• 沒有找到結果。


感謝您同意參與這項問卷調查,本問卷主要是想了解旅客對航空公司的飛安、認知及 客戶忠誠度的看法。此問卷調查大約需 5 分鐘即可完成,問卷內容將僅供學術研究之 用,請您放心,非常感謝您的支持及協助!

國立臺灣師範大學管理研究所 指導教授:陳敦基 博士 研究生: 朱那玹 敬上

Dear travelers

Thank you for agreeing to take part in this important survey measuring customer loyalty for us. Today we will be gaining yo ur thoughts and opinions in order to study the relationship between airline Perceived

Safety, passenger awareness of airlines and customer loyalty. This survey should only take 5 minutes to complete. Be assure d that all answers you provide will be kept in the strictest confidentiality.

1. 您經常搭乘的主要航空公司:(What is your main airline?):

□ 中華航空(China airlines)

□ 長榮航空(EVA airways) □ 其他(others)( )

2. 您喜歡搭乘這家航空公司的主要原因是: (複選) (Why do you prefer this airline?)(multiple choice)

□ 價格合理 (Low Price) □ 服務較好 (service)□ 比較安全(Perceived Safety)

□ 其他 (others)

3. 您是這家航空公司的會員嗎?如果是您的會員等級是什麽?

(If you are a member of an airline's membership, what is your membership level?)

□ 不是會員

□ 一般會員(如華航華夏卡、長榮綠卡)

□ 中級會員(如華航金卡、長榮銀卡

□ 高級會員(如華航晶鑽卡/翡翠卡、長榮鑚石卡/金卡) 中華航空 China Airlines -> Low: Dynasty

Medium: Gold, Emerald High: Paragon

長榮航空 EVA Airways -> Low: Green Card

Medium: Silver Card, Gold Card High: Diamond Card

4. 您是自助旅行還是團體旅行 ( Are you on a free trip or a group trip?)

□ 自助旅行(Independent trip) □ 團體旅行(group trip)


5. 您出國通常是前往哪些地區?(可複選) (where are you usually going to in your foreign travels) □亞洲 □美洲 □歐洲 □紐澳 □其他

6.您出國大部分的主要目的是(What is the major purpose in your foreign travel?)

□觀光旅遊(Tourism ) □商務或公務(Business) □探親訪友(Visiting friend & relative) □其他(others)

Ⅰ. 品牌形象:您對此家航空公司的以下内容的看法? (您的看法,請在對應答項下勾選☑️之) Brand Image : How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about this Airl ine?

Ⅱ. 安全: 您對此家航空公司的以下内容的看法? (您的看法,請在對應答項下勾選☑️之) Perceived

Safety : How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about this Airline?

調查内容(contents) 非常不同意

You have a good image for this airline



(務實 : 講究實際、實事求是—)

This airline has a practical image.

(Practical: The practical aspects of something involve real situations and events rather than just ideas and theories.).

3您覺得這家航空公司值得信賴 This airline is a reliable and trustworthy.


您覺得這家航空公司對社會是有貢 獻。

This airline is a good company for society.

調查内容(contents) 非常不同意

Does this airline have a perceived safety record in your impression?


Ⅲ. 機票價格: 您對此家航空公司的以下内容的看法? (您的看法,請在對應答項下勾選☑️之) Ticket Price : How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about this Airli ne?


搭乘這家航空公司時,您有感到 安全嗎?

Do you feel secure about your perceived safety when using this airline?


您 認 為 這 家 航 空 公 司 注 重 安 全 嗎?

Do you think that this airline cares about Perceived Safety?


您認爲這家航空公司的空服員有徹 底檢查乘客的安全嗎?(檢查安全 帶狀態,確定椅靠背位置)

Do you think the cabin crew at this airline thoroughly checks the perceived safety of the passengers (checking the seat belt

Do you think the current Price of this airline's ticket is reasonable?


您覺得如果由油價和匯率等外部因素引起,這家航空公司的 機票價格變化是否合理?

Do you think that this airline’s Price change is reasonable if caused by ext ernal factors such as oil Prices and foreign exchange rates?


Ⅳ . 服務 : 您 對 此家航 空公 司的 以下内 容的 看法 ? (您 的 看法, 請在 對應答 項下 勾選 ☑️

之)Service quality : How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about this Airline?

V. 客戶忠誠度: 您對此家航空公司的以下内容的看法? (您的看法,請在對應答項下勾選☑️之) Customer Loyalty : How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about thi s Airline?


您覺得如果航空公司的勞工成本和費用等管理因素引起,這 家航空公司的機票價格變化是否合理?

Do you think that this airline's Price change is reasonable if it is caused by management factors such as labor costs and expenses within the airline?


This airline's in-flight environment is pleasant



This airline gives a feeling of convenience.



This airline gives a comfortable feeling.


您覺得這家航空公司空服人員能夠快速處理乘客的需 求嗎?

The cabin crew of this airline understands the needs of the passe ngers and tries to actively address them.


I consider this airline first when using airlines.



I will continue to use this airline when using airli nes.

