• 沒有找到結果。

The emergence of shanzhaiji handset industry has been impacting the handset industry significantly in the mainland china with the turnkey solution from MTK since 2003. The shanzhaiji handset products with lower cost, faster provision and unique product appearance have been mushrooming and booming in the handset market. They are prosperous during the period of 2003 till today. However, competition has increased among the shanzhaiji handset developers since Oct 2007 as handset production license was phased out bringing new comers of the shanzhaiji handset developers into the handset market. The low margin among the shanzhaiji handset developers has been happening because of the low threshold to

produce shanzhaiji handset leading to drastic competition. The shanzhaiji handset businesses have to be regulated by assistance from Chinese government. Otherwise, the competition of the shanzhaiji handset businesses may lead to chaos.

The structure of the shanzhaiji handset industry in Shenzhen is huge and complicated that there are over 10 thousand upstream and downstream participants that the chip venders are around 3, the scheme design houses are around 200, the shanzhaiji handset developers are around 2000, the provincial as well as local channels are around 1000 and the components suppliers are around 3000. The entire shanzhaiji handset industry is fully developed that the shanzhaiji handset businesses do bring tremendous economic effects in Shenzhen leading to prosperous regional development. Nonetheless, the shanzhaiji handsets are illicit products which are infringing the intellectual property right, copying the trade mark and avoiding Chinese government’ supervision as well as regulation.

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立 政 治 大 學

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It is a dilemma to Chinese government to act on shanzhaiji handset issues because if the government strikes the shanzhaiji handset businesses, there will be an impact on over 10 thousand upstream and downstream participants resulting in low economic growth. If the Chinese government does not strike, the government is blamed by not functioning. Only strike on shanzhaiji handset businesses is not a good way. To guide and support those shanzhaiji handset developers to upgrade are essential for further regional development by Chinese government. The Chinese government has to play a leading role to dominate the whole scope to regulate the entire shanzhaiji handset business and industry as the registration of shanzhaiji handset players and guide industry participants to be normalized gradually.

For those shanzhaiji handset developers who possess competitiveness should get strong supports and assistances from the government in order to prosper the handset market. The Chinese government should provide some preferential policies to shanzhaiji handset

developers such as tax deductions, subsidies, technology supports and land provisions...etc in order to cultivate the shanzhaiji handset developers. If the entire shanzhaiji handset activities can be normalized and regulated, those players of shanzhaiji handset developers can compete on a fairly basis and then compete with Chinese domestic handset and international handset companies. Transformation of the shanzhaiji handset developers is desperately needed for future sustainable development.

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