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4. General Discussion

4.1. Conclusion

This research conducted two studies (experiments) to examine the effects of two kinds of social influence on purchase intention, and explored the mediating effect through perceived social value, and further explored the moderating effect of regulatory focus on the relationship between two kinds of social influence and purchase intention.

In this research, the products we use is both hedonic and utilitarian goods in order to avoid the deviation of the results because the product is too hedonic or too utilitarian.

In study 1, participants had different levels on their purchase intention when they were influenced by shopping companions’ informational social influence with positive and negative opinions, and participants also had different levels on their purchase intention when they were influenced by shopping companions’ normative social influence with positive and negative opinions. It reveals that in the process of consumption context, people are easily influenced by others and change their purchase intention. Moreover, positive and negative opinions provided by shopping companions would have an impact on people's perceived social value of products.

In study 2, it further proved that different regulatory focus personality has different degrees on purchase intention. In group 1, this research found that there is a significant interaction effect between informational social influence and regulatory focus on purchase intention. In the positive informational social influence condition, both of two

intention, and promotion focus people have higher purchase intention compared to prevention focus people. In the negative informational social influence condition, both of two types of regulatory focus personalities people have low degree on their purchase intention, unexpectedly, prevention focus people not have lower purchase intention compared to promotion focus people. In group 2, this research also found that there is a significant interaction effect between normative social influence and regulatory focus on purchase intention. In the positive normative social influence condition, both of two types of regulatory focus personalities people have high degree on their purchase intention. Unexpectedly, promotion focus people not have higher purchase intention compared to prevention focus people. In the negative normative social influence condition, both of two types of regulatory focus personalities people have low degree on their purchase intention. Unexpectedly, prevention focus people not have lower purchase intention compared to promotion focus people, it has quite degree on purchase intention.

In order to find out whether there were other reasons leading to the results not as expected, this research further did an in-depth interview with several participants. In the negative informational social influence condition, there are some reasons causing people in promotion focus personality have lower degree on purchase intention. First, before making a purchase decision, many promotion focus people will compare their knowledge ability and cognitive ability with their shopping companion on the product.

In comparison, when they think they are not familiar with the product, they will prone to accept the opinions of their shopping companion. Second, a few promotion focus people will judge whether the opinion from their shopping companion is beneficial to

discomfort, and this is what they care about, then it will lead to having lower purchase intention on this product. Third, few promotion focus people consider that they are eager to pursue positive things, when there are negative reviews about this product, they tend to look for other more ideal products.

In the positive normative social influence condition, there are some reasons causing people in prevention focus personality have higher degree on purchase intention. First, some prevention focus people are easily influenced by others because they care about what others think of themselves. When their shopping companion has positive comments about this product, it will increase their belief in making the right purchase decision. Second, few prevention focus people think it is a safe option to do what others agree with, so they have higher willingness to purchase the product.

However, there are also a few reasons causing people in promotion focus personality have lower degree on purchase intention. First, some promotion focus people have need for uniqueness, they want to show how different they are from others. When the product is owned by many people or is popular nowadays, they will avoid buying the same product as others. Second, several promotion focus people prefer to purchase products they are familiar with. When the product is not well-known to them, even if the shopping companion gives positive comments, it cannot increase their intention to purchase the product. Third, a few promotion focus people think that they already have many similar products, even if they like it very much, they might not buy it.

In the negative normative social influence condition, there are some reasons

First, a few promotion people consider that they know themselves very well, know their own unique style, and clearly know what is suitable and what is not suitable for them.

When they realize that the product is not suitable for them, their intention to purchase this product will be very low. Second, some promotion focus people agree with what the shopping companion said and think the negative comment is a reasonable opinion, then it will decrease their intention to purchase the product.
