• 沒有找到結果。

Limitation and Future Research

Chapter 5: Conclusion

5.3. Limitation and Future Research

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industries except for retailing originally have heavy workloads; however, they can properly use online platforms to improve the overall efficiency, e.g., Hua-Nan Bank, Cola Tour and Yung-Ching House Agency. Customers can obtain preliminary

information and perform basic operations online, allowing staff offline to focus on the critical business.

No matter which methods enterprises adopt, they have to ask themselves what benefits they can obtain from going online. They cannot invest hastily just because e-commerce is a trend. Otherwise, the effort not only leads to failure but also affects reputation and brand image.

5.2. Research Contribution

The findings of our research have both academic and industrial contributions. For academic contributions, our research sorts out previous literature and uses technology, management and organization dimensions to establish a framework for the offline-to-online business model. From the industrial perspective, the findings hope to assist offline business managers who would like to plan an e-commerce project. Managers should notice no single aspect of resource but investigate technology, management and organization dimensions during the development period because several factors will influence the success of an e-commerce project.

5.3. Limitation and Future Research

There are several limitations in this study. Because of the time limitation, this thesis only interacted with 12 practical experts and studied 10 cases. The study may be more reliable if additional companies and experts were engaged. Moreover, the results of qualitative research may be influenced by the degree of willingness for disclosure.

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Finally, most engaged companies are large chain enterprises. Therefore, the results may not apply to small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

In the future, researchers can use the same framework to understand CSFs of offline-to-online business model in other countries. Moreover, online businesses also

gradually establish their physical stores. Therefore, researchers can also use the same framework to understand CSFs of online-to-offline business model. The results may be interesting if there are different outcomes.

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