• 沒有找到結果。


Figure 4.6: MAP of proposed systems with different iterations.

User−based CF Item−based CF Content−based Initial 3 Iterations 4 Iterations 8 Iterations 0

0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07


Figure 4.7: The comparison of MAP.

Chapter 5 Conclusion

This paper proposes a recommendation system (RS) with two concept spaces, item-based and user-item-based concepts, in an iterative procedure. The actual groups of ar-ticles are named item-based concepts and the expected groups of arar-ticles are named user-based concepts. The user-based concepts are reinforced from item-based con-cepts with readers’ reading behaviors. When two articles are both read by one or more users, the two articles are related. The more users read both of them, the stronger the relations. A series of keywords are generated from the contents of ar-ticles and used as the dimension to form item-based concepts in the next iteration.

Reading dependence is also considered when generating recommendation. We place both readers and articles in concept space and compute the association. In our case study, the average precision-recall curves indicate that the proposed RS produces more hits with more iterations. In the perspective of average MAP, we find that it generally increases. To some extent, it is higher than user-based/item-based CF and content-based filtering.

Our proposed RS deal with scalability and sparsity with clustering methods.

Each cluster is a group of articles and named concept. Our proposed RS can dy-namically scale the scale of clusters up and down in the iterative procedure. The size increases as necessary and merely increase to 87 from 5 while the dimension of user-based CF is 3, 200 and 30, 000 for item-user-based CF. In other hand, the proposed RS cluster articles with keywords as dimension. Thus the new articles can be clustered and recommended. The size of keywords increases as necessary in each iteration to separated concepts. According to the results of PR curves and average MAP, the iterative procedure can further increase the accuracy of the recommendation.

The proposed RS can be applied to other field in such a manner. Just as we extract keywords from textual articles, we can extract video and audio features to apply the RS in multimedia recommendations. As long as the items to be

recom-mended contain extractable features, we believe that the idea of reinforcing item-based concepts to user-item-based concepts can be extended to any situation with regard to interactions between users and items.


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