• 沒有找到結果。


4.3 Limitations and Suggestions

Since this study is based on clefts found in English original text and its translation data, we should be more cautious of making a generalization of the study.

The corpus may have an effect on the results we found. Consequently, it is suggested that further studies are encouraged to be done on real occurrences of clefts in English and in Chinese as well as in spontaneous discourse.


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shi...(de) 14 句


1. 「繼續說吧!」佛羅多有氣無力地說。/我想你也猜得到,是塞克維爾巴金斯一家人讓他露 出 馬 腳 的 。 大 概 在 宴 會 前 一 年 左 右 , ... 突 然 間 , 一 群 巴 人 出 現 .. 。 (p.161) It was the Sackville-Bagginses that were his downfall, as you might expect. (P137)

2. 「我只知道這些,」山姆紅著臉,結巴地說:「這是我小時候從比爾博先生那邊學到的。...」

(p.276) It was Mr. Bilbo as taught me my letter. (p.245)

3. 山姆在岩石後面找到了一些整齊堆放的柴火.../最近有其他的遊俠來過此處,是他們留下 這些柴火的。不過,附近也有幾個不是遊俠的足跡。至少有一組是在一兩天之前由沈重的靴 子所造成的,至少有一組,我不能太夠確定,但我覺得該處有許多穿靴子的腳。(p.281) Rangers have been here lately. It is they who left the firewood behind. But there are also several newer tracks that were not made by Rangers. At least one set was made, only a day or two ago, by heavy boots. (p.249)

4. 我過了很多天之後才回來,卻立刻聽到不好的消息。一切有了很大的變化,甘道夫失蹤了,

這些黑騎士開始出没在附近。是個叫吉爾多的精靈告訴我這些事情的;稍後,他們告訴我你 已經離開了老家...」(p.258) It was the Elven-folk of gildor that told me this; and later they told me that you had left your home. (p.227)

5. 「最近的確有人類出現的傳言,」佛羅多說:「在夏爾南區似乎和這些大傢伙有些衝突,但 我從來沒有聽過有似這騎士的人類存在,不知道這傢伙是從什麼地方來的。」/請容我插嘴,」


來的,我還知道他要到哪裡去。」(p.118)/I wonder where he comes from....’I know where he comes from. It’s from Hobbiton that this here black rider comes, unless there’s more than one.

And I know where he’s going too. (p.100)’

6. 待在瑞文戴爾的這段日子裡,牠變得毛皮豐潤,似乎又恢復了活潑的體力。是山姆堅稱牠一 定要來,否則比爾(他對牠的稱呼)會吃不好睡不好。 (p.414) It was Sam who had insisted on choosing him, declaring that Bill (as he called him) would pine, if he did not come. (p.367) 7. 「我想,對方應該會放過我們,直接把你當做目標。佛羅多,是你,和你身上所攜帶的寶物,

讓我們身陷危機。」(p.312) It is you, Frodo, and that which you bear that brings us all inperil.’


8. 「黑騎士就是戒靈,是魔戒之王的九名僕從。但我不知道他們已經再度轉生,否則我會選擇 立刻和你逃離夏爾。我是在六月離開你之後才得知這消息的,這段經歷先不急著說。幸好,

這次有亞拉崗出馬,我們才不會全盤皆輸。」 /「是的,」佛羅多說:「是神行客救了我們。..」

(p.323) I heard news of them only after I left you in June; but that story must wait. For the moment we have been save from disaster, by Aragorn. ‘Yes,’ said Frodo, ‘it was strider that saved us.


9. 「我能怎麼辦?比爾博當時沒有趁機殺死這傢伙真是太可惜了!」/「可惜?就正是對人命 的憐惜阻止他下手;憐惜和同情,不要妄動殺機。」(p.96) ‘Pity? It was pity that stayed his hand.

Pity, and Mercy: not to strike without need. (p.78)

10. ‘It is by our own folly that the Enemy will defeat us,’ cried Boromir. (p.524) 「不!不行!」佛羅



11. 薩魯曼則是精研魔王的歷史,才能讓我們預先料到他的一舉一動。我們是靠著薩魯曼的計 謀,才能夠將魔王趕出爾哥多。(p.381) It was by the devices of Saruman that we drove him from Dol Guldur. (p.337)

12. 在貢多林陷落之後,我就越過了山脈,和他一並肩抵抗這世界的黑暗。是我首先召開聖白議 會,如果不是我的失策,那次的議會應該是由灰袍甘道夫所主導,一切就不會變得這樣了。

(p.520) I it was who first summoned the White Council. (p.468)

13. 五十這個數字讓他覺得十分特殊(或許有些「太過」特殊了),比爾博就是在這個歲數突然間 經歷了許多奇遇。佛羅多開始覺得坐立難安,平日散步的小徑也變得讓人厭煩。(p.71) fifty was a number that he felt was somehow significant (or ominous); it was at any rate at that age that adventure had suddenly befallen Bilbo. (p.56)

14. It was the sound of water that Merry heard falling into his quiet sleep: water streaming down gently, and then spreading, spreading irresistibly...(p.168)「別害怕!一覺到天亮吧!別擔心晚上 有異聲喧鬧!」然後他就又睡著了/梅里的夢中則是出現了水聲:那潺潺的流水悄悄地擴 散,似乎將整個房子吞没入一個深不見底的池子中,池水在牆邊翻滾著,緩慢、持續地往上 升。(p.195


Identity sentence (10 句



1. 相較於索倫大人的善意,這實在是件小事,對你們來說也只是舉手之勞。(p.357) It is but a trifle that Sauron fancies, and an earnest of your good will. (p.316)

2. It was Radagast the Brown, who at one time dwelt at Rhosgobel, near the borders of Mirkwood.

(p.336) 在距離布理不遠的地方遇到了一名坐在路邊的旅人;他的馬匹在他身邊安靜地吃著 草。那是褐袍瑞達加斯特,他曾經住在羅斯加堡,亦即是靠近幽暗密林的地方。(p.380) 3. ‘Nor is it now, I will swear,’ said Boromir. It is a lie that comes from the Enemy. (p.344) 「我願

意擔保,它現在也不是如謠言中所說的一樣,」波羅莫說:「這是魔王散播出來的謠言。我 瞭解洛汗的人們,他們真誠勇敢、是我們唯一的盟友,..」(p.388)

4. But it was not a tale that any hobbit liked to listen to, even by a comfortable fireside far away.

(p.172) Emphasis: Cl: new, focus: old 哈比人感到一陣寒意,即使在夏爾,他們都對古墓屍妖 和古墓崗的傳說有所耳聞。就算他們身處方的溫暖火爐邊,這也不是個適合打發時間的輕 鬆故事。(p.199)

5. ‘It’s a pretty thing, isn’t it?’ said Bilbo, moving it in the light. ‘And useful. It is my dwarf-mail that Thorin gave me. I got it back from Michel Delving before I started, and packed it with my luggage. (p.364)「這很漂亮,對吧?」比爾博將它對著光移動:「且也很有用。這是索林給 Council drove the dark power from Mirkwood, just before the Battle of Five Armies, that Bilbo found his ring. (p.63)

7. . It’s the job that’s never started as takes longest to finish, as my old gaffer used to say. (p.474)


8. But we are not through yet, and it is a long way down to the Gates that open on the world.’

(p.414)截至目前為止一切都很順利,黑暗的道路已快要結束了。不過,我們還是不要掉以 輕心,要走出地底還有很長的一段道路。(p.461)

9. ‘It is for the Dimrill Dale that we are making,’ said Gandalf. (p.372) (new/old)

在這座山脈的臂膀之間有座被山影覆蓋的山谷,也是我們絕不敢忘記的方:那是阿薩努比 薩,丁瑞爾河谷,精靈則稱作南都西理安。/「我們的目標正是丁瑞爾河谷,」甘道夫說:


10. a. Merry and Pippin began a song, which the had apparently got ready for the occasion. It was made on the model of the dwarf-song that started Bilbo on his adventure long ago, and went to the same tune: (p.139)

b. 梅里和皮聘開始唱歌,從他們熟練的程度來看,似乎是早為這個場合準好的。/那是模 仿比爾博踏上冒險之路的矮人歌曲所做的,曲調是一樣的:(p.163)


mention Strider, should take so much trouble and show me so much kindness.’ (p.294)「太好了!」



2. It was also clear that Tom has dealings with the Elves, and it seemed that in some fashion, news had reached him from Gildor concerning the flight of Frodo.(p.174)而且,湯姆對這個人的看重超


很明顯的,湯姆也和精靈打過交道;不知透過什麼方式,他似乎也從吉爾多那邊知道了佛羅 多的行蹤。(p.201)

3. ‘It is best that it should lie hidden,’ he answered. (p.523) 這麼小的東西!我在愛隆的居所中只看

3. ‘It is best that it should lie hidden,’ he answered. (p.523) 這麼小的東西!我在愛隆的居所中只看