• 沒有找到結果。

5. Discussion

5.5 Conclusions

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releases and the print news coverage from four newspapers. Future studies can further analyze an individual newspaper separately and compare the tones with others, or extend the analysis to other sources or media, such as the press conference, personal communication by public relations practitioners, television news coverage, etc. And also further studies could analyze other subjects in other industries with different research approaches. Moreover, the time lag from the news release to the news coverage in the newspapers is not discussed in the study, which can be explored in the future research.

5.5 Conclusions

With research on the relationship of substantive attributes between the news release and the news coverage, this study and the content analysis provide insights for corporate public relation practitioners. In this study, three primary research questions are addressed, which seek to know how media set the agenda and further analyze the consistency with substantive attributes in the corporate reputation agenda, their sub-attributes, and the valence of the agenda. The findings are that, in the agenda of company reputation, the HTC corporate news release from the corporate mainly focuses on delivering the messages of HTC products and services, and product quality, on the other hand, the print news coverage from four local newspapers focuses on the investment, records of being profitable or not, etc. related to the financial performance. Although the priority for two is different, there is a positive

correlation in the relationship of sub-attributes between the news release and the news

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coverage. However, the relationship of attributes between two is not correlated. And it may also explain that journalists in Taiwan do not depend on the news release very much, but they would also access to other sources and related information while selecting the news and setting the agenda.

To sum up, the corporate news release, as one of forms of information subsidy, still has influences on how the agenda set in the news coverage, but may not be as much as what public relations practitioners think. Because, meanwhile, journalists may prefer to be autonomic to dig out the information and access to what they prefer to report in the news selection process. With these results and findings, this study contributes to the further knowledge and better understandings of the relationship between the news release and the news coverage in public relations scope in Taiwan.

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Appendix A: Codebook

Date of the news articles and the press releases

Three-year period from January 1st, 2010 to December 31st, 2012.

Newspapers and corporate press releases selection

Four Taiwanese newspapers in Chinese: the United Daily News, China Times, Liberty Times, and Apple Daily; HTC corporate press releases from Newsroom on HTC official website.

Attributes, sub-attributes, and valence

There are twenty-seven items in the content analysis, including six attributes in the news agenda and the valence of news agenda. In attributes, there are also twenty sub-attributes in order to further identify three main attributes of agenda at most, and accordingly determine the valence of agenda reported in the article.

Overall corporate appeal- Feel good about company

1. Yes, referring that corporate news releases or news coverage deliver favorable messages of HTC. For example,


就品牌來說,今年可說是 hTC 的風雲一年,Desire 在英國熱賣,在美國上市的 EVO,

更以其 4G 的極速上網能力獲推崇。相較下,掛 Google 品牌的 Desire 兄弟機 Nexus One 卻黯然收場,凸顯 hTC 的品牌吸引力。

2. No, referring that corporate news releases or news coverage deliver unfavorable messages of HTC. for example,


3. Both, referring to both of the above two attributes mentioned.

999. None, referring to none of the above two attributes mentioned.

Overall corporate appeal- Company inspiring admiration and respect

1. Yes, referring that corporate news releases or news coverage deliver messages showing admiration and respect to HTC. For example,

吳敦義說,hTC 在 1997 年創立到現在,十五年來不僅一步一腳印,遇到挑戰愈嚴峻,

hTC 表現就愈精采。所以才在 2011 年成為世界百大名牌之一,也是中華民國第一個列 入世界百大品牌的企業。

2. No, referring that corporate news releases or news coverage deliver messages showing despite and disregard to HTC. For example,

台新投顧研究部經理黃文清昨天說,宏達電第 4 季財測令人失望,營益率掉到 1%,跌 破大家眼鏡,宏達電法說會拋出業績「地雷」,下周股價將面臨嚴苛考驗,不排除破底 的可能性。

3. Both, referring to both of the above two attributes mentioned.

999. None, referring to none of the above two attributes mentioned.

Overall corporate appeal- Company inspiring trust

1. Yes, referring that corporate news releases or news coverage deliver messages showing trust to HTC. For example,

秉持著對消費者的承諾,HTC 持續提供市場最新智慧型手機,包括獨特的設計、強大 功能與價值。這三支手機都搭載了 HTC Sense 使用經驗,承襲了「以人為中心、致力讓 手機的使用更簡單、更符合直覺」的理念。

2. No, referring that corporate news releases or news coverage deliver messages showing

distrusts or doubts to HTC. For example,

但《蘋果》昨接獲多位民眾投訴,指知名的 3C 網站討論區 MOBILE 01 站務人員前天 在 One S 發表會現場,使用 CPU 測試軟體「安兔兔」

(www.mobile01.com/topicdetail.php?f=566&t=2769052&p=1)實測,推測台灣 One S 處 理器版本可能為舊型 Snapdragon S3 MSM8260。再比對日本 3C 網站相關報導發現,hTC 在 2 月的巴塞隆納世界通訊大會發表 One S,處理器是較新款 Snapdragon S4 MSM8260A,

該人員當場上網 po 文提出質疑,馬上引發國內上百位網友聲援抗議。網友 camouflageqq 說「真是讓人賣送(台語不爽)」,也有網友說「感覺像是被背叛了。」

3. Both, referring to both of the above two attributes mentioned.

999. None, referring to none of the above two attributes mentioned.

Product and service- High quality products and/or services

1. Yes, referring that corporate news releases or news coverage mention high quality of HTC products and/or services. For example,

國外科技網站 Pocket-lint 報導,宏達電可能在今年 MWC 推出全新的「One」系列 Android 4.0 智慧型手機,包括 hTC One S、hTC One X、hTC One V 及 hTC One XL,其中 hTC One S、及 One X 就是先前已曝光的 hTC Ville 及 Endeavor。

One X 將搭載 nVIDIA Tegra 3 1.5Ghz 的 4 核心處理器,配備 4.7 吋螢幕及 800 萬畫素相 機;One S 則配有 4.3 吋螢幕,搭載高通雙核心處理器,機身厚度僅 8mm,為宏達電目 前最薄的智慧型手機。

2. No, referring that corporate news releases or news coverage mention poor quality of HTC products and/or services. For example,

台灣智慧型手機大廠 hTC(宏達電)前天發表最新手機 One S,卻有網路媒體實測後在 網路 po 文指,One S 內建的 CPU(中央處理器)版本可能比其在國外發表的同款手機 還舊,引發上百位網友抗議用次級貨,要求 hTC 全面回收台灣手機。

3. Both, referring to both of the above two attributes mentioned.

999. None, referring to none of the above two attributes mentioned.

Product and service- Innovative products and/or services

1. Yes, referring that corporate news releases or news coverage show the innovation of HTC products and/or services. For example,

HTC 在創新、研發部分擁有多項世界第一,包括推出全球第一款 Android™手機、第一 支 4G 智慧型手機、以及全球首款以手指操控的觸控螢幕智慧型手機。HTC 更以不斷進 化的 HTC Sense 使用經驗,改變人們與智慧型手機的互動模式,始終將「人」的體驗視 為智慧型手機的發想源頭,而非僅埋首於技術研究。

2. No, referring that corporate news releases or news coverage show the stagnation or the infringement of HTC products and/or services. For example,

宏達電與蘋果專利侵權交戰激烈,宏達電去年來多次向 ITC(International Trade Committee,國際貿易委員會)、美國德拉瓦地方法院控告蘋果專利侵權。ITC 周一晚 間針對去年 5 月的訴訟案作出初判,法官布洛克(Charles Bullock)指出,蘋果產品未 侵害宏達電持有的電源管理、資料保護、通訊錄儲存技術等 4 項專利,宏達電敗訴。

3. Both, referring to both of the above two attributes mentioned.

999. None, referring to none of the above two attributes mentioned.

Product and service- Company providing good value for money

1. Yes, referring that corporate news releases or news coverage show the good value for money of HTC products and/or services. For example,

手機業者力拼高階智慧型手機、也推入門機種搶攻中低階智慧型手機市場。hTC(宏達 電)昨發表經濟款智慧型手機 hTC Explorer,單機價不到八千元,是 hTC android 平台 最低價,中華電綁約價月付七百零三元就可零元帶走。各電信業者也打出多款月付千元 以下零元智慧型手機,估掀起按鍵式手機的換機潮。

2. No, referring that corporate news releases or news coverage show the low value for money

of HTC products and/or services. For example,

3C 網站《ePrice 比價王》主編許嘉偉說,HTC Sensation 操作、上網和看影片的表現都 順暢,跟 iPhone4 差不多,連照相快門速度都很快,可惜定價有點高。


3. Both, referring to both of the above two attributes mentioned.

999. None, referring to none of the above two attributes mentioned.

Product and service- Company standing behind its products and/or services

1. Yes, referring that corporate news releases or news coverage mention that HTC support or defense its own products and/or services. For example,

董俊良表示,目前宏達電在台灣有 4 家旗艦店,包括台北 2 家、台中及高雄各 1 家,若 包含 3 大電信業及 hTC 重點門市,則有近 200 家據點;為了加強行銷及通路布局,預 計年底將經銷據點擴增至 600 家,1 級城市約佔一半。

他認為,就 One X 而言,品質已完全到位,相較於同業更具有競爭力,上周在香港發 表 One XL 的 LTE(Long Term Evolution,長期演進技術)4G 版本,價格及技術都超越 同級產品,儘管之前 One X 在零組件控管上有部分瑕疵,但內部已立即改善品質,提 供消費者最佳的服務,目前品質已無問題。

2. No, referring that corporate news releases or news coverage mention that HTC disregard ignore or had no comment on its own products and/or services. For example,

我國駐阿根廷辦事處經濟組日前發布訊息指出,宏達電(HTC)已與北美的無線產品 行銷與服務提供商 Brightstar 公司簽約,將在阿根廷南部火地島省(Tierra del Fuego)

生產智慧型手機。不過,宏達電對此不予回應;市場人士則認為,若此事屬實,顯示宏 達電搶攻中南美洲、中低階手機市場企圖心強烈。

3. Both, referring to both of the above two attributes mentioned.

999. None, referring to none of the above two attributes mentioned.

Vision and leadership- Market opportunities

1. Yes, referring that corporate news releases or news coverage show market opportunities of HTC. For example,

對於缺料問題,鄭昭義表示,在與供應商洽談後,料源已獲得充分供應,預期明年應可 舒緩原物料供應不及的現象;此外,他認為,從前 3 季來看,美國市場成長動能仍相當 強勁,且歐、亞洲市場需求也明顯上來,他看好明年歐、亞洲市場動力會持續加速,對

對於缺料問題,鄭昭義表示,在與供應商洽談後,料源已獲得充分供應,預期明年應可 舒緩原物料供應不及的現象;此外,他認為,從前 3 季來看,美國市場成長動能仍相當 強勁,且歐、亞洲市場需求也明顯上來,他看好明年歐、亞洲市場動力會持續加速,對
