• 沒有找到結果。


5.2 Discussion

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is much easier to share, to remodel and to reproduce, these contents will eventually decide how their fans and the traditional media interact with them, and will, to a very large extent, affect the image of them which is presented to the public.

5.2 Discussion

The rapid development of new media technology has accelerated the birth of more varied, creative and interesting networking interfaces for people to interact with and share.

Considering the essence of fame and the famous, celebrities have to incorporate themselves into this trend to gain more popularity or spread their propaganda. Except for newspapers, magazines and television, they still need to rely on channels such as Facebook, Twitter and Weibo to create furthermore mediations. The cooperation between the old and new media channels will only become closer and closer, and this kind of cooperation will not stop until the day when everything can be totally merged or synchronized “in some way”.

This also raises a copyright issue. In Taiwan, some celebrities already emphasize the copyright of their social networking content and refuse any citation by the mass media without permission. Leon Dai (戴立忍), a famous Taiwanese director, states his rules clearly in his Weibo account as follows:


any texts and graphics are not permitted to publish or communicate unless they are authorized by the blogger.

(2011, 戴立忍)

This suggests that not every celebrity seeks mediation by the mass media. This may be because they already know that the real ideas of their publication might be different when they are published on TV or in newspapers. Even though they may lose the chance for their

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texts to be seen by the public, they can at least be the master of their own spoken voice.

5.3 Limitations and Future Research

The study only used one case for the analysis and other celebrities may use other image repair strategies, depending on their situation. Yi’s image repair may be different from other celebrities’ strategies. Also, the study faces the dilemma of the “researcher as instrument” (Patton, 1990). The analysis is based on the researcher’s perception of the texts, although he tried his best to prevent bias by making constant comparisons and repeatedly reading data at different time points. However, the findings can still only be perceived as a phenomenon, instead of being able to be generalized.

For future research, multiple cases could be used and a comparison could be made of their presentation strategies. It would be more interesting to investigate different self presentation strategies between blogs, microblogs, or social networking sites. Also, it would be interesting to compare the mass media’s usage of celebrities’ social media content between Eastern and Western countries, to see if there are cultural differences in celebrities’

publications in different cultures.

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5 成 民 眾 最 常 看 《 蘋 果 》 世 新 調 查 認 最 豐 富 多 樣 「 打 動 年 輕 人 」
