Chorus 1: Daedalus was a master builder who lived with his son Icarus in Athens.
Chorus 2: King Minos ruled the kingdom of Crete. One day he decided to make some changes in his kingdom.
King Minos: I need a new building in my kingdom. Something tall. Something grand. Like me! But who can build it? I’m tired of the local builders.
Servant: Why don’t you get Daedalus from Athens? After all, he designed your maze.
King Minos: Yes. He did a great job with that. Each year I sacrifice some poor souls by putting them in that maze with the man-eating Minotaur, the bull. No one ever gets out. I will send for Daedalus.
ICARUS (IK-uh-rus) ARIADNE (ar-ee-AD-nee) THESEUS (THEE-see-us) RED BIRD
Chorus 1: So Daedalus and his son, Icarus, traveled to Crete. Daedalus would now build for King Minos.
Chorus 2: Soon it was time for King Minos’s yearly sacrifice in the maze. The king happened to choose Daedalus’s cousin Theseus to sacrifice to the Minotaur.
Daedalus: So, poor Theseus has been chosen.
Icarus: Father, isn’t there anything you can do?
Daedalus: I don’t think so. I made that maze so well, I don’t think there’s any hope.
Chorus 1: The king’s daughter, Ariadne, also did not want Theseus to be a victim of the maze.
Chorus 2: She had seen Theseus and fallen in love with him at first sight.
Ariadne: Daedalus, I beg of you, don’t let Theseus perish in the maze. You designed it. Surely you can find a way out for him!
Daedalus: (Thinking aloud) Well, there might be one way . . .
Chorus 1: Daedalus visited Theseus in his prison cell the night before the sacrifice was to take place.
Daedalus: There is a small tunnel that leads outside the maze. It is there to deliver food to the Minotaur. It is quite tiny, so you’ll have to squeeze through.
Theseus: I can do it, Daedalus. For I have eaten next to nothing here in prison.
I am now quite thin and can fit in a tight place.
Daedalus: (Handing a map to Theseus) Here, study this map. These are the plans I used to design the maze. The tunnel is here. You must distract the Minotaur and then move quickly.
Theseus: I will, cousin. Thank you so much.
Chorus 2: The next day, Theseus was put in the maze. Ariadne was instructed by Daedalus to wait outside the tunnel. When Theseus got out, he and Ariadne would run away together.
Chorus 1: The Minotaur went after Theseus immediately. Seeing that he was near the tunnel, Theseus threw a rock past the bull. Thinking it was another victim, the bull turned and ran the other way. Theseus scurried through the tiny tunnel and escaped with Ariadne.
Chorus 2: King Minos was not pleased about these events. He called for Daedalus and Icarus.
King Minos: Daedalus, only you could have helped Theseus escape. You are the only person who knows the inside of the maze. Now my daughter is gone. As punishment, you and your son Icarus will be imprisoned in my tower forever.
Icarus: Nice going, Dad.
Daedalus: Relax, I’ll think of something.
Chorus 1: Daedalus and Icarus were put in the tower. Each day they were visited by several birds who flew by to say hello.
Icarus: Look at those birds, father. Oh, if we only had wings and could fly out of this tower and away forever.
Daedalus: That’s it!
Chorus 2: Suddenly a beautiful red bird flew to the tower bars.
Red Bird: Hello, Daedalus. Hello, Icarus. It’s good to see you both today.
Daedalus: Hello, red bird. May I ask a favor? Could you please give my son and me a beautiful red feather each?
Red Bird: Of course. I have so many. I can do without two.
Chorus 1: And the red bird gave Daedalus two red feathers.
Chorus 2: Later a yellow bird flew by.
Daedalus: Yellow bird, may I please have two of your beautiful feathers?
Yellow Bird: Certainly. I’m flattered that you like them. (Hands two feathers to Daedalus)
Chorus 1: Next came a blue bird, a green bird, and several other beautifully colored birds.
Chorus 2: Daedalus got feathers from all of them.
Icarus: What’s up with the feathers, Dad?
Daedalus: You wanted wings, and you shall have wings. My son, we will fly out of this tower!
Chorus 1: Daedalus got to work. He made two beautiful sets of wings, one for himself and one for Icarus.
Daedalus: (Handing Icarus a set of wings made from the birds’ feathers) Icarus, put these on. We will be like beautiful rainbows soaring in the sky.
Icarus: Cool!
Daedalus: You must be very careful. Do not fly too close to the ocean. Your wings will get wet and fall off. Do not fly too close to the sun. The heat will melt the wax that holds your wings together and you will perish.
Chorus 2: But Icarus wasn’t paying attention to Daedalus. He was too excited about the wings.
Daedalus: When I count to three, jump out of the window and start flapping.
One, two, three . . .
Chorus 1: Away went Daedalus and Icarus. Just like Daedalus had said, they looked like two beautiful rainbows in the sky.
Icarus: Weee! This is great! Look at me!
Daedalus: Not too high, Icarus! Remember the sun!
Icarus: I’ll be fine. Look, I am flying even higher than the birds!
Daedalus: Fly lower, Icarus. Come closer to me right now.
Chorus 2: But Icarus did not listen. He flew close to the sun. His wings melted, and he fell into the ocean and was never seen again.
Daedalus: My son!
Icarus: Bummer!
Chorus 1: Daedalus was terribly sad. But he knew he must fly on to his freedom. He settled in another land, a free man.
Chorus 2: And to this day, the water that Icarus fell in is known as the Icarian Sea.
Icarus: Cool!
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