• 沒有找到結果。

3. Standard errors of principal indicators

Million MOP Country / territory Industry Stock Flows Income

Hong Kong Construction 100 65 61

Hong Kong Wholesale & Retail 1 648 1 644 18



Refers to an individual or institutional unit that has a centre of economic interest within a certain economic territory (region):

i) For an individual, this refers to a person who usually lives in the economic territory (region) during the reference period. In this case, nationality or legal identity is not a matter of concern.

ii) For an institutional unit, this refers to an enterprise that operates or engages in production in the economic territory (region). For an enterprise that does not actually operate or engage in production (e.g. holding company) but is legally incorporated in that economic territory (region), it is also considered as a resident.


Refers to an individual or institutional unit that does not meet the criterion of “Resident” as described above.

Direct Investment

Refers to an investment made by a resident entity in one economy with the objective of obtaining a lasting interest and a significant degree of influence on the management of an enterprise resident in another economy. For statistical purposes, the guideline of ownership is determined at 10% or more of the equity share capital in the enterprise. Direct investment includes equity capital, reinvested earnings and other capitals. Equity capital includes capital of branches, subsidiaries and associates. Reinvested earnings consist of the investors’ share of total profits earned by the branches, subsidiaries and associates but were not distributed as dividends. Other capitals include inter-company debts between the direct investor and its affiliates or affiliates of the parent company abroad.

Inward Direct Investment

Refers to direct investment made in Macao by residents of another economic territory (region).

Outward Direct Investment

Refers to direct investment made by Macao enterprises in another economic territory (region).

Stock of Direct Investment

Refers to the accumulated value of direct investment over the past years at the end of reference year; also known as “Position of Direct Investment”.

Flows of Direct Investment

Refer to the increase or decrease in inward direct investment or outward direct investment of Macao enterprises during the reference year.

直接投資統計 二零一九年

Income of Direct Investment

Refers to the earnings received from direct investment, including distributed profits, share of undistributed profits and interests from inter-company debts. Distributed profits refer to dividends or earnings of branches payable to direct investors. Undistributed profits refer to profits after deduction of distributed profits and tax. Interests from inter-company debts refer to the interest payable between the direct investor and its affiliates or affiliates of the parent company abroad, and vice-versa.

Direct Investor

Refers to an individual, commercial enterprise, public institution and other institutional unit that carries out direct investment.


An enterprise is a legal entity that has decision-making autonomy of its principal function and resource usage, and engages in economic activities in one or more locations. If one or more institutional units co-exist in a single location but each has its own autonomy in making decisions, each of them constitutes an enterprise.

Affiliate Company

Refers to branch, subsidiary, associate and parent company of an enterprise.

Country/Territory of Direct Investor (Usual Residence)

i) For an individual, this refers to the country or territory where a person usually lives during the reference period.

ii) For an institutional unit, this refers to the country or territory where it normally operates. For an enterprise that does not actually operate or engage in production (e.g. holding company), this refers to the country or territory where it is legally incorporated.

Full-Time Employee

Refer to individuals who work not less than the normal working hours established by an enterprise for a particular position or job, including working proprietors, paid and unpaid employees working in the enterprise, but excluding those who are absent for an indefinite period.

Estatísticas do Investimento Directo 2019 Direct Investment Statistics 2019

直接投資統計 二零一九年


符號註釋 Sinais convencionais, siglas e abreviaturas Symbols and Abbreviations



Valor absoluto igual a zero Absolute value equals zero



Não aplicável Not applicable



Ponto percentual Percentage point



Dado revisto Revised figures



Percentagem Percent



Patacas de Macau Macao Pataca

△ 差異

Diferença Difference



Dado confidencial Confidential data 0#



Resultado inferior a metade da unidade adoptada

Magnitude less than half of the unit employed


Os totais podem não coincidir com a soma das parcelas, devido aos arredondamentos.

Due to rounding, total may not correspond to the sum of partial figures.

直接投資統計 二零一九年

統計表 Quadros Tables

1 - 按行業統計的外來直接投資累計總額、流量及收益 ... 41

Stock, fluxo e rendimento do investimento directo do exterior, por ramo de actividade económica

Stock, flows and income of inward direct investment by industry

2 - 按直接投資者所屬國家/地區統計的外來直接投資累計總額、流量及收益 ... 42

Stock, fluxo e rendimento do investimento directo do exterior, por país/território do investidor directo

Stock, flows and income of inward direct investment by country/territory of direct investors

3 - 按省市統計的來自中國內地直接投資累計總額、流量及收益 ... 43

Stock, fluxo e rendimento do investimento directo do exterior originário do Interior da China,

por província ou cidade

Stock, flows and income of inward direct investment from mainland China by province or municipality

4 - 按指定地區統計的外來直接投資累計總額、流量及收益 ... 44

Stock, fluxo e rendimento do investimento directo do exterior, por território específico

Stock, flows and income of inward direct investment by selected territories

5 - 按澳門企業所經營行業統計的境外直接投資累計總額、流量及收益 ... 46

Stock, fluxo e rendimento do investimento directo no exterior, por ramo de actividade económica

das empresasde Macau

Stock, flows and income of outward direct investment by industry of Macao enterprises

6 - 按直接投資所在地統計的境外直接投資累計總額、流量及收益 ... 47

Stock, fluxo e rendimento do investimento directo no exterior, por destino do investimento directo

Stock, flows and income of outward direct investment by investment destination


- 按行業統計的擁有外來直接投資企業及全職員工 ... 48

Empresas com investimento directo do exterior e trabalhadores a tempo completo, por ramo de

actividade económica

Enterprises with inward direct investment and full-time employees by industry

8 - 按在澳經營行業統計的有境外直接投資企業數目 ... 49

Número de empresas com investimento directo no exterior, por ramo de actividade económica das

empresas de Macau

Number of enterprises with outward direct investment by industry of Macao enterprises


- 按外來直接投資者所屬國家/地區統計的企業數目 ... 50

Número de empresas com investimento directo do exterior, por país/território do investidor directo

Number of enterprises with inward direct investment by country/territory of direct investors

10 - 按國家/地區統計擁有外來直接投資的企業數目 ... 51

Número de empresas com investimento directo do exterior, por país/território

Number of enterprises with inward direct investment by country/territory

11 - 按省市統計擁有來自中國內地直接投資的企業數目 ... 52

Número de empresas com investimento directo do exterior originário do Interior da China, por província ou cidade

Number of enterprises with inward direct investment from mainland China by province or municipality

Estatísticas do Investimento Directo 2019 Direct Investment Statistics 2019

直接投資統計 二零一九年



Página vazia

Blank page

1 - 按行業統計的外來直接投資累計總額、流量及收益

Stock , fluxo e rendimento do investimento directo do exterior, por ramo de actividade económica Stock, flows and income of inward direct investment by industry

百萬澳門元 Milhões de MOP Million MOP

2018r 20192018r 20192018r 2019

總數 Total

286 042 346 628 60 586 20 159 53 990 33 832 73 975 80 330 6 355

工業 Indústria Industrial Sector

5 359 6 049 689 19 493 474 774 996 221

建築業 Construção Construction

11 823 12 195 373 810 639 - 171 2 895 1 551 -1 344


Comércio por grosso e a retalho Wholesale & Retail

30 064 31 566 1 502 2 177 1 834 - 343 8 124 8 282 158

酒店及飲食業 Hotéis e restaurantes Hotels & Restaurants

1 447 2 385 938 229 874 645 417 661 244


Transportes, armazenagem e comunicações Transport, Storage & Communications

5 252 5 431 179 536 180 - 356 1 547 1 421 - 126

博彩業 Jogo Gaming

132 120 181 208 49 088 18 972 43 307 24 335 42 569 45 185 2 615


Bancos e outras actividades financeiras Banks & Other Financial Activities

61 295 70 287 8 992 6 143 6 795 651 12 320 12 983 662

保險業 Seguros Insurance

12 315 12 746 431 1 340 1 729 389 1 344 1 393 49


Desenvolvimento, arrendamento e venda de imóveis Real Estate Development, Leasing & Sale Activities

21 301 19 531 -1 770 -1 201 -1 691 - 490 3 963 7 673 3 710

其他服務業 Outros serviços Other Services

5 065 5 230 165 -8 866 - 170 8 697 22 187 165


Nota: Os dados relativos aos hotéis afiliados às empresas do jogo foram incluídos no ramo de actividade económica do jogo.

Note: Data on hotels run by gaming enterprises are incorporated into the Gaming sector.


Ramo de actividade económica

Industry Stock Flows Income

累計總額 流量 收益

Stock Fluxo Rendimento

Estatísticas do Investimento Directo 2019 Direct Investment Statistics 2019

直接投資統計 二零一九年


2 - 按直接投資者所屬國家/地區統計的外來直接投資累計總額、流量及收益

Stock , fluxo e rendimento do investimento directo do exterior, por país/território do investidor directo Stock, flows and income of inward direct investment by country/territory of direct investors

百萬澳門元 Milhões de MOP Million MOP

2018r 2019 2018r 2019 2018r 2019

總數 / Total 286 042 346 628 60 586 20 159 53 990 33 832 73 975 80 330 6 355

英屬處女島 / Ilhas Virgens Britânicas British Virgin Islands

81 895 89 304 7 410 10 430 10 195 - 235 19 209 20 647 1 438

香港 / Hong Kong 79 649 86 769 7 121 -2 561 3 482 6 042 18 686 18 358 - 329

開曼群島 / Ilhas Caimão Cayman Islands

45 747 80 077 34 329 5 244 30 745 25 501 17 541 21 059 3 518

中國內地 / Interior da China Mainland China

51 177 59 194 8 017 6 193 7 948 1 755 12 142 14 047 1 905

葡萄牙 / Portugal 9 153 9 739 586 276 555 279 924 1 094 170

百慕達 / Bermudas Bermuda

6 124 6 408 284 406 184 - 221 737 952 216

英國 / Reino Unido United Kingdom

4 580 6 368 1 789 - 234 1 311 1 545 3 268 2 896 - 372

美國 / Estados Unidos da América United States

2 924 2 735 - 188 - 59 -1 677 -1 618 214 225 11

新加坡 / Singapura Singapore

1 676 1 859 183 607 183 - 425 400 250 - 150

意大利 / Itália Italy

899 987 88 193 88 - 105 200 143 - 57

台灣 / Taiwan 481 816 335 139 369 230 155 89 - 66

其他 / Outros Others

1 739 2 371 632 - 476 607 1 084 501 570 69

國家 / 地區 País / território Country / territory

累計總額 流量 收益

Stock Fluxo Rendimento

Stock Flows Income

直接投資統計 二零一九年

3 - 按省市統計的來自中國內地直接投資累計總額、流量及收益

Stock , fluxo e rendimento do investimento directo do exterior originário do Interior da China, por província ou cidade Stock, flows and income of inward direct investment from mainland China by province or municipality

百萬澳門元 Milhões de MOP Million MOP

2018r 2019 2018r 2019 2018r 2019

總數 / Total 51 177 59 194 8 017 6 193 7 948 1 755 12 142 14 047 1 905

北京市 / Pequim Beijing

43 318 49 930 6 612 5 072 5 843 771 10 722 12 561 1 839

廣東省 / Guangdong 4 343 4 109 - 233 687 1 166 479 700 857 157

上海市 / Xangai Shanghai

2 555 3 314 759 490 65 - 424 646 605 - 41

安徽省 / Anhui 891 1 773 883 6 882 877 7 4 - 3

浙江省 / Zhejiang 116 201 85 66 82 16 27 - 35 - 62

福建省 / Fujian 149 155 7 13 6 - 7 20 6 - 13

江蘇省 / Jiangsu 10 51 41 0# 41 42 0# 42 43

四川省 / Sichuan - 3 11 13 8 13 6 7 6 0#

湖北省 / Hubei 7 10 3 1 3 2 13 - 1 - 14

河北省 / Hebei 5 5 0# 3 0# - 2 3 1 - 2

其他 / Outras Others

- 213 - 366 - 153 - 151 - 155 - 4 - 1 1 2

省市 Província ou cidade Province / municipality

累計總額 流量 收益

Stock Fluxo Rendimento

Stock Flows Income

Estatísticas do Investimento Directo 2019 Direct Investment Statistics 2019

直接投資統計 二零一九年



4 - 按指定地區統計的外來直接投資累計總額、流量及收益

Stock , fluxo e rendimento do investimento directo do exterior, por território específico Stock, flows and income of inward direct investment by selected territories

百萬澳門元 Milhões de MOP Million MOP

2018r 2019 2018r 2019 2018r 2019

歐盟 / União Europeia European Union

15 565 18 073 2 508 25 1 991 1 966 4 811 4 581 - 229


Países de língua portuguesa Portuguese-speaking Countries

9 162 9 747 585 275 554 279 923 1 092 169

葡萄牙 / Portugal 9 153 9 739 586 276 555 279 924 1 094 170

其他/ Outros Others

9 8 - 1 - 1 - 1 0# - 1 - 2 - 2

“一帶一路”國家/地區 1

Países/territórios de "Uma Faixa, Uma Rota"

Belt and Road countries/territories

11 337 12 900 1 563 714 719 5 1 280 1 473 193


Grande Delta do Rio das Pérolas (9 províncias)

Pan-Pearl River Delta (9 provinces)

4 243 3 865 - 379 567 1 019 452 717 864 146

廣東省 / Guangdong 4 343 4 109 - 233 687 1 166 479 700 857 157

福建省 / Fujian 149 155 7 13 6 - 7 20 6 - 13

四川省 / Sichuan - 3 11 13 8 13 6 7 6 0#

廣西省 / Guangxi 3 3 0# - 2 0# 2 1 1 0#

其他/ Outras Others

- 249 -414 - 165 -139 -167 - 28 - 10 -7 3

地區 Território


累計總額 流量 收益

Stock Fluxo Rendimento

Stock Flows Income

直接投資統計 二零一九年


4 - 按指定地區統計的外來直接投資累計總額、流量及收益

Stock , fluxo e rendimento do investimento directo do exterior, por território específico Stock, flows and income of inward direct investment by selected territories

百萬澳門元 Milhões de MOP Million MOP

2018r 2019 2018r 2019 2018r 2019

地區 Território


累計總額 流量 收益

Stock Fluxo Rendimento

Stock Flows Income


Cidades da Grande Baía Cities in the Greater Bay Area

83 972 90 880 6 908 -1 785 4 668 6 453 19 386 19 228 - 158

珠海市 / Zhuhai 1 157 1 453 296 135 297 161 102 81 - 21

深圳市 / Shenzhen 2 411 1 405 -1 005 432 547 115 341 526 185

廣州市 / Guangzhou 772 1 182 409 268 256 - 12 260 224 - 36

佛山市 / Foshan 5 43 37 - 13 38 51 - 12 3 15

東莞市 / Dongguan 13 37 24 - 10 24 33 0# 1 1

中山市 / Zhongshan 1 28 27 8 26 18 6 32 26

肇慶市 / Zhaoqing # # .. # # .. # # ..

惠州市 / Huizhou # # .. # # .. # # ..

江門市 / Jiangmen - 38 - 38 0# - 45 0# 45 2 3 2

香港 / Hong Kong 79 649 86 769 7 121 -2 561 3 482 6 042 18 686 18 358 - 329


Nota 1: Incluem-se os países/territórios que assinaram acordos de cooperação no âmbito da iniciativa “Uma Faixa, Uma Rota” com a China durante o ano de referência.

Note 1: Including countries/territories that have signed cooperation agreements with China under the Belt and Road Initiative framework during the reference year.

Estatísticas do Investimento Directo 2019 Direct Investment Statistics 2019

直接投資統計 二零一九年


直接投資統計 二零一九年

5 - 按澳門企業所經營行業統計的境外直接投資累計總額、流量及收益

Stock , fluxo e rendimento do investimento directo no exterior, por ramo de actividade económica das empresas de Macau Stock, flows and income of outward direct investment by industry of Macao enterprises

百萬澳門元 Milhões de MOP Million MOP

2018r 20192018r 20192018r 2019

總數 Total

50 704 55 485 4 781 1 154 4 531 3 378 1 972 1 603 - 370

工業 Indústria Industrial Sector

2 176 2 471 295 79 289 210 188 158 - 30

建築業 Construção Construction

1 304 1 385 81 11 30 19 26 59 33


Comércio por grosso e a retalho Wholesale & Retail

10 021 10 046 25 - 325 - 317 8 223 314 91

博彩業 Jogo Gaming

6 244 6 616 371 1 017 373 - 645 1 255 118 -1 137


Bancos e outras actividades financeiras Banks & Other Financial Activities

2 920 4 160 1 241 603 1 414 811 251 515 264


Desenvolvimento, arrendamento e venda de imóveis Real Estate Development, Leasing & Sale Activities

15 295 16 226 930 1 510 883 - 626 19 768 750

其他服務業 Outros serviços Other Services

12 104 13 812 1 709 -1 729 1 742 3 471 20 - 315 - 334

其他 / Outros Others

639 768 128 - 13 116 129 - 9 - 15 - 6

* 其中48間企業沒有提供計算流量及收益的財務數據。

De entre as empresas de Macau com investimento directo no exterior, 48 não forneceram as informações financeiras do investimento, que servem para calcular o fluxo e o rendimento.

Of which 48 enterprises did not provide financial data on investment for calculating flows and income.


Ramo de actividade económica Industry

累計總額 流量* 收益*

Stock Fluxo Rendimento

Stock Flows Income

Estatísticas do Investimento Directo 2019 Direct Investment Statistics 2019 直接投資統計 二零一九年


6 - 按直接投資所在地統計的境外直接投資累計總額、流量及收益

Stock , fluxo e rendimento do investimento directo no exterior, por destino do investimento directo Stock, flows and income of outward direct investment by investment destination

百萬澳門元 Milhões de MOP Million MOP

2018r 2019 2018r 2019 2018r 2019

總數 / Total 50 704 55 485 4 781 1 154 4 531 3 378 1 972 1 603 - 370

中國內地 / Interior da China Mainland China

41 270 45 547 4 277 4 365 4 073 - 292 356 1 795 1 438


Grande Delta do Rio das Pérolas (9 províncias)

Pan-Pearl River Delta (9 provinces)

31 844 35 157 3 313 4 260 2 854 -1 406 - 80 1 509 1 589

廣東省 / Guangdong 30 149 33 472 3 324 4 512 2 919 -1 593 57 1 600 1 542


Cidades da Grande Baía Cities in the Greater Bay Area

29 444 32 864 3 420 4 491 3 014 -1 477 43 1 595 1 552

珠海市 / Zhuhai 21 827 23 678 1 851 4 096 1 361 -2 735 - 112 - 48 64

橫琴 / Hengqin 15 303 17 009 1 706 3 873 1 313 -2 560 - 128 - 181 - 53

廣州市 / Guangzhou 2 577 3 038 461 205 632 426 203 622 419

中山市 / Zhongshan 2 277 2 267 - 10 153 - 23 - 177 7 - 50 - 56

香港 / Hong Kong 10 576 10 562 - 14 -2 716 - 23 2 693 1 574 - 197 -1 771

英屬處女島 / Ilhas Virgens Britânicas British Virgin Islands

-2 129 -2 776 - 647 -1 016 - 647 369 - 20 - 4 17

其他 / Outros Others

987 2 152 1 164 520 1 128 608 62 8 - 54

“一帶一路”國家/地區 1

Países/territórios de "Uma Faixa, Uma Rota"

Belt and Road countries/territories

- 28 252 280 23 254 231 - 5 - 24 - 19


Nota 1: Incluem-se os países/territórios que assinaram acordos de cooperação no âmbito da iniciativa “Uma Faixa, Uma Rota” com a China durante o ano de referência.

Note 1: Including countries/territories that have signed cooperation agreements with China under the Belt and Road Initiative framework during the reference year.

* 其中48間企業沒有提供計算流量及收益的財務數據。

Of which 48 enterprises did not provide financial data on investment for calculating flows and income.

De entre as empresas de Macau com investimento directo no exterior, 48 não forneceram as informações financeiras do investimento, que servem para calcular o fluxo e o rendimento.

國家 / 地區 País / território Country / territory

累計總額 流量* 收益*

Stock Fluxo Rendimento

Stock Flows Income

7 - 按行業統計的擁有外來直接投資企業及全職員工

Empresas com investimento directo do exterior e trabalhadores a tempo completo, por ramo de actividade económica Enterprises with inward direct investment and full-time employees by industry

數目 Nº No.



2019 ∆ 2018


2019 ∆

總數 Total

3 404 3 432 28 157 215 157 465 250

工業 Indústria Industrial Sector

85 91 6 3 491 3 661 170

建築業 Construção Construction

926 898 - 28 14 415 12 136 -2 279


Comércio por grosso e a retalho Wholesale & Retail

1 375 1 362 - 13 19 477 19 474 - 3

酒店及飲食業 Hotéis e restaurantes Hotels & Restaurants

101 100 - 1 8 222 8 742 520


Transportes, armazenagem e comunicações Transport, Storage & Communications

170 176 6 5 195 5 046 - 149

博彩業 Jogo Gaming

11 10 - 1 90 511 92 791 2 280


Bancos e outras actividades financeiras Banks & Other Financial Activities

32 32 - 6 561 6 754 193

保險業 Seguros Insurance

23 24 1 573 605 32


Desenvolvimento, arrendamento e venda de imóveis Real Estate Development, Leasing & Sale Activities

245 254 9 1 169 1 065 - 104

其他服務業 Outros serviços Other Services

436 485 49 7 601 7 191 - 410


Ramo de actividade económica Industry

企業 Empresas Enterprises


Trabalhadores a tempo completo Full-Time Employees

直接投資統計 二零一九年
