative methods support each other for triangulation purposes.

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5.1.3 Trend of Online Learning Platforms in KB Studies

The findings revealed that over one-half of the online learning platforms employed in KB studies were KF. The main reason is that KF was evolved from CSILE to support

collective work value to a community (Scardamalia & Bereiter, 2010). Moreover, all the KB tools embedded in KF are based on KBPs. There are abundant research findings that prove the effectiveness of using KF for idea-related pedagogy. Thus, KF is the best choice for novice teachers in KB practice.

5.1.4 Trend of KBPs Employed in KB Studies

The findings revealed the most KBP employed in KB studies was community

knowledge, collective responsibility. Among the countries, Canada employed this KBP the most in KB studies. The main reason is that KB stresses community knowledge, collective responsibility during the interaction with KB activities.

In terms of KBP categories, idea-related KBPs were employed the most in KB studies over the past 16 years. The main reason is that idea-related KBPs are part of principle-based KB that are characteristic for promoting KB practice. The findings suggest that it is important for idea-related KBPs to be employed in KB studies.

5.1.5 Trend of Learning Outcomes Examined in KB Studies

The findings revealed that most of the learning outcomes examined in KB studies were social learning outcomes. This finding indicates the importance of interaction and

collaborative work on KB activities. Learners can share their ideas by posting notes on KF and the other members can reply to particular notes. Furthermore, they may synthesize diverse ideas by linking notes contributed by the members.

Among the subcategories of learning outcomes, all the basic learning outcomes in the

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number of KB studies were higher than for higher-order learning outcomes. The main reason for this is that basic learning outcomes can be easily examined as compared to higher-order learning outcomes. In other words, novice KB learners and teachers can easily achieve basic learning outcomes through interaction KB activities on KF. However, higher-order learning outcomes can be achieved when novice KB learners and teachers are familiar with three core KB characteristics and 12 KBPs.