• 沒有找到結果。

Conclusions and Discussions

Image gallery is basically designed to show images on our websites and image galleries is now becomes a part of more than 90% websites. People uses different image galleries based on different software or scripts.

In this Thesis I have represented how HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and javascript work on the websites. Image galleries are very light in weight and it loads quickly even on very slow speed internet. In my work I used 20 Indian Freedom Fighters Images these new elements in HTML5 other researchers can also use this demo for future work. These demos can also use in mobile devices like iphone, android & browsers like Chrome, Mozilla firefox, Safari, Opera. Table 5.1 defines about the browser's comparison of image demos.

Table 5.1 Image Browser's Comparison



Image Demo

Chrome Safari Opera Mozilla Internet Explorer

Future Work

HTML5 and CSS3 are web techniques that guarantee a successful future of web designing and development. HTML5 and CSS3 are future pioneers of web designing. HTML5 and CSS3 are the newest versions of two important web languages that have been around for some time now HTML has been in the same version for over 10 years. These new languages promise a host of new web design techniques and possibilities for amazing web services. These new web standards are being adopted by modern web browsers now and should be fully supported in a year to 18 months.

HTML5 also promises an expanded suite of document structure tags to support easy transplanting of page content such as through syndication, and will provide more semantic meaning about the structure of a document. CSS3 promises to make interactive web features easier to program and provides a new bag of tricks that CSS implementers can use. Most of what can be done can already be done through Flash or javascript but historically some of these have been "hacks" rather than fully supported web features.

The specifications for both HTML5 and CSS3 are still in flux but on the home stretch for wide adoption. Some browsers already support most of the features such a Google's Chrome browser and Safari. Internet Explorer 9 is slated to fully support both new specifications. Image galleries in many styles so they could perfectly fit to sites, running smoothly and seamlessly. HTML5 and JavaScript Projects is for the developer who wants and needs to move to the next level of Web development, including more sophisticated programming and the design and construction of sets of applications. This book targets people who want to go beyond the basics of HTML5, CSS3. The book will be helpful for people working in teams, where considerable effort is required to create image gallery websites.


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